Quirk Cultivation

By anonjack4

272K 5.2K 2.4K

Izuku discovers he has a quirk, but it was kept secret from him do to it's nature. Now it has awakened and is... More

The Awakening
First Time Float (lemon)
Afterglow and Discussions
Gadget Madness
A Smashing Duet (lemon)
Babymakers (lemon)
Lizard Hunting (lemon)
Rest and Planning
Gone Hunting
Bunny Love (lemon)
A Different Perspective
Clash Of The Titans
The Giant Slayer (lemon)
No Rest For The Wicked
Search Interrupted
Stress Relief (lemon)
Love And Guilt
A Quick Dip (lemon)
A Nice Soak
Ascending The Tower
Claiming The Princess (lemon)
Girl Time
Panic Before The Storm
Wild Cats (lemon)
A/N - Impotant
Back In Action
Back On The Hunt
Alien Queen (Lemon)
Unforeseen Consequences
Predator and Prey
Unseen Beauty (Lemon)
Mad Dash
The Changeling (Lemon)
Lovely Anxiety
A Duel With The Devil
Loving The Lady (Lemon)
Washing Away Sins
Hot Foot
Burnin' Love (Lemon)
Cold Snap
Breaking the Bro Code(Lemon)
Melting Hearts
Of Bombs and Bombshells
Best Served Spicy (Lemon)

Rest and Regroup

6.2K 114 54
By anonjack4

Izuku stared at the ceiling of Ochako's room.

His mind was somehow both short-circuited and refreshed at the same time. It was like his brain had undergone a reboot as he lay there, just staring and trying to process everything that had happened over the last few hours.

First he had made a horrifying discovery about himself.

Then he'd been running around the school in a frenzy, trying to evade everyone.

Then he'd done something that, at the time, seamed so horrible to him that he wanted to vomit.


Now he didn't know what to think of his situation and quirk.

All he could do was lay there and stare upwards as he felt the warm bodies pressed against him.

Finally, he blinked away the haze and looked to his right, and was met with Ochako's adorable face, as she rested with her head on his shoulder, having since passed out from his terrifyingly successful efforts to satisfy her.

He hugged her close with his right arm around her shoulder and her naked body pressed to his. A thin sheet spread wildly over them. Her breasts and pregnant belly pressed against his side, letting him feel the occasional kick.

He then felt another kick from his other side and looked to his left to see Jiro, in much the same state, with her leg laying across his body. Her serine and adorable smile a new experience for him.

His gaze then traveled down, to see Hatsume on her side and clinging to his left leg. Sandwiching it between her large breasts, as another sheet covered her.

Then his gaze fell front and center. To the tent he was pitching even now, after satisfying himself with the girls so many times.

"Ochako was right...if I ever fully satisfied myself, I would destroy them..." Izuku thought before letting his gaze return to the ceiling. His mind swimming as he tried to comprehend the situation he found himself in.

And in spite of the circumstances, and the guilt he felt....he couldn't deny that the last hour had been the best of his life so far...

How could it not be!

Three beautiful girls, the mothers of his children, had willingly spent the last hour making love to him, with every indication they wanted to do it again.

Izuku closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he felt truly happy, in spite of himself.

In spite of everything and in spite of his guilt, he felt like the luckiest man alive right now, and he pulled his girls closer to himself like a greedy miser, refusing to let go of his precious treasures.

He couldn't deny it any longer.

These girls wanted him and he wanted them back.

That left an important question in his mind though, as he looked at Jiro.

"What are we to each other?" he thought, before turning his gaze back to Ochako.

With her it wasn't even a question.

He loved her and she loved him.

He was confident boyfriend and girlfriend applied at the very least, and probably even fiancé very soon.

But what about Jiro and Hatsume?

Izuku glanced over at the both of them. He liked them and definitely found them attractive. And they apparently liked him and had for a long time...

But Izuku had been oblivious the whole time. The only one he ever really knew he had feelings for was Ochako. But the others?... he just didn't know yet.

He could probably come to love Jiro in short time. Probably after a few dates, but Hatsume...

Maybe after she calmed down and he got to have a good talk with her and then a few dates. He now knew she had been making passes at him for a long time now, but after how she acted even after his quirk stopped effecting her, he needed to make sure she wasn't just using him to satisfy her impregnation fetish.

He would stick around and support her and their children but he wasn't about to have a one-sided relationship. If she really wanted to go beyond being just his baby-mama and actually have more babies with him like she said, then she needed to prove she was committed and actually had feelings for him.

Izuku sighed and closed his eyes.

"I guess I have a harem now..." he muttered in disbelief, but then chuckled lightly.

