Broken lovers- a Chase and Ma...

By inlovewmaddiecline

16.6K 369 51

a story about two people that have fought way too hard for their loved ones. two people that knew they were s... More



380 5 3
By inlovewmaddiecline

I wake up by the sun coming through my thin blinds.

I open my eyes to feel a heavy weight on my arm. Chase's back. It was so uncomfortable but I didn't want to wake him up so I just stared at him, being all sleepy and peaceful. His breathing relaxing me.

He opens his eyes slowly- heyy you psycho, were you staring at me??- he says as he kisses my forehead.

-good morning to you too sleepyhead- I say trying to take my arm away from his back.

-you didn't answer my question- he says smiling.

-you already know the answer- I say rolling my eyes.

he chuckles and engulfs me in a hug- last night was amazing- he says kissing my cheeks.

-Mhmm- I hum- i mean i wouldn't mind having more nights like that at all- i say looking at him as the biggest smile appears in his face.

-I thought you wanted to start slow- he teases.

I shrug- I mean we are just knowing each other um... but deeper- I say smiling a little.

-Totally- he kisses my head- I missed waking up with you by my side a lot.

-I missed sleeping with you- I look at him and peck him.

He hugs me tighter and say- so what are our plans for to day-

-We c-

-and don't say going shopping- he cuts me off.

I roll my eyes- i could call jack and Noah and tell them to come around and then now in the morning we could visit my parents- I say to him who seems to like the idea since he nods.

-I like that- he says with his head on my neck- but can we stay like this for like the next 4 hours?- he says getting closer and cuddling me.

-you are so lazy- I say giggling- it is almost 10 am we should be waking up no-

-nooo- he says crying- 5 more minutes please?

I roll my eyes- okaayy- I say, our bodies in contact with each other.

After almost 10 minutes of trying to convince him to get up I finally get him out of bed.

-I am not gonna forgive you for this- he says as he grabs his clothes from the floor.

-Come on we stayed 10 minutes there- I say to him as i start dressing up.

-You wanna go to Starbucks?? i don't have anything in my fridge- I say as I start brushing my hair and getting ready.

No answer.

-Come on Chase you did not get mad for that- I say walking to him, I know he wasn't mad, he just wanted a kiss.

I hug him from behind and i start kissing his neck-i know- i kiss him- that you are not mad- i kiss him again- you just want kisses- i continue doing so till he turns around trying to hide his smile.

-I am just tired- he says hugging me.

-So let's get a coffee- I say grabbing his hand.

-Fine- he says rolling his eyes.

We reach to Starbucks and there was the longest queue you could ever imagine.

-Really?- Chase says annoyed- we could have triplets and still we wouldn't have our coffee.

I laugh at his comment- i guess we'll have to be patient- I say to him as I grab his hand.

He rolls his eyes -yeah I guess s-

-Drew is calling me- I say scared, cutting him off, as I showed him my phone.

-Why are you freaking out?- he asks.

-Because it might be Austin- I say as if it was the clearest thing in the world.

-Come on answer it- he says.

-Drew??- I ask him

-Hi Maddie- he says- um... what did you tell Austin las night? because he might be having a little hangover, he won't stop throwing up. he okay though!?

-I don't know, he won't talk about what happened so that's why i am asking you what did you say to him?

-I don't know just that i didn't wanna ruin our friendship and that i really appreciated all that he did for me- I say feeling guilty.

-then i guess he just didn't expect tha-

-of course he didn't Drew, he even bought me flowers- I say as Chase presses the engine and we still wait in the queue.

-poor him- he says as i hear someone puking in the background.

-just stay there for him, i hope he'll get over this- I say to him feeling so guilty.

-Okay and don't feel guilty about it- he says as he hangs up.

I sigh.

-What happened now??- Chase asks as he notices my expression.

-Austin got really drunk last night and now he can't stop throwing up- I say.

-It's not your fault, you know that right??- he asks me.

-I guess- i say.

-Mads don't be stupid, you couldn't do anything about it- he says reassuring me.

-But I am a shitty friend- i say not looking at him.

-No you are n-

-Yes i am Chase I was fucking you while he was getting drunk as hell, i fucked you not even an hour later that I broke his heart, I should have been there for him as he used to be there for me- I felt really bad.
Austin was the reason thanks to why I smiled again and he helped me cope a lot.

Chase doesn't say anything.

-Good Morning, what would you like to order?- a woman says, interrupting my thoughts.

-I would like a large latte with almond milk please- Chase says in a neutral voice.

-a medium caramel one for me as well- I say with a lower voice than usual.

-Okay 9,45$ then- the woman says as Chase pays- have a great day.

-you too- Chase says with a fake smile that immediately drops as we leave.

-So regret what happened yesterday??- he asks me, his voice cracking.

My heart breaks- no of course not what's that for?- I say looking at him.

He shrugs- I don't know the way you said that you were fucking me as if it was like...something bad- he says, i could see his eyes filling with tears. I had to take care of this boy. He was so sensitive and lovely at once.

