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-Finally- he says as we enter in the hotel's bedroom.

I lie down in the bed- I'm starving, what time is it?- I ask.

-Half past seven- he says- you wanna order something?

-Yeah, let's see what this room service has- I say opening the menu- what do you fancy?

-You babe- he says joking.

-For real Chase, I'm hungry- I say rolling my eyes.

He smiles- Ummm I don't know- he says- pasta?


We order two plates of ravioli and I see this like the perfect opportunity to talk about all that's been going on my mind.

-So- I say.

-So- he repeats.

-Remember your mom's party?- I say.

-Mmmh- he says- I remember better the afterparty though- he jokes, which earns a laugh and a slap from me.

-For real Chase- I say laughing- I think we have some things to talk about.

-Okay, shoot.

-So um... I think we should talk about our limits you know? like things we consider cheating or things that we don't think are appropriated.

-Okay- he says- you wanna start?

-So, I don't like being apart from you at parties, not because I don't trust you but because with everything that has happened to me I-

-Yeah I get you Mads, leaving you alone in the last party was not okay i don't know what was I thinking about- he explains.

I smile.

-So I know that you can overthink sometimes and I hate seeing you like that and more when you telling me that you are fine, or that is not anything important when I know that it's bugging you.
I also consider communication really important okay?

I nod- okay.

I lie my head on his shoulder and we keep talking like this till we hear the lady from the room service knocking at our door.

I wake up to see some green eyes staring at me while a hand rubs my cheek.

-Morning- I say giggling as he gets closer to peck me on my lips- you watching me?

-Mhmm- he says cuddling me- where do you wanna go to have breakfast?

I shrug- dunno, maybe to a small and cute coffee shop

-Alright- he says- I'll start getting ready and you should do the same sleepyhead, it's almost eleven.

-Ugh- I groan as I get up and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

When I get out i grab all my skin care products and start doing my morning routine while Chase comes every now and them to brush his teeth and his hair.

-You brought all of them?- He asks shocked when he sees all the products I was applying on my face.

-Only some- I say while I apply my favorite serum- you are lucky you are a boy.

-I sure am- he says laughing and slapping my ass as I stick my middle finger out at him.

I decide to wear some cute trousers and a jumper.

-You ready?- he asks.

-Yess- I say grabbing my bag.

-So let's go then- he says wrapping his arms around me.

We find a small coffee shop and order two coffees with some bagels and we sit on a small corner of the shop.

-This is delicious- I say- It actually tastes like coffee and not like powders.

-Welcome to the real world outside the USA- he says chuckling.

-So what are our plans for today?

-Thomas has invited us to his apartment, he is one of my childhood friends- he explains while taking small sips of coffee- and for now we can walk around the city.

-Okay, I like that plan- I say smiling as he gets closer and pecks my lips.

After minutes of talking and staring at the busy people that came by, we stand up and start our stroll around the city.

I instantly fall in love with Vancouver, reminding me a bit of home. Here everything was so familiar, people were normal and they all carried a big smile in their faces.

-If we have children, I want to raise them in a place like this- I say, which takes Chase aback.

-Wow, we talking bout kids now?- he says joking as I playfully push him.

-I'm being serious- I say- I don't want to raise them in LA.

-Ditto, but I always thought of raising them in the lake house.

-That can be our house for the weekends- I say, falling in love with the idea of having our own family.

He chuckles-Fair enough, how many would you like?

-How many what?- I ask confused, still staring at the beautiful city.

-Children Mads, we are talking about kids- he says laughing.

-Oh- I say feeling like a complete idiot- well, at least two, life is pretty boring being an only child to be honest, how many do you want?

-As many as you do- he says rubbing my back- but I would love to have four or even five, maybe three girls and a boy.

-You know that you can't choose that right?- I ask him giggling.

-Seriously?- he asks, obviously joking- no, but our kids are going to be be so pretty, even if they are half prettier than you they would already be the most beautiful babies ever.

-Shut up- I say laughing- but 5 kids it's a lot, I guess we'll have to start practicing soon then.

He laughs and whispers into my ear- like, right now?

I immediately blush and roll my eyes- You wish.

He slaps my butt- no but seriously, I love having so many siblings even though they are not entirely my siblings, it's so much fun, you always have someone to talk to.

-Well, let's hope our kids don't have step siblings- I say laughing.

-I'll try my best, but I can't promise anything- he jokes.

-So funny- I say sticking my tongue out which he takes as a chance to kiss me.

-Is that Chase?- we suddenly hear, making us stop.

-Oh hi bro- Chase says to a group of people, who I was guessing that were his friends

-So that must be Maddie right?- one of them says, pointing at me.

I smile saying hi to everyone- that's me.

-So we'll see y'all tonight at Thomas's right?- the same boy asks.

-You will- Chase says as they walk away from us not without saying "nice to meet you Maddie" before.

I pretend I haven't noticed all their stares at my ass and roll my eyes as we continue walking, our hands interlaced.

-What's wrong?- Chase asks confused.

-What do you mean?

-You just rolled your eyes, you didn't like them? If it's that way we can stay at the hotel tonight Mads-

-Chase it's okay- I say laughing and dying of cuteness- they just all stared at my ass but it's fine- I repeat chuckling.

-Oh- he says, not expecting that at all- it's like an internal joke, they said the past girls I liked didn't have one so I guess they were just checking.

-Y'all are weird- I say as we continue walking, enjoying our company and talking about our future.

Broken lovers- a Chase and Madelyn storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن