My Calling

By stromburger

179K 4.1K 536

// Wesley Stromberg // " ... stop trying to fight me, just let go and kiss me ... " More

My Calling - An Emblem3 Story
One - The Audition
Two - Isn't She Lovely
Three - Basketball
Four - Sweet Eighteenth
Five - Unexpected Comfort
Six - The Meeting
Seven - Ready or Not
Eight - The Long Road Ahead
Nine - Back to the Beginning
Ten - Vulnerable
Eleven - Lunch
Twelve - Just Jump
Thirteen - Unexpected Words
Fourteen - Denial
Fifteen - The Jingle Bell Ball
Seventeen - The Month
Eighteen - More Mistakes
Nineteen - Early Christmas
Twenty - Last Words
Twenty One - A Month Later
Twenty Two - Conversations
Twenty Three - Rude Awakenings
Twenty Four - Facing Facts
Twenty Five - Hurricane
Twenty Six - August Rush
Twenty Seven - Lyrics
Twenty Eight - Born Again
Twenty Nine - When I Look At You
Thirty - The End
Epilogue - One Year Later

Sixteen - Goodbye

5.8K 132 18
By stromburger

Chapter Sixteen

So so messy but I don't really care, I'm having so much fun writing all these Wes chapters! Hahah Hope you guys enjoy and thanks for all the support. I love you all. More up in a few days ... or tomorrow ... or whenever really.

I FUCKED UP THE DATES AGAIN. Okay, let's pretend the Jingle Bell Ball was ages ago before it's proper date which would've been December 8th. Let's pretend that after this chapter they're only mid way through the X Factor competition. Super confusing but whatever okay, just bare with me. I'm sahh sorry! 

Feel free to vote, fan and send me a heap of lovely comment so I can freaking lvoe you forever and ever.

Alexandra, I updated bc I didn't want you to die. Hope you're not dead so you can read this. Girl u fab xoxox

P.S Start listening to the song in the side bar about halfway through the chapter. Or just listen to it bc it's awesome. 

Song of the chapter - Young The Gian - My Body. Such a mint song yo.

The next morning, I'm in the board room at Syco, in a meeting with my team and a few other people. My mind is focused on the task at hand, fighting to forget about the previous night's events. We're waiting on Simon and his people so he can tell us the big Surprise he has. Eddie knows but he's not giving me anything which is frustrating. 

A couple minutes later, Simon slinks through the door with a few people I don't recognise. We greet each other and sit around the table. I'm half nervous, half excited about Simon's news. He smiles at everyone and prattles on about irrelevant things before turning to me. "Now Asha, you're probably wondering what news I have to share. However, before I do, I want to introduce you to a few people. This is Marco and Louis; they're managers at an individual company called Bayson Records."

I nod along and give them a warm smile in which they return. Simon grins, "They're Miley Cyrus' managers." I keep nodding so he keeps talking. "She wants to focus on her acting career but before she does that, she's doing one last tour before she settles down. And Asha, they want you to be her opening act." 

I don't really compute what he says until a few seconds later. When I do, my eyes go wide and my hands slam down on the table, "Wait, what?!"

Simon laughs, "Darling, Miley Cyrus has heard your singles and she wants you to go on tour with her."

"You're joking right?" I shout at them excitedly.

"No we're not. The tour starts in a couple weeks and they want you with them. It's a two month thing and you'll go all around America and Europe. So what so you say?"

I don't even need to think about. I just jump up and down. "Yes! I say yes!"

So that's how it ends up. That's how I end up being planned to go on tour with Miley Cyrus. Growing up, she was my idol. I watched Hannah Montana, I knew all her songs. I wanted to be just like her. Now, I'm going to tour with her. It's like a dream come true. 

Over the rest of the day, I call Mum and Dad to share my news and they're uncertain at first but I manage to talk them around so they like the idea. Then it's just all the legal stuff, which is totally boring but a necessity. And after that, I get to meet Miley and let me tell you, I almost die in awe. But surprisingly, she's actually really sweet and down to earth so that's a relief.

When I get home that night, I'm exhausted from my tiring day of being overly excited. I Skype my friends for a while before Skyping my family and then I tweet a bit during dinner about my news and by the time I fall into bed, I'm so tired yet so so happy.


My phone wakes me up in the morning. It rings loudly and I un-co-ordinately scramble to get it. I don't check the caller ID, I just answer it. "Hello?" I ask groggily.

"So you're going on tour?" 

My stomach drops. How is it that I always forget to mention these things to him? To the one person I'd actually miss, if I left Hollywood. The one person I can actually call my only friend up here? I think sub-consciously I don't want to tell it so I put it off and never bring it up in my head. I don't realise I've zoned out until Wes' voice sounds out through my phone, "Well? Are you?"

"Yeah I am," I answer.

"Oh. Okay," he says shortly. "Well then, that's cool."

"Yup. Sorry I didn't tell you, I was pretty busy yesterday."

"Nah it's fine. So Miley Cyrus aye? You must be stoked."

"I am. So stoked. It's like a dream come true."

I hear him smile at my excited words. "Then I'm happy for you Carson. Congratulations." It must be a sad smile though because his tone isn't very enthusiastic.

"Thanks Wes," I say smally.

There's an awkward silence before he manages to mumble about having to rehearse so we say goodbye and he hangs up. I drop my phone and sigh to myself, this just throws another spanner into my already confusing works. I lie back in my bed and try to get back into my excited mood but I can't. Because the only thing running through my mind is how I won't see Wes for a whole two months. Looks like I'm back to having zero friends.


Two weeks pass. And in those two weeks I learn a few covers of songs, hang out more with Miley and her team, visit my family and friends and I hang out with Wes. Yeah, after getting past more awkwardness we hang out a couple times, pretending nothing is the matter. Pretending as if we’re the greatest of friends. We should be actors rather than singers. We’re that good.

On the Monday we're set to leave, I'm at my apartment packing up the last of my things. I'm putting a few things in my handbag when my buzzer rings. I answer the call and find it's Wes so I let him up. A few minutes later, he's walking through my front door. "Hey Carson," he says comfortably, "I just wanted to say bye before you left; I won't see you for two months!"

"You managed to get the time out of the house?" I give him a quick hug before he settles on my couch while I finish throwing things into my suitcase. 

"Yeah Simon let me. Jennel and the boys were going to come but Keaton is busy with Lauren and Drew needed to write something."

"That's fine. I'm glad you're here though because I haven't had time to say goodbye to anyone. I haven't even called my family or friends or anything."

"Well aren't you organised."

I roll my eyes and poke my tongue out at him. "Ha ha. So funny."

He ignores my sarcasm and peers at all my scattered suitcases, "So what's the agenda?"

"A month in the US then a month in Europe and then anything they decide to do in between like interviews and events and stuff."

He nods. "Cool. But can I ask one thing of you?"

"Yeah sure," I reply, thinking he'll want me to bring back a souvenir or something. 

"Actually two," he replies in thought. "One, that you don't change."

My eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?"

He shrugs. "Miley Cyrus is pretty out there and I just don't want you to change. A lot of people like who you are right now, and who you are right now is you. You're not sexy, you're chilled and awesome. You don't flash everything around to get guys, you do you. I just don't want anyone to taint that."

I scrunch my face up. "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult." I shake my head. "But okay ... I'll um try not to change? I don't know whatever. Next thing?"

He smiles, "And two, can you please try and keep in contact with me this time? A call here and there, a Skype chat if you can. Heck, even a tweet would do. Most people know about our friendship so it's fine. Just let me know how you're doing, okay?" 

"Yeah okay sure Wesley," I reply, happy at his request. 

I pack the last of my things when he speaks again. "Actually I have a third thing."

"Yeah what is it?"

He doesn't miss a beat, "Don't fall for anyone."

I double take and look at him. "Sorry, what?"

