His Infatuation - Slashers x...

By CamsterHale

231K 12.5K 4.4K

"No...You're not telling me..." "YOU two were the ones stalking me ALL along...!?" This time (Y/n) deals with... More

-Quick Note-
[Chapter 1: Psychopathic Reveal]
[Chapter 2: Evil Ending...?]
[Chapter 3: FIND HER]
[Chapter 4: Party Crasher]
[Chapter 5: Calming Things Down]
[Chapter 6: Needing Assistance]
[Chapter 7: Serious Help]
[Chapter 8: Interesting Proposal]
[Chapter 9: Social Distancing]
[Chapter 10: Tuesday Morning]
[Chapter 11: Private Discussion]
[Chapter 12: Library Conversation]
[Chapter 13: Ghostface's Irritations]
[Chapter 14: Lack of Tact]
[Chapter 15: Stupid Squabble]
[Chapter 16: Continuing Alone]
[Chapter 17: Camp Crystal Lake]
[Chapter 18: Take The Blame]
[Chapter 19: Michael Vs Jason Round 2...?]
[Chapter 20: Obsessive Flashback]
[Chapter 21: Visiting The Lake]
[Chapter 22: Surprise Visit...!?]
[Chapter 23: Stressful Snap]
[Chapter 24: Traumatic Truth]
[Chapter 25: Number of Events]
[Chapter 26: Returning Home]
[Chapter 27: So Much For That]
[Chapter 28: Your Secret's Safe]
[Chapter 29: Free Pass]
[Chapter 30: Morning Jumpscare]
[Chapter 31: Walking Together]
[Chapter 32: One Hell Of A Coincidence]
[Chapter 33: Losing Interest...?]
[Chapter 34: The Good Guy Dolls]
[Chapter 35: Friday Night Recycling]
[Chapter 36: Free-time Fun]
[Chapter 37: I'm Switzerland]
[Chapter 38: Soul Power]
[Chapter 39: Peeping Tom]
[Chapter 40: Bitter Betrayal]
[Chapter 41: The Blame Game]
[Chapter 42: Morning Mischief]
[Chapter 43: Saturday Exhaustion]
[Chapter 44: Nine O'Clock News]
[Chapter 45: Pointing Fingers]
[Chapter 46: Afternoon Visit]
[Chapter 47: Hanging Out]
[Chapter 48: Evening Accusations]
[Chapter 49: Intense Information]
[Chapter 50: Comforting Assistance]
[Chapter 52: False Allegations]
[Chapter 53: Stretching Sincerity]
[Chapter 54: Wanna Play...?]
[Chapter 55: The Lakeshore Strangler]
[Chapter 56: A Good Guy...Fighting?]
[Chapter 57: Sorry Excuses]
[Chapter 58: Reason & Request]
[Chapter 59: Proving Innocence]
[Chapter 60: Sorrowful Apology]
[Chapter 61: Friendly Forgiveness]
[Chapter 62: Increasing Insanity]
[Chapter 63: Derry & IT's MAINE Problem]
[Chapter 64: Fearless Feeding]
[Chapter 65: Giving Yourself Away]
[Chapter 66: Restoring Balance]
[Chapter 67: Fixing His Conditions]
[Chapter 68: Deathly Destruction]
[Chapter 69: Babysitting Tradeout]
[Chapter 70: The Start Of A Shit-Show]
[Chapter 71: No Way You've Could've Known]
[Chapter 72: Seven Days]
[Chapter 73: Sunday Night]
[Chapter 74: Morning Departure]
[Chapter 75: Meeting The Heelshires]
[Chapter 76: Following Instructions]
[Chapter 77: Third Person View]
[Chapter 78: The Heelshire's "Vacation"]
[Chapter 79: Calling Rose]
[Chapter 80: "I Promise I'll Be Good"]
[Chapter 81: Truthful Regret]
[Chapter 82: Another Time]
[Chapter 83: Growing Startled]
[Chapter 84: Bedtime Battling]
[Chapter 85: Childish Tantrum]
[Chapter 86: The Heelshires' History]
[Chapter 87: Thursday Alarm]
[Chapter 88: Unannounced Guests]
[Chapter 89: Sharing & Showing]
[Chapter 90: GET OUT]
❤️-Quick Announcement-❤️

[Chapter 51: Dramatic Dining]

1.8K 113 50
By CamsterHale

"Forgive me for interrupting, but I couldn't help but notice that you've seemed to have used a fresh type of recipe as of late...?" Hannibal gently commented, picking up on your current culinary skills before realising your professional expertise and deciding to compliment you in the process once he'd entered the kitchen himself.

"Oh, uh...Yeah...I have..." You awkwardly responded, watching the expert cook develop his design and create his dish after he'd gotten his meal ready. "I'm assuming that you've created a...fresh new type of recipe too...?"

"Your assumption would turn out to be correct." The dark-haired male replied calmly, flashing you a softhearted smile as he started to begin cooking dinner also. "After all, a recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe."

"I suppose I've never really thought of it that way..." You mulled over said words casually; calling the others down after completing your meals for everybody and moving into the dining room. "I assume cooking is more of an art than anything. More of chemistry."

"So it would seem." Hannibal remarked in amusement, following you into the same room before taking a seat and placing everything on the table. "You need to be more of an artist. Need to be able to show your creative side."

"I...I'd say (Y-Y/n)'s already pretty c-creative...!" Norman cut in defensively, sitting down opposite you while gratitude flowed from his tone; Billy, Stu, Michael and Penny thanking you quietly afterwards.

"Oh, I couldn't agree more." The psychiatrist agreed pleasantly, tucking into his food before dipping his head as a polite nod. "In fact, I'd say that (Y/n)'s exceptionally talented when it comes to the culinary arts and intellectuals."

"You don't have to go that far..." You shyly mumbled, embarrassment clouding your face while you also carried on eating and continued to avoid everybody's glances at the dinner table. "I just occasionally create meals for you guys during dinner-time, and you guys just so happen to appreciate them, that's all."

"I-In fact I'D say (Y-Y/n) i...is the MOST c-creative person I've e-ever, EVER met...!" Norman bursted out passionately, love and affection dripping from his voice while he struggled to contain himself one-hundred-percent.

"Is...that so...?" You hesitantly commented, feeling more and more embarrassed by the minute. "I'll uh...I'll simply take your word for it, then. Thanks...Norman."

"You needn't grow so embarrassed, my dear." Hannibal chuckled in amusement, wrapping up his meal for the evening first and finding your shyness to be somewhat sweet.

"I just don't think it's that big of a deal." You decided with dusted pink cheeks, finishing your food shortly after Hannibal had before noticing that most of the others had too. Damn, you hadn't realised that Billy, Stu, Michael, Penny and Norman were such fast eaters. Hopefully they weren't impatient. "I'm sorry if I've kept you guys waiting that long. I didn't realise that you guys were so quick at finishing food, and—"

"Nobody said that you did." Billy tenderly chipped in, the brown-haired slasher flashing you an insanely loving smile while he rested his chin against the top of his hands as he spoke to you next.

"Yeah. We'd never grow impatient because of you, (Y/n). You could never irritate us." Stu added warmly, shooting you a grin before crossing his arms and trying to reassure you too. "Understand that?"

"Understand what exactly...? That everyone's faster at eating food than myself...?" You sarcastically pointed out, rolling your eyes once you eventually finished eating for the night.

"We're not that much quicker." Tilting his head in bewilderment, Penny frowned and grew confused; not understanding why you were so nervous about causing unanticipated agitation. "So what's the problem here? You didn't even do anything to provoke us this time around—"

"You are SERIOUSLY slow, you UNSENTIMENTAL FUCKER...!" Billy insulted Pennywise maliciously, losing his caring nature as he sharply stood up; slamming his hands on the table moments later.

"Billy" Stu panicked with anxiety, standing up at the same time and attempting to calm his friend down. "This is the first time we've eaten here before, remember? We talked about this."

"Exactly...! There's no need for fighting guys...!" You fearfully exclaimed, your eyes widening due to the unexpected hatred blossoming between Penny and Billy. So what the—!? Just what the Hell was their problem—!?

