Lehìpey Unil

By maemaenice

6.2K 256 258

Let me explain from the beginning... See, have you ever dreamt of something to the point that you might go cr... More

Tuvom Unil sì
Fra'u Nari si
Aynga Kame
Oe Kame
Nume kop Tskxekeng
Oe kelku


105 3 0
By maemaenice

After the year of scares we moved the village.
Jake gathered the clan and had us move to higher ground, deep into the mountains, we found a shelter of sorts and as the clan settled we moved everything the scientists needed up here including a quick build lab. They even brought Grace along for the ride.
The boys now all hunters, even though Spider will never be able to actually perform his Iknimaya, he had a proper bow and arrow that wasnt for childs play.

For a while they accompanied me on huning trips, but Jake soon pulled his sons away so they could prepare to help him with his more elaborate plans.
The humans have become slightly smarter, but not by a long shot.

We can still stop what they're doing, if we're careful and keep on the tight schedules Jake assigns.

Today we were getting ready for such a mission.

I pulled on my visor and bow arrows and knife. Taking up my toy Ikran, Spiders mask and an unfinished arm band.
I followed Tsu'tey out of our tent and to the children.

I kissed Spider, Kiri and Tuk on their heads and handed Spider his spare mask.

"Rules?" I asked them.

"Don't be a pain." Spider smiled.

"Keep an eye on Tuk." Kiri hummed.

"Be prepared to help when you guys get back." Tuk smiled taking the toy I held out to her.

"Spider." I called handing him his second mask. "Put it up." I told him pointing to the portable lab. It was as big as three of the portable link cabins, a portable compound when the scientists had to leave the ground with us.
I gave Kiri a hug and kissed Tuk on her head before she ran off and I went with the riders.

I ran to Saza gathering mine and Tsu'tey's com units.

"Stay close to me." Tsu'tey told me as he fastened my mic.

"Don't die." I told him fixing my ear piece.

He glared at me a moment. I looked past him tracking the moving light of the sun. I nuzzled him a moment and jumped on Saza weapons free.

We took off.

"Remy. I need a favor." Jakes voice buzzed from the ear implant.

"Devildog proceed." I sighed as he looked back over the many flying Ikran ahead of me.

"I need you to play spotter with the boys." Jake responded.

"I'm not on part time mom duty. But fine. Keep track of the time, I need constant updates." I warned him.

"Copy. The moment we land there's a two minute window. We get what we can and gey out before three minutes. That's about as long as it takes for back up." Jake spoke as he gave out a loud call. I looked and saw the Pa'li riders advance.

I smiled as Tarsem took aim with he rocket launcher.
I turned on Saza calling out to Tsu'tey. He watched me giving a yip back.
I waved a hand over my head, then pointed to the boys flying behind us. I pointed to him and then to Jake.

He hissed but flew past me to be beside Jake. I slowed my flight to be beside my nephews.

"Boys. Am I coming through?" I asked as they caught up.

"Copy." Netayum responded first.

"Loud and clear." Lo'ak smiled.

"I'm circling around. Keep your eyes up. Lo'ak I say this now so listen to me. You hink about going close to those tracks when I get my hands on you, you will wish it was your mother. Got me?" I asked looking at the boy we drifted closer.

He nodded. "Remy to eagle eye. I need a verbal response."

"Eagle eye to Remy. Understood." He nodded.

I pulled my bow up flying over the ground party. I glanced at Jake as I flew full circle.
"One minute." He informed me.

"Remy. Touch down a sec." Norm called for his com.

I glided closer to the ground. He pointed to a large case beside the open train car. I made Saza gain speed and scoop it up returning to the sky.

I wasn't upset nor surprised the boys ended up on the ground. I was pissed that they were dumb enough to be in the center of the commotion. I reached for my neck but had to draw my bow as another scorpion ship came into view.

"TIMES UP WINDOW CLOSED!" I yelled out to he ground team. I felt the heat pass me as I took aim and shot the pilot dead. The glass shattering and the ship crashing into a mountain side.

I felt my heart stop seeing the fire and smoke where my nephews used to be, it helped nothing my mate was nowhere in sight.

"Tsu'tey. You better not be dead. I cannot see you." I hissed hough m mic. There was no response. "Netayum, Lo'ak?" I asked into the mic, again no response.

