a ship of lightning

By Unbeknowntech

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this comes from the prologue navy ship scrapyard 1955 we see a destroyer with workers preparing to start on t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
1k reads special
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

chapter 9

1K 35 22
By Unbeknowntech

as every one gets on board the siren vessel cleveland voiced what every one is thinking

Cleveland: how just how did you do this

"I just sent a surge if power through the ship and I felt responses like from my rigging hell look I can change the lights to different colors"

after saying that the ships blue lights died out and orange one kicked on only replaced by blue once again

Cleveland: this is just a lot like how did you know that would work

" I didn't but you showing me phone basics I noticed the phone when I did certain actions I felt a change of power flow in it and I felt the same thing here so I decided to test if I can manipulate the flow to give me control and well as you can see the ship is under my command"

Cleveland: and you did this why?

"well you said eagle union never got their hands on one to see how it ticks so why not grab one and poke around in it and find weak points"

Cleveland: I understand now you want to use siren tech

"not at all I want to reverse engineer it but you saying you don't want to is quite hypocritical"

suddenly hammond butts in

Hammond: reverse engineer it that the same thing and what do you mean eagle union being hypocritical

 "What I'm getting at is taking tech from your enemies and finding out how it works just to turn it against them with no backlash was quite common in my world hell eagle unions equivalent captured a6m2 zeros and took them apart to figure out how to make a better engine royal navy was the same with tanks and aircraft like bf 109s and some of the panzers later in the war were reverse engineered the planes were quite comparable our spitfires and such the panzers where normally found abandoned either they had transmission trouble from the weight or they where out of fuel"

Cleveland: oh so do you know why we split?


hammond: the azurlane believed in the use of only human tech while the crimson axis believed in using siren tech aginst the sirens

"that's on many levels stupid"

hamond: how so

"lets say the sirens have be quite recently"

Cleveland: they have

"and that we split and keep fighting each other until we are to weak to fight back"

Cleveland: and the sirens are going to come in and kill us at that state

"bingo splitting because of a difference in principles is stupid, to say the least it leaves both parties weaker and easier to kill by a third party"

hammond: so we should use siren tech?

"yes and no we are going to reverse engineer it figgier out how it works and then make our own versions better situated for ourselves"

Cleveland: so take inspiration form it?

"in a way yes"

Cleveland: alright then lets get moving

a few miles off of port sirens began to go off but were abruptly cut off when wales noticed that piorun was sitting on top

wales: the hell did they manage to capture a siren ship?

enty: no clue

belfast: I am quite surprised as well but wales I would prefer if you kept such vulgarity to your self

wales: my apologies but we need to find out why and how did they get a siren vessel

after several minutes the siren ship docks and turns off with everyone getting off and Hammond taking the two destroyers to vestal

wales: Cleveland and piorun can you tell me why you captured a siren vessel?

"I'll be glad to answer that Wales Cleveland informed me that you never got to take one apart and find weak points or find any think that could further research"

wales: while i agree with the finding weak points part i don't like the research part

"this again?"

enty: what are you getting at

"ill have Cleveland explain my thoughts as i want to check something"

after Cleveland explains what piorun told her earlier wales and enty look at piorun in a manner of slight distrust but also understanding they begin to approach piorun to talk about her ideals

enty: so in your world, it was normal for enemies to take tech and use it aginst the makers of it?


wales: and this was common across all camps?

"nations but again yes"

enty: i guess as long as you don't do anything that could harm others you could mess with it and find weak points

wales: I guess we ll have to make some ground rules

"such as?"

enty: no intergrading siren tech into a ship unless it is fully made by your hand after reverse engineering

"never was my intention to put pure siren tech near any rigging"

wales: nothing that could kill by it self

"so nothing autonomous"

enty: that covers the main fears

wales: if shes going mess with is shes going to need a lab or workshop area

enty: we have that old research and development building

wales: that could work

"can we finish this discussion later it getting late and i want to sleep"

enty: its alright

wales: we'll have you shown to your new lab tomorrow by Belfast

"i assume to keep it on the down low?"

enty: yes and we want to have some one there to supervise you as you can do some very stupid ideas

"can i chouse an assistant?"

wales: i don't see why not why?"

"well we have a pow from a faction that has messed with siren tech"

enty: you mean Prinz?

"yep and she can help move research along faster as she is familiar with it already"

wales: makes sense and Belfast will already be there if she tries anything

enty: and her rigging is already destroyed so she can't help us in open water if she manages to gain our trust that much

wales: we will allow it under some restrictions


wales: no weapons

"wasn't planing it anyways"

enty: and treat her well we still need to follow regulations

"wait genevas a thing here?"

enty: what geneva?

"i guess not but a similar thing carried over then"

wales:what are you getting at?

"my world had to actually enforce laws for warfair"

enty: such as?

"no chemical weapons, no execution of pows, no miss treat meant of pows and so on its just meant to keep people from dyeing in ways that could be considered inhumane"

wales: oh my how do they enforce this?

"they can't always at times it's by accident or it's intentional they can only get the cases where it was reported as well"

enty: you want through some shit

wales: well they do say war is hell

"no war is war and hell is hell and of the two of them war a lot worse"

wales: would you care to explain your reasoning piorun?

"tell me wales who goes to hell"

wales: sinners i believe

"exactly in hell there are no innocent bystanders in war it chalked full of them"

wales: I see

"i need to sleep good night"

after piorun walks out of earshot

enty: I think shes getting tired of war

wales: well you heard her shes seen things that would make a person wish they were dead

enty: yea maybe we give her a teaching position along with research?

wales: along with the option of being called on to sortie or do a patrol

enty: yea that would be good for her

end of chapter

feel free to give feedback I wish to improve 

 and meme

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