You and Me!

By kay343

4.2K 90 147

Todoroki and Midoriya were Class 1-A's top couple of the school. Everyone was eyeing them; some of them were... More

Movie Night
Strawberry shortcake


145 3 12
By kay343

Third Person's POV:

" Man, why is he still ignoring me!?"

Sero whined as he put his head on the lunch table, Mina and Kirishima looked at each other while Todoroki softly patted on his back.

" Well, he's ignoring us too so we're all on the same boat," Kirishima commented as he bit into his apple.

Sero placed his chin on the top and sighed.

It's been a week since everyone found out about Sero and Todoroki dating and things got weird.

Sero found out about Denki's little outburst from Saturday and when he tried to talk to the electric hero, Denki just ignored him. Didn't answer his calls, texts, or snaps.


It's like the boy never was friends with him.

Apparently, he's not the only one that's facing Denki's silent treatment because Denki isn't answering Mina's or Kirishima's texts or calls.

Mina told Sero what happened that night and felt bad about how she reacted. But every time she tried to talk to him, he just walk past her and won't even look at her.

Kirishima tried too but had the same luck, Denki isn't hearing anyone out.

Not only that he hasn't been sitting with them all week at lunch. He would seat at Class 1-B's table and hang out with them.

Acting like they don't exist.

Another thing that happened all week was the fact that no one was bothering the new couple about their relationship.

Which was good for the most part but Sero knew they wanted to know so bad but didn't ask. He's just glad that Todoroki feels comfortable and isn't afraid about being public with his new relationship.

Now Sero won't lie, there are some insecurities that he's dealing with regarding Todoroki and the main one was the younger's ex.


Ever since their stunt on Saturday, Midoriya has been really keeping a distance from the two and all was good until Hero Training on Thursday.

Mr. Aizawa wanted to do some combat training and you may be wondering, what this has to do with anything.

Well, there were teams of two that has to go against another team of two in combat.

Sero's partner was Shoji and the team he was against was Tsu and you guessed it.


Sero fully thought Mr. Aizawa was gunning for him.

Sero freaking begged Shoji to fight Tsu, but Shoji felt like his quirk against her quirk wouldn't give us that win. 

So, he had to fight Midoriya without a choice which was fucking bullshit.

He saw the look on the other's face when he found out he was finding out Sero was fighting him.

Sero thought the green-haired boy honestly wanted to murder him.

And what makes it worse, he saw how the whole class were completely interested in that fight.

Hell, even Bakugou stopped bitching for a moment to watch it go down.

Long story short, Midoriya made sure that his fight with Sero was rough.

Sero may have gotten a bit carried away with the fight because a certain red and white haired boy was staring at him the entire time.


Sero may have been watching Todoroki's reaction.

During this fight, Sero got a few punches here and there however, Midoriya got a couple of kicks to the face.

But the weird this was, they were allowed to use their quirks however they focus on hands-on fighting which was getting a little too realistic.

And before they could take the fight seriously, Shoji was pushed out of the ring by Tsu and they lost.

But Sero swears that he saw Midoriya giving him looks after the fight. So Sero being the little petty guy that he's not especially known for, decided to be a little...extra.

So when Todoroki came up to him after being hella concerned for him, he decided to give the other a big fat kiss on the lips and told him he was perfectly fine.

Now that caused a lot of tension, Todoroki was too flustered he couldn't even speak and not paying attention to the fact his boyfriend was watching for the green-haired hero's reaction.

It was priceless to Sero.

That's not even the worse part of the interaction.

The rest of the classmates were making the situation worse, especially the purple pervert who wouldn't keep his mouth shut and started saying stuff like, ' Oh Sero took his bf,' or ' Midoriya let Sero own him' or something like that.

Aizawa had to shut him up and everyone else was giving Sero looks.

Including Midoriya.

Sero wasn't proud of it but hell, it felt nice knowing he could pull Todoroki.

Ever since then, it's been kinda tensed between Sero and Midoriya and everyone knew that.

Well, except for Todoroki.

He thought that everything was fine after that training exercise, but the boy was so dense.

Now, everyone's at lunch and Denki is still with class 1-B and ignoring his friends.

" This isn't how things are supposed to go," Sero huffed.

Todoroki gave him a look of worry while Kirishima raised his eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

Sero sighed, " Denki not ignoring us, Midoriya not trying to beat my ass all the time and me not being prepared for math!"

Kirishima let out an 'oh' as Mina shook her head, "Denki is such...UGH! I seriously don't get it, he was mad at us for not telling him stuff and when we try to tell him stuff, he wants to ignore us!'

Kirishima frowned, " We didn't even do anything wrong."

Bakugou was minding his business eating his lunch when he heard the sadness in his lover's voice. He turned over to see his boyfriend frowning and picking at his food, the same with Mina and Sero.

Bakugou blinked before he tsked.

Without hesitation, he grabbed Kirishima's chin and pulled him over to him. Before Kirishima could say anything, he felt a familiar soft kiss on his cheek.

He looked over to see a blushing Bakugou going back to eating his lunch.

" Fuck him for that, you didn't do anything wrong Shitty Hair."

Kirishima's face turned red, this was the first time that Bakugou ever show affection to him in public.

Now, Kirishima is known to be the affectionate one in the public's eyes but this is rare.

Before Kirishima could say anything, his two friends interrupted him.

" Awww," Sero and Mina cooed.

Kirishima gave them a weak smile before Bakugou's face started matching his boyfriend's hair.

" Shut your damn trap you extras!"

Mina giggled while Sero laughed, " I didn't know you had it in you Bakubro~"

Bakugou almost picked up his fork but Kirishima stopped him and kissed his hand.

" He's very affectionate, trust me. Like one time when I was sore from training and he-"


Sero and Mina burst out laughing while Kirishima had a fake frown, " He just doesn't like it when others know."

Sero laughed but stopped when he felt his hand being held, he looked over to see his boyfriend holding his head but he was looking straight at Bakugou.

" Bakugou, why don't want us to know how much you care about Kirishima?"


Sero rolled his eyes but Todoroki kept going.

" I would want my friends to know what Hanta did for me or how much I care for him. Like when we went to that picnic and-"

" Oh shut it! I'm so sick and tired of hearing about that damn date! You wouldn't stop talking about it all damn week! It's annoying," Bakugou grunted.

Todoroki blinked, he looked over at Kirishima and tilted his head.

" Kirishima, how do you deal with him all the time?"

Mina choked on her drink while Sero facepalmed with his free hand, "Goddamn it."

" Well-"


Kirishima grabbed the blonde by his waist to try to stop the angry boy from climbing over the table.

" Babe! Calm down?!"


Todoroki sighed, he looked over and he saw his boyfriend looking down at his food. The red and white haired boy blinked, he was going to ask what was the matter until someone caught his eyes.

" What is all the commotion over here?! People are trying to eat," Iida came over with his chopping arm.

Mina was too busy laughing at the angry blonde while Kirishima gave the class rep. his shark tooth smile.

" Oh hey Iida, u-um everything is under control!"

Iida didn't look convinced, " Well tell Bakugou that this behavior is unacceptable! We're all trying to eat and-"

The class president kept going on and on, Kirishima tried to listen while trying to stop his boyfriend from attacking Todoroki. But it was really hard to focus.

Sero just shook his head and was about to eat until a certain green-haired boy caught his vision. He looked up to see Midoriya with Iida trying to calm everyone down.

The more Sero looks at him, the more he grew envious of him.

Sure he's dating Todoroki now but there were so many doubts in his mind that caused him to lose all the confidence he needed.

Even before the two were dating, Sero knew that Todoroki would stare at the green-haired boy or would still have some sadness over the breakup.

Well duh, they broke up.

Break-ups aren't supposed to be fun.

He knows now that the red and white haired boy hasn't mentioned the ex in a long time and was being affectionate to him now, but Sero couldn't help but have this gut-wrenching feeling that in the end.

Todoroki would choose Midoriya over him.

Sero knows it sounds silly now since hell, they have been dating for almost two weeks now, but he couldn't help but feel self-conscience.

Midoriya's way stronger than him, smarter than him, and most likely to be one of the top heroes of all time.

Sero's lucky if he would ever land in the top ten hero's spot.

He huffed as he looked down at his food, he wasn't in the mood for eating right now.

" Hanta?"

Sero looked over to see Todoroki's beautiful face showing a face of concern, Sero straightened up his posture and gave him a small smile.

" Yeah Roki?"

" Why aren't you eating," the younger softly asked.

" Oh um, I'm not that really hungry."

Todoroki's mouth slightly opened but he then pressed his lips together. He looked around to see Bakugou and Iida yelling at each other with Kirishima and Mina trying to calm the blonde down.

He was going to ignore it until he saw a certain head of green hair behind Iida.

Todoroki still hasn't spoken or even thought about the green-haired boy ever since he started talking and started dating Sero.

Just seeing the green-haired boy now has caused him to feel...



He thought he was going to get that same wave of emotions when he first saw him after their breakup, but now.

He doesn't feel anything when he sees the green hero, he just feels normal.

Todoroki looked back at his boyfriend and he felt his heart beating a little bit faster, that's the feeling he wants, not the feelings Midoriya gave him.

Todoroki grabbed Sero's hand and stood up, " Hanta, I will like to eat in the gardens."

Sero quickly glanced up to see his beauty staring down at him, this caused the older's eyes to sparkle, " U-Um sure but um...why mi vida?"

" This place is too nosey, and I want to be with you alone."

Right after the younger said that sentence, Sero's face turned bright pink and a cheeky smile appeared on his face, " W-Well, i-if you say so!"

Todoroki watched his boyfriend getting up and grabbing his and Todoroki's lunch.

" Lead the way mi vida!"

Todoroki gave him a little smile before pulling the older away from the commotion that was happening at the BakuSqaud's table. Sero turned around to give Mina a wink, who returned one back.

Sero smiled before he could turn back around. He saw Midoriya staring at him, well more at his boyfriend.

He looked over at Todoroki who wasn't paying any attention, and the tan boy huffed. So he wrapped his arms around the other's shoulder and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Which caused Todoroki to be surprised.

" What was that for," the younger softly asked.

Sero smirked, " What? I can't give mi deslumbrante novio a kiss?"

( My stunning boyfriend)

When Todoroki understood what he meant, the other's cheeks turned a shade of pink.

Sero smiled when he saw the other hiding his face over his shoulder. Sero couldn't help but to laughed as he gave the other a peck on the head.

"Come on mi vida, we have 15 minutes before class starts."

Todoroki turned around with the same blush on his face, " Hanta, can we watch One Punch Man on your phone again?"

Sero huffed, " Mi vida, every time you watch that show you always simp over Genos."

Todoroki tilted his head, " Simp?"

The tape hero sighed, " Nevermind, come on."

The Seroroki couple walked out of the cafeteria without noticing two pairs of eyes watching them.

One pair of eyes were filled with sadness and regret.

The other pair was filled with annoyance and rage.


" And that's when I was like fuck that, I'm not doing that dude."

Kirishima and Mina gave Sero a look before Mina asked, " Then what happened?"

" She beat the shit out of me and told me she'll tell mamá that I snuck out," Sero huffed.

Kirishima and Mina started laughing while Todoroki tilted his head, " Who was this?"

" My older sister," Sero mumbled.

Todoroki let out an 'oh' before going back to do his homework.

Sero and the others were hanging out while doing some homework in Mina's room.

They mean, after having an eventful and semi-dramatic week, Mina offered them to have a chill hang out in her room with some snacks.

They usually do this anyway but it's weird without Denki.

He's usually the one who has this crazy and weird topics to talk about but it would always lift the room up. But since he's still ignoring them, it hasn't felt the same.

It doesn't have that lightheartedness in the room anymore.

But it doesn't mean it's totally awkward, just different.

So now it's them plus Todoroki and it's been really chill so far.

Of course, they were sad that Denki was just ignoring them, they missed his presence and his loveable goofball energy but they don't know where's that Denki.

The whole vibe seems odd without him and the others are saddened by it but there's nothing they can do.

If he won't talk to them, then there's no point in begging.

Todoroki has no idea what's going on, he's just here to hang out with his boyfriend and make sure Sero actually does his homework.

Since we know that the boy gets distracted pretty easily and it might be because of a certain peppermint-haired boy and mangas, but who knows?

Sero laid down on Mina's fuzzy carpet and huffed, " Man, can we talk about how these villains have lost their shit recently?"

" I know right, we're literally about to have winter break and these villains can't chill out for the holidays," Kirishima pouted.

" Speaking of~ what are you guys' plans for the holidays," Mina wiggled her eyebrows.

Kirishima showed his toothy smile, " Actually this break is kinda a big deal for me because Kat invited me to eat Christmas dinner with his parents."

Sero's and Mina's eyes widen.

" Shut up," Mina's eyes then sparkled.

Kirishima blushed as he nodded his head, " Yeah, he says his mom wants to meet me and I'm so nervous."

Mina cooed, " Aw Kiri, you have nothing to worry about. They're going to love you."

