Lehìpey Unil

By maemaenice

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Let me explain from the beginning... See, have you ever dreamt of something to the point that you might go cr... More

Tuvom Unil sì
Fra'u Nari si
Aynga Kame
Oe Kame
Nume kop Tskxekeng
Oe kelku


146 6 0
By maemaenice

Once I returned I found Jake waiting for me. He was confused seeing how I swaddled the girl.

"Sorry. But I have a really strong intuition that she needs to meet Neytiri first." I apologized as he guided me to his sleeping mate.

"Neytiri. Wake up. Look at your second baby. Your baby girl. " I hummed kneeling beside her.

Her head shot in my direction. Jake moved around us and took the baby boy nuzzling into his mother's chest for warmer sleep. But he was quick to curl into his father as well.

I opened the bundle of cloth to the tired woman. She took the baby out not even looking her face over as she cuddled her close. She rubbed her cheek to the baby girls head elicting a coo from her.

As if the baby was saying.
'I see you.' She settled quickly as Jake handed the boy back to his mother. She held both close as she closed her eyes to rest.

I backed away and gave Jake a hug.
"You kept me alive for a year. Now, I pass the mantle of Jake's headache to them." I chuckled.

He gave a bone crushing hug and chuckled before kicking me out so he could tend his family.

From one baby on the planet to three and counting. The moment he was able to walk, Miles greeted me at the windows everytime I returned to the compound. Netayum, and Kiri were the names of the first children born into the clan after war. And the names of my shining girl and my strong boy.

Then along came Lo'ak. He was such a bright curious baby. He was deemed my quick boy.

"I wanna go meet them." My little Paz spoke the moment I was in the compound.

"Well hello child I give my time and affection to." I hummed collecting a second mask for the child as he ran under my feet to the camp.

"Come on!" He cheered.

"He needs-"

"Norm. I'm a part time mom! I got his second mask right here. He's fine!" I called back to the man who became a big brother/uncle to the human child.

"Mom! Come on!" He shouted pulling my leg. "Come on! Come on!"
He almost pleaded climbing up to my hip so I could run us.

"Say by to Norm." I told him waving to the scientist.

"Bye Norm. Lets go!" He rushed me.

I pushed the small boy to my back and jogged to the trees.
"Now say hi." I ordered.

"Hello Tsu'tey. Hello Arvok. Part time mom they will leave without me!" He whined.

I laughed and let him go as he latched on and I took to the trees.

"Why is he in a big rush?" Arvok asked as he ran below us.

"Because today were taking them all." Tsu'tey huffed.
"I regret it already. Now I have to watch children and my mate." He groaned.

In the years it took for the children to grow and form their impenetrable bond, Tsu'tey informed me he chose me. It took a few minutes for me to stop laughing and let him know I chose him as well.

Shortly after bonding he decided to help boost my confidence in being a mother by taking on the task of babysitting more when Jake asked.

Neytiri was hesitant, mainly because my lack of maturity, but it came in handy to tire out her kids. Then she refused when I started bringing Spider.

But she eased in her distaste so long as I kept an extra eye on the human boy. And keep her kids safe from him. As far as my part-time son is aware, Neytiri is fine with him being in camp but she refused to talk to him.

"There!" Spider shouted.
I looked to where he pointed seeing the children splashing in a small stream. I jumped down and let him go.

"Alright let's see. Head count!" I called all children ran over and lined up.

"Alright. My strong boy. My shining girl. My trouble maker. And my part time son." I counted to them all as Tsu'tey and Arvok walked over.

"Why always so many names?" Arvok asked as he plucked Lo'ak from the ground tossing the giggling boy over his shoulder.

"Because I can stingbat." I smiled.
"Alright. So we have a few options. We can practice somethings, play some games, tell some stories or sleep." I smiled to them all. The children groaned at the last option.

"What? I love sleeping!" I scoffed at them.

"We want to play!" Kiri giggled.

"No! Nap time!" I shouted charging for them all. They ran squealing and giggling. I grabbed Kiri first holding the girl by a leg I walked over to Tsu'tey. "Hold this for me?"

He rolled his eyes taking her by the foot.
"Let me down! You can't hold kids by their legs!" She giggled.

"No? How about this way?" Tsu'tey asked as he tucked her under his arm at her waist.

"No!" She laughed more.

I ran for the little boys. Lo'ak was my next target.

"Duck!" Spider shouted.

"There are no ducks on pandora!" I called as he and Netayum charged me aiding in Lo'aks escape.

"No! Arvok help!" I called.
He looked at me then the kids and ran over to help.

"Ha ha! Back up!" I cheered as he helped me stand.

"Go get Kiri! Hurry!" Arvok ordered bear hugging me effectively trapping me as the boys ran to Tsu'tey who was slowly losing his grip on the only girl here.

"Traitor! We were supposed to work together! Tsu'tey, watch out!" I called as Netayum launched himself at his uncles ankles and Spider worked on removing his hands. Lo'ak ran over taking Kiri by the hands pulling her to safety.

"Aaah! Get back here!" Tsu'tey shouted as he tried to chase the younger two. The moment they climbed into a tree Arvok shoved me into the water and joined them.

"Get off of him!" I ordered plucking Spider up and reaching for Netayum. But Spider started to wriggle and tickle me, making me lose balance as he and Netayum knocked Tsu'tey into the water and ran for the tree of safety.

I sat on the ground with a fake pout.
"Fine! What do you want to do?" I asked them all as they celebrated in the tree.

"Fly!" They shouted.

I looked to the adult sitting among them.
"I said what do they want to do!?" I huffed.
He gave a fake ass innocent smile and shrugged.

So we dried off and made our way to camp.

"What you doing?" Mo'at asked with a smile as the children ran past her to grab their small visors.

"They want to fly. So we are flying. I feel like Arvok said something but they seem too excited for it to be all him." I hummed.

"Let's go!"
"Come on!"

They shouted laughing as they bounced around us and wished for me to move faster.
I gathered the children and went to thw Ikran with our waiting flying company.

"Lo! Come little hunter!" Arvok smiled plucking the child up over his shoulder.

"Netayum. With Tsu'tey." I chuckled pointing to the Na'vi double checking his saddle.

"Why do I always have to ride with you and Kiri?" Spider asked as he pat my Ikran and Kiri fixed her small visor.

"Because, you two are the smallest.  I can hold on to you easier seeing as Kiri keeps an arm on both of us." I hummed tieing his second mask onto Saza's saddle.

"And she gets sad when you fly with the other guys." I chuckled quietly.

"Who does? Kiri or Saza?" Spider asked as he climbed onto my back.

"Who's to say it's not both." I hummed as I crouched on my Ikran back settling both children in front of me.

"Not too fast please?" Kiri asked.

"Okay Kiri, I-"

Saza interrupted me with a loud purr.

"Thank you." Kiri smiled back.
She then faced me. "I want an Ikran as kind as Saza." She smiled at me a beaming smile.

"And you will find one." I hummed ruffling her hair.

"I wish I could have one." Spider smiled.

"Well if you want to fly you have but to ask me. I'll fly you as high!" As I spoke Saza flew higher then slightly lower and sped up just enough to be beside Tsu'tey and Arvok. "As low. And as far as you want." I hummed.

I saw Netayum pretending to aim an arrow from his seat. And Lo'ak let loose a loud call in joy. Arvok gave a loud yip as he tightened his grip on Lo'ak, he soon flew over us upside down and then under Tsu'tey and Netayum.

I gave a loud wolf howl and the children followed. The men looked at us as we continued to howl. We passed over camp a few laps before landing and taking the tired kids to go eat. I held Spider as he dozed off.

"Be quick." Tsu'tey hummed as he gathered the tired Kiri, having handed the sleepy Netayum to his father when we touched down.

"Come on. Wake up little Paz, you need to hold the food so I can hold you." I chuckled.

I gathered our dinner and made my way back to the Pa'li area, after settling Spider on it I sat behind him carefule of the food and child I carried.

Spiders little hands held the food as I walked the Pa'li to the cocompound. He curled up on my lap as I left the brush.

"Wake up honey, we have to eat." I laughed as I jumped down holding the food and child.

Getting off I took him to a small stream close by. After rinsing him off and waking him up a bit more I took us in.

"What'd you do to the little guy. He looks dead." Trudy laughed handing me my mask and taking Spiders.

"Made him tired as hell." I smiled dragging him to the cafeteria.

We sat at the table and started eating.
"Why are you staying here? The air is bad for you." He hummed propping his head up.

"Because, eat." I spoke pulling his leaf wrap closer to him as I ate my two.

He ate slowly, falling asleep once or twice. He barely finished before I scooped him up and took him to bed, after sealing the rest of his food in a preservation pack. I tucked him in and left after a moment making sure he wouldn't wake up.

I made my way home and slept peacefully.

