(Scarian) enemy or lover??

By Dnawolf790

49.8K 1.2K 2.5K

Scar is the number one hero and which he is in college, he has a best friend named Grian who is the number on... More

6 TW-strong language
Author note and so sorry!
55 (;
I'm Sorry..


693 17 18
By Dnawolf790

Grian's POV 




I wake up to my alarm, "uhhhhh! I don't wanna.." I say referring to school. Pearl and Maui were snuggled up together and I started to sit up tiredly, I remembered being with Hotguy yesterday night at Timmy's coffee shop and the waitress. 

But then start to think of Scar and blush, I get out of bed and Pearl and Maui follow me. "Morning" I say to them which they reply a with a meow, I get changed and put them in their crates.

I get my things in my bag and walk out my dorm to go to Jimmy's coffee shop and we'll get some coffee, right when I get to the door to go to the shop Mumbo calls me. "Grian!" He said running towards me, I look back, "yeah?" I ask while he catches his breath from running.

"Where are you goin- wait are you heading to Jim's coffee shop?" He asked as Cleo approached behind him and slapped him in the head playfully, "ow! What is your problem?!" Mumbo said as Cleo laughed. "I'm just playing with you, btw what are y'all doing, school's gonna start in like 30 or 40 minutes " Cleo says, "I'm going to Timmy's shop and Mumbo might be coming with me?" I say looking at Mumbo.

"Sure, I actually really want some coffee right now" Mumbo said and looks at Cleo, "you wanna come?" He asked, "yeah! And can Scar come cause I was gonna wait for him" Cleo asks. "Yeah, of course Scar can come" I say blushing a bit from the thought of him.

"Hey guys!" Scar said running over to us like Mumbo did me, "hey" Mumbo says, I wave my hand, "Scar, you wanna come with us to get coffee?" Cleo asks. "Sure, why not" Scar says smiling.

We start walking to the coffee shop and I see the same girl we saw yesterday talking to Beth, I ignore girl and we all walk inside. The girl turns around and looks at me, "you again?" She said rudely and I wrinkle up my nose, 

"I'm getting coffee" I say trying not to break and yell at her, she walks to a table and looks at me again, she sticks her tongue out at me. I do it back and glare at her turning to Beth, "who's she?" Mumbo and Cleo ask, "well I went here yesterday not and uh.. well you know Hotguy right?" I say stupidly cause everyone knows him.

"Wait! You were here with Hotguy?! That's so cool!" Cleo said smiling and Scar for some reason had blush, (Only for her comment, he was a little embarrassed) "yeah but, so that girl walked in and saw Hotguy and walked over to us. He didn't want to talk to a random girl so I just told her that he didn't want to talk but she got mad and said 'hE cAn TeLl Me If He WaNtS tO tAlK tO mE'. Then Beth gets our drinks but that girl just knocked them over and sarcastically said 'SoRrY'." 

I told them, "rude much" Mumbo said crossing his arms, "yeah.." Scar said turning to the girl with an angry face. I turn back to Beth, "may I my usual?" I ask, "yep and thank you for finally get her to stop talking to me, she just constantly talked" she said putting her hand on her head.

"No problem and sorry you had to deal with her" I say, "May I get a Chai Crème Frappuccino?" Cleo asked, "yeah, and good choice!" Beth said smiling. "Can I get an iced coffee with milk?" Mumbo asked, "yep and Sir what may I get you?" She asked turning to Scar, "oh! Umm just a white chocolate mocha with extra wiped cream" Scar said. He always has to have that extra wiped cream I thought smiling.

Scar's POV 

I walk to a table farthest away from that girl and wait for our coffee's, "So what is everyone doing after school?" Grian asked, "hanging with Katherine and Shelby but I'm probably going to be third wheeling so not really anything" Cleo said. " probably thinking of a way to make that robot I drew in art" Mumbo says, "sleeping" Scar said happily and smiling.

"Well I was going to ask if y'all wanted to have a sleepover again or just hang out, do y'all want to?" Grian asked, "yep! I'm in" I said as Mumbo says sure, "yeah that'd be fun!" Cleo then says.

"Okay! But Cleo do you want me to find you somewhere else to sleep instead of just flat on the ground?" Grian said with his little giggle, "I don't really mind and I would rather sleep on the floor" Cleo said. "I fine with sleeping on your comfy chair" Mumbo said.

I blush remembering that me and Grian slept together but Beth got here just in time to get us off of that subject, "Here are all y'all's coffee' hope you like them." She said with a smile walking to Jimmy giving her an another coffee to give to the girl.

I look at Grian remembering that he burnt his tongue yesterday from drinking it to quickly, he was about to take a sip when had wide eyes and put it back down and started to blow on it.

Cleo took a sip of her Frappuccino which had some wiped cream and brown sprinkles, Mumbo took a sip of his cause he had an iced coffee and then I took a sip. "Not fair how y'all don't burn your mouth" Grian said as everyone giggled while Mumbo teased him for having a 'iced coffee'.

30 minutes later 

We hurried to the school because our classes started in 10 minutes and the coffee shop was 5 minutes away so when we got there we would only have 5 minutes to get to class.

We got to school and Cleo went the opposite way of us cause her class was the opposite direction of ours, "Last one there buys everyone coffee's!" Grian said running full speed to the classrooms. "You got a head start!" Me and Mumbo complain running after him but he was MUCH faster than us even though he had huge wings.

Me and Mumbo make it to class and I walk in before he does, I yell across the hall to him, "Your buying us drinks! I got here before you!" I said laughing and see him start laughing too, "Dang it!" He said giving up and laughing.

I turn around a see Jackson.

He was smirking at me and I didn't want to know why, I walk over to my seat and Jackson and his friends start talking about something. God I hate him so much


Hey pups! Sorry again for me not posting much, I have Exams Friday and I'm a bit nervous. I hope you liked it and hope you're having a good day or night, thank you so much for reading and love y'all so much!

Bye pups! 1158 words!

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