" Yeah man, you're going to be fine mi amigo," Sero winked.

" Friend."

The three teens looked at the red and white haired boy, Todoroki felt them staring at him.

So he looked up and calmly stated, " Hanta called you his friend."

" Oh..."

Sero let out an airy laugh, " Don't mind him, every time I speak Spanish, he would translate it. Like the cute translator he is~"

Sero gave the other a peck on the cheek, which cause the other to look down and continue with his homework. Mina noticed how red the other got and giggled.

" You two are so cute!"

" I know," Sero smirked as he rested his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder.

" I'm so nervous guys, what if she doesn't like me or worse? What if his dad and mom BOTH hate me," Kirishima whined as he flopped down on the pink-skinned girl's bed.

Mina sighed, " Kiri, I think you're overthinking it."

" What if they don't like my teeth!? Or worse, what if they think my red hair is unmanly," Kirishima wailed as he hugged Mina's plushie.

" Good God," Mina sighed.

Sero shook his head, " Mi hermano relájate, you're fine. You're literally the nicest dude I have ever met, of course, they'll like you."

(My brother relax)

" Hanta called you his brother and said to relax," Todoroki pointed out.

Kirishima furrowed his eyebrows at the half and half quirk boy while Mina smiled.

" Yeah, exactly Kiri! You have nothing to worry about! You're so nice and sweet, how could they not like you? I mean, you got us and Bakubabe to like you," Mina got on the bed with the wailing red-haired teen.

Kirishima put down the plushie and sniffed, " You think so?"

" Of course boo," Mina ruffled his hair.

" Yeah, you have this nice manly energy that makes everyone like you. Right mi vida," Sero looked over at Todoroki who was finishing up some maths.

" Huh," Todoroki looked up, once he did he saw everyone staring at him. He blinked as he looked over at Sero.

" I'm sorry, what's happening?"

" Do you think that everyone likes Kirishima," Sero asked.

Todoroki blinked once more before looking at the red hero, " I would believe so."

Mina smiled, " There you see-"

" Although, some people may think you are loud because of your eagerness. And sometimes you can be too immature and-"

Todoroki's mouth was covered by Sero's hand, Sero gave the red and pink duo an awkward smile.

" H-He's just kidding."

Kirishima whined as he flopped back down on the bed, Mina gave the couple a glare before comforting the nervous wreck teen. Sero sighed, he released his hand and gave his boyfriend a look.

" Roki."

" Did I say something wrong," Todoroki genuinely asked.

Sero blinked before he released a sigh as he scooted over to his boyfriend, " Roki, Kirishima is really nervous about meeting Bakubro's parents and what you just said isn't really what he needs to hear."

Todoroki's eyes slightly widened, he then looked down at his homework.

" Oh."

Sero's face softened, but before he could say anything he heard Kirishima jumping up from the bed.

" That's it! I'm going to be the manliest man of the men! I'll make myself so manly that Kat's parents would never doubt that I'm the manliest man ever!"

Kirishima humphed and ran out of Mina's room, Mina and Sero winched once the door slammed. Mina sighed as he looked over at the couple.

" Just great, he's going to go on that gym fix again. It took us two weeks to convince him he was manly enough."

Sero groaned, " Mina-"

" Now I have to go find him so I can put on Princess Diaries and get some protein shakes," Mina huffed out as she grabbed her purse and walked out of her room.

Now once that door slammed, Sero laid his head against Mina's bed, " Great."

Now Sero has to deal with a semi-depressed and gym fanatic Kirishima, a non-existent and weird Denki, and everyone in the class giving him awkward looks because he's dating one of the strongest members of their class ex.

' Just great.'

" Hanta?"

Sero turned over his head to see his boyfriend staring down at his homework. He looked down at his boyfriend's hands and he noticed he was griping the bottom of his sweater.

Sero figured out this was a habit of his boyfriend whenever he was upset or just overwhelmed by any sort.

He blinked and couldn't help but feel guilty. He knows that his boyfriend doesn't really process that social awareness just yet and he's trying to understand.

He sighed as he scooted over, " Roki, what's the matter?"

Todoroki lifts his head, he looked over to see the warm expression on his new boyfriend's face. He frowned as he sighed as he wrapped his arms around his knees.

" No matter how hard I try, I can never get it right."

Sero just hummed as he brought Todoroki closer to him by his shoulders, " Listen mi vida, there's no need of beating yourself up about this. It was a mistake, and people make mistakes."

