a ship of lightning

By Unbeknowntech

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this comes from the prologue navy ship scrapyard 1955 we see a destroyer with workers preparing to start on t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
1k reads special
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 15

758 30 6
By Unbeknowntech

after arriving back at base we see the fleet head into the meeting room to discuss new jersey meta and the cube that the maids brought back

"so this cube is connected to the Orochi?"

Akashi: yes but that's all I really know

NJM: hmm

"what is it jersey?"

NJM: well in my world wisdom cubes were seen as a computer in a way

"Really then I want to test something with all of your approval"

Enty: that being?

"interfacing with it"

Hornet: I'm not too sure about this

Enty: well she is our siren tech researcher I say give it a try

"alright just if I start to convulse just pull me off"

placing her hand on the cube she starts to feel a flow of energy enveloping her she starts to dig into the cube and her vision fades

she opens her eyes and sees a blacked-out ocean, fire everywhere siren ships with holes the size of pt boats through them 

*where am I*

???: Welcome to your mind

Piorun's head snaps in the direction of the voice

"who are you?"

???: really you don't recognize yourself?

"what are you getting at?

Altrun: I'm you or your other half

"what do you mean?"

Altrun: let me explain when you got here was it in a flash of lightning?

"uh yea why?"

Altrun: well when that happened we split and I ended up as data the sirens collected

"wait the sirens collect data?"

Altrun: yes and a lot but this cube only carries the most recent battle and me so if you want I can give you my power

"I don't like this offer tell me something only I would know"

Altrun: your watch has the same phrase twice on it and in two different languages but you lost it

"your right I assumed that things kinda disappear it was in my hand when I got here then it was gone "

Altrun: well it isn't

we see Altrun pulls a chain with a watch attached showing the royal navy crest and the polish freedom navy crest

Altrun: is this proof enough

stunned to such a point that she couldn't even speak for a moment she tried to grab it

Altrun: whoa how about this I can't give you this it is only in your mind but if you accept my offer it will be summonable like your rigging

"I trust you now but still this offer is a bit much what if I can't handle it?"

Altrun: it's fine you'll be able to handle it

"fine I accept your offer"

Enty pov

looking at the cube we start to see it pulse then suddenly it begins to sink into Piorun's hand eventually we see piorun open her eyes but for a moment they both flashed a bright gold then only the right one when back to normal crimson red

piorun pov

opening my eyes I see enty looking at me weirdly until I notice that my left eye felt off

"What happened?"

suddenly a debilitating head ach forced me onto my knees

Javelin's pov in the port

Javelin sees several people running from Piorun's ship and it was clear why the hull was glowing a bright orange, steam could be seen bursting from the deck, and the smoke stack had a torrent of white flame shooting out the top of it at the last moment javelin turns from the ticking bomb and runs soon after hearing a very loud *kaboom* and a following *kaboom* the shock wave force many people onto the ground shrapnel was everywhere looking back at the ship Javelin could see it ripped into shreads.

2 mins earlier pov enty

Enty: whoa you good?


we see enty grabbing hold of piorun but immediately jumping back

Enty: fuck that hurts

Belfast: what happened?

Enty: I burnt myself on piorun

Hornet: I don't see any fire from him

a distant explosion was heard

Akashi: is it me or did that

Prinz burst in clearly distraught

Prinz: piorun's ship just blew up

prinz seeing piorun walks up to her and grabs it her face contorts from the heat she feels but she ignores it and she lifts her up bridal style taking the now barely conscious and delirious piorun to Vestal running through the halls she yells at people to get out of the way seeing the rushing heavy cruiser most get out of the way some got knocked to the ground as she rushes, reaching the medical ward she sees vestal, vestal seeing piorun in Prinz's arms quickly starts to gather supplies

vestal: set her down on the bed

prinz obliges and gently places her down we see Vestal hook up several machines taking readings getting a readout of core temp, wisdom cube integrity, and more eventually over several hours of effort Piorun's temps comes back down  but we see a worried Vestal looking at the readout for cube integrity

vestal: 20% that is

vestal looks at the read-out again she sees it tick up 21%

vestal: that isn't possible I need to get the others here

soon vestal had the major faction leaders here along with Belfast, Prinz,  Hornet, and Cleveland 

Vestal: take a look at her cube integrity

Enty: that's below the death floor how Is he breathing?

Vestal: keep watching

the monitor ticks up again now reading 22%

the group looks at each other in shock

Hornet: its repairing itself

Vestal: yes and I have no idea how but I want someone to watch her ship

Enty: I saw Javalin grabbing scrap metal and placing it in the lab is she a part of this?

Vestal: I'm not sure but if she is don't stop her

Cleveland: so Piorun's going to be ok?

Vestal: if these train of events keep happening yes

relived the group leaves Vestal to her work some sought out Javalin and asked if they could help all were accepted to help soon all of the parts that could be salvaged from Piorun's ship was in the lab including the hull soon several ship girls started to work on repairing the badly charred ship slowly over several days it was nearly restored everything but the engines

Javaline decides to look around her sister's papers on siren tech and finds several on engines

Javelin: yes!

Cleveland: what is it?

Javelin: how about we upgrade the engines?

Cleveland: how?

javelin pushes the blueprints towards Cleveland who look confused until realizing what she is looking at

Cleveland: is this a ship engine for a siren heavy cruiser?

Javelin nods her head

Cleveland: why is it so small?

Javelin: no clue but I do know it will fit and Piorun won't deal with a boiler explosion again

end of chapter

have a meme

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