"Don't fall for any guy."

"You're not serious are you?" I counter as I stand up and make my way into the kitchen to get a drink. 

I don't realise he's followed me so it's a surprise to see him right in front of me when I turn around. He steps forward so we're only a foot apart and nods his head slowly, "Dead serious."

"Why?" I croak out, momentarily losing focus at his close proximity. 

He leans even closer and gently relieves me of my glass, setting it on the bench behind me. Instinctively, I step back causing my back to softly hit the surface behind me. He dips his head close to my ear, his voice a low whisper. "Because you're my girl."

His warm breath sends shivers up my spine. With jelly-like limbs, I manage to push him back slightly so I can look into his eyes. I gulp nervously, getting lost in the sea of multi-colours. "N-no I'm not Wes," I stutter pathetically. 

I tear my gaze away from him but he uses his index finger to lift my chin back up, directing my eyes towards his. He ducks his head slightly for a better view. Nodding his head, he chuckles softly. "Yes you are you just don't see it yet."

My breathing is so shallow I'm convinced it's stopped. Every single feeling inside my body is going crazy and I know that this time around I can't manage any words so I opt for a ferocious shake of the head.

He laughs and lays his hands gently on my waist My eyes dart down to his lips, oh how I just wan-. I shake my head, ridding myself of those thoughts. I look back into his eyes, as he seems to be leaning closer, a small smirk on his face.

"Just tell me to stop," he murmurs.

"S-stop," I whisper, even though I feel my eyes flitting closed.

Smugly, he says, "You don't mean that."

And before I can stop it. Before I can think and before I can react, his lips are gently pressing against mine. Warning bells are flashing in my head but I'm so tired. So so tired that I don't want to resist. I don't want to fight my feelings for him. I can't fight them anymore. Without really meaning too, my hands slide up his chest and grasp his t-shirt hungrily, trying to pull him in for more. It's like I'm in a trance as our lips move in sync, his tongue dancing around in my mouth so delicately I'm surprised it's his. 

I let out a moan before I can stop it as he starts tracing small kisses down my neck, lightly nipping at my tendons. He chuckles lightly but I don't care about my neck or shoulders, I want his mouth on my own. I pull him back up and soon his lips are once again, glued to mine. It's like I'm a stranger in my own body, going against everything I've ever stood for. I want to pull back and kick him out, but then again, I want him to take me to my bedroom and kiss me where it matters. 

His hands grip my hips tighter, pulling me closer to him. I can feel him through my jeans and it makes me want him even more.

However, along with this, I can feel the regret pooling in the back of my head. Mentally, I try to grasp at it, fighting the sexual urges my body is screaming at me. 

It's when I hear my phone ringing that all my sanity comes rushing back to me. It's like a dam, cutting off all those gushing feelings and leaving me bone dry. I let go out of his t-shirt and push him back abruptly, "No!" It comes out breathless.

He steps back, slightly shocked whilst I just shake my head, "No ... No no no!" I'm breathing heavily, half from the adrenaline cursing through me and half from the panic I'm feeling. "Why would you do that Wes?" I say, mo voice dropping to a whisper. "Why?"


"No," I cut him off. "Actually I don't want to hear it. It was a mistake," I say hastily even though it tears my insides apart. "I just ... I'll see you later Wes."

"Don't deny you didn't like it Asha." 

"It was a mistake," I reply flatly.

"Fine. I'll talk to you later. See ya."

I don't even answer him. I just stay standing in a frozen state as he collects his jacket and leaves my apartment. It's not until a few minutes after he leaves that I decide to start moving again. Well, only to let myself slide down the bench in defeat, ending up in a bundle on the kitchen floor, blocking everything out. Only a few thoughts run through my head. 

I kissed Wes.

I liked it.

I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. 


I know, such a good thing happened and such a mean ending but goise, you know I'm like that so just start expecting it hahaha lub choo all xoxo

I'm gonna start doing songs for each chapter, send me requests if you have any you want me to check out xox

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