" Yeah, but I thought I was being helpful but I guess not," the younger sulked a little.

Sero couldn't help but kiss the top of the other's head as he released a soft smile, " Mi vida, I'm sorry if I was overreacting. It's fine, Kiri will be fine and you'll be fine."

Todoroki looked over with a soft expression, " Are you sure?"

" Yes, I'm positive, and besides. We all know that Kiri will charm the dickens out of Bakubro's parents so no worries," Sero winked at him with his signature smile as he ate some chips.

Todoroki blinked, the more he stared at him the more his feelings grew.

No matter what the situation was or if it was serious or not. Sero would always have a solution for it or have a positive outlook on things.

And he would always flash his smile which always makes Todorki very hot or make him so flustered.

It's so weird to him that in a short amount of time, Sero's smiles would cause such a reaction from him. A reaction that he would never envision himself doing, not after what he went through.

Out of this flustered feeling, he wrapped his arms around the other's torso and snuggled up against his chest.

Sero stopped eating, he looked down to only see a pile of red and white fluff on his chest. He blinked before a smile appeared on his face. He started rubbing the top of his head as he used his free hand to be on his phone.

" You know Roki, Christmas Break is coming up. So I was thinking~ We should do something before we go back home."

Right after he said that Sero felt a squeeze on his torso. He looked down only to see the other still snuggling up against him. Sero was confused at first then he remembered something.

' Ah, home is a touchy subject. Nice going Sero.'

Sero sighed before he could say anything else. He heard his boyfriend mumbling something.

" I don't like going home."

Sero frowned, and he continued rubbing his boyfriend's head. He was trying to think of a better way of making his partner feel better. But nothing was popping up.

All he could think about is what Kirishima told him and Mina about Bakugou's behavior when Kirishima was told that he was having Christmas dinner with his parents.

He even remembers the blonde being on the other's ass about his eating habits and talking about getting some new clothes for dinner.

Sero honestly never seen Bakugou act that way and when Kirishima explained it to them, he said that he thinks the blonde was secretly excited to have Kirishima over which makes Sero surprised.

That's when it hit him.

Sero snapped his finger which caused Todoroki to lift his head up to look up at his boyfriend.

" What is it?"

Sero looked down to see the other's colored eyes glimmering. Sero felt his heart skip a beat but he was too excited for his idea to stare at the other, which he can do all day.

" Roki, I know we have only been going out for a short amount of time."

" three weeks and one day," Todoroki calmly stated.

Sero blinked before chuckling a little bit, " Thanks, but I was thinking...since we're having our dinner date. Maybe, and you don't have to do it, well unless you want to but I can't make you and-"

" Hanta."

The tape boy stopped once he heard his name, he looked down to see giving him a mellow look.

" What is it?"

Sero took a deep breath before turning his head over and asking, "Would you like to have a gift exchange after our date?"

Todoroki's eyes lit up, " Gift exchange?"

" Yeah, since well. We have a break and it's Christmas so what the hell?"

Todoroki slowly got up from the older and tilted his head, " How would we do this?"

" Well, we have our date and maybe during or after dinner, we exchange gifts since we'll be home during the holidays."

Todoroki's eyes dimmed at the other's statement, " Oh."

He leaned back and just stayed silent, Sero noticed the change in his facial expression. He was confused at first but when he realized the younger didn't want to go home he frowned.

He placed a kiss on the younger's head as he hummed out, " Don't worry Roki, we can be together as much as we want during or after break."

Todoroki just sighed, it's not like he doesn't miss his older brother and sister, it's just the fact he still has to go back to that house.

All the memories and what's worse, he knows his mother will not be able to join him or his siblings this Christmas.


Now he has to deal with his so-called father for two weeks.

He has done this before but each year, it gets worse and worse. Not because his dad is doing anything, it's just the fact that he can't stand his father.

He doesn't even want to be in the same room with him.

He sighed, but there was nothing he can do about it.

" Roki?"

Todoroki looked up to see Sero looking at him.

" Yes?"

" Do you... I don't know but um...I know this may be weird but um...if you don't want to but um...maybe-"

" Hanta."

Sero stopped once he knows the younger was trying to get him to say what he wants to say. He took a deep breath before grabbing his boyfriend's hands, which made Todoroki really nervous.

Whenever Sero gets like this, this makes Todoroki extremely worrisome for some reason.