-I am sorry if that's how it sounded like Chase, but i promise i don't regret anything- i say rubbing his arm and interlocking our fingers- i just hope i would have been there for Austin as he was there for me.

He nods his head and looks at me with the corner of his eye.

I kiss his hand.

-Just text him, asking him if he wanna hang around or something, but to be honest, I don't think that that's what gonna help the most this time- he says- just give him some time.

I sigh- yeah, what should I text him?- I say taking sips of my coffee.

-That's a thing between you and him Mads- he says focus on driving.

I click his contact name 'Austin South', I smile to myself and I start typing in the keyboard.

Hi Austin, i am sorry about what happened, I just didn't want to get your hopes up. I still appreciate you as a friend and I am so thankful for everything you have helped me with. Call me if you need anything but I understand that you want some time for yourself :)

-Is that good??- I ask Chase after reading the whole thing.

-Mhmm- he says nodding- even though you shouldn't apologize about it- he says as he looks at me, stroking my bottom lip.

I send the message and I turn off my phone, not wanting to see his response.

-I have not been here for months- he says kid of nervous, parking his car.

-My mom is gonna be so happy, he asked about you everyday- I say getting out of the car.

-And what did you tell her?- he asks curiously, grabbing my hand as we walked to the front porch.

I sigh- just that we weren't as close as we used to- I tell him, waiting for his reaction.

He kisses the top of my head and says- well, I think you'll have to explain her some things then- giggling a little bit.

-Oh yeah?- I say playfully- like what? That you are great at sex?- I say laughing.

-I mean, it's not a lie but I think that's not gonna need to be say.

I look at him confused.

-I mean she'll know as soon as she sees your neck-he says grinning.

I gasp as I take my phone to see it, fuck- I am gonna kill you stokes- I say trying to slap him, which only ends up in him picking me up and ticking me.

-She is gonna know as well as soon as she sees you- I say trying to breath while I laugh.

His expression immediately changes as he takes my phone to check his neck- you little..- he says running to me as I run to the front door of my house, ringing the bell.

He grabs me from the waist and starts tickling me more and more until my mom opens the door and he finally stops.

-Chase?!!- she says so excited, giving him the biggest hug- i missed seeing you here- as she kisses his cheeks.

-Hi to you too mom- I joke as she rolls her eyes and hugs me as well.

-Where did you spend the night??- she asks and I immediately look at Chase.

-Erm um...- It's all I can say.

-Well, I may have an idea- she says as I give her a deep serious look. Chase's face looked as red as a tomato and probably so did mine.

-We are not together- I quickly say-'s what you wanted to know.

-Sure- she says walking to the living room as I look at him and I mutter- look what you did- pointing to the hickeys.

He gasps- look at what YOU did- he says pointing at his, who were much bigger.

A chuckle escapes from my mouth and he looks at me with a i-want-to-kill-you look.

-So Maddie are you gonna go back to the apartment complex now? you know since you two are toge-

I roll my eyes- mom we are not together i promise, we are just starting from the beginning, and yeah i'm going back- I say as we enter the kitchen, where my dad was drinking a coffee.
He was busy with his phone so he just waved at me till he saw Chase who he immediately engulfed into a hug- missed you buddy- he whispers. I roll my eyes, they literally loved him more than me.

-Also mom, I might be visiting his family next week and then um...some of his friends from Canada- I say, nervous for her response.

-Ohh, so y'all are a serious thing now?- she asks and I roll my eyes, again.

-Well I am going upstairs to pack, I'll call you if i need anything , which i probably wil- I say to my mom as Chase and I head upstairs.

I open my bedroom door as I realize how messy it is.

-Wow you are pretty organized Mads- he says staring at my room and putting some clothes away as he sits on my bed.

-Shut up your apartment is wayy worse- I say as I open my wardrobe's door to grab my suitcase.

He starts looking at everything curiously and I see him opening the nightstand's drawer.
He immediately gasps.

-Whaaat?- he says grabbing my vibrator.

-Don't touch that and put it in its place- I say as he laughed- chase stop it- i say as he puts it back in the drawer.

I start putting all the clothes in the suitcase- you know, you could help a little bit- I say annoyed to him.

-Yeah of course- he says- are you mad??- he asks as he sees my annoyed face.

-I just hate packing- I say- and that wasn't fun- I say pointing to the drawer where it was.

He puts his strong arms around my waist and start kissing me- i am- he kisses me- sorry for laughing- he continues doing so- about that- he says kissing me more- i was just shocked- he keeps kissing me- because it was the first thing that i saw- he kisses me more- but it's completely fine- He turns me around- I hope you use this one from now one- he says pointing to his dick.

I gasp- Chasee- I say laughing- my parents are literally downstairs- i slap him- come on now help me pack

Sorry it took me so long to update!! even tho i've had this written for ages i've been so busy that i haven't gotten the time to upload it.
Hope you like it! :)

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