"Remy. Signal the retreat, I got them and brother is headed up now." Jake spoke. I gave a sigh of relief.

I flew higher giving a loud call to those close to me and those mounting their Ikran. The call was passed around and soon the Ikran Makto were up and the Pa'li Makto were headed back to the trees.
Tsu'tey flew up beside me calling out with a high drawn out yip. I reciprocated the call.

Jake flew beside me and I audibly gasped seeing Netayum slumped slightly on his saddle.
We reached the high camp and I dropped my supply before landing with the others.

Tsu'tey kissed my head and moved to help the warriors unload. I moved over to Jake as he pulled Netayum off his Ikran. Spider ran past me he gave me an almost church side hug wich felt more like a tap on my stomach as he ran to help take care of the Ikran.
I looked over the boys lifting my visor when I was close enough.

Lo'ak stayed beside his Ikran as Jake took a breathe.

"Your supposed to be spotters." He seethe. I pulled Spider over to Saza he said nothing but kept his head down as Jake began to tear into his sons.

I turned to Tuk as Neytiri stepped away from her smallest to look over her oldest.
I pat Kiri on the head as she looked over Netayum's back.
"You spot bogyes and you call em in. From a distance! Does any of thia sound familiar?" Jake hissed.

His eyes shifted to me for a fraction of a second then his stone gaze was on his sons again. His ears flattened as his eyes landed on Lo'ak beside his Ikran.
"Get here!" He snarled a bit quiter than his previous words.
"Jesus. I let you two geniuses fly a mission, and you disobey direct orders-"

I stepped up. "Jake. This was on me. I was instructed to stay close to them, but I left my post, I take responsibility." I spoke up.

"Later." He snarled at me.
My lip curled as Netayum stepped up.

Jake looked at his girls as if just remembering they were there, or just now taking note of them.
"Kiri go help your grandmother with the wounded." He sighed heavily.

"My brother is wounded." The girl responded quickly.

"Kiri, Tuk will you go please?" Jake asked exasperated. "Tsyameysya take them." He ordered. I said nothing popping Tuk on my hip and heading to the tent for the wounded. Kiri rolled her eyes and followed us.

"Mother. Soon you will have a sulking grandson to tend to." I spoke placing Tuk on her feet as I opened the tent.

"Wich boy?" She asked handing me a bowl.

"I'm not tasting this. Netayum will be here before Dark." I hummed sniffing the paste.

"Tuk. Help Auntie apply the burn salve." Kiri spoke up going to help mix more salves and balms.

I hissed lightly looking myself over. It was a small burn, one of those, if I didn't see it happen I don't feel the pain, injuries. I sat down as Tuk dipped her finger in the paste and rubbed my arm.

"Ow." I huffed.
The child giggled.

"Kiri. Make sure Spider doesn't fall off the cliff please. Me and Tuk can help with the wounded. Just be back before Dark. I feel as though your brother will be in last." I hummed as Tuk took the paste away and returned with a leaf Mo'at handed her.

"Yes Auntie." Kiri chirped as she handed me the mixture in her hands.
I sat with Mo'at as the few who needed tending came in and Tuk helped us both to take care of them. Passing us what we needed, and since she was so small she could pass between the four at a time as they rotated out and me and Mo'at moved about.

I smiled as the small child handed Mo'at a gourd. The Tsahìk stopped her mixing to take a drink of the fruits liquid. The drink was taken away then when she returned thw child handed it to me.

"Thank you Tuk. Now I need big leaves." I smiled as I covered another hunters back. He was one of the few burned when the scorpion shot the missle earlier this day.
As it grew dark Netayum finally came to see us as there were no others in need of medical attention. I cleaned what was no longer in use as Mother mixed more ingredients.

"Sit mister." I chuckled as Netayum passed me.
"Where are your little misfits?"

"Hey!" Tuk whined.

"I'm sorry my bright girl." I apologized to the small Sully. "Where are the others. It's getting dark."

"They went to see Grace and the lab guys." Netayum smiled.

"And don't worry we didn't cause trouble." Spider chuckled as he entered the tent.

I flicked his face mask as he passed.

"Mischief follows you kids like a Na'vi tail. What did you do?" I smiled moving as I cleaned.

