Lehìpey Unil

By maemaenice

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Let me explain from the beginning... See, have you ever dreamt of something to the point that you might go cr... More

Tuvom Unil sì
Fra'u Nari si
Aynga Kame
Oe Kame
Nume kop Tskxekeng
Oe kelku


213 11 21
By maemaenice

I drank a few cups but I perked up hearing the people cheering. I smiled seeing Toruk as he took to the skies.

I stood on shaky legs watching the Ikran Makto take off. I watched as everyone began to bustle and move, the warriors scattered to the winds and everyone else set up places, for eating sleeping and speaking.

I made my way to the tree the Avatar and Human body still there. I took note of the mask on the ground and how still both sat.

"Damnit Grace. We had time." I sighed sitting next to her.

I watched Mo'at as she approached me slowly.

"You knew?" She asked.

"About everything. I wanted to stop it, to save them. Had I just-"

"You tried. You tried, and the great mother balanced it. But now, now what will you do?" She asked me.

I watched as Na'vi came to take the small dead human away leaving the brain dead living Avatar.
"I told her if she lived I would do nothing stupid. Now. Now I can do anything I want caution to the wind." I smiled sadly. Gritting my teeth I started walking.

I stood and left the bowl shaped earth we sat in, I climbed the walls and called out. Soon my girl was beside me. "Come on. Let us keep tradition alive." I hummed to her as I took up my knife and we flew.

We flew over the mountains and towards the plumes of smoke in the sky. We landed and I made my way to the dead tree that was once home to many generations.

I froze as another Ikran flew to me.

"Ma Tsu'tey. Kempe si fitsenge nganew?" I asked as he dismounted.

"What you doing?" He asked.

"I am a hunter. As a hunter I am allowed to make my bow from the wood of Hometree... even if it not home for us anymore." I stated.

He smiled as I turned to find proper wood. He helped me, and for the day, finding the wood for my bow was easy, many splinters of Hometree were available and the piece I chose had some dry paint on it, the pattern of the splatter made me smile.
I took caution in carving my bow, and once Tsu'tey showed me how to string it, it was done. We returned to the spirit tree Norm greeted us.

"Look at you!" He chuckled.

"Oh yeah. I'm the baddest Na'vi Avatar on this moon. Too bad I'm already shown up." I sighed playfully.

I turned to Tsu'tey smiling thanking him again for my new bow and he left to greet the scouting parties that slowly trickled into camp.

"So? You already know about Grace." Norm sighed.

"Yeah. Was just hoping it would have changed." I smiled tightly.

"Well. Can't change everything. Deja vu is just seeing what's already happened right, and then it happens in real life." Norm hummed.

"Yeah. I need to find Trudy." I hummed standing.

"This way." He smiled. We made our way into the the surrounding forests and soon came upon their camp.

I ran to hug Trudy when she left the cabin.

"Oh thank God. I've been trying to get a hold of you all day!" She chuckled.

I pulled the smaller woman into a hug again before dragging her to the Samson.

"I need to learn this." I stated pointing to the gun.

She cackled. I watched as she climbed in and Norm climbed onto the other side.

He soon emerged with a mic unit. I smiled slipping mine around my neck.

"Why? Are you okay?" She asked as she climbed onto her ship positioning the gun for me.
I climbed in sitting at her side.

"They did a small sweep. When they saw the othe cabin missing they bolted. But should I run out of arrows on the field I need a secondary to fall back on." I hummed looking the gun over.

"Alright. First, we gotta dislodge it." She smiled and proceeded to show me thoroughly how to dismount the gun and moun it again.

"Now take it off" She told me. I did.

"Alright. Trigger, mag, mag release. Follow?" She asked pointing to each bit. I nodded. "Sight, barrel, handle, stock." She finished.
I went over the words and what they ment in my head for a few seconds. After that she showed me and Norm how to properly hold them.

"Wich hand?" She asked me.

"Either." I smiled as Norm settled his in his right hand.

"Alright. Stock snuggles into the shoulder." She spoke as Norm moved. She corrected him so he didn't pop his shoulder socket and I mimicked him.

"Finger stays off the trigger unless your ready to shoot. When that happens I'll show you how to work the safety." She chuckled.

"Don't pull, squeeze." She told me as I pulled the trigger. I fixed my hold on it as she instructed. I smiled as we re-attached them to the ship and set out for camp.

As we stood I looked to the sky. Toruk flew overhead and landed on the large ark above us.

"Hunters are back!" I smiled as me and Norm left Trudy alone.

We made our way to the camp and I smiled seeing the clans that followed Jake. Turns out they covered a lot of ground in half a day. But there were still clans to gather. I made my way back to the sacred tree and saw many different meals being passed around the fires further from the tree.
I smiled seeing Jake take a few rations and then going to his large Ikran. I smiled as he called warriors to arms again rallying even some of the new coming troops to leave and call more clans.

They stayed for the night and set out at first light.

I let my Avatar rest after eating and woke up in my lone cabin. I frowned as I began cleaning around it, the extra blankets tossed over the windows so the cabin looked abandoned, like the lights blew out. As I set about to shower and eat a call rang in.

I lept across the cabin to read the screen. It was a three way call, I answered it with a smile. I saw Max in one small window, Jake, Trudy and Norm in another.

"Alright. All here. Whats up?" I asked as the scientists shuffled behind Max keeping watch for anyone as they looked busy.

"It is crazy here!" Max whispered quickly. "Its full mobilization. Their rigging the shuttle as a bomber." Max spoke.

"They want to hit first and hit fast. Their goal isn't killing that's just a sick twisted bonus. They want everyone cleared out with no chance of them returning." I spoke up watching all in attendance.

Max nodded at my words. "They've got these huge pallets of mine explosives. Its for some kind of, shock and awe campaign." Max sighed.

I watched the look of realization hit Trudy first. "Frikin daisy cutters!" She scoffed.

I watched as her and Norm adjusted the guns on their laps.

"Quaritch has taken over. He's rolling, and theres no stopping him." Max explained.

"When?" Jake asked.

"0600 tomorrow." Max spoke.

"Max go!" I rushed.

He looked at me in confusion before some one called his name sharply. He said nothing else and hung up.

"Freaky." Jake smiled at me.

"Only for mine." I smiled.

"We're screwed!" Norm scoffed.

"Hey. A fighting chance is still a chance no matter how small." I told him with a mock glare.

Trudy chuckled as all eyes went to her. "And here I was hoping for some sort of tactical plan that didn't involve martyrdom." She scoffed.

I stood up and started pacing, keeping within view of the camera by walking in a small circle.

"We can still do this." I huffed.

"No offense Remy. But we're going up against gunships with bows and arrows." Trudy responded setting her gun to the side.

"I have fifteen clans out there." Jake stated.

"Holy shit. I thought it was like... ten..." I muttered.

A clicking was heard on the monitore. I faced it to see Jake smiling at me pulling his snapping hand away. I gave a thumbs up to show I was listening.
"That's over two thousand warriors. Now, we know these mountains. We fly them." He continued pointing to me a moment. Then he pointed to Trudy. "You fly them. They don't. Their instruments wont work up here. Missle tracking won't work up here."

"They need to use VFR. Sadly for them, we just do it better." I smiled.

"Remy's right. Meaning they'll have to fire in direct line of sight. If they bring the fight to us, we have the home field advantage." Jake smirked.

"You both do know, he's gonna commit that bomber straight to the Tree of Souls." Trudy spoke.

"Trudy. Nothing surprises me." I smiled.

"If they get to the Tree of Souls it's over." Norm spoke. "That's their direct line to Eywa. Their ancestors! It'll destroy them."

I started to pace again.

"Then I guess we better stop him." Jake hummed.

"For that. We need to educate the people in human aerial combat. Jake I'll talk to Mo'at and hopefully by the time your back Trudy will be closer to camp." I smiled.

"Already beat you to it." Jake smiled. "Today, when we flew back. Already talked to her before I left. But we will need a way so they don't accidentally shoot her down."

"War paint." I smiled.

"Do I get a word in here?" Trudy asked.

"Nah. Me and Jake solidified all the details." I smiled.

"For my ship. But alrigh, see ya out there." And with that they closed the call.

I made myself a light meal. And a full cup of cocoa happy Trudy brought more. I drank and ate and turned off all lights, soon taking down the blankets revealing the outside world to me.

I smiled as I started to sing whatever random song popped into my head. I then turned to the pictures on the table. I smiled looking through them in the dim light from nature.

"Promises were made. Now, I keep my end. I need to get my Ikran out here and pick up an extra mask for Trudy, and drop off some plants for myself. And... I don't think I need to do anything else." I hummed in thought.

With no one to bounce thoughts off of I was free to speak on anything I wanted.

"Wainfleet, find him first! No.... yes? No. Get to Tsu'tey and be back up incase so he doesn't get gunned down. Then fly back for Trudy with the extra mask." I planned.

With my thoughts running rampant I got in bed and slept. The following morning Jake returned and brought the last of the clans.

I kept close to whomever I recognized that day as to not get lost. But seeing the Tipani clan was a dream come true, that I will forever fangirl about to myself. But after staying close to the clan for a while I made my way to my cabin followed by my unofficial tag along.

"Why we here?" Tsu'tey asked.

I opened my bag with the fruits for human me and set them on the step, switching them for the mask left outside.

"I have a plan. Nìpxay tìhawl. This is part of them." I sighed as we walked back to the Ikran, well I did.

I watched Tsu'tey approach the cabin.

"I inside. In that box." I smiled walking back. I pointed to my link bed.

He looked the box over then looked me up and down. I smiled as he did the calculations.

"Come. We need to return to Hometree." I stated going to the Ikran.

"Hometree is gone." He stated adjusting his visor.

"Yes. But my camera may be there? And I want my memories back." I stated sadly.

"Ke tok kelutral." He smirked and flew away before I could question him.

"Ma Tsu'tey! Za'u ne'ìm fitsenge pxiset!" I called after him flying after him as he smiled. "Ma Tsu'tey! Tätxaw oe Camera pxiset!" I yelled flying to keep up with his elaborate flying as he maneuvered easily away from me, out of sight then back.

As we flew I took note of all the clans, I could see. So many different tribes spread through out the forests in just four days, I watched as they gathered food for the celebration.
Fishing, areal hunting, hunting on land, and foraging.

I admit looking at all the hustl and bustle made me stop chasing him a while, until he doubled back to call my attention with a loud yip. I returned his call and flew to the Tree of Souls before him.

He gave a surprised yet upset call from behind me. I cheered in victory as we passed camp seeing the Samson land and Jake fly in again. I watched as many different preparations were made. The war party was preparing for many celebrations going on in one, some overlapping and blending seamlessly. I landed beside Trudy and smiled as she closed the cockpit door.

"What the hell?" She laughed.

I laughed with her. I admit I look different than yesterday. My hair braided with coils, feather and leather. My clothing simple vines decorated in fallen scales I found. I got off of Ro and approached as Tsu'tey flew off to land properly.

"Trudy! Ready for this?" I asked her with a smile as Norm came over with war paint one bowl filled with blue the other filled with white, I took a bowl from him. We soon got to work on the ship as Jake brought over all willing to get close to the gunship.

The sun was going down, fires everywhere blazed bright. Different foods being passed and many songs sung instruments from thw Omatikaya were heard all over.

I sat amongst the warriors as Jake prepared to teach them.
I smiled as Trudy stood beside me and the people started to settle.

"Wanna fly my way." I asked her.

"Not in a million years." She said going to Jake's side.

I left them to go and look around. I passed Mo'at as she was wearing her dancing costume a bright smile on her face.

"Come!" She smiled waving her arms high into the air giving a loud cry. I followed her and danced along with whoever passed and took my arm.

After dancing almost nonstop. I found myself among the people of the cliffs, I watched them until I was called forward by a warrior.

"Oel ngati kameie. Omatikaya tsamsiyu." He bowed greeting me.

I smiled looking him over.

"Oel ngati kameie, tsamsiyu." I repsonded.

"Tayrangi!" He cheered.
I laughed as I was again pulled into festivities.

This time instead of dancing and singing they poured a drink, said a small prayer and passed it around. I accepted the drink once it was handed to me but I hesitated.

"Näk, tsamsiyu." The warrior who pulled me over spoke.

I did after a silent moment.

I spent my night making waves, from one clan to another, and they accepted me, a warrior of the Omaticaya, and a skyperson called upon by Toruk Makto. I did not want to correct them for fear of them kicking me out in the most brutal way.

But as I made my way back, I found who I forgot to look for. I ran to Tsu'tey smacking his tail, he turned quickly snarling at me.
I returned it, he laughed, a full blown laugh. And held a hand out, I smiled seeing my camera, I tucked it into my small bag.

"You. Word about the skyperson child called by Toruk Makto has reached every clan! I have taught you well." He smiled. I looked him over as he praised me, and noticed the slight sway in his stance.

"Your tipsy." I stated keeping myself from laughing.

"Na'vi ftxozä si." He smiled offering me a small cup.

"Kehe Ma Tsu'tey. Kehe." I laughed at him as he offered the cup again.