" Hanta? Are you ok-"

"Wouldyouliketostayoveratmyfamily'shouseforvacation," Sero blurted out as his eyes were closed and his face was bright red.

Todoroki's eyes slightly widen but he tilted his head, "Huh?"

Sero slowly opened his eyes to see his boyfriend's confused face, Sero felt his face being hot and flushed, but he open his mouth to say.

" Would...would you l-like to stay over my f-family house f-for vacation?"

Todoroki's eyes brightened up, " want me to come with you?"

Sero used one of his hands to nervously scratch the back of his head, " Y-Yeah, I mean my older siblings are with their friends this year s-so it's just me, my mom, my dad, and my three little sisters."

Todoroki still stared at him with shock and confusion, Sero saw this and he got embarrassed.

" Look, I'm sorry I just thought maybe you would...I don't know, I'm bad at these kind of things. And you giving me that look on that beautiful face of yours isn't making it any easier."

Todoroki let go of the older's hand but his face gotten flustered after his boyfriend's comment, " Hanta I don't know-"

" Oh come on Mi Vida, it would be fun. Plus...we can hang out every day for our vacation."

Todoroki laid his two-colored eyes on his boyfriend, "What about your family?"

" Listen Roki, I know you don't want to go home and hell. I don't want you to go home."

Todoroki frowned but felt a soft hand on his face that made him look up and saw his boyfriend smiling at him.

" I just want you to be happy Mi Vida."

Now Todoroki's face was burning up, burning up so much that his hair was on fire.

This made Sero panic because Mina would beat his ass if any of her shit was burnt so she as he fanned his boyfriend who was still in this shocked state.

Todoroki honestly didn't know what to say after that, he never felt this overwhelming feeling before and at first, he wasn't open to it but now.

He liked this feeling.

He very much enjoyed this feeling indeed.

Sure it makes him feel weird in his stomach and face, but he also feels very warm and so light. He hasn't felt this way in a very long time.

It was all because of Sero.

After Todoroki's flames died down, Sero sat back down and panted.

" M-Man Roki, you're trying to g-get us killed by Mina-"

He was stopped when he felt a pair of very familiar lips pressed against his lips. He looked and to see his boyfriend kissing him.

Before Sero could react, Todoroki stepped away and Sero saw the most beautiful smile that could ever exist in Sero's opinion.

" You're very kind to me Hanta, thank you."

Sero's eyes lit up as Todoroki sighed, " But...I couldn't take your offer."

Sero's face dropped, " Why not?"

" Hanta, I couldn't let you do that. It's your vacation and you deserve to be with your family and not worry about me. I wouldn't want your family to be bothered by my presence."

" But-"

Todoroki cut him off by kissing his cheek before smiling at him, " Hanta, I'll be ok. I promise. Thank you for asking me."

Sero blinked before he sighed, " Are you sure?"

" Yes and besides, you would get sick of me if I'm there with you 24/7."

Hanta popped up and he quickly shook his head, " I could never get sick of you Todoroki. I love being around you and don't ever think that ok?"

Todoroki stopped smiling before he felt that same burning sensation on his cheeks, why is it that Sero could say these things and Todoroki would get a huge reaction from this?

With his first relationship, he never experienced anything like this before.

' Hanta is different, that's why and that's what I like about him.'

He blinked before giving Sero a calm look, " And yes Hanta, I would like to have that gift exchange."

Sero beamed up as he snuggled with Todoroki, " Well well well, I'll make sure I have to get you something very special."

" Don't even think about spending money on me Hanta," Todoroki sternly told the boy who just laughed.

" Me? Come on Roki, this is Sero you're talking about."

" Exactly Hanta," Todoroki sighed but he felt the other snuggling up on him which made him turn his head over to see Sero's warm chocolate eyes staring at him with affection.

" You deserve all the best things, Mi Vida."

Todoroki let out a soft gasp, Sero saw his face and couldn't help but giggle.

Once the younger heard him, he quickly put his head into the older's shoulder to hide the fact he was flustered but that only made Sero laugh louder.

" Oh come on Mi Vida, don't be embarrassed."

Sero didn't hear anything but mumbles which made him laugh even harder. But Sero took this time to really appreciate his life right now.

Never did he imagine getting one if not the only best school for heroes ever in Japan, making incredible friends, and being in a relationship with the most gorgeous and the most wonderful boy ever.

He didn't think he'll ever be this happy.

But what's the point of being a teenager without having drama right?

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