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After 20 minutes full of sighs because there wasn't any spot in the park lot, we found a perfect one.

-Finally girl, I was tired of going 45 times through the same street to see anything but cars- she says getting off the car.

-Same- I say locking my car- I am going to say hello to Lilah, see you later baileyy- I say blowing her a kiss in the air.

-Byee babyy- she says, going to the main room where people were auditioning.

I was on my way to greet Lilah, I liked to say hello to her every morning since we have gotten really close. I basically know everything about her and we only have known each other for less than a week.
She always stays in this room that has a sofa and a table, because she is homeschooling, so she has to do her homework.
I was about to enter the room when I see a man with a hood and a hat on, he seemed kind of moody and bratty not gonna lie.

-Hi- he says looking at me pretty confused, he tries to move himself to one side of the couch so I can seat when he winces in pain.

-Hi...Um are you okay?- I ask him, literally this was just the weirdest experience of my life, I don't know who this man is or what is he doing here since this room is private, which means that not anybody can enter.

-Yes...This is probably the weirdest question that you are going to be asked but I have just been in the middle seat of a red eye so can you walk on my back??

What the actual fuck, since I didn't know him and he could be any of the producers of the show or even from Netflix I tried to be nice. Didn't want to have bad vibes with anyone to be honest.

-Yes...Um...Of course- I say while he starts to take off his hoodie.

He lies down on the sofa and I put myself kind of over him, this shit was uncomfortable, so I started massaging his back.
This was embarrassing and I hope that no one saw myself like this. I was just walking on his back and I suddenly see Jonas entering the room. I felt my checks as red as a tomato.

-It is him- Jonas says whispering and pointing the man that was literally shirtless under me.

No way this man was going to play John B, there was no way.

-Um...I feel like I should have had told you this sooner but I am Maddie and I am playing Sarah Cameron- I say, and he turns around and looks at me. I can feel that he is embarrassed as well.

-Oh... I am Chase and I am playing-

-John B- Jonas says while he walks inside the room with some scripts on his hands- And I can see that you guys already know each other.

-Um...yes my back really hurt- chase says laughing a little while he put his hoodie back on.

-So how about doing some chemistry reads?? You can also give me some advice on things that you would like to see in John B and Sarah, feel free.

We started doing some reads and it didn't go bad at all. Jonas said that we really had the chemistry that he was looking for and that we really connected. I suggested some things that I wanted to see in Sarah's evolution, I wanted her to find comfort in John B and Chase wanted the same for him, he wanted him to respect Sarah's decisions and this kind of things. We wanted the same so it was really easy as well as interesting talking about the character's development.

-So I am just going to finish all the auditions and you guys can stay here to talk and this sorts of things, by the way Maddie Lilah is in the other room in case that you want to see her later, bye- he says waving his hand, winking at us and closing the door.

An uncomfortable silence covered the entire room so I decided to break it.

-Does your back feel better?-I say, trying to make a conversation with this boy that I found a little bit bratty.

-No...not at all, thank you for the massage, and sorry for asking you to walk on my back I didn't know that you were going to play my on-screen partner- he says smiling a little bit.

-No worries, it kind of broke the ice- I say.

-So where are you from??- he asks a little bit nervous.

-I am actually from here, from Charleston, where are you from?- this was the most uncomfortable conversation that I have ever had, it reminded me of that type of conversation that you had when you were little with those toddlers of your parents' friends.

-Oh...Um I am from Maryland but I lived in Florida a big part of my childhood because-

And suddenly someone opens the door and I couldn't be more grateful when I see who it was.

-Hi Lilaah- I say standing up and hugging her.

-Hii, um my father just told me that y'all were here and I needed to meet the star of the show- she says looking at Chase.

-Um...Hi I am Chase...Stokes- he says standing up as well and shaking his hand with Lilah.

-She is Jonas daughter- I clarify.

-Oh, nice to meet you Lilah, you are Coop's sister aren't you??- he says.
-Yes unfortunately- she says laughing.

-So my dad is calling y'all, he wants you two to go to the room that is at the end of the hall for some weird meeting or reunion- she says when suddenly someone calls her and she says goodbye with her lips and disappears in the hall.

-So let's go- he says.

We arrive at the room and see Madison and Rudy sitting together on the couch tickling each other while JD was sitting on a chair next to them.
When Bailey and Rudy realize that we are in the room they stop tickling each other and direct all their attention to us.

-Hi, is Jonas here??- I say, sitting on the couch that was in front of Madison and Rudy.

-Nope, not here yet- says Madison- Um sorry you are going to play John B aren't you??

-Yes, Um I am Chase nice to meet you- he says sitting next to me.

-You too- she says when Jonas enters the room.

-Hi, I see that all of you already know each other, Um...- he says leaning on the door- So you guys know that chemistry and friendship is so important in this show so you will spend the rest of the day and tomorrow in the chateau, knowing each other better and all these things, if you don't mind of course.

-Are there gonna be beers and like food?- Rudy asks, why does he ask the same questions that JJ would? it is hallucinating how much they look alike.

-Yes Rudy- Jonas says laughing- there will be some drinks.

-Okay, so I am down- he says smiling like a little kid.

-Same- we all agree.

I was kind of nervous because I didn't know these people that much, I only got on with Madison and I knew JD and Rudy from some chemistry reads. As for Chase, I didn't know what to think about him even though Jonas said that he could see "our sparks"

-If y'all want we can go in my car- I say, since I do believe that their cars haven't arrived yet.

-Good idea, but please don't kill us, Maddie is not the best driver out there guys- Bailey says laughing.

-So funny Bails- I say faking a smile- well, so let's go.

Broken lovers- a Chase and Madelyn storyWhere stories live. Discover now