Quirk Cultivation


265K 5.1K 2.3K

Izuku discovers he has a quirk, but it was kept secret from him do to it's nature. Now it has awakened and is... Еще

The Awakening
First Time Float (lemon)
Afterglow and Discussions
Gadget Madness
A Smashing Duet (lemon)
Rest and Regroup
Lizard Hunting (lemon)
Rest and Planning
Gone Hunting
Bunny Love (lemon)
A Different Perspective
Clash Of The Titans
The Giant Slayer (lemon)
No Rest For The Wicked
Search Interrupted
Stress Relief (lemon)
Love And Guilt
A Quick Dip (lemon)
A Nice Soak
Ascending The Tower
Claiming The Princess (lemon)
Girl Time
Panic Before The Storm
Wild Cats (lemon)
A/N - Impotant
Back In Action
Back On The Hunt
Alien Queen (Lemon)
Unforeseen Consequences
Predator and Prey
Unseen Beauty (Lemon)
Mad Dash
The Changeling (Lemon)
Lovely Anxiety
A Duel With The Devil
Loving The Lady (Lemon)
Washing Away Sins
Hot Foot
Burnin' Love (Lemon)
Cold Snap
Breaking the Bro Code(Lemon)
Melting Hearts
Of Bombs and Bombshells

Babymakers (lemon)

10.6K 134 43

A/N - There. We're all caught up again.


Izuku yelped as he was tossed unceremoniously on Momo's large and luxurious bed. He arms still bound at his sides.

He then rolled onto his back to see Hatsume's silhouette in the doorway.

The lights were out and the curtains pulled closed. So when Hatsume shut the door, all he had was a little ambient light, leaking in from between the blinds.

He saw Hatsume's silhouette press something on her wrist and his bindings came loose, but before he could sigh in relief, the thick metallic cable split into four and snaked up and down his body, cutting his suit to ribbons and leaving him naked as they latched themselves tightly to his wrists and ankles, before attaching themselves to the four bed posts.

Izuku gasped as he suddenly found himself stretched spread eagle on the bed. His still hard erection exposed and at full mast.

Izuku broke out in a nervous sweat as he tugged on the cables with One For All.

"It's pointless Midoriya...I know you won't use full power to brake free with us so close to the blast zone" Hatsume spoke and Izuku's fearful gaze snapped to her silhouette as she peeled off her support gear, before getting to her clothes.

"N-n-now Hatsume...we can talk about this..." Izuku tried weakly to bargain, only to gasp as Hatsume jumped onto the bed and strait onto him. Her wide, childbearing hips, sat against his abs, with his erection flush against her thick and soft butt. Her tick legs locked tightly at his sides as she straddled him and her strong arms held her up so her C cup breasts, with large, erect nipples, hung tantalizingly before his face.

Izuku's breath caught in his throat as he watched her beautiful mammaries bounce and swayed just out of reach.

The sent on her was very strong compared to most of the other girls around UA, causing his erection to throb. It was like he could instinctively tell Hatsume was well suited to childbearing.

Izuku swallowed as Hatsume lifted her hips, giving his a view of her drenched womanhood. His gaze then turned up to her grinning face.

"No more running and no more waisting time. You own me some babies and they're going inside me now!" she proclaimed before swiftly bringing her dripping womanhood down on Izuku's tool and throwing her head back to yell out with pleasure along with Izuku.

There was even less preamble with Hatsume then the others. She knew what she wanted and she immediately started riding Izuku like her life depended on it.

She placed her callused hands on Izuku's shoulders as she bounced on him quickly and forcefully. Her toned muscles from working in the support department, earning their keep, as the bed shook and bounced against the wall.

Izuku could only groan in pleasure and watch as Hatsume's body contorted and rolled over him. Her breasts swaying back and forth over him. She then pushed herself up and really started bouncing. Moaning and crying out as her boobs bounced with her.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Put it in me! Put your babies in me Midoriya! Give me as many as you can!" Hatsume yelled and Izuku gasped. It was like switch had been flip in him. As if her cries had been the magic word and his manhood penetrated her womb much faster then the others, sending her crashing into her fist orgasm and she convulsed atop him, before resuming her bouncing.

