Quirk Cultivation

By anonjack4

272K 5.2K 2.4K

Izuku discovers he has a quirk, but it was kept secret from him do to it's nature. Now it has awakened and is... More

The Awakening
First Time Float (lemon)
Afterglow and Discussions
Gadget Madness
A Smashing Duet (lemon)
Babymakers (lemon)
Rest and Regroup
Lizard Hunting (lemon)
Rest and Planning
Gone Hunting
Bunny Love (lemon)
A Different Perspective
Clash Of The Titans
The Giant Slayer (lemon)
No Rest For The Wicked
Search Interrupted
Stress Relief (lemon)
Love And Guilt
A Quick Dip (lemon)
A Nice Soak
Ascending The Tower
Claiming The Princess (lemon)
Girl Time
Panic Before The Storm
Wild Cats (lemon)
A/N - Impotant
Back In Action
Back On The Hunt
Alien Queen (Lemon)
Unforeseen Consequences
Predator and Prey
Unseen Beauty (Lemon)
Mad Dash
The Changeling (Lemon)
Lovely Anxiety
A Duel With The Devil
Loving The Lady (Lemon)
Washing Away Sins
Hot Foot
Burnin' Love (Lemon)
Cold Snap
Breaking the Bro Code(Lemon)
Melting Hearts
Of Bombs and Bombshells
Best Served Spicy (Lemon)


6.9K 125 76
By anonjack4

A/N - Word of advice. Never use Wattpad to store your story drafts, because it might randomly decide, "Hay, how would like to be deleted for no reason!" and suddenly the whole story is just gone! Leaving you to re-write the latest chapter.

Anyway, that's why this took longer to get out. Sorry for the short rant.


Izuku stared at Jiro for a long moment.

His eyes then wondered down lower, to her slightly bloated belly. Swollen with his seed.

"I did it again...I got my friend pregnant..." Izuku muttered in despair. Tears begin to leak from his eyes as he gripped his head and clenched them shut.

He hadn't had a choice. Jiro would have hurt herself, had he done nothing. But if not for him and his quirk, Jiro wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place.

None of the girls would be in this situation.

Izuku nearly collapsed in on himself as he kneeled there in front of Jiro. His right hand clutching his chest as he started to sniffle.

"I did this... I did this to my friends and I enjoyed it!... what kind of scumbag am I!" Izuku sobbed.

"I'm becoming just like him... just like my father...getting girls pregnant and then running off when things get hard..." Izuku continued to sob.

He didn't know how long he stayed there like that, but he was yanked from his self loathing by an enraged growl and a sharp tug at his long, prehensile earlobe.

"Ow!" Izuku yelped and idly realized he'd coped Jiro's quirk.

Such thoughts were quickly forgotten though, as he opened his puffy, red eyes, to see an enraged Jiro glaring at him with tear tracks stained black with mascara, as she gave an intense aura that promised death.

Izuku flinched back, but then closed his eyes and let his head fall as he accepted his fate.

This only seamed to enrage Jiro more though.

"Hay! Eyes on me Midoriya!" she yelled at him as she tugged on his ear jack again, forcing him to look up at her.

Tears fell from his eyes like fountains as he locked eyes with the pissed off, rocker chick, who he'd only moments ago, had pinned to the wall and screaming his name.

Now he was going to pay the price for it as she aimed her own jack at his eye.

Jiro's gaze was furious as she took a deep breath before speaking.

"Stop! Blaming! Your! Self!" she yelled, punctuating each word by inching her jack a little closer to his face.

Izuku flinched back but she held him by his own jack, causing him to wince.

His eyes then widened as he looked into Jiro's eyes with bafflement and shock.

"W-what-muff!" Izuku tried to speak but was cut off by Jiro grabbing his suit's collar and yanking him into a searing kiss.

Izuku made strangled sounds of protest, before surrendering to Jiro's passionate frenching.

Jiro finally released the lip-lock and they both caught their breath, before Jiro pulled him in close to stare into his eyes with intensity.

"Listen here Midoriya! Loosing my virginity and having the absolute BEST series of orgasms OF MY LIFE, while getting knocked up by my secret crush, is a WAY better alternative to torture by endless, otherworldly arousal, followed by insanity and suicide!" Jiro yelled in Izuku's face.

Izuku was stunned and stuttering under Jiro's gaze. He had expected to be castrated, not given support.

"B-b-but, I'm the reason why-ack!" Izuku was cut off again, by Jiro shoving her jack in Izuku's left ear and vibrating it painfully.

"I know! I heard everything between you and Nezu. I get the gist of how your quirk works..." she said but paused as she glanced at Izuku's ear jack.

"Though apparently there's a little more to it..." she muttered before turning her attention back to Izuku himself.

"So listen closely Midoriya. This. Is. Not. Your. Fault. If you want to blame anyone, then blame your hack doctors" she continued.

Her gaze then hardened.

"Or am I wrong, that you being forced to have sex with your friends and becoming a baby-daddy, makes you just as much of a victim as us?" she challenged.

Izuku was silent as he just stared into Jiro's eyes. His mouth hanging open.

She was completely serious and Izuku couldn't say she was wrong.

Everything that Ochako had tried to do with comfort, Jiro was now doing with tough love and it left the poor boy stunned.

Jiro's eyes then softened a little and she sighed. Then she pulled Izuku into a hug and stroked his hair gently.

"It's ok Midori-...Izuku...you're not a scumbag...you wouldn't have been trying to avoid us this whole time if you were...you wouldn't have said no to Hatsume ether" Jiro spoke softly to him as she held him close.

Izuku was speechless as his arms dangled there limply. Then he slowly reached up and hugged her back, before he started crying again.

He wasn't quite sure how long he stayed that way, but he felt his guilt fading away a little as he held Jiro close.

Then he heard her gasp and he pulled away, only to see her eyes wide with shock. Then her gaze fell to her belly and Izuku followed it.

Jiro's breathing picked up as they watched her belly grow rapidly and Jiro had to place her hands on the wall behind her to hold up her growing wight.

Jiro just stared down in shock as she breathed rapidly.

Her belly wasn't as big as Ochako's but it was still big for her petite frame.

"Holy shit..." she muttered before hesitantly placing her hand on her pregnant belly.

"Holy shit!...I-I-I know I saw Ochako after you were done with her but...shit I already couldn't feel my legs! There's no way I'm walking now!" Jiro rambled.

Izuku just sat there on his knees, frozen. Not knowing what was going through Jiro's head or what she would be ok with him doing.

"J-Jiro I-" Izuku stopped himself as Jiro glared at him. Daring him to apologize.

Izuku swallowed.

"I...is there anything I can do for you?" he asked after considering his words carefully.

Jiro smirked at him briefly before closing her eyes and leaning back against the wall.

"Just...give me a minute..." she said and rested her hands on her belly.

Izuku gave her just that. Taking the opportunity to pull his pants up and sit cross legged, instead of on his knees.

And then he waited patiently for her to adjust.

During that time, he gently took her hand that she'd punched the wall with and rapped it with some bandages he kept in his suit's pockets.

He then watched as her face went from uncertain, to a gentle smile, and she began to rub her belly slowly. Her thoughts finally settling.

Izuku's gaze then fell to her pregnant belly and he reached his hand out as if to touch it, but stoped himself and pulled back.

He then heard a frustrated groan and Jiro took both of his hands in her's.

"J-Jiro?..." he said as she held his hands.

"Kyoka..." Jiro spoke as she looked him in the eyes.

"Call me Kyoko...and stop acting like your walking on eggshells" she said with a blush before placing his hands on her belly.

"This is your baby too...and I want you in their...our lives" she said while averting her gaze. Her more timid side coming back out.

Izuku was stunned but couldn't help the smile that came to his face.

"Babies" he suddenly blurted out, causing Jiro to look back at him.

"I tried to hold back my quirk but I don't think it actually worked, so you're having twins" Izuku explained, though he was starting to suspect he couldn't produce anything less then twins. The upper limit he wasn't ready to test anytime soon.

Jiro's eyes widened as she took in the information and looked down at her belly.

"Twins...I...I'm going to be a mom to twins..." she trailed off.

Izuku waited for Jiro to process everything.

"Do...do you want to know what they are?" he asked and Jiro blinked back to her senses before looking away with a blush and twirling one of her jacks on her finger.

"I...I wouldn't say no if you wanted to tell me..." she spoke quietly.

Izuku smiled softly at her.

"So cute..." he muttered quietly but then blushed profusely when he realized he'd said it out loud and Jiro's face went atomic red.

"B-boys!...they're both boys..." Izuku sputtered quickly, trying to change topics.

Jiro blinked a few times before she gave a soft smile and rubbed her belly.

Izuku smiled as he watched her, but then finally took real notice of his new appendages, and as he focused on them, he managed to move his jacks up into his view.

He then noticed the muffled, extra layer of sound he was hearing.

His eyes then fell on Jiro's belly again and he got an idea.

"Kyoka...can I...can I see one of your jacks?" Izuku asked with a blush.

Jiro looked confused by his request but extended her left jack to him.

Izuku smiled as he grabbed his own right jack and then took her offered one in the same hand. He then pressed his hand to her belly and Jiro gasped.