"Nothing, I swear." Kiri smiled as she took a few erbs to the side mixing something.

"Ow. Ow!" Netayum hissed.

"Tuk." Kiri called over her sister. The girls sat as Kiri made a drink. I walked to Lo'ak looking him over.

"Tuk. Pass me the green stuff." I asked her as I stood over the youngest Sully boy.

"It's not even that bad." Lo'ak scoffed.

I looked over the small cuts and bruises.
"Let's keep it that way." I scoffed at him.

"Ow!" Netayum hissed again.

"Give him this." Kiri hummed to the smallest. Tuk turned with a stone cup handing it to Netayum.

"Here. Drink." She encouraged.
The older boy took the cup with a small smile.
"For you." Tuk smile handing me what I asked for.

"Ow." Netayum grit again.

"Aww. Kiss on the boo-boo." Spider taunted.

We all chuckled at this. I pulled Lo'ak by the arm covering the small cuts to stave off infection.

There was a yip called from outside of the tent.
All the children smiled at me.

"Ooooh." They coursed a I left the tent. I hissed at them on my way out.

"Not in here!" Mother scolded us. A swift swat aimed at my leg. I jumped over her tumbling out. I smiled at my mate as he pulled me into a hug.

Jake walked past us, I ignored him.
"Walk with me." I smiled at Tsu'tey. He tucked me under his arm and began walking back o our tent. Once home we sat removing our warrior gear.

"Tomorrow." He smiled. I looked at him smiling more.

"What?" I asked.

"Tomorrow, we hunt. I will let you run free for a moment, but you need a day. It has been too long." He smiled again.

I hugged him as he removed his com unit and ear piece.
"It has been to long since I hugged a tree." I hummed.

He pat my head nuzzling me. I let myself fall limp into his arms, he groaned a bit but gently lowered me to the ground.
"No. Not yet." He chuckled.

"Yes. I sleep and it will be tomorrow now." I smiled.

"Sleeping in that is uncomfortable." He spoke as he proped me up on his knees and pulled me to his lap after he sat down. He began undoing my shoulder length braids and removing my armor.
"Chin up. I need your visor." He chuckled.

I pouted tilting my head back as he removed my eye shields.
"Such a peach. Moving is trouble for you." He cooed as he took out my ear piece.

"Snacks." I demanded glaring at him playfully.

"No. We get meal and then sleep and then we go hunting with the rising sun. Your favorite time." He smiled kissing my nose.

"And my favorite place?" I asked happily.

"Maybe. I will think about it while we hunt." He smiled.

I jumped to my feet pulling him by the arm dragging him to get food.

"Oh. Now you awake. But my peach so sleepy a moment ago." He laughed as he dragged his feet slowing us.
I snarled dropping his hand and running to one of the small firepits.

We ate and curled up to sleep. Not until after he checked on his brother, and only after I told Neytiri what happened on the field so she could relay it Jake.

My eyes snapped open as the Ikran began chirping, signaling they were awake and hungry. I gathered my bow and arrows, pulled my com on and tucked my ear piece into my satchel strapping it on as well.
Tsu'tey was awake and went to fetch a bit of raw meat to feed the Ikran before we left.

I smiled as we made our way to the natural steps and down from the cliffs.

"Befor or after?" He asked me as we slipped onto the forest floor.

"Before." I smiled. We didn't even get on Pa'li we took to the trees and as he promised he let me frolic through the world.
My home embracing me with the plants that reach and welcoming glow that pulsed with every step.

I came upon a stream and used the water to splash in a moment. It was familiar, we were close to the School house. As the years moved, they were not as kind to the place as they were to us. I ran in straightening the tumbled books and shuffling the knocked over equipment.

Tsu'tey stayed a mile or so away as I fixed what I could inside, whatever Eywa had not claimed with her growing greenery yet.

"This one's my favorite." Grace's voice echoed as I opened the Lorax.

I smiled closing the book again and running back to my mate. He hated this place, but he knew it brought me a small amount of joy, so he allowed me to return every once in a while to fix it before we would go for an adventure.

We moved through the forest and found a tree, the tree reminiscent of a willow shone brightly.

I smiled sitting under it. I attached myself as did Tsu'tey. We planned on going to one of the many scattered trees every month or so, but with everything, it had been far too long.