Waking with the sun is nice. Waking without my mate, who has died before, isn't. Finding my mate blocking our home, less so.

"What? What is it?" I sighed as I crawled on my hands and toes to the small door flap.

"I wouldn't try to wake her if it wasn't important." A familiar voice argues quietly.

"No. Go back!" Tsu'tey hissed as queitly as he could. "Return to sleep." He ushered me. I brushed him off and moved around him being greeted with Nash.

"What?" I asked sitting in front of him.

"It's Spider-"
I pulled him closer as I was fully awake with that simple half sentence.


"He woke up and can't sleep. He won't let us sleep and he keeps screaming for you. I suggested sedating him for-"

I hissed at him standing full height. I took off, using the trees to propell me forward, and higher.
I ran and swung like Tarzan.

I could see him in the observatory window as he threw a tantrum. He was angry and tired, poor thing was having a hard time.
The doors opened and I ran down the hall to the observation deck.

"NO! I WANT TSYAMEYSYA! I WANT TSYAMEYSYA" He screamed. Saficed to say my heart broke for the boy.

I rounded the last corner pulling him up from the floor tucking his head into my shoulder and restraining his arms and feet.

"Calm. Be calm Spider. It's okay, the were just scared. It's okay. Part time mama is right here honey your fine." I cooed as he fought.
He stopped but then started crying.

I held him close and tightly. He cried himself back to sleep. I sat in the spot I held him as a baby, being sure to keep the seven year old tucked close.

"What happened?" Mary came in with a mask for me.

"He was having a nightmare and I tried to wake him like you do. But he woke up and saw me, he started crying I tried to calm him down but he got hysterical. Nash said we should sedate so he didn't hurt anyone in his tantrum, surprise surprise he got worse and slightly violent. So I sent Nash for you. We all tried to calm him down, but he kept screaming for you, ran in here and started calling you through the glass." She explained.

"Go get some sleep. Nash will be back in a bit. Spider just needs time to himself." I hummed. Curling around him and now wide awake.

I took a few breathes from my mask and calmed down. Waiting for morning.

He woke up with a jump but as I pat his back, and hummed the songs from earth he calmed down.

"What happened little Paz?" I hummed slowly as he woke up all the way. He looked me over but said nothing as his small frame curled up.

"Was it feeling sick?" I asked quietly.
He said nothing.

"Was it... hungry?" My question was met with silence.

"Was it... scary?" He said nothing but hugged me that much more.

"Nightmare." I hummed snuggling him. "And when mama Mary woke you up like I do... it spooked you because I wasn't the one who woke you." I sighed he gave a small sniffle as I too a breathe in my mask.
"And when you couldn't fine me?" I asked him.

"They said you wouldn't be here for all my nightmares. And then said they wouldn't get you." He mumbled.

"Well. It's okay. Some people don't know when their wrong. But you can't lash out like that. If your scared, be scared, if your angry be angry, but don't fight them. They want to help you." I hummed.

He stayed quiet. I blew gently on the crown of his head. He looked up at me, tears in his eyes.

I got us up and cuddled him as I walked us to the cafeteria. Setting him down I got his unfinished food wrap.
Re-heating the food on an actual plate I returned to him.

"So. Bad dream, scary wake up. Means a meany little Spider?" I hummed handing him his food.

"Neytiri threw me off a waterfall. And when you tried to help a mean man tried to get you." He mumbled.

I sighed heavily. This isn't the first instance where's he's had a nightmare about the Na'vi mother and his biological father. Usually he is awoken and cried then goes back to sleep, my approach is to blow on his face like I did when he was a baby and hum lullabies until he's sleep again. It's a trick I do for all my part time kids.

But Spider has no other kids to play with and help him take his mind off it at night like the Sully kids. Poor thing only has one other tween in his life and adults who work in numbers and facts, and me who is only available every other night.

I watched the window keeping track of time. I glared at Nash as he sat beside us with his breakfast mush.

"You spoil him." He sighed.

"I am allowed to. It's my job. Soon as he's done here we're leaving." I hummed.

Spider perked up a bit at that. I watched as he chipmunk cheeked and tried to eat faster than he was capable. Giving him a glass of water when he almost choked.

He shot from his seat again wishing Norm a good day and anyone else as he darted for the door.

"Mask!" Norm shouted.

"I got his spare in the village!" I called back running after the boy when his mess was cleaned up.

"He needs to be back before Eclipse!" Mary shouted out the door.

"No! I'm keeping him tonight!" I huffed before scooping the boy up again and running faster.

I made my way to my tent setting Spider down.
"Alright little Paz, we can wait here until the other children wake up." I whispered as the village began to slowly wake up.
I made my way into the tent first.

"Morning Tsu'tey. Sorry I-" I didn't finish as I was tackled by my other part time children.

"Hey! This is my home!" I laughed.
"Spider! Help! Get em off!" I told him reaching for him. He instead joined the children in tickling me.

Jake came over a bright smile in place.
"Ohh good your back. And you found my kids. Today is wash day and they all ran. But... ya know?" He sighed pulling me up.

"No. I'm not helping you wash their hair, last time Lo'ak almost drowned me." I huffed.

"No. You wash Netayum and Spiders hair, Neytiri does Lo'ak and I help Kiri with hers." Jake smiled.

I groaned picking up two by the waste.
"Who are you?" I asked the small boy under my arm.

"Netayum!" He giggled loudly.

"Dang it." I huffed then looking to the second.

"Who are you?" I asked the wiggling child.

"I'm Lo'ak!" He stated trying to escape.

"No. That's Lo'ak, this is Kiri, and your Spider and that's Netayum." I stated as Spider latched onto my leg and Kiri ran to the safety of Jake.

"No. I'm Kiri. Spider's on your leg!" She smiled as Jake picked her up.

"Okay okay. Let me see." I shook my foot. "Kiri." Lifted my right arm. "Spider." Then I lifted my left arm. "Netayum." I nodded to the child in Jake's arms. "Lo'ak!"

"No!" They all chimed.

"Uugh. There are to many of you. Who cares it's wash day!" I groaned picking up Spider after placing Lo'ak and Netayum under my left arm.

"Lo'ak hold Kiri." I told the oldest Sully to the youngest.

"Come here Netayum!" I huffed tucking Spider under my right arm.

"And you got Spider?" I asked Jake.

"Yeah, that four names let's go." He laughed.

I turned to wish my mate until later. But he was behind me.

"Go." He stated. I frowned.

"Nu-uh! It's kids wash day!" I pouted.

"And only day I can wash your hair properly, move." Tsu'tey hummed pushing me towards the close by stream.

"Ooooooooh!" All the little instigators spoke watching me.

As we approached I saw Neytiri sitting with the soaps on a rock letting her feet graze the water.

I pushed the children into the water letting them soak their heads as I waded over to the mother.

"For the kids." She hummed passing me a large bottle. She then heald one out but moved it when I tried to take it.
"For your mate." She spoke handing the bottle to Tsu'tey.

I pointed to the last one. "Who's that for?" I asked.

"That one is for my mate." She sighed pushing my hand away as Jake waded over with Kiri. He set her in the water and she soaked her head.
Jake gave her a small amount of soap and she began scrubbing her hair.
Then Jake sat pulling his daughter closer to help her as his mate began to wash and re-lock his hair.

I made my way to the soaked kids.
"Spider! I need to help you wash your hair kiddo." I hummed as Netayum came and took the small amount of soap I gave him. Netayum helped Lo'ak and Tsu'tey got started on mine.

We sat scrubbing hair. Splashing everyone, then rinsing hair and washing once more. Per my request Tsu'tey cut my hair, it was a pixie cut reaching just under my ears.

Kiri asked for the same and Neytiri monitored her mate as he obliged to his only daughter's wishes.

I looked to the boys.
"Any of you want it short?" I asked them. They all splashed me screaming no as they ran down stream tumbling over eachother.

I waved them off and turned to Neytiri. She lifted a non-existant brow at me.

"They go so fast." I sighed standing to help Tsu'tey gather what was needed.

"Go get my boys." Neytiri hissed.

I made my way down stream as the boys carried on refusing hair cuts and splashing me to get away. After a bit I managed to wrangle them and get back to the washing spot.

"Come. We must dry for practice." I hummed as they all ran up the bank shaking their heads wildly. I copied them and we all set out for the Pa'li pen.

Jake was waiting with the small toy bows and arrows. I ran ahead of the children leaving them to chase after me with shouts and laughter.

"Come on." I smiled to the speeding boys. "Where to?" I asked Jake.

"The.. that small pond with the tiny waterfall." Jake smiled handing out the weapons.

Netayum stuck close to Jake and I kept up with the trouble boys.
"Alright. Fishing!" Jake smiled.

Lo'ak and Spider gave quiet groans rolling their eyes. Netayum smiled.

I placed a hand on the younger boys shoulders.
"I'll take these two who can't be quiet to save their life, to practice tracking. You spend this quiet time fishing." I hummed.

He nodded and I took the boys into a slightly more secluded area.

I made some heavy indents in the ground, being sure my tracks were visible.
"Alright. Close your eyes and count to... twenty." I ordered them. They did so. And after I made sure they couldn't see me I made my way into a tree close by keeping an eye on them, plucking some pebbles from the ground as I went.

"The rules! If I find you, your dead! You find me, I'm dead! You separate, game over and we go home immediately! Understood!"
I watched as they both nodded and counted to ten. I waited for them to reach twenty and watched as they started to track.

Lo'ak gave a sniff of the air. Spider pulled him to my most prominent tracks. I tucked myself close to the tree trunk slowly following them with my eyes.

Lo'ak held a hand up to his face silencing Spider as they crept to a close shrub. I smiled as they poked their heads in toy weapons up.

"Aww man!" Lo'ak hissed.

I chucked a small pebble at his head. He gave a softer hiss and looked around. Both boys stopped however as Jake exclaimed.

"Yeah! Alright, Netayum the mighty fisherman! Go get it!" He laughed.

We all ran to see what he had caught. The boys stood beside him on awe.

"Whoa!" Spider smiled.

"Cool!" Lo'ak exclaimed happily. I left my tree to congratulate the boy.

"Woohoo! Now I don't need to fish anymore!" I cheered.

A few months passed and I was called on again to distract the little ones as Neytiri gave birth. I brought them with me to the lab, not inside but to the window. Spider gave them a small tour of what they could see.

"And here is where I sit sometimes waiting to go play." He pointed to our seat on the empty table.

"One day I'll take you in and show you where we eat. And my room!" He beamed.

"Does aunt Tsyameysya have a room?" Kiri asked looking inside.

"No. If she sleeps inside she just sleeps here." Spider again pointed to the table.

"I want to go in!" Lo'ak smiled.

"Can they!? Please?" Spider asked me.

I shook my head no.
"Sorry Lil Paz. Not this time. I need to ask their mom and dad first." I chuckled at the little pouts aimed at me.

"Who wants to play a new game?" Spider asked them.
The children brightened quick as he lead them around the building to the black top tar.

I stood at the window a bit longer. Trudy came out not too long after.

"Spiders at the village." She stated walking to me.

"Glad you care. No he's not. I brought the kids here. But I need a favor." I smiled as we went to watch the children play Basketball horribly.

"What is it mama?" Trudy asked watching Lo'ak toss the ball at the hoop.

"They got sad they couldn't go inside. So I want to take 'em up." I hummed sitting on the black top.

"I'll go fire up the ship." She smiled.

As she left another came outside. I glared at Nash, still upset his first choice to sedate the child we helped raise.

"I need Spider to come inside." He stated beside me.

"When he's done." I hummed.

"Now actually. You always run off with him, but since he's here we can get his physicals out of the way now."

"He's playing. After he's done you can do your doctor bullshit tests. He's a kid he needs playtime." I hummed.

"Just ten minutes." Nash tried again.

"You can do it when I bring him home later tonight. Or! Tomorrow." I shrugged.
The small man rolled his eyes going back inside.

Soon the only teen human on the planet came out. His name Jason, he was Mary and Nashes biological son, I found out one day when the elusive boy ran past me in the halls, when I questioned him on his being he told me he simply stuck to his room until he was needed.
He was a true scientist, in the making.

"Can I help them?" He asked pointing to the children trying to shoot the ball at the hoop.

"Are you sure you want to. It's pretty funny watching them." I chuckled.

I watched as Lo'ak lifted Spider and then the small boy shot the ball, both fell over laughing.

"Alright you little trouble makers!" I announced standing.

Spider ran to my side pulling Jason to the ball court. He introduced his foster brother and Jason seamlessly blended with the children as he showed them how to play properly.

"Hey! Come on!" Trudy shouted after Kiri made a basket.

I herded the children and we gathered round the Samson.

"Alright. This is a way the sky people travel. It's like Ikran but also different, Trudy is going to give us a lift home." I smiled at the awe struck children.

I climbed inside and waited for them to finish exploring the machine. We all got in and Jason helped me buckle in the smaller kids.

I knocked on the small door as Trudy settled in her seat. Soon we were off, the children looked on in awe at the new way of travel and at the view.

Trudy and I gave them a history lesson, tour, and ride home all in one.

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