All I want is YOU! 💋 ( FIVE)

נכתב על ידי EmmaaGabriellaa

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Hi , this is section FIVE OF MY STORYLINES, I can't help myself to keep writing! Ahah enjoy ! עוד

How do i un experience this?
That's a start
Why didn't i take the time ?
Chloe the tiny assistant 👩‍⚕️🩺
Londyn is a big girl now 👧🛏️
Everyone has fears ! 👻🕷️🐍
Momma , Nonna says "Hi" 🥺🕊️
Would you love to work with me ? 🥺
Its more STRESSFUL then JOYFUL 😳
The spaghetti monster
Juliette Hope
Its pooring hard ! ☔️🥺
Momma we have a surprise for you
It's haircut time
Babe, it's okay to cry !
Let have a little fun !
Londyn's first playdate 🛝💕
Planning / attending Alessandro's baptism
When were you going to tell me?
I don't want her to ..... 🥹
Its on Morgan Street, babe
I legit can't stay home today ! 😳
Kayla you need to rest
Kayla's baby shower!
Happy 8 th birthday Violet and Scarlett
Things are slowly picking up now 😳🤰🏻
Momma is home! Yayyyy!
I would sleep all week😴
Five Fourty-Eight am !
Five Fourty-Eight AM part two 💕😳🥳
I feel like a new woman! 😊
The kids are back home yay 🥳
Nahhhh uhhh Londyn !
Watching Londyn's birth video
Unicorns here , unicorns there 🦄💕
No popsicles for breakfast!
Hello Quintuplets !
The Quintuplets are doing good,
Londyn's Teething oh my ! 😳😬
You have to ask Bambina
Head And Shoulders !
Please be careful my Bambina 🥹🧑‍🚒
It really really hurts 🦵😬
Why , it s annoying TO me ! 🥹
Can i try it momma?
I'm a big girl momma.
Parents- Teacher day 🥳🍎
I want the pain to stop 😬
You are burning up babe! 🤒
Authors Note

Back to the clinic we go 👩‍⚕️👩🏻‍⚕️🤰🏻

26 1 0
נכתב על ידי EmmaaGabriellaa

Saturday December 2nd 2020

8h28 am
Carina: hi , what's your name?
Linda : my name is Linda , I uh came in yesterday, and you said I wasn't dilated enough but hrmmmmmmm ahhhhh , i think it's starting....
Carina: okay right come with me , I'll check your cervix and we'll go from there okay!
Linda : okay thank you, please don't send us back home if we are not 3 centimetres.... We live an hour away and I won't make it back home and back here when it actually is labour . Ouhhhhh !
Carina: alright!
Joe, help her up on the bed please! ** she closes the hospital drapes to let Linda get into the hospital birthing gown**
Joe: okay, she's all changed!
Carina: alright!  Is it your first pregnancy?
Linda and Joe: yes !
Carina: okay, that's okay, ** one cervical exam later**
good news, you are at a 6 almost 7 centimetres!

Linda: oh thank goodness, okay so um all of this pressure I'm feeling I'm my vagina and butt is normal right?
Carina: yes everything is normal, so what is your preferred birth plan , I'll do my best to give you as much as I can to a reality of your birth experience, but if there's an emergency I'll have to differ from your birth plans!
Linda & Joe : we understand,
Linda: I uhhh would love to go all natural, and if you have birth pools that would be great,
Carina: okay, we actually do have birthing pools, I can wheel you in to the birthing tub suites !
Linda : okay. Hrmmmmm ! ** her contractions were getting stronger and stronger **
Carina: okay, ... let's go up with the elevator!

** Joe followed Carina who was wheeling Linda up to a birthing pool suite on the second floor, which is where the birth pools are, Linda was hunched over, the hospital mattress, screaming **

Carina: let it out, ** she wheeled her in the closest birthing room available **
Linda : okay! I ummm going to need help getting in ahhhhh!

** Carina and Joe both helped Linda get in the bath tub and she was feeling extremely uncomfortable in any position until she got in the tub , she leaned over the birthing pool and spread her legs out a little wider so the baby could come down faster and easier**

Carina: okay , is the water warm enough?
Linda : yea it's perfect!
Carina: okay, uhhh ! Be in whatever positions you like, being in the water is going to relieve the pressure!
Joe: have you had any children ?
Carina; siii my wife and I have six beautiful children and we legally adopted two , one of them is actually working in the clinic with me , she's my niece! But I had my first baby at home in the birthing pool.
Joe: oh that's sweet!
Carina: yeah,
Linda : hrmmmm can I push ? I feel like pushing hrmmmm
Carina: siiii, you can do what your body is telling you to do,
Linda : hrmmmmmm okay!! ARGHHHHHHHHHH !
Carina: okay, I'll check your cervix real quick
** Carina did the cervical check ready quickly**
Linda : okay
Carina: okay, good news, I can see baby A's head when you push, you are fully dilated.... Good job, keep going.... that's it, breathe in and out slowly! Not to hyperventilate, are they fraternal or identical twins?
Joe: identical boys!
Carina: sweet , I had identical twins girls !
Joe : you're doing great babe
Linda: hrmmmm !!