"Excuse me...? And just WHO are YOU calling seriously slow...?" Pennywise creepily laughed, his voice becoming high-pitched and unbalanced after he shifted into his darker form once more.

"YOU, clearly—!"
"Oh, and just WHY is that?"
"Are you fucking KIDDING me right now? What are you, blind or something?"
"No, I have unparalleled senses when it comes to life forms, unlike YOU two PATHETIC whelps."
"Yeaaaaah, I don't think so mate."
"You don't think so?" "AhaHAHA!"

"Penny, I think you're taking things a little bit too far." You uneasily stepped in, standing up and deciding to hold his hand in yours. "Why don't we all just calm down, and take a breather instead...?"

"But THOSE two were being so...so disrespectful towards my kind...!" He hissed hatefully, glaring in their direction while trying to place the blame 100% on Billy and Stu.

"What...!? How...!?" Billy snapped back, feeling defensive and sulky now himself.

"Honestly...! I actually can't believe how delusional and stuck-up you seem to be...!" Stu sternly agreed, coming to his friend's aid and picking on the clown at the same time.

"What, are you two jealous...?" Penny sneered smugly, smirking at them both before continuing. "Crazy...?"
"Mate, what the FUCK is wrong with—"

"Pennywise, hold on a second—!"
"—Or maybe you BOTH just hate yourselves SO, so much that you finally REALISE your lack of self-worth...?"

"Penny..." You whispered in horror, scared by the clown's sharp comment and nasty personality switch. "You're...You're scaring me a little..."

"(Y/n), I think you should leave. I don't think this is a very safe place for you to be for the time being." Hannibal stepped in responsibly, his tone respectful and pleasant.

"I-I'll wash the dishes f-for you...!" Norman nervously volunteered; his voice stammering as he collected the dishes and watched the verbal fight between the three, unstable serial killers commence. "H...Here...I-I'll...I'll be right back, (Y/n)..."

"WHY!? Why should she leave!? Why isn't it safe for her right now...? What's the problem here, huh...? HUH...!?" Pennywise questioned with one of his unhinged giggles, reacting to the psychiatrist's words whilst also not taking his response too well.

"The problem here is YOU...! You GET that, MATE...!?" Stu retaliated furiously; him and Billy backing into the hallway while they stepped away from the massively deranged clown.

"ME...!? Why ME...!? Why am I the PROBLEM...!?" Penny demanded psychotically, following them closer to the front door as he clutched a random knife.

"Dearest, I really think you should leave and head upstairs until this is all over." Placing a hand lightheartedly on your shoulder, Hannibal stopped you from going after them and stood beside you instead; wrapping his arm around your waist a moment later so he could fully prevent you from getting involved.

"I, uh...I think I might just say Goodnight to everyone still, y'know...?" Stumbling over your former words, you fumbled for a response and faintly smiled - breaking apart from him before swiftly hurrying towards the others.
"(Y/n), sweetheart, please wait—"

"Here's a suggestion. Have you two considered killing yourselves...? It would be beneficial to your mental healths, and overall reputations." Pennywise laughed even harder like a psychopath; actually getting ready to take out Billy and Stu with his knife once he'd threatened them to that degree.

Helping you out, Michael came to your aid and stopped the other slasher; the white-masked stalker slamming the psychotic clown violently against the wall and therefore snapping him out of his mentally unsound state. "O-Okay...! I...I think that's enough for tonight...!" You interjected with a timid laugh of your own, alarmed by not only Pennywise's behaviour - but also Michael's terrifyingly cold acts of violence.

"And you seriously TRUST this...this psycho...!?" Billy inquired ragingly, the tone of his voice utterly dripping with dislike and distrust.

"Why don't you two just head home, and I'll...I'll text you guys both tomorrow...?" You sympathetically promised, giving him and Stu both a soothing hug and kiss straight afterwards. "I swear I will. M'kay...?"

"Well...if you say so..." Still sounding suspicious, Billy cautiously agreed to your offer and returned your loving actions, Stu doing the same shortly after everybody around you had resumed composure. Thank goodness.

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