Wide grins then spread across both their faces and some tears fell from the both of them, as they heard two sets of distinct and rhythmic thumping.

Two heartbeats. Strong and fast.

Izuku wasn't sure he'd ever seen such a wide smile on Jiro's face, before she held a hand over her mouth. Her other hand resting over Izuku's as she closed her eyes to focus on the wonderful sound.

Izuku did the same and his mind couldn't help but dip into fantasy as he listened.

He could practically see it. His children wearing his old All Might onesies and with sheets tucked behind their shirts' collars like capes, as they played hero with him.

Kyoka and Ochako sitting on a nearby couch with pink and blue bundles in their arms.

Izuku was quickly ripped from the wonderful vision though and his eyes shot wide.

"Ochako!" he suddenly called out, startling Jiro.

"I forgot about Ochako! Oh I hope nothing's happened to her! What if her water already broke while I was gone!?" Izuku began to panic.

Before he could run off half cocked though, Jiro hit him between the eyes with her jack.

"Calm down Midoriya. Gravity girl's fine, you can hear her from here if you listen" she said. Only slightly peeved that he ruined such a nice moment.

Izuku blinked at her in confusion, before she rolled her eyes and demonstrated by plugging her free jack into the ground.

Izuku resisted the urge to slap himself as he flashed Jiro a sheepish grin. He then held up the jack he wasn't holding to Jiro's belly and looked at it before glancing at the ground.

He then aimed his jack and thrust it down.


"Gah!" Izuku winced as he failed to put enough force into his thrust and his jack bounced off the ground, making his ear ring.

Jiro couldn't help but chuckle at Izuku.

"It took awhile for me to get through wood when I was younger, and years to get through concrete" she explained.

Izuku just furrowed his brows though, as he focused on driving his jack into the ground.

Green lighting arced over his jack, as he accidentally activated One For All.


Jiro's cheeks puffed out as she tried to contain her laughter at Izuku's expression.

His entire body trembled and his head spun as his ears rang like a bell. His teeth felt like they were vibrating painfully in his skull.

Izuku shook his head clear and rubbed his ear in an attempt to relieve the pain.

He gradually came to a stop though, as his hearing became clear.

"Wow..." Izuku muttered as he covered both his ears and closed his eyes. Listening to all the sounds around them in a chaotic jumble.

He slowly was able to start differentiating each sound though.

Insects and birds. The hum of power lines. Hatsume's army of robots fighting off some girls he didn't recognize.

And Ochako...

He could hear her clear as day. Humming a lullaby. Happy and safe.

"Wow...this is how you hear things?" he asked Jiro with amazement as he opened his eyes, only to pause as he saw Jiro taking off her bra...


"J-J-Jiro! What are you doing!?" he asked with a deep blush. Jiro froze up and blushed in kind.

"I-it...it doesn't fit anyone..." she muttered before finishing taking it off and pulling her shirt down, though she couldn't get it over her belly.

Izuku blushed and averted his eyes. Feeling bashful once again.

His attention was quickly grabbed by a frenzied sound through his jack though. It was almost like a rabid animal, and Izuku remembered his jack was still in the ground.

Izuku was confused though. It didn't sound like anything he could remember.

"Damn you Midoriya..." he heard through his jack and his eyes widened.

"Shit! It's Hatsume!" Izuku spoke with fear, before yanking his jack out of the ground.

Jiro's own eyes widened as she too heard it.

"Oh shit...after you left her hanging high and dry, she's going to be ravenous" she commented as she did her best to buckle her pants up around her belly.

Jiro then yelped, as Izuku picked her up bridal carry.

"M-Midoriya!?" she stuttered with a heavy blush that was mirrored on Izuku.

"Y-you said you couldn't feel your l-l-legs, right?...and I need to get you somewhere safe before Hatsume finds us" Izuku stuttered and Jiro buried her face in his chest, to hide her embracement, while internally squealing with joy that Izuku was giving her a princess carry.

The green clad hero then ran out from between the buildings at a more natural pace then when the girls chased him before. Not wanting to risk hurting Jiro and their babies.

Izuku made his way quickly towards Ochako's dormitory.


Ochako lay in bed, humming gently.

She had since gotten some feeling back in her legs and had put on some clothes. Of corse none of it fit right anymore. None of her bras fit and you could tell through her pink shirt, which now acted more like a crop-top, do to her belly being to big, and none of her pants or skirts fit ether, so she settled for just her, stretched too thin, pink panties.

Right now, she had her laptop out and resting on her belly, doing research on pregnancies and giving birth, as well as where to buy baby clothes and supplies for cheep, while waiting for Izuku to get back.

The reason why Ochako was using her laptop instead of her smartphone?

She didn't have one.