"I see you. My daughter." I smiled bowing to Eytukan. He did not don his usual feathers but instead just usual necklace and arm bands of warriors.

"I see you Ma Eytukan." I smiled again.

He hissed with a smile.

"Smart girl." He scoffed.

"Yes. So much had happened. I don't even know where to start." I chuckled.
He sat with me as I told him of everything that happened in the past year or so. He listened happily as I updated him on his growing family.

"You would be proud of them. The children are growing so fast. And even with all the fighting and war, Mother still teaches me. But now.. I don't have the vision I once did. It is wonderful, but so scary." I chuckled again.

He pat my head. But then he stilled.

"What?" I asked him.

"Where are they?" He asked quickly.

"Jake moved us all into the-"

"No girl. The children. Go!" He ordered standing. He pulled me to stand as well. I woke up and disconnected.

I called for my mate who was slowly returning his mind to his own body. He looked at me panic in his eyes and in his body language.

"Come!" I ordered standing running to the trees he followed. We ran back all the way only slowing for climbing.

"Kids!" I called.

I saw a few of the children in the village but none th ones I needed to see.

"Sister! Brother!" Arvok called.

I ran to him. "The children. Where are the children?" I asked.

"Olo'eytkan took Netayum. The others went out. They will be back before Eclipse." He spoke slowly. 

I took a breath and looked around again hoping they would miraculously appear and tell me it was a prank. But the way my adopted father looked at me in that moment.

Tsu'tey pulled me into a hug. He walked me back to our tent and sat me down.

"We must wait. The great mother will protect them, but we must think. If you run out there, it will be more dangerous for you than them. Be calm my love." He whispered petting my head.

I pulled my ear piece up and turned on my mic.

"Jake. The kids-"

"I have been trying your com for half an hour!" Jake hissed.

I flinched at his words.

"Stay in camp. We'll be back before sun up." Then it was quiet.

I bit my lip and shook off Tsu'tey to pace.

"My love. You cannot be with them every second. They need room to breathe just as you do." He soothed.

I frowned. My finger itched to contact Jake or Neytiri again, but it felt like fire in my hand when I reached for the button. Tsu'tey managed to pull me down to sit for a moment.

When the sun went into hiding I started to feel physically sick.

"I'm going." I hissed standing from my mate who tried to make me eat.

"No!" He stated standing before me blocking my path.

"Move now." I told him calmly.

"We wait. Toruk Makto will find and them and bring them home." He tried to reassure me.

He took a step to hold me again but as he did I ducked under his arms, knocking his feet from under him I ran to my Ikran.

"Stop!" He shouted chasing after me. I reached Saza before he did, but we didn't even saddle up before three familiar Ikran flew onto the ledge.

I sighed seeing Jake with Kiri, Neytiri cuddling Tuk, Netayum hunched over Lo'ak. I ran to them when they landed looking everyone over.

Lo'ak seemed lost. I pulled his face to look at me but it was like his mind was light-years away. Netayum was shaking. I looked over Neytiri, she was in the same state as her oldest son. But the shaking Tuk in her arms almost broke my heart. I didn't even get a chance to look Kiri over before she launched herself into my arms. She was sobbing horribly. I looked to Jake but his eyes didn't meet mine.

"I'm sorry." Kiri muttered between he cries.

"Jake." I called trying to draw his attention to me. His ears fell as he turned away further.
"Jake!" I called sharper. He almost winced.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Kiri sobbed more as her weight suddenly became to much for herself to hold.

I fell with her as the girl cried. I curled around her as her brothers came to her aid.
I handed her to them turning to go to Saza.

"Tsyameysya. No." Jake stated, placing a hand on my arm.
I snarled at him ready to get in the air.

"My love no!" Tsu'tey called as he moved to stand between me and my ride.

My lip curled as one man stood behind me and my mate before me.

"We have to be smart." Jake spoke.

"They have him again. I will kill them this time." I seethe.

"No you won't." Neytiri hissed.
I glared at them all, then I looked to the only one who seemed to understand my current pain.

I walked past them all and scooped Kiri up letting her hug me as I carried her away.
I sat with her until her cries were hiccups and when she was done she told me everything. From just frolicking through the forest to being captured, and when she described the man who ran it all I felt my blood freeze over.

