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I didn't want to think too much what I was doing because I was going to regret it immediately but as soon as I realized I was there.

I knock on the door a total of 8 times and no response again. What was I expecting? I decided to knock another time just in case. Thankfully the door opens.

-What do you want now?- he asks. He looked as if he had just woken up.

-You are not gonna believe this but can you take me to my parents house?- I ask, he probably hates me.

-Now you want me to take you there? What was all that talk about that I was a gossip for listening to your family problems?- he says confused.

-Chase please, I am sorry but my car just broke down and my mom-

-Okay okay but make it quick- he says grabbing his car keys and going to the parking lot (almost running)

We enter his car and there was an uncomfortable silence.

-Thanks, my mum would have killed me if I wasn't there- I say while he presses the engine.

-No worries. But are you going to tell me what is going on with your family?- he asks.

Should I tell him?

-So basically I left my house at 18 thinking that in California I would become a superstar and I am not sure why I thought that opportunities would fall from the sky  so I basically ended up feeding horses and trying to live with a lot of roommates in a tiny apartment. My mum has always supported me, even though she didn't like the idea of me leaving to another state that young, she was there for me, but for my dad, he always wanted me to stay here. He didn't like the idea of me being in another part and less working as an actress. He said that I wouldn't live good working on this. And he disliked more the idea of quitting college that young and not graduating and I felt like shit when I-

Tears start falling down my face.

-Um...It is okay Maddie- he says rubbing my arm with one of his hands while concentrated on the road- you don't have to tell me everything, it is okay, i understand you.

-I am just really nervous- I say whipping some of the tears.

-Look, what is the worst thing that can happen??- he asks.

-My parents disinheriting me??- I say narrowing my eyes.

-Listen Maddie they are not going to do that, sooner or later they'd want to fix everything okay? and probably your talk is going to go great, just be honest with them, let them talk and try to understand them, at least a little bit?- he says, parking his car in front of my house.

As soon as I see my house i feel like I need to throw up.

As I am walking to the porch door I realize that everything will go better if I stay calm. ''Yes Maddie, just as Caro taught you"

I remember when I had to break up with my toxic LA boyfriend, Caro taught me how to kind of meditate, ''everything will go better if you show yourself confident''-she used to say.

A few second later, I find myself ringing the bell.

-Finally- My mom says opening the door.

-Hi...Um my car broke down so I needed someone to take me here- I say entering the house nervous as hell.

-Yeah, whatever- my mom says.

-Mum I am being honest, i am sorry because of what happened the other day, i am meeting a lot of new people, i am having a lot of different schedules and I am trying to accommodate myself again here, i just needed time- I say looking at her in the eyes.

Broken lovers- a Chase and Madelyn storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя