Long Road Ahead // Sebastian...

By mezo_shojiwho

10.1K 272 23

18 + Fluff and lemons Looking towards what you are going to do after graduation, which is six months away, yo... More



136 6 0
By mezo_shojiwho

"Ominis sweetie! Wake up! Sebastian will be here soon!"

"Hm?" Ominis peeled his head off the table and sat up straight.

"You know you two didn't have to come. I can handle this all by myself."

"Nonsense you! Why wouldn't we be here. Ominis and Sebastian are practically brothers afterall. Besides, he still doesn't know the good news about us!"

"I still think the feast you prepared is a little much."

"Hospital food is nothing like a home cooked meal and what do you think they were feeding him in Azkaban?!"

"Imelda dear. Can we not yell at her? I think she's just looking out for Sebastian. You do tend to go a bit overboard."

"Hmph. Fine. I was just trying to make Feldcroft seem more welcoming to him when he gets home."

"Imelda, this is Sebastian and I's home. It will already be welcoming to him. I do think you are right about the food though."

"Are your neighbors going to be here?"

"Oh, they seem to have gotten closer. I believe they went to Hogsmeade for a date. They wouldn't give me a clear answer though."

"Old people falling in love, how sweet!"

"Neither of them are old, Rose will make that very clear to you. Marcus is only a few years older than her." Something caught the corner of my eye and I looked out the window. I could see Professor Sharp and Sebastian talking by the floo flame. I ran out the door quickly straight to Sebastian. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same.

"I'll leave you to it." I nodded my head at Professor Sharp and he nodded back. In an instance, he was gone in a green flash.

"Sebastian, are you alright?"

"I'm fine my love. I still have nightmares of the dementors, but the doctors and nurses were able to help recover most of my good memories. They said that the fear would have to go away with time."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Sebastian."

"No, please don't apologize. I'm sorry to you. That unforgivable curse made me want to kill you. The floo flame was the last test I had to get through to be able to return. With the protection spell around Feldcroft, I wouldn't have been able to pass through if I was still cursed." I smile up at him and hold his hand.

"Come on, Imelda and Ominis are inside."

"Why are they here?"

"They have something they want to share with you. They also wanted to be here when you came back."

"Imelda isn't pregnant is she?"

"No... well at least I don't believe she is."

We walked into my home and Imelda immediately gave Sebastian a hug. Ominis then stood up and hugged him as well. They shared the news of their engagement which spread smiles among the three of them.

We ate dinner and Sebastian listened to all the adventures that Ominis and Imelda had taken over the summer. He then asked about their jobs and about wedding plans. While the three of them talked, I cleaned up from dinner and made tea.

"Well, I hate to cut this short tonight, but I am tired. Imelda and I are leaving tomorrow night, so we can finish catching up in the morning. Sebastian, are you ready?"

"Actually Ominis, I would like to stay with (Y/n) tonight if that's alright."

"That's alright, come on Imelda."

"Goodnight you two! See you for breakfast!" They both walke out the door and went over to Sebastian's house.

"Is everything alright Sebastian?"

"I just didn't want to sleep alone tonight. I'd feel safer being under the same roof as you."

"Well then, let's go to bed."

I collected our teacups and put them in the sink. I changed into my nightgown and got into bed. Sebastian joined me a moment later. He put on some pajama pants, but left his shirt off. He got into the bed and faced towards me. I rolled away from him as he started wrapping his arm around me.

"I really am sorry for any harm I caused you."

"Sebastian. I was scared in the moment, but I was more scared for you. In the moment, I didn't understand what had happened to you. I went and got Rose and she was able to explain what happened, which calmed me down a little. I knew that wasn't you."

"You've been so alone these past months. I should have been here."

"Don't worry, the beasts kept me busy and gave me company. Marcus and Rose were also very helpful. They shared my worry for you."

"I'll make up to you this time lost between us. I promise." I squeezed his hand which was draped over me. 

"Get some sleep Sebastian. You deserve it."


Sorry for the shorter chapter, just setting up for the next one.

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