"Did he say his name?" I asked her.

"They all called colonel. And he knew Spiders other name. They knew mom and dad too." She told me her voice a soft whisper.

I watched as light of day shone up into the sky. Bouncing off the rocks.

I walked her home but as I did Jake was walking Tuk to me. "I need you to watch them a moment." He said quickly.

"The boys?" I asked.

He gave a heavy sigh and returned to his tent. I could see Neytiri bristling from a few feet away.

I walked with the girls and we all moved to sit behind the tent their parents were pacing inside.

"It's the only choice that's right."  Jake sighed. "This thing this Quaritch. He's hunting us." Jake explained. "Whatever he is he can walk right in here. He can move right under Eywas nose."

"This is our family. This is our home." Neytiri spoke her voice angry as she moved on the other side of the tent.
I watched as Tuk lay her head on the ground watching her parents. I inched closer seeing her move her head from side to side.

"This is about our family!" Jake spoke just as quickly. "This is about all our family, think about our little ones."

"I cannot. You cannot ask this." Neytiri hissed. Jake went to speak again but was cut off. "I cannot leave my people." She toldhim her voice almost shaking. "I will not." She said more firmly.

"He's hunting us." Jake said slower. Trying to get his mate to see reason. "He's targeting our family-"

"You cannot ask this!" Neytiri almost shouted. "The children, everything they have ever known. The forest! This is our home!"

"He had our children." Jake spoke his voice more muffled as he spoke quieter.

I closed my eyes as my brain conjure an image that just terrified me more then Kiri's retelling. Opening my eyes I saw my mate. He sat with us all, as the children listened to the first argument their parents have had, and we waited.

"He had them under his knife." Jake continued.

It was quiet a moment until someone started walking.
"My father gave me this bow. As he lay dying and he said protect the people!" Neytiri almost pleaded her voice cracking as she spoke. "Your Toruk Makto!" She huffed tiredly.

"This will protect the people!" Jake told her stubbornly.
Tsu'tey stood and left us. I watched him vanish around the tent.

"Quaritch has Spider. And that kid knows everything."

I shuddered at that imagery. I bit my lip and held the hand Kiri reached for me with.

"He knows our whole operation, and he could lead them right in here." Jake spoke with conviction. I stood covering my mouth as to not give our eavesdropping away. I paced a foot away listening still.
"If the people Harbour us, they will die. Do you understand?" He asked her.

"Then they won't." Tsu'tey stated. I turned glaring at the fabric separating us.

"Does this mean you will resume your position?" Jake asked him.

"No. You have chosen a fine replacement. But we will fly with you. The best thing for everyone is to stay together. The children need my mate as much as they need each sibling. And I will not allow her to hurt herself by trying to go save a boy who is smart and will survive." He stated.

"I thank you." Jake sighed.

"I will tell Mo'at." Tsu'tey spoke and soon he walked past us. He held a hand out to me. I glared at him walking past him to our tent.

I packed necessities and my dearest trinkets. I ignored Tsu'tey when he walked in and gathered his things.

"We must." He stated.

"We must leave Spider behind." I scoffed at him.

"We must stay with the children in this hard time." He spoke lifting my chin to look at him.

When our eyes met I saw his sadness, his fear, his anger. But I pulled away,

"I will kill them. I will go save him alone if I must." I stated glaring at very thing in our tent, our weapons and his mask ij the corner.

"That will put all the children in danger. We will save Spider. But not yet, when the time is right." He promised.

"I hate this." I hissed.

He pulled me into a hug. "Then we will fix it. One day." He hummed.

We packed and went to our Ikran. Jake passed us, donning his Oleyektan feathers. I huffed as the clan followed him, we all made our way to the Tree of Souls.

I hated being here more than anything. It was another reminder of everything that happened and taunting me of everything happening now.

I stayed at the far back as the ceremony began, I watched as Mother removed the crowning feathers from Jake's shoulder and placed them over Tarsem's. I watched as the new Olo'eytkan rose to his feet, and drew his knife.

I turned away when he made the cut, the killing blow, signifying the Oleyektan was dead. I listened as the people cried and songs were sung in the previous leaders wake.

I sat in thought as they approached me thinking.
'Great mother what has my family done this time?'

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