Yep, her family was still dirt poor and Ochako was still rockin' the flip phone.

She briefly considered contacting her parents, but decided against it. Nezu was probably handling things outside the school and he didn't need her messing things up.

Besides...she didn't want her dad trying to break in to kill her baby-daddy...

Speaking of, Jiro's screams of ecstasy had died down awhile ago, so Ochako was confident Izuku would be back with Jiro soon.

That lead to another concern for Ochako though. Namely how her and Izuku would support their children.

They were only days away from graduation, so employment shouldn't be an issue, provided the repercussions of today didn't cause problems.

Ochako was also hoping her and Izuku's hand-me-downs from their own infant years would help, but it would be hard to stretch those between triplets. And that wasn't including the babies Jiro was no doubt carrying now, and the many more to come from the other girls... or even Ochako, if she couldn't restrain herself after this was all over.

Though the other girls may have their own hand-me-downs to contribute.

That line of thinking lead Ochako to one student in particular, but she shook her head to clear it of evil schemas. She may be greedy but she wasn't going to manipulate the situation with Izuku's quirk for money...


Though she wouldn't complain if a certain, well endowed, rich girl, who shall not be named! Got knocked up by Izuku and had to provide financial support...


Ochako slapped her cheek.

"No, bad Ochako! Bad! You need to set a good example for you babies...although, financial stability is something you should always strive for..." Ochako trailed off with an evil glint in her eye.

She quickly slapped her face again.

"No! Think of something else, think of something else! Like what color our babies' hair will be! Or if they'll have my rosy cheeks or Izuku adorable freckles...Or Izuku..." Ochako trailed off.

Suddenly, her innocent thoughts of her future family were replaced with less innocent thoughts of her lover.

Not for the first time since realizing her crush on him, she found herself fantasizing about his toned and rippling muscles. His callused and scarred body that contrasted perfectly with his adorable, cinnamon roll face.

Ochako's breath shuttered slightly as she licked her lips and her hand started unconsciously inching down to her lower regions.


"Ah!" Ochako yelped as she was torn from her fantasy and quickly retracted her hand like she'd touched a stovetop.

"Ochako, it's me!" Izuku called from the other side of the door as the girl got her breathing under control.

"Izuku...it's unlocked!" she called back as she closed her laptop and set it on her nightstand.

The door opened and Ochako was treated to the sight of a heavily pregnant Jiro in Izuku's arms.

Izuku had also retracted Jiro's quirk back into himself like with Ochako's, turning his ears back to normal.

"Oh, hay Jiro! I see you and Deku worked things out..." Ochako said with a sheepish smile. Not really knowing how to talk about any of this.

Jiro just blushed and looked away as she clung tighter to Izuku, who also looked uncomfortable with the situation.

Ochako then scooted over a little to make room on her twin sized bed, as Izuku walked over to set Jiro down and she gave a relived sigh.

An Awkward silence then fell over them all, as Izuku just stood there, rubbing his neck.

"Soooo...umm..." Izuku tried to speak but couldn't decide on what to say.

As the silence stretched on, they all became more uncomfortable. Jiro in particular felt the pressure and gripped the sheets below her.

Eventually she couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright! I'm just going to come right out and say it. This situation is FUCKED! No pun intended. But we're here now and you still need to go deal with Hatsume while me and Uraraka work out the details" she told them bluntly.

All three were blushing at her proclamation.

"D-details?..." Izuku asked with a nervous sweat, but Jiro just held up her hand.

"That's between us girls. You need to focus on gadget girl though" Jiro said but then narrowed her eyes at him.

"You are going to..."help"...Hatsume right? Because what she's going through is torture" Jiro asked and Izuku suddenly become as serious as he could look while blushing.

"Of corse I am!... I... I understand that I can't runaway from this anymore... So I'm going to go find Hatsume and I'm going to...going to..." Izuku started strong but found himself struggling to finishing.

"...I...am going to-"

"Finally put your babies in her!"

Izuku shrieked as Hatsume finished for him from the doorway.

Izuku didn't even get the chance to turn and face her before he was suddenly bound by a strong metal cable.

"Glad to see you're finally getting with the program!...but your still not getting off that easy after you literally left me hanging with only a love tap..." Hatsume finished with a dark tone that promised suffering through pleasure.

Izuku found himself screaming in fear as he was suddenly yanked out of the room and tossed through the door on the opposite side of the hallway, where he landed on Momo's bed.

"Don't worry ladies! I'm sure that with his quirk, there'll still be plenty left for you after I'm done with him!" Hatsume promised before closing the door to Ochako's room, leaving both girls red as tomato's and steaming.

They would soon find it very hard to discuss anything, do to the sounds that soon echoed through the dormitory

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