Fire Phoenix

By charlewrites

26.9K 408 20

"don't do anything crazy stupid, please" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 13

743 11 1
By charlewrites

We walked into the building and towards the elevator as Jason started to talk.

"According to Bruce, the design of this place is inspired by Frank Lloyd" I stared at him in confusion wondering who that is.

"Wright," Dick added, "I know, right," Jason smiled. I was still very confused but ignored it looking around at this huge place.

"Dude's really into, you know, lines and shit." Jason added, "Bruce has a bunch of places like this. He calls them safe, but they're more like condos." He said as he walked around looking at the place.

"Have you ever been to one?" I asked which made him stop in his place, "No" He answered.

"You'll like it." Dick said to the both of us. He walked over to this scanner thing, some security thing rich people probably have, so obviously not me.

Dick went to scan his eye but was denied, I just bit my lip standing off to the side trying to get away from the bad tension that was about to start. "I got this" Jason said as he walked over to the scanner thing and was granted access.

He looked at the both of us with a smile, I just gave an awkward smile back. "Guess he changed the locks."

I followed the Robins into the elevator. We rode up in complete silence but was interrupted when Dick started talking. "Why are you doing this? Why do you even want to be Robin?"

That's when I knew it was my cue to just drain them out and go to my own thoughts. I looked down at my arm, I need to get this cleaned, I thought.

The elevator door opened, which brought me back to reality. I followed the boys out of the elevator and into this huge room with a great view of the city.

"Here . I'll go back and get our friend." Dick said as he handed Jason his briefcase.

I walked over to the bathroom to grab a first aid kit, which luckily there was. I walked back into the kitchen and saw Jason standing near the two briefcases looking at them.

I opened the first aid kit and started to clean my arm. I groaned when the alcohol touched my cut.

It must have gotten Jason's attention since he walked over to where I was. "Let me help." I stared at him in confusion but proceeded to let him help.

He placed the alcohol with a paper towel onto my cut. I winced at the pain looking away from the cut and stayed like that till he bandaged it up again.

I looked back over and locked eyes with Jason. We stayed like that for a few seconds till I broke the silence, "So, where did you learn to become a doctor." I joked

"Well, being Robin means a lot of cuts and bruises and plus someone at Bruce's helped me and taught me how to clean my cuts." He smiled, still keeping eye contact with me.

I turned my head to start cleaning the first aid kit. "You know a lot about me, what's your story?"

I looked back up at him but then faced my head downwards, playing with my fingers. " parents died when I was thirteen, went through foster care for a few years, then ran away. And I have been living on my own since." I smiled looking back at him trying to hide any emotion.

"I'm sorry." He gave me a comforting smile, which brought up my mood a little. "I get the whole foster care thing, it sucks, I went through it for years." He joked.

"Guess we have a lot in common." I smiled trying to lighten the mood. We locked eyes again for what felt like forever. I stared at his beautiful blue eyes, ignoring the real world and just staring into the ocean.

I was brought back to reality when Dick walked back in the room dragging Adamson with him.

I sat on the couch looking at the view of the city, ignoring whatever conversation they were having.

Jason walked over to me, handing me a brew from the fridge. "Thanks" I said as he sat down next to me. We both took a sip of our drink.

"Whoa!" Jason said as I kept drinking when he stopped. "After the day, week even, I've had. Trust me I need this." I joked after I finished my sip.

Jason brought his drink next to mine and clicked with mine. "Cheers to that" He said as we both took another sip.

Dick walked out of the bathroom, looking pissed as always. Jason and I got up from our seat and walked over to Dick.

Dick handed Jason something, I couldn't tell what though because it was so small. "Jason, thanks for the help back there. But I'm good now. You should head back to Gotham."

I brought my attention from Dick to Jason as Jason looked at the thing in his hand. "What the hell, man?" Jason questioned.

"What is that?" I asked, looking at the small circle thing. "His tracker!" Jason exclaimed.

I looked back over to Dick who was fixing his sleeve. "I'm not Robin anymore. Have a safe trip back." I looked at Dick questioning why Jason should leave, he was the cooler Robin, I'm not gonna lie.

I just watched the two argue for what felt like forever. I watched and let them argue, knowing this was a personal issue, I wasn't a part of.

"Time to go," Dick demanded, pressing the elevator button. "No" I yelled, grabbing both their attention.

"Just because you're pissed off at Bruce because he "replaced" you with a new Robin. Doesn't mean you throw him out. He saved your life, he saved ours." I added, watching both Robins stare at me in shock.

"She's right man, I can't. He wanted me to show you these." Jason agreed as he handed Dick a file of papers.

We all sat at the couch looking at these photos of people who seemed to have their faces ruined by something. "How did you get these?" Dick asked

"They were sent to Gotham PD, addressed to "Robin." Whoever sent them thinks you're still Robin." Jason answered. "I know these people." Dick added, looking at the people on the papers.

"I worked with them at the Haly's Circus." Dick said, "Before you parents were.." I started, "Yea" Dick interrupted. "That must have sucked." Jason added into the conversation, "He burns them with acid."

"Hydrofluoric acid." Dick added, "Calling card of the Maroni crime family. Harvey Dent, your parents–" Jason started.

I looked at the two very confused on what was going on but just continued to listen and try to understand their knowledge, which I obviously didn't have.

"I know," Dick interrupted, "Tony Zucco worked for the Maronis when he killed my parents. But they were put away years ago."

"Why'd he do it?" I asked to bring myself into the conversation as well. "Haly owed the Maronis protection money. Couldn't come up with the cash. So my parents paid the debt with their lives." Dick said which made the room silent.

"Papers call this guy the Melting Man, because he melts the flesh right off their bones. Creepy as shit, huh?" Jason spoke, "Yea, creepy." I agreed.

"Any idea who this freak is?" Jason asked. "The man I'm thinking of is dead. So that's a no?" Dick answered.

"Have you checked back in with the police?" Dick asked. "Why would I go to the fucking cops?" Jason yelled back. "Because five people were murdered." Dick yelled back.

"The cops are a joke, man, There's two kinds, useless and dirty." Jason spoke again. I nodded my head in agreement, "You agree with this?" Dick asked. "Yea, every cop I've met, you not included, has been an asshole. They lock you in juvie or keep you in the cell all night because you want food for yourself." I started.

"Like, one time I was sent to juvie for two months because I stole food for myself from a store, and said I need to learn my lesson. Guess what I never did." I said with a pissed off tone.

Both of them stared at me with a sorry look. We were once again in silence until Dick spoke again. "Is that what Bruce says?"

"No, it's what I say." Jason answered, "They hit a dead end, so they came crawling to Bruce and me. As usual. When Bruce realized who the victims were, he sent me to find you."

We walked out of the room and into a secret computer room. I looked around the room at all this cool equipment all around.

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