"Mineta's going to loose it when he finds out..." he said quietly but his eyes shot open as he heard giggling to his right.

He looked over to see Ochako's eyes blearily opening as she giggled, before smiling softly at him.

"Yah, he'll probably have a heart attack before trying to murder you" she said as she held her lover close with a grin.

"Yah, especially after you get to the other girls" Jiro spoke as she woke up as well, and Izuku looked over at her tired but happy face.

"Hay, did I wake you?" Izuku asked the two girls who clung to him tighter in response.

"No, it was the two gremlins kicking my bladder" Jiro said with a playful grin, as she moved her hand to rub her belly affectionately.

Izuku smiled at her as he gently rubbed her shoulder before moving his hand down lower towards her belly. He couldn't quite reach with his arm rapped around her, but he got close enough to rub her side, where it began to destined outward.

Jiro smiled as she snuggled up to him and Izuku returned it. His mind began wandering back to his earlier pondering and he considered asking them.

Ochako gave a sigh before he could speak through, and it didn't sound like the content one he would expect.

"I guess we need to figure out what to do now. We can't stay here forever after all, and the longer we keep you to ourselves, the worse things will get out there" Ochako said and Izuku's head snapped to her and her face that said she didn't want to leave this bed.

Izuku then looked to the ceiling again as he hugged the girls tightly for support.

"That's right. I have to get the girls somewhere safe where they can give birth. Then I have to go and...help...the other girls on campus..." Izuku thought with a deep blush and steam rising from his head.

He then felt Hatsume stirring down by his leg.

"Yep, my darlings out guarding the gate won't last forever, and I'm sure the decoys of you I sent out are probably all busted by now" she spoked as she stretched out as much as she could and rolled over on her back. The other girls had to grab hold of the sheets to keep them from getting pulled away by Hatsume's very large belly.

Izuku just blinked though, before looking down at Hatsume.

"Decoys?" he asked and Jiro chuckled sheepishly, drawing his attention.

"Yah, we...wanted you all to ourselves...so I had Hatsume make some decoys and send them running around the school to keep the others busy. That's probably the reason Mei's robots haven't all been destroyed yet" Jiro explained.

Izuku blinked at her in surprise but then smiled. That was actually incredibly helpful. Maybe it was a good thing he "recruited" Hatsume so early in his conquests.

Izuku blushed deeply at the thoughts running through his head and looked back up. He quickly got his head straight again though, as he started pondering their situation.

"Can any of you walk?" he asked, only to receive boisterous laughter from Hatsume.

"After the things you did to us...not a chance" she answered and the other girls sighed with a mix of satisfaction and frustration, as they nodded in agreement.

"Yah, I can't feel my legs at all Deku, and my hips are too sore to support my normal weight" Ochako admitted and Izuku gave her an apologetic smile as he rubbed her side.

Ochako's smile said she was anything but displeased though, as she rubbed her cheek on his shoulder and ran her hand over his chest.

Izuku couldn't fight the grin that came to his face. The fact that he could reduce three girls to such states in less then an hour and keep pleasuring them, stroked his ego in a way he never could have imagined.

He quickly shook such thoughts from his head though and began thinking.

"We need to get you three to Recovery Girl, but also need to avoid everyone else. Me and Ochako might be able to help with her quirk but there's no telling how pregnancy will effect how long she can maintain it and I still need practice. Mutter mutter mutter"




The girls just stared at Izuku as he began another mutter spree. Then Ochako and Jiro looked at each other and giggled at their man's goofy habit.

Izuku suddenly stoped and looked a little guilty as an idea came to him.

"Um...hay, do you think the others would calm down and let us pass if I...promised to...give them what they want later?" he trailed off weakly with a face that grew progressively more scarlet.

"No" the girls all immediately deadpanned in unison, shocking Izuku.

The greenet looked to his girls with surprise and confusion.

"Me and Hatsume may have had a deal, but it was flimsy at best and doomed to fail at worst" Jiro began and Hatsume nodded in agreement.

"Yah, from the start I was already planning how to get her out of the way so I could have you all to myself" she admitted unabashedly and Ochako gave an exasperated groan.

"Yah, we may still be awarer while like that, but we're not thinking things through. It'll like being addicted to you and having been in withdrawal for days" Ochako explained, much to Izuku's mounting horror and shame.

"So...you're saying..." Izuku trailed off with dread.

"They're not going to cooperate or be civil about any of this, even if you say you'll give them what they want. They might say they will at first and believe it, but the moment they see someone else getting you first, they'll loose it. You'll have to..." Jiro trailed off with a blush.

