Long Road Ahead // Sebastian...

By mezo_shojiwho

9.8K 271 19

18 + Fluff and lemons Looking towards what you are going to do after graduation, which is six months away, yo... More



161 6 1
By mezo_shojiwho

"Welcome to Feldcroft students! You're instructor today is the caretaker for all of the creatures you see here. She is also a wonderful former student of mine and Professor Sharp's. I will turn you over to her now. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions."

"Thank you Professor Howin. Welcome students. Again, welcome to Feldcroft. I care for all of the magical beasts in the town. There are only four of us that live here. My neighbors are Rose and Marcus, who you will meet a little later. There is also Sebastian, who is unfortunately not here today. All three of them occasionally help me as well. In fact, Sebastian and Marcus were the ones who converted the whole town to be able to house and care for the creatures. Enough about our history though, let's start with the smaller pens, then we will move on to the larger beasts."

I began with the mooncalves and threw a pumpkin in for them. The students had surprised reactions to how quickly the mooncalves destroyed the pumpkin. After rattling off a few facts, I moved onto the kneazles, then the nifflers.

"As we walk to the bigger pens, you'll notice that we have some unused pens up on this hill over here. These pens remain empty for two reasons. One is if I receive a beast that needs to be quarantined, I can place it there until it can be introduced to the pen it belongs to. The other reason is that each of the pens is set up for a specific beast type. I know I have a lot, but there are many beasts that we do not have here. I only bring in injured beasts. If I can release them after they have healed, I will. Otherwise, they remain here permanently to live a comfortable life."

I led them to the hippogriffs which one walked over to us quickly. I instructed the students to take a few steps back as I picked up some ferrets and started to feed the one who was bumping my shoulder now.

"With hippogrifs, they require respect. All of these ones are on the friendly side, especially with me. If anyone wants to meet one once the tour is finished, make sure you follow your professor's instruction extremely close." I finished a few more facts and then continued to the thestral pens. 

" Can anyone see anything in this pen?" I looked around and one student in the back slowly rose his hand. I nodded my head at him and he pulled it back down. I took my necklace off and held it up for the students to see. "What is in this pen is what is on my necklace here. They are called thestrals." I put my necklace back on and continued. "I have a slight favoritism for this specific beasts. They are beautiful if you can see them."

"Why can't any of us see them?"

"That is an excellent question. You can only see them if you have seen death. Many people are scared of them or see them as a bad omen, but they are harmless and beautiful beasts that deserve the same respect as other beasts receive."

"How many do you have?"

"We currently have five. Three that permanently live here, and a set of twins that were born that will be released next month into the wild."

"Aren't you afraid of poachers? Why release them?"

"Well first, if I didn't release them, I would be quickly overrun by beasts here. With beasts, I can make them extremely happy here, but the true calling of the is to be in the wild. With some of the smaller ones, they can have the same amount of joy as being a pet for someone as they can in the wild. As for these larger beasts, there isn't many people who want them, or even have the space for them. And poachers don't scare me. It's an ongoing issue that has been going on for many years, and it will continue for may years. The only thing we can do is fight against them. Many of my permanent residents here I rescued from poachers."

I continued on to the unicorns which many of the students loved. The pair came over to the fence and I gave them some treats. I was surprised to see that all the students continued to listen to the instructions I had given them earlier and took a few steps back. We then walked over to our final beasts which were the graphorns. As I walked up, the one that I have had the longest stood up. The other two continued to lay down. A few of the students looked terrified, but a few looked amazed at the size.

"These are graphorns. Extremely loyal and extremely dangerous. If you ever find one in the wild, leave the area immediately. Do not interact. I have earned the trust of all three of these ones and are harmless as long as I am not in danger. They will do whatever they can to protect me and protect anyone I instruct them to. They have been given instructions to protect this town and the residents. This morning I told them to protect you students as well, so they will not do anything to you."

Once I had finished the graphorn lesson, the students were released to the town to find their favorites. All over there were interactions and more information was given.

I looked up and saw the same little boy from earlier in front of the thestrals. They had all walked up to him and were letting him pet them.

"Hey Marcus! Can you take over for me please?"

"Yes I can."

I waited for Marcus to come over and he got to work with the graphorns and students. I walked up to the student and leaned onto the fence.

"You know, thestrals don't attract like this to just anyone. They are like the hippogriffs in a way. They see the good in people." He stayed silent, but he seemed to be listening to me. He continued to move through the thestrals, making sure to pet all of them.  Professor Howin walked over to me and pulled me to the side.

"He's very shy. You might not get to many words out of him, if any."

"I could tell."

"He's top of his class though, extremely smart."

"Does he have any interests?"

"Beasts are one of them, but there is a specific one he loves. The headmaster gave him permission to join my beasts class a year early due to his advanced level."

"What is the beast?"

"Phoenix. Do you think?"