Hatsume then gasped as she placed her hands on her belly.

"Yes! You just made me ovulate!" she cried out, to Izuku's surprise. Things were happening a lot faster then with the others. It was almost like Hatsume's desire to be knocked up was stimulating his quirk.

"Yes! Do it again! Make me ovulate more! Fill me to bursting!" Hatsume ordered as she gripped the bed frame above her and used it to pull and push up and down with more force and speed.

Izuku felt desire and pleasure overwhelmed him as his quirk flared up and his limited control of it slipped.

Hatsume then cried out with pleasure as she ovulated a second time.

"YES! AGAIN! DON'T STOP! DON'T STOP!" she screamed and began periodically crying out in both climax and ovulation. Izuku couldn't tell which was which as she continued to pound him into the mattress and cause it to shake and groan as it banged against the wall and nightstand.

Izuku grunted as he pulled against his restraints. Hatsume was the least tight out of the girls Izuku'd had so far, but it was no less pleasurable, especially with the sight before him and the words coming out of her mouth, playing to his quirk induced fetish. But there was just one problem as Hatsume continued to ride him towards yet another Orgasm.

He wasn't able to finish.

Hatsume had succeeded in her desire to torture him with pleasure, but unknowingly condemned herself to the same punishment, as even she was starting to get impatient with Izuku's lack of release.

Izuku clenched his eyes shut as he strained against his bindings. There was no guarantee that Hatsume would comprehend his words in her current state, so he needed to free himself or this might not end well.

He couldn't use 100% without hurting Hatsume and possibly the girls in the other room. But One For All wasn't his only quirk anymore, and he struggled to reach his index finger to a particular spot on his bindings.

Meanwhile, Hatsume's bounces became all the more desperate as she still felt the lack of Izuku's seed in her babymaker. Her plan had backfired spectacularly and now she was once again the one subject to torture by desire. By that thing just out of reach.

She was so lost in need and desperation that she didn't hear the clicking sound of Izuku's restaurants falling off.

She WAS pulled from her delirium by Izuku's strong arms grabbing her and she yelled as they suddenly switched positions.

Hatsume gradually came back to her senses and blinked with surprise at Izuku, as he looked down at her with dangerous hunger and intensity.

He was peeved with her and Hatsume was suddenly a little scared of what he would do.

But one question still remained though.

"H-how did you brake free!?" she asked and Izuku held up his hand to reveal his fingernails was now metal and what looked like a cross between a lock-pick and Jiro's jacks, popped out from underneath his index finger, before retracting and turning back to normal.

Hatsume didn't get to say anything else though, as suddenly she was bound by her own gadget. Reprogrammed by Izuku and suddenly she was the one bound and exposed to him.

Then Izuku growled with lust and frustration as green lightning arced across his body.

Hatsume immediately realized her mistake in thinking she could subdue and match Midoriya, as her eyes widened in fear and desire, just before she screamed as Izuku began plowing her.


She cried out as the large bed actually bounced off the ground a little with each powerful thrust Izuku gave her. The whole room shaking with books and other nicknacks falling to the floor and the wall behind the bed caving in from the impacts.

Izuku's hands immediately went to Hatsume's breasts without heed of the damage they were causing, and he began harshly squeezing and sucking them viscously.

Hatsume cried out in repeated orgasm as Izuku, bit, pinched and pulled her nipples, while working the tender flesh with his strong hands. His pounding of her pelvis did not slow or diminish through all of this.

Then her breasts grew in size quickly. Actually going up a cup size to D, and milk shot out of her left breast like a fountain, while Izuku greedily drank from the other.

Izuku then freed her legs and pushed them up to her head. Folding her into a mating press as he began smashing her faster. One of the bed's legs braking and putting them at an angle.

Hatsume just continued to yell in incredible pleasure until Izuku finally released her breasts. His head filled with the information he needed and his release finally eminent.