"Do them one at a time, and make sure no one else is around to killed them out of jealousy" Hatsume finished for her, without a hint of shame or decorum, which caused everyone else to blush deeply and cover their faces.

"Dang it...we're back to square one then" Izuku spoke with frustration.


Everyone jumped in shock as their eyes flew to the door.

"What the...did someone slip past the robots, or did they finally go down?" Jiro whispered as she sat up and held the sheets to her chest.

Izuku took a deep breath.

"I don't smell anything. It might be Nezu or Recovery Girl...no, Ochako was able to hind using perfume" Izuku muttered before using Float to get out of bed without making the girls move.

He looked around and quickly found his underwear that he'd left behind after his first time with Ochako. Hatsume had shredded his suit after all, so it was all he had.

He carefully made his way to the door as he slid on his underwear and manifested Jiro quirk. He got into a ready stance as he plugged the jack into the wall and listened.

He heard breathing, almost like through a respirator and a tapping foot, but nothing else to indicate who it was.

Izuku glanced over at the girls, covering themselves with the sheets. Or at least Ochako and Jiro were. Hatsume didn't seam to care as the sheets were moments away from falling off her.

Izuku grimaced as he realized they still couldn't move on their own, and he cocked back his fist. He didn't want to hurt whoever it was, but he would prioritize his girls and unborn children first.

He retracted and reabsorbed the jacks as he reached for the doorknob and yanked it open.

Only to be met with a puffy marshmallow of an astronaut suit, staring him down.


They yelled in shock and Izuku's body tensed for action.

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down Midoriya! I'm not here to do anything to you!" Thirteen cried out as she waved her hands in surrender.

Izuku froze up and they all just blinked at her in confusion.

"Wait...your not effected by my quirk?" Izuku asked with a tilt of his head.

Thirteen simply raised her hand and rapped her knuckles against her glass helmet, causing them all to deadpan.

"Right...space suit..." Izuku mutter as he relaxed.

"Yes, I was...oh my..." Thirteen trailed off as she stepped into the room and finally looked at the girls.

And suddenly, three of the four lovers turned scarlet red with embarrassment and mortification.

Izuku tried to cover himself with his hands while looking away.

Ochako screamed before pulling the sheets over her head. Horrified that her favorite hero saw her like this.

Jiro was about to do the same, until she noticed that Hatsume didn't care in the least and even started sitting up, causing the sheets to fall off her. Jiro acted quickly and made sure they were both cover.

"THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!...Well, actually I guess it is...b-but Midoriya didn't force himself on us or take advantage of us!" Ochako cried out as she peeked out from under the sheets.

Thirteen just held her hands up.

"Calm down! Nezu explained the situation and I know Midoriya well enough to know he would never take advantage of anyone!" Thirteen assuaged them, though she did seam a little uncomfortable as she spied their distended bellies. Hatsume's in particular.

They all seamed to calm down a little at that, but still looked bashful as Izuku reached for the towel he used earlier to try and cover himself some more.

His eyes lit up a little though, as he realized something.

"Wait...how did you get passed the robots and other students? You can't use your quirk without opening your suit after all" he asked.

"Oh, yes that" Thirteen began, a bit of cheer returning to her tone at the distraction from the pregnant girls.

"I was actually already in the dorm area. I was the one chasing you when you first got here" she explained, much to their shock.

"Wait! You were here the whole time!" Jiro shrieked as her face practically glowed red with embarrassment and horror. She knew full well that she was a loud screamer. There was no way Thirteen hadn't heard her.

For nearly a WHOLE. HOUR.

The space hero looked away as she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Yah...I was trying to get Midoriya's attention so I could help him, but he was so worked up he didn't realize it was me or that I wasn't after him for...THAT reason...I lost track of you while running though this dorm and couldn't find you until I...heard Jiro..." Thirteen explained while refusing to look at any of them.

Jiro felt like passing out as she ducked under the sheets. No longer caring if Hatsume was covered or not.

Thirteen then awkwardly rubbed her helmet as if she were rubbing her head.

"Nezu explained how your quirk might effect the minds of the girls on campus and I've seen what it's done to the worst cases first hand...so I decided to...give you some privacy..." Thirteen continued, to the mounting mortification of all president.

Steam erupted from Izuku's ears as he stood ramrod straight.

"I-I'm sorry sensei...I-I tried but-ack!" Izuku was cut off by one of Jiro's jacks plugging into his ear.

"I told you to stop blaming yourself! I was literally contemplating suicide before you..." Jiro yelled from under the sheets but couldn't finish as her words dipped into more intimate topics and her memories of their first time came flooding back.