"It's in the vivarium in my basement, along with the snidgets and the unicorn."

"Would you mind taking him down there?" I looked back over to the boy and saw that the thestrals were now trying to cuddle with him.

"If the thestrals say he's good, I don't mind." I walked back over to him and explained to him what a vivarium was. He agreed to come see and I led him to the basement entrance. We walked in and his eyes lit up. I looked around and whistled. The wings could be heard from behind me and I lifted my arm up. The phoenix landed gracefully on my wrist. I squatted down so that the boy could see better. "This is my phoenix, but you must keep him a secret. Can you do that?"


"Would you like to pet him?" He nodded his head and I had him lift his arm up. The phoenix transferred to his wrist and a smile stretched across his face. "I'm trying to find a mate for him, but that's proving extremely difficult."

"What's his name?"

"I don't know. I haven't found one that's fitting yet."


"What do you think I should name him?" He looked at the phoenix for a moment, almost studying it.

"Fawkes. I think that fits him."

"I like it. Fawkes it is then. Hey, I don't know your name."

"Albus. It's Albus Dumbledore."

"Well, nice to meet you Albus. Make sure to keep our secret alright?" He nodded his head and then Fawkes flapped his wings and flew away. I led him back out to the pens and he started to go to the other beasts. I took my position back from Marcus, who then went back to the mooncalves.

After awhile Professor Howin and Sharp collected the students. They used the floo flame to go back to Hogwarts and our little town fell silent again. Rose and Marcus seemed to have high spirits after having the students visit us today. I returned to my home and changed my clothes into my work attire. I went out to finish some chores I couldn't get to in the morning.

 *knock knock knock*

I walked to the door and opened it to see Professor Sharp standing in the rain. "Professor Sharp? Is everything alright? I couldn't have done to terrible this morning with the students, did I?"

"May I come in?"

"Oh, yes. I was just about to sit down for dinner. Care to join me?"

"No that's alright. I shouldn't be to long." We both sat at the table and he set down about ten envelopes in front of me. "St. Mungos asked me to come and inform you about Sebastian. They sent along these as well. They are from him." I grabbed the envelopes and stared at the one on top. "They come with a warning though. Most of them were written in the evening when he was cursed. This one however..." He pulled out the one from the bottom. "It was written in the evening as well, sent from Azkaban."


"They thought he wasn't going to change. He started to attack the nurses and doctors who were treating him. A few were injured severely, but they will live. He was sent there for everyone's protection. This letter was written about a week ago and they believe that the curse was broken."

"What could have done that?"

"The staff at St. Mungos have a few ways of breaking unforgivables, but they weren't able to use any while he was in the state that he was. The only other way to break the curse is that the witch or wizard who performs the curse has died. Would you know anything about that?"

"No, I wouldn't." Of course I did know.

"They want you to come with me to Azkaban tomorrow night. If Sebastian doesn't want to kill you and the curse has been broken, he can return. Otherwise he has to remain in Azkaban."

"Then I guess I will be seeing you tomorrow night."

"I will come collect you from your home. I will take you to go see Sebastian. He will need to go to St. Mungos for one more night if he is to be released. Just for restoritive healing from the dementors."

"I understand. Thank you Professor Sharp." He stood up and walked out the door. I stared at the letters again, both wanting to open them and keep them closed. I pushed them to the side and made my dinner.

When I finished eating, I picked up the letters and walked to my couch. On the corners of each one, someone had written either day or night depending on when the letters were written. only three were written during the day. I took the ones that were written at night except the Azkaban one and burned them in my fireplace. 

I took took the Azkaban one and opened it.

'My Love

I don't know if this letter will be sent, but I hope that it makes it to you.

I don't know how long I have sat in this cell, but if I had to guess, it's been more than a month. Time is a strange concept in Azkaban. While under the curse, I would black out. I don't remember anything from it. 

The dementors feed off of me and steal my memories. I am slowly loosing my memories of  Ominis and Imelda, my sister, and as I fear... of you. I can't loose you and the memories we have shared. I don't completely understand why I am here, but as long as I have you in my mind, I believe I can survive. I only wish that I could hold you one more time and tell you how I feel about you to your beautiful face one last time.

I can still remember when we first met. If only I had known how much that new Slytherin student in front of me in the common rooms  the morning of the first day of  fifth year was going to change my life. I would have said more. I would have looked up from my books more. The past can't be changed, but you can make the future better. If I can ever leave this prison, I intend to do just that. Make a better future for you, and of course the beasts that don't fall far from you. Please do me a favor and have a bright future. Even if that means having to let me go. I will always be on your side.

If I don't make it out of here, that book I was writing is for you. Enjoy it as I believe you were always my greatest story.

Sebastian Sallow'

I closed the letter and put it in my keepsake box. Tomorrow Sebastian. Just wait for me one more day.

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