"Ah, I'm cuming Hatsume. I'm getting you pregnant!" he called out to her. Too lost in the moment to care who heard him.

Hatsume couldn't respond. As she could to was scream louder and moan and yell wantonly as her tongue hung out, and they reached climax together.

In the moment right before though, Izuku's eyes widened to comical degrees at the number of quirks he had to make. He was just glad he already had ideas planned out beforehand, thanks to his years of studying quirks.

And with that, he finally achieved release. Yelling before moaning long and deep with pleasure, as he exploded deep within Hatsume, causing her to scream.

Izuku then collapsed on top of Hatsume and rolled off her as her legs fell back down. Her face the epitome of smashed senseless and satisfied as she mumbled deliriously while gazing with half-lidded eyes at nothing.

Izuku was breathing heavily as his body trembled, but not from exhaustion. He was very satisfied by Hatsume and could easily go several more times before tiring. The issue was the quirks.

Izuku clenched his eyes shut to prevent sensory overload as his eyes switched between crosshairs, spirals, glowing and a few others constantly, and his body steamed a little. It was just too many quirks all at once.

Eventually it stopped and Izuku sighed in relief. He then opened his blurry eyes but his vision quickly cleared and became sharper then ever.

His eyes then shot wide and his sharp gaze locked in on Hatsume's belly.

"Holy shit..." he muttered with a new fear of his quirk.

"I can NOT afford to loose control of this quirk again" he muttered with dread. Hatsume could probably handle this many babies, but had he done this to someone petite like Jiro, he might have seriously hurt her.

Izuku shakily pushed himself up off the skewed bed and grimaced.

"Sorry Momo..." he apologized. Unaware of what was behind him.

"Huh?-Whoa!" Izuku yelped as he was bound once again and yanked back out of the room. Only this time by Jiro's jacks, which swiftly released him as he landed on Ochako's bed.

His eyes then boggled as he looked up to see Ochako guiding Jiro around as she floated under the influence of Ochako's quirk. Her legs still too weak to support her.

Both girls were also completely naked.

Izuku's eyes couldn't help wandering over them. Their womanhoods drenched and their breasts leaking a little where they had been attempting to pleasure themselves until Izuku finished with Hatsume.

Izuku watched as Ochako pulled Jiro along with her towards the bed.

"W-w-what are you doing!! On no, my quirk isn't effecting you again is it!?" he asked in fear and confusion.

Jiro pressed her jack against his lips to stop him from talking.

"No, your quirk isn't effecting us Izuku" she said as Ochako set her down on the bed next to Izuku.

"B-b-but then what-" Izuku gasped as Ochako straddled him and placed her hands on his shoulders as she glared down at him along with Jiro.

"You big dummy...did you honestly think you could force us to listen to THAT! And not have to give us some attention afterwards too!?" Ochako spoke and Izuku's eyes bugged out as his heart skipped a beat.

If what they said was true and they weren't being influenced by his quirk, then did that mean...

They wanted him....

Without the influence of his quirk, they were willing offering themselves to him.


They weren't offering. They were demanding his loving embrace, and affections.

They were demanding he visit his true, carnal desires upon them. Not spurred on by his quirk induced arousal or guilt tripped into it by their own deteriorating mental states.

They truly wanted him and he wanted them in turn.

Izuku's brain shorted out as he realized this.

Realized that the girls he'd knocked up and endangered the careers of, still wanted more from him.

Ochako's words of love now rang all the truer as he watched her lift herself up.

Her sore legs be damned, she needed her Deku inside her now.

Izuku quickly grabbed her hips to stop her though.

"Wait Ochako! Your pregnant! What if-" Izuku was silenced by Ochako's finger over his lips.

"I did some research while you were out with Jiro and it's safe so long as you don't smash me as hard as before" Ochako promised.

Izuku was surprised by her words and was contemplating if he should trust her judgment or wait for a second opinion.

His thoughts wouldn't matter though, as Ochako ceased his moment of hesitation and forced her hips down.

Both cried out as pleasure claimed them.