Thirteen seamed to grow serious though.

"So it's not an isolated incident..." she muttered, causing everyone to grow concerned.

"Sensei?" Izuku spoke as he got a little more serious himself.

Thirteen was quiet for a moment as she pondered the new information.

"Like I mentioned before. While collecting the incapacitated males around the school for Recovery Girl, I encountered a student that was about to seriously hurt herself. Not suicide, but a harebrained scheme to lure you out. I managed to stop her but if it can progress as bad as Jiro says..." Thirteen explained before going quite for a moment. She then sighed under her helmet.

"Nezu was right...and you're going to have to... deal with them Midoriya..." Thirteen sounded extremely uncomfortable as she spoke. The idea of sending him out intentionally to knock up the girls around UA didn't sit right with her, but they didn't have a choice in the matter.

Her gaze then leveled with Izuku though and he could tell she was glaring at him.

"That being said, we can't afford to wait around if the other girls are inevitably going to reach that point...so no more hour long, hokey poky sessions!...at least until this situation is resolved..." she scolded Izuku, whose eyes widened before he bowed in apology and embarrassment.

It peeved Thirteen a little that she had to wait that long while listening to Jiro and sometimes the other girls, screaming in nirvana.


It also made her a little jealous, since her own man couldn't hope to last that long, and with THREE GIRLS no less. But she would never admit that.

"Now come on. We need to regroup and get these girls to Nezu and Recovery Girl" Thirteen said but then froze in place as the sheets finally fell off Hatsume and the hero turned away.

"A-after you get dressed of corse!" she blurted out and made her way out of the room and closed the door.

Three of the four occupants sighed in relief. Hatsume of corse, was totally unaffected by the situation.

After a moment, Izuku began helping the girls get dressed as they continued in awkward silence.


Meanwhile, Thirteen was standing outside, waiting for them to finish.

She felt incredibly uncomfortable as the memories of Jiro's screams flashed to the forefront of her mind, and then the images of all three girls, heavily pregnant and ready to pop.

Thirteen had dealt with many situations over the years, but never one like this.

She was pulled from her thoughts though, by the door finally opening and Izuku stepping out in some of Ochako's clothes. A pair of khaki pants and a blue shirt.

"We're...we're as ready as we can be" Izuku spoke, still feeling ashamed at the situation and making Thirteen feel a little guilty.

The space hero sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright Midoriya, you did the best you could with the situation you were given. I'm actually surprised you held out as long as you did" she said, trying to cheer him up.

It worked a little bit but the situation was clearly still getting to him, and he refused to make eye contact as he lead her inside.

Ochako and Jiro were dressed like they were before, but Hatsume was just barely fitting back into her old clothes. Her tank-top acting more like a bra then a shirt. She apparently had some short of exoskeleton attached to her legs though, that helped support her wight and move her numb appendages. She still had to prop herself against the bed though. The other girls simply couldn't stand at all though.

"Ok, let's get a move on" Thirteen said as she moved over to support Hatsume, while Izuku picked up Jiro and Ochako used her quirk on herself and held onto Izuku's shoulder.

"But how are we getting out of here. If Hatsume turns off her robots, then the other students will swarm us" Ochako asked.

"Don't worry, Nezu had some secret tunnels built under the school, in case the teachers needed to evacuate the students. We'll use that" she said as she lead them out.

"Well keep an eye out for Setsuna. I saw her head while I was floating over the school looking for Deku and...well I may have punted her head down to the ground..." Ochako sheepish admitted as she warned them of the 2-B student.

"Ah, thanks for the heads up Uraraka. Now we just need to-"


Thirteen was cut off by an explosion from the gates as they stepped outside.

"Oh no, my beautiful army is trashed!" Hatsume lamented but rebounded immediately as she already started on plans for a better one. Baby harnesses included.

"This is bad! We can't let any of the effected girls know where the entrance is!" Thirteen warned.

"Then I'll lead them away and catch up" Izuku spoke without hesitation as he handed Jiro over to Thirteen.

"Wait Midoriya! I can let-" Thirteen froze, as a sudden wave a terror washed over her.

It was as if a dark miasma was wafting off Izuku as he slowly turned to look at Thirteen over his shoulder.

"No one will endanger my children or their mothers" he spoke with a dark tone.

It was in that moment that Thirteen realized she was no longer talking to a student. She was talking to a father to be, who was pissed that his girls and their unborn children were not yet someplace safe. A man who had the power to surpass All Might and was tired of feeling powerless.

"Izuku..." Ochako spoke quietly and Izuku seamed to reign in his temper and smiled up at her.

"Don't worry, I'll catch up" he promised her as he removed her hand from his shoulder and placed it on Thirteen.

"But...how will you find us?" Jiro asked and Izuku looked thoughtful for a second.

He then looked down at his hand and green pads appeared on his fingers.

"I guess now's as good a time as any to test it out" he muttered before reaching up and caressing Ochako's face.

There was a sudden flash of green underneath his fingers and he smiled at her.

"There...now I can get to you, no matter where you go" he said before suddenly kissing Ochako.

The girl was stunned and confused, but didn't get the chance to say anything, as Izuku shot off the moment the kiss ended.

"Come on. We'll have to put our faith in him for now" Thirteen said as she began escorting the girls away.


Meanwhile, Izuku ran through the gate, making sure as many of the mob of general studies and support class students, saw him as possible. He was just glad none of the hero class students were here, though it did explain why they hadn't broken through sooner.

Izuku couldn't help but curse himself as he ran though. He had given in to his desires and the false sense of security, Hatsume had given with her bots. Had a hero corse student come along or worse yet, a pro, then things wouldn't have gone so smoothly.

He definitely wouldn't have been able to have his hour of bliss with the girls.

Izuku shoved his self loathing down for later. He had more important things to worry about.

Izuku ducked, bobbed, weaved and dodged all around the girls, as he bounced between the dead robots like a pinball.

Not too fast though.

He couldn't be untouchable, or else they might end up like Jiro did. He had to stay just out of reach but not beyond capture, and he made sure to memorize each girl's face, in case they did brake down.

Izuku gritted his teeth as he made sure to make a spectacle out of his movements. He needed to draw attention to himself and away from his pregnant girlfriend and potential girlfriends. And as he did so, he made his was further and further towards the main building.

A girl with bird wings tried to dive bomb him, and he jumped to the side.

A girl with drills coming out of her hands tried to come up under him, and he jumped up against a tree.

Then the tree started to move as another girl made it try and grab him, so he jumped away again.

He didn't brake anything or use any other quirks. He would NOT drive these girls to the same level of hopelessness he did Jiro.

Izuku was sweating and breathing heavily by the time he reach the entrance of the main building and he started to see familiar faces start to show up.

"I guess it's been long enough..." he muttered as they all gathered around him, ready to pounce.

"Don't worry...I'll be back for you girls latter..." he promised them, hoping it would keep them from having a brake down when he was gone.

Izuku then released a smokescreen to conceal himself, before reaching out his hand and activating the quirk.

There was a flash of light within the smoke but when one of the girls cleared it away, they all cried in despair when they saw Izuku had disappeared.


Izuku gasped as he pushed himself up from the ground. A puddle of rainbow vomit as hid feet.

"Ugh...well it worked..." Izuku moaned as he braced himself against the wall he'd tagged after leaving Ochako.

Izuku then grinned as he looked down at the green pads on his fingers. The last of the quirks he'd given his and Ochako's children.


He could now instantly reach any place he'd tagged, be it Ochako or this wall.

He had considered going strait to his girlfriend, but decided to give them some more time to get into whatever tunnels Thirteen was leading them to.

Izuku groaned as his stomach continued to do flips though. This one was easily the most disorienting of the four quirks he got from Ochako and their kids.

He shook it off though as he manifested Jiro's quirk and plunged into the wall.

He was back at the dorms and he needed to make sure the mob wasn't dubbing back.

He closed his eyes as he focused but didn't hear any footsteps getting closer. So the girls must have been too frenzied to think about checking back here.

He did here some footsteps in the other direction though. Thirteen and his girls most likely.

He sighed as he didn't hear anyone else near them, but frowned as he picked up another sound.

He couldn't identify it. It wasn't like anything he'd ever heard before. It was like a wet, slapping sound, like slugs hitting against the ground...


And it was getting closer!

Izuku's eyes flew open as he looked down to see several small hunks of flesh moving towards him.

Izuku yelped as he hopped back, but the pieces flew up his pants leg.

Izuku yelled as he tried to gab at his leg and hold the pants shut.

It was then that Ochako's warning came back to him.

"It's Setsuna!" Izuku realized as he struggled to keep his pants sealed shut.

Izuku scanned the area as he tried to figure out were the girl was, but saw nothing and he couldn't understand just what she was hoping to accomplish by sending the segmented pieces of her body up his pants.

Izuku gasped though as the pieces squirmed passed his grip.

His eyes then widened as he realized just what part of her body Setsuna had sent up his pants.

"Holy shit!" Izuku screamed, as he was in for rough day.

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