"Ngatsyìp kawkrr rou." He sighed.

I rolled my eyes laughing still taking the cup.

"I drink. But not to be drunk. I like the--"

"Kehe. We get drunk and celebrate." He stated locking his arm over my head.

I smiled as he brought me to the drinking people, all swaying from dancing or drink. But all sober enough that it wouldn't hurt them tomorrow.
I drug Tsu'tey over to Jake as we both drank some water to sober him up. When his stoic face returned we sat with the other clan leaders surrounding Jake.

"Ikran makto zenke lu tse'a. Pehrr Tsu'tey tswayon nong. Nìwin kxll few tawtute." He spoke watching the leaders.

The seaside Ikran leader gave a nod. "Aeyo lu käsatseng trray rewon." She nodded leaving to gather her warriors.

Jake turned to the other clans that flew. Nodding after her, they gave nods in understanding.
"Pa'li makto wankop pey tawtute asim. Pxìmun'i tawtute käsatseng." He spoke.

The riders nodded and left for their destinations. I looked to Jake.

"How do they know where to go?" I asked him.

"We flew around when we returned, found good hiding spots. Went over the plan for a while, when you were running from clan to clan boosting moral, we situated most of it. Now, help Tsu'tey put on a com link." He ordered handing me the device.

I took it and brought him with me to find, Trudy.

"What? Want me to meet your boytoy?" She asked as she messed with the paint given to her.

"No. In my bag. I got extra masks. Keep it in reach. I'll come get you when I need to." I smiled holding out the extra mask to her.

"What about you?" She asked placing the other mask on he pilot seat.

"I got one." I smiled. She watched me.

I made my way to sit on the Samson with my feet in the Grass and saw Tsu'tey watching us.

"Za'u ma Oleyektan." I chuckled.

He rolled his eyes. I pulled my collar off and handed him the other.

I slowly clasped mine so he could see. He mimicked my movements. I unclasped it and he did as well, I clasped it around my neck adjusting it as needed. He did the same.

"Mawfwa säwem. Oeng tswayon frrakrr." I smiled at him.

He nodded at me with a small smile.

"Pänutìng." He hummed clipping on his communicator. I showed him the button for speaking.

"Good." I spoke, my voice echoing through the device.

After some fiddling we were all on the same network, Jake's network. Tsu'tey nodded and made way for his ikran. I smiled at Trudy as I left.

I made my way to Ro and saddled up. I flew to be with the flying warriors hiding in the cliffs.

"No chance you'd tell me the outcome?" Jake spoke.

I smiled looking over the cliffs that would soon be covered in ash and blood.

"In the words of a wise man. If I tell you what happens it may not happen." I smiled to myself quoting Dr. Strange.

The line was quiet after that. I clicked over to Trudy.
"I know this might eventually go tits up. If so, no captain down with the ship shit. Grab the mask and call me, Ro is small and quick. Promise." I ordered her.

"Who's the best branch?" She asked me avoiding the question.

"Pandora." I responded.

I shifted my hold on my bow and arrow, making sure my gun was secured on my slight saddle, right next to my extra arrows.
I adjusted my sit and waited. I could almost laugh as the song Savages, from Pocahontas played the drums of War bit running on an endless loop.

Until Valhalla calling ran through my mind. Funny, I always thought my mind wouldn't be able to think of anything else in a moment like this, but here I am giving myself a theme song to ride into battle with.
We watched as the ships came closer under our location, we were the first line of defense.

"The red coats are coming." I hummed low into my monitore.

"Do not go before Tsu'tey. Do you copy!" Jake stated firmly.

"Contact in two!" Norm called quickly.

Jake flew by us all giving a rallying call almost a loud bark raising his gun in the air he signaled.

"'EKO! 'EKO! 'EKO!" Tsu'tey called as he dove down.
I stuck to him as best I could when I reached him we flew in tandem, Saeyla, Ka'ani, Reo, Tsu'tey and me. Our own little formation packed tightly as we attacked together.

"'Ì'awn asim." Tsu'tey ordered a hand in the air signaling our small squad.

Down we flew, Tsu'tey and Reo piercing the first ship windows killing the pilots, me and the others taking out the gunmen on the gunships.
We were doing great.

Ka'ani and Saeyla broke formation for a moment both tearing a ship apart and regrouping with us. I broke formation going for the ship behind us, Saeyla taking my place behind Reo as I shot it down, I then took her place beside Ka'ani.

