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I wake up by the sun coming through my thin blinds.

I open my eyes to feel a heavy weight on my arm. Chase's back. It was so uncomfortable but I didn't want to wake him up so I just stared at him, being all sleepy and peaceful. His breathing relaxing me.

He opens his eyes slowly- heyy you psycho, were you staring at me??- he says as he kisses my forehead.

-good morning to you too sleepyhead- I say trying to take my arm away from his back.

-you didn't answer my question- he says smiling.

-you already know the answer- I say rolling my eyes.

he chuckles and engulfs me in a hug- last night was amazing- he says kissing my cheeks.

-Mhmm- I hum- i mean i wouldn't mind having more nights like that at all- i say looking at him as the biggest smile appears in his face.

-I thought you wanted to start slow- he teases.

I shrug- I mean we are just knowing each other um... but deeper- I say smiling a little.

-Totally- he kisses my head- I missed waking up with you by my side a lot.

-I missed sleeping with you- I look at him and peck him.

He hugs me tighter and say- so what are our plans for to day-

-We c-

-and don't say going shopping- he cuts me off.

I roll my eyes- i could call jack and Noah and tell them to come around and then now in the morning we could visit my parents- I say to him who seems to like the idea since he nods.

-I like that- he says with his head on my neck- but can we stay like this for like the next 4 hours?- he says getting closer and cuddling me.

-you are so lazy- I say giggling- it is almost 10 am we should be waking up no-

-nooo- he says crying- 5 more minutes please?

I roll my eyes- okaayy- I say, our bodies in contact with each other.

After almost 10 minutes of trying to convince him to get up I finally get him out of bed.

-I am not gonna forgive you for this- he says as he grabs his clothes from the floor.

-Come on we stayed 10 minutes there- I say to him as i start dressing up.

-You wanna go to Starbucks?? i don't have anything in my fridge- I say as I start brushing my hair and getting ready.

No answer.

-Come on Chase you did not get mad for that- I say walking to him, I know he wasn't mad, he just wanted a kiss.

I hug him from behind and i start kissing his neck-i know- i kiss him- that you are not mad- i kiss him again- you just want kisses- i continue doing so till he turns around trying to hide his smile.

-I am just tired- he says hugging me.

-So let's get a coffee- I say grabbing his hand.

-Fine- he says rolling his eyes.

We reach to Starbucks and there was the longest queue you could ever imagine.

-Really?- Chase says annoyed- we could have triplets and still we wouldn't have our coffee.

I laugh at his comment- i guess we'll have to be patient- I say to him as I grab his hand.

He rolls his eyes -yeah I guess s-

Broken lovers- a Chase and Madelyn storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