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I woke up by the sound of the alarm and I find myself in this white room, I don't know where am I.

Then I remember that I am in my new apartment in Charleston. In these lasts 4 days I have tried to get accustomed to waking up here but I guess that I will have to wait a little bit to feel like this is my new home. When Jonas gave me the keys four days ago me and my mom couldn't wait longer to come here. It wasn't as tiny as i thought, the kitchen was connected to the living room which I liked and also there was a ginormous window at the end of the apartment, next to the couch. The bathroom wasn't the biggest but it wasn't bad at all, I'll miss a bath though. Finally, the bedroom was pretty cool as well. The bed was so comfy.
I couldn't wait to decorate it with all my candles, crystals, plants....

I finally turn off my alarm and I get up. It was eight o'clock and I needed to be at a car agency at 8:30 to pick up my car. I started doing my skin care and I decided that I would have breakfast on my way home, just because I missed driving through the Charleston's streets.

I grab the keys and my purse and I walk to the cars agency. I decided to go by walking because I didn't want to bother my mom anymore, not because my dad had arrived at home or anything.
I was really scared of talking to him so I used the excuse that I was very busy, which wasn't a lie since I have been doing chemistry reads with almost 17 different people these last few days.
Almost all the roles were booked, well, all unless the john b one, Jonas and the crew have been looking for the main role for a long time now, for almost 2 weeks.

It kind of scared me because whoever was going to play the John B character was actually going to kiss me and stuff like that. Well, as well as the Topper one, he was called Austin and he seemed nice, but I haven't spent much time with him since I have been more with Lilah, Madison and Elaine, one of the crew members that worked with cameras.

Madison is actually pretty cool, she always makes me laugh and we always have a lot of fun together.

While all these thoughts were on my mind I realized that I had already arrived at the agency.
I pull the door to see a lady (probably in her late 40s) talking to someone on the phone.
She hangs up and concentrates all her attention on me.

-Um...Hi I am here for my car that came from LA, my name is Madelyn Cline- I say to her smiling.

-Oh of course, is your car a black one isn't it??- she says while looking at some papers.

-Yes, it is a black jeep- I say.

-Okay so here are your keys and the number of the placement where it is- she says giving me my car keys and handing me a kind of paper with the number 16 on it.

-Thank you- I say, going to the garage where all the cars were.

I enter in my car and I start driving through these streets that I have missed so much, I don't know how but I end up in Starbucks getting a cold latte with a donut. I decide to also grab a pink drink to Madison since she loves it.

While driving I tried to remember some memories from my childhood of each street and I end up again overthinking who will play the john b character. What if I don't like this person? Or if I don't connect with him? Or if he doesn't like the way I kiss? Or if he hates me?? Okay Maddie stop this is stupid, it is only acting. Or that is what I hope so.

I arrive to the apartment complex and I go to Madison's apartment to give her the pink drink.

I knock on the door a total of probably 74 times and I finally hear some steps coming from inside the apartment.

-Maddie, what are you doing here?? It is too early in the morning- she says, it was obvious that she had just woken up.

-Hello to you too- I say laughing- I thought that you would want a pink drink?- I say handing it to her. A smile immediately appeared on her face.

-Omg Have I ever told you how much I love you Cline????- she says jumping.

-Yes, like everydayy- I say laughing.

-So, do you want anything?- she asks, opening the fridge.

-Girll, you think I went to Starbucks and didn't get anything for me??- I say laughing.

-Makes sense, sorry I am a little bit asleep- she says rubbing her eyes.

-I can see that- I say, going to the living room so I could seat on the couch.

-Sorry if the apartment is a little bit messy, I have just received all the boxes and that stuff- she says, trying to clean everything a little bit.

-No worries Bailey, my apartment is messier, kind of need to go to target to buy some cool and cheap decoration- I say, thinking that hopefully she would go with me, you never know what friends of my childhood I could find in this town.

-If you want I can go with you, this apartment looks so motherfucking boring- she says taking sips of her drink.

-Okayy, but first we gotta go to work, today is the last day of auditions.

-I am kind of intrigued of who is going to play John B, like, he is the main character and they have not found the actor- she says, throwing the empty Starbucks glass to the bin.

-Same, and I have to kiss him and all these weird things and haven't met him yet and I haven't done a single chemistry read with him, imagine if I am scared/intrigued- I say, feeling nervous again for this whole situation.

-Omg I didn't think that, I hope that you guys connect because y'all are the main couple. You have also a hot scene with Austin don't you??- she says, she loves being spicy.

-Yes, and I haven't talk to him like a lot yet- I say getting even more nervous if possible.

-Well, let's go to work if we don't want to get fired before we start filming - she says getting up, grabbing her keys and opening the door.

-they'll meet soon!!! so excited-

Broken lovers- a Chase and Madelyn storyWhere stories live. Discover now