"Latsi!" Tsu'tey shouted as he dove for the makeshift bomber.
With war cries we did, I switched my bow and arrow for my gun as we landed, spread in a semi circle thise inside dropping like flies.

"SPRAY AND PRAY MOTHER FUCKERS!" I roared as I opened fire. When all inside were dead, either looking like swish cheese or an arrow through them, we retreated back to our circling Ikran. I smiled bigger as I took up my bow and arrow again, we took up our formation once more.

"DOWN!" Saeyla shouted. We all did except for Tsu'tey, he shot the threat the same time they opened fire killing both gunmen and his Ikran. He fell from the sky along with the ship and his Ikran.

"No." I gasped diving Ro after him.

Heart beating in my ears, wind whipping my face. Tightened my hold giving warning calls to those before me as I dove, further and faster.

'I just need to move faster!' I thought. Ro folded her wings and straightened out increasing our speed significantly. And by a blade of grass we caught him, swooping back above the trees.

"Trudy!" I called into my com link.

"Going down. Remi?" She responded.

"I see you! I'm under you! Jump!" I told her. I saw the door open just as the Samson crashed into another ship and they both tumbled into the cliff cluster.
"NO!" I screamed flying as fast as my girl could with two people.

I held Tsu'tey across my lap as I pushed Ro to fly faster. Up towards the smoke my friend was in. But soon she was falling.

I dove Ro down again, making sure to go ahead of Trudy, I almost broke my neck making sure we were right under her before I slowly decreased our speed.

I cheered feeling the extra weight behind me.

"Welcome!" I smiled as I flew us lower and lower. But our smooth sailing was cut short as a scorpion emerged from the raining debris and shot at us, I kept going, until Ro was shot through the head.

I held Tsu'tey as his weak grip tightened on my arm and I pulled Trudy around my front, holding her to my chest as we crashed into the forest below.

I tried to keep them both in my grasp but Tsu'tey was caught on some vines and Trudy slipped when I smacked into a large tree.
Weapons gone, Ro going, Trudy gone, and Tsu'tey. He was going to die now. I landed harshly on the ground. Ro the only one landing with me.

I checked her over, but the large hole in her head told me it was futile. I growled as I looked over my brokwn arrows and busted gun, I holstered my bow and called out. I gave the calls I was taught and called out for Trudy by name.

"Here!" I heard her voice. I made my way calling out again. Again receiving a sound out of direction.

"Trudy!" I called again.

"Remy.... Up here!" A tired voice called out just loud enough.

I looked around.

"Up!" She called out again. I smiled seeing her in a tree. I scaled it quickly hearing approaching gunfire, once I was in it I looked her over.

"How bad is it?" I asked her as I shifted her to see better.

Her back was scorched to high hell, her legs covered in blood, and now that I have her, a small bone was misshaping her arm as it twisted at a bad angle.

"Bad.... where's.... he?" She asked.

"I lost him. Ro is dead. I don't know how far we are from anyone but someone's coming. I have to leave you up here a minute. It's safer." I told her.

She nodded taking a deep breath. I jumped from the tree and ran a few feet out. I smelled the air, my blood and many others, but the scent I grew so familiar with passed me. Followed by metal and gunpowder.

I snarled looking around. I had no weapons, my gun gone, my bow and arrow no where in sight and probably broken.

I still ran, maybe I can stop him. Maybe I can save my friend. I found him, but I froze for just a moment. Sprinting as fast as I could to the one prick I have no problem killing, the one who encouraged my blood lust.

"I heard. These are the most important thing to you flea bags. A fate worse than death." Wainfleet chuckled. I charged him and smiled as I made contact with the glass of his mech suit praying I was in time.

"I should have killed you the moment I stepped foot on Pandora you fucking asshole!" I raged as he tried to shake me off.

I snarled smashing my fists on the glass, evading his robotic hand as he brought his knife to swipe at me. I snarled again jumping away, he charged at me and I slipped past him. Finding my footing let me stand in front of a tree, and when he swiped his knife it was momentarily lodged and stuck in the thick trunk. I took my small hunting knife quickly as he managed to pull his blade free. He swung a punch my way, his fist uncoordinated as he dislodged his weapon and I was able to use my blade to crack his suit, he fumbled and based on his suit movement he was reaching for a mask.

I kicked at the blade forcing it in further and jumped away crouching as the suit stopped flailing and fell, but the knife and shattered glass prevented me from seeing him die. Unable to reach his mask properly in time.

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