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-Really Maddie? You don't need this amount of random stuff- he says, holding three bags full of decoration with one hand and some pieces of furniture with the other one.

-Yes I do, my apartment is so boring right now- I say holding a bag with some t-shirts that I bought him.

-You didn't need to buy those and you know that-he says pointing at the bags full of his new clothes and leaving the others on the back seats.

-I needed to sugar momma you- I say sitting on the passenger seat.

He just rolls his eyes and we go to the restaurant that Jonas told us.

After 15 minutes trying to look for the restaurant we found it and we parked.

-Well, we are only 20 minutes late- Chase says getting off the car.

-That's not that bad to be us- I say while he opens my door so I can leave the car.

The restaurant didn't seem like an actual restaurant to be honest. It was more like a chill out pub, covered with led lights and puffy couches. It seemed comfortable and as we entered we saw Jonas and the rest of the cast sitting on a big table.

-And here they are- Rudy says, while everyone looks at each other smirking.

-Hey guys, don't worry the producers will be a little bit late so we can order and then we'll talk to them- Jonas says, drinking some wine.

I sit on a free chair next to Madison and Chase sits between me and JD. Rudy and Drew were on the other side of the table with Jonas and Josh.

-So y'all got here together?- Madison says to me with a big smile on her face. Unfortunately to me, everyone hears that. car kind of broke so he had to bring me here- I say

-Yeah for sure- Dre says filling our glasses with wine.

-Don't be jealous drew he is all yours- I say laughing.

-Hey hey i am not an object guys, i guess y'all have to bid for me- he says drinking the entire glass of wine.

-You wish- I say as me and Madison laugh.

-Y'all are soo funny- Rudy says imitating our voice.

-Who told him that he knew how to imitate voices??- Bailey says and they start "fighting" as they always do, kind of brother-sister relationship.

We waited for ten minutes more when Jonas says- guys here are the producers, act normal.

I was a little bit tipsy and I couldn't stop laughing until everyone saw the netflix logo in their t-shirts.

-And this wasn't an important meeting?? Jonas they literally- Bailey says before she gets cut off by Jonas.

-So here are the Netflix producers, Max and Robert- he says shaking their hands.

I was drunk as fuck and I was supposed to have a normal conversation with some Netflix producers? Everyone of us had this pale faces and we were looking at each other with what-are-we-supposed-to-do kind of look.
Everyone kept quiet for some seconds until I decided to fill my glass again with wine and I drunk it all at once. The solution to all my problems I guess.

After two hours of speeches talking about the requirements of Netflix or i don't know what the fuck, the producers finally leave. I didn't understand anything because I was a little bit drunk and I didn't wanna talk since I could easily fuck everything up so I just nodded my head when Jonas told me to do so.

-That was fucking amazing!!!!- Jonas yells and everyone starts yelling of happiness and clapping their hands. If i am being honest I didn't know what was happening.

-Outer banks is a NETFLIX SHOW everyone- Jonas says.

What? A Netflix show.

We all start laughing and drinking more if possible until midnight that is when we all decide to go back since the people from the "restaurant" were getting kind of annoyed by us.
We all said our goodbyes and went to our cars. someone stooooooole my car... i saw it and now i can't find my caaarr- I say to Chase that was the only one left here.

-Omg Maddie you are so drunk- he says rolling his eyes and picking me up.

-HEELP HE IS KIDNAPPING M- but Chase cut me off putting his hand on my mouth.

-Can you please shut the hell up, you came here with me, remember? your car broke..- he says opening his car's door and locking up my belt.

-Oouuh I remember- I say laughing because of the scene that I just made.

-And then I am supposed to be the annoying one while drunk??

-Don't be rude- I pouting a little bit, I couldn't stop laughing for whatever reason.

-Tomorrow you are not gonna be able to wake up because of your headache you are aware right??- he says focused on driving

-Oh seriously!!?? it is not my first time drinking daddy- I say still laughing.

-You just didn't call me daddy- he says with a disgusted look.

-Shut up- I say opening the window and sticking my head out.

-Maddie stop it we are gonna crash if you don't stay calm- he says trying to get me still.

-You know that you are being so boring right now?

-Sorry for caring about our lives- he says parking his car and closing my window.

It was pretty dark outside and the sky was covered with stars.. I immediately start feeling cold, which made sense considering that i was wearing a tank top and some denim shorts.

-Hey I have a hoodie right there- he says opening the back door of his black car- here- he says handing me a grey hoodie with FLORIDA written in it, it was similar to the one that he was wearing the day we met.

-Thanks- I say putting it on while we walked to the apartment complex that was a little bit far from the parking lot.

It was a quiet and short walk, I guess that I was too drunk that I didn't want to talk in case that I screwed everything up (which probably I would) Suddenly we are walking through the hall with an uncomfortable silence until I reach my apartment. I try to open it but I just couldn't.

-Do I have to do everything for you- he says laughing and opening my door.

-Thanks- I say giggling and entering my apartment.

-See you next week around set john b

-Remember to drink a glass of water before going to bed cameron bye- he says giving me a kiss in the check.

I should have not feel butterflies but I did. I tried to ignore those feelings since they were going nowhere and I fill myself a glass of water. I sit on my white counter thinking about all the wild stuff that has happened in less than 48 hours. I have literally met my new best friends, I have slept with a new boy that I have just met and that has a girlfriend who he has been dating for almost 10 years, i am in good terms with my family and I am going to be on a Netflix show not to mention that I am wearing a hoodie of that boy and that I am gonna start filming kisses scenes with him in less than a week. I try to get those thoughts out of my mind and change to my pijamas so I can go to bed. I do all my skin care and I lie down at 1 a.m, nervous for what was going to happen within the next days.

Broken lovers- a Chase and Madelyn storyWhere stories live. Discover now