Ochako then leaned back, letting her pregnant belly stick out as she moved her feet forward, while she held herself up with her hands on Izuku's knees.

Izuku gripped Ochako's ankles as he gazed upon her. The sight of her heavily pregnant belly beginning to bounce up and down on him was so arousing for him. It caused his manhood to throb inside her.

Jiro then placed her hand on his cheek and made him look at her while Ochako cried out. She then kissed him while fingering herself.

Izuku broke the kiss to breath heavily. Still too stunned by what was happening to really make a move.

Izuku finally surrendered to his desires though, as he let go of one of Ochako's ankles to squeeze Jiro breast and cause it to leak, as he kissed her again.

Jiro then broke away with a smirk though as she made Izuku look back to Ochako.

"Use your jacks on her" she told him and Izuku blinked with surprise and confusion.

Jiro then leaned back and pointed out a spot on her own womanhood to Izuku.

"Make them vibrate and touch her here" she instructed.

Izuku wasn't quite sure what any of this meant but he wasn't about to say no to ether of did them. So he did as instructed. Bringing his ear jacks back out and making them vibrate in tune with his heartbeat and extended them to touch the small bud at the top of Ochako's entrance.


Ochako's eyes flew open and she threw her head back as she suddenly screamed out and clenched around him before squirting on his length.

Izuku's own eyes widened at the reaction he got, but also as he cried out in climax from how tightly she gripped him.

It seams he didn't need to worry about getting blocked with girls he'd already smashed.

Ochako then fell back while sliding off him. Her face the symbol of satisfaction as she lay there.

Izuku's gaze was soon pulled to Jiro, when she yanked his face back to her's.

"My turn" she said and she rolled onto her back and spread her weak legs for him.

Overcome by desire, Izuku offered no complaint, as he got up on his knees and positioned himself at her entrance. He then grabbed her legs for leverage as he gently pushed in.

Unlike before, impregnation wasn't the goal. Now it was just pleasure and expressing his love for these cut, sexy girls who truly wanted him.

And so he started off slow, eliciting satisfied moans from Jiro as he slowly built up speed.

"Yah! Just like that!...oh so good!" Jiro called out as Izuku grunted.

He was carful not to thrust too hard or fast and was especially carful not to activate One For All.

He did decide to use what Jiro had taught him though and extended his jacks down to her sensitive spot and vibrated them.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!! YEEEESSSSS!!!!" Jiro screamed from the combo attack, and after a few more thrusts and pulses of vibration, she achieved climax.

"Ugh! Kyoka!" Izuku called out as he climaxed as well, gripping her legs tightly.

Izuku smiled down at Jiro as she panted for air. He was happy to know he could satisfy his girls without having to torture himself.

He then felt the bed shift.

"Hay, don't forget me~"

All three of them froze in shock at Hatsume's voice. They couldn't believe she was still conscious after what Izuku did to her or that she somehow made it into this room.

She probably used one of her support items.

Their eyes all shot even wider though, as they turned to see her laying at the end of the bed, next to Ochako, with her legs spread wide and an EXTREMELY pregnant belly.

"Holy shit!...j-just how many did Izu put in you!?" Jiro yelped with shock and fear.

Izuku blushed and looked away in embarrassment.

"E-eight...s-she's pregnant with octuplets..." Izuku admitted weakly, and the girls stared at him with shock and a little fear.

Hatsume just giggled though.

"It's a good start, but remember. You still owe me a lot more!" she exclaimed, much to their shock.

Even when free of Izuku's quirk and filled to bursting, Hatsume wanted MORE!?

"What, did you think I was joking when I said you would put one in me for each of my babies you broke...in fact I'm starting to rethink that...how about we make it TWO for each you broke!" she said with a sinister laugh.

She then pulled her legs further apart before Izuku could protest.

"Now come on. I'm too big and sore to do it normally, so it's time you learned how to pleasure a woman in other ways" she ordered Izuku with a savage grin.

The girls would learn over the next hour just how vast Izuku stamina and ability to learn was. And be all the weaker in the knees for it

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