9h06 am
Baby A was born
Good job Linda, here he is ! ** Carina is rubbing her hands on the little baby boy so he can cry , which he does several minutes later **

Joe : you did amazing honey, I'm so proud of you
Linda: thank youuu for your wonderful support
Joe: okay... even though I felt hopeless during the entire thing
Linda: I know but you being there by my side really really helps
Joe: really?
**Carina and Linda both nodded **
Yes , it really helps us knowing that our significant other is right here with us in this special moment
Linda: yes exactly
Carina: oh and speaking of significant other, here's mine ,
**Maya came up to see if she could be of any help **
Maya: hi , is everything okay here?
Carina: hiii , yes everything is fine, what is going on down there?
Maya: uhh multiple patients are being brought here because their- grey's Sloan trauma bay is full...
Carina: okay , well I'm staying here , call everyone you think can help!
Maya: okay! ** at this moment everyone who was about to get called by Maya was actually showing up and helping everyone in need**

**Teddy, Jo, Owen, Amelia, Richard, Catherine, and even Arizona,she flew back from New York with Sofia.... Just to surprise her ex colleagues.... But when she arrives at Carina's clinic her bubbly smile and attitude... quickly turns into focus mode...**

Arizona: surprise everyone
**Carina slightly peeked her head out the door and saw the lobby of her clinic filled with patients in need followed by familiar faces coming in to help her out, , she quickly said**
Carina : oh my gosh hiiiii Arizona, hi Sofia, what are you doing here I thought you were living in New York.
Arizona: oh we are.... I have conferences in Seattle and Sofia is off school ..... but we'll talk later, where so you want me?
Carina: be anywhere you can be!
Grazie mille everyone for coming to help,
Everyone: no problem Doctor DELUCA ,
Linda : Hrmmmm Carina, I think I'm pushing again
Carina: right, okay, keep breathing, that's it, I can see his head , breathe Linda breathe! You've got this,
Carina; good job, here's your second little prince, both of them are absolutely gorgeous,
Linda : ohhhh thank you so much!
9h20 am
Linda gave birth to her second baby boy, Twin B !
**By 9h25 Linda delivered the placenta! And Carina let the new family of four bond , and she transferred them into a recovery room **

Carina came downstairs to talk with her colleagues!


Carina: hiii, oh Ellie , I'll be with you in a few minutes, Maya can you help her get situated please?
Maya: yes of course! Here , hold on to my arms ,
Ellie :, I'm 39 weeks pregnant...
Maya: okay have your waters broke yet? Here's your hospital gown !
Ellie: thank youuu.... noooo, it hasn't.... hrmmmm , Jerry hurry up owwwwww,
Jerry: I'm here babe,
Ellie: okay hrmmmmm. They really really hurt
Maya: okay, I know.... get as comfortable as you can,
Ellie: are you the doctor?
Maya: hrm , no im a paramedic and i know a few things about birth and delivery...
Ellie : hrmmmmk ahhhhhh, owwwww ! Please page Deluca
Carina : No need to page me , I'm here, alright,  she's the best birthing coach I have ever had!
** she winks at Maya, Maya smiles back **
Jerry: wait you two are married to each other?
Carina: yes , and we have six beautiful children together. Okay so um how far apart are your contractions?
Jerry : that's awesome ! And you manage to be able to work together too?
Maya: yea, ,I'm going to go to my desk real quick...
Carina: okay thank you my love, okay, so do you know what you are having?
Ellie : ouhhhhhh ! Ahhhhh we are having a girl!
Carina: ahhh okay, that's good, she's perfectly healthy and strong, so do you mind if I check you?
Ellie : okay hrmmmm !
** She spread out her legs so Carina could check her dilation. **
Carina: good news, you are 5 centimetres dilated!
IS THIS  your??
Jerry : No this is our third child!
Carina: alright, well congratulations, after the first baby comes , they usually comes a lot faster, trust me!
Ellie : hrmmmmmm , so I've been told ahhhhhhh owwwwwww the pressure is so damn intense arhhggghhhh !
Carina : I know,
———- ———- ——-
Four hours later


Ellie : okay ummmm I am definitely pushing uncontrollably now
Carina: alright, I'll check you real quick!
** She didn't have to do the cervical exam because baby girls head was crowning **
Carina: yea , I see her head , keep pushing..... that's excellent,
Ellie: I feel like I'm pushing all of my internal organs out HRMMMMMM AHHHHHHHHHH !
Carina: good, one more one more, her head is out, two more contractions and you'll have your...
Jerry : first daughter!
Carina: two boys at home.
Jerry : yea, age eight and five !
Carina: that's cute,
Ellie : hrmmmmk owwwwww !
Carina : and she's finally here! She's absolutely gorgeous!!
Babe girl was born! And five minutes later Ellie delivered the placenta
** Carina left the family to bond , and wheeled Ellie to the recovery room downstairs **

**Everyone was heading home!
Jo and Carina were walking side by side, Carina was going to go get may'a hand, Tristan was babysitting the other kids, **

Jo : what a day huh ?
Carina: yeah, I am forever thankful for everyone helps today thank youuu thank youuu
Everyone: ohhh no problem DELUCA, THATS what collegues do, we help each other out!
Carina: siii!
Jo: Hmm Carina I was meaning to ask you,
Carina: yea?
Jo: do you think I can work with you here, it's much closer to my house then greys Sloan is
Carina: of course you can jo, but the daycare here isn't built yet...
Jo: oh no worries about that, I'll figure it out!
Carina: okay perfect! Well are you okay to work tomorrow... I'll add you in the schedule tomorrow!
Jo: sii,
Maya: the clinic is open from Midnight to 20h
Carina: yea, it's only closed four hours.... I thought it was a good schedule time
Jo: oh no it's perfect!
Maya and Carina: okay well thank you everyone for coming, seriously I didn't think it would be full of people this quickly
Enjoy your night of sleep!
** Everyone went home , Carina and Maya were exhausted thankful for Tristian, he got everyone fed, bathe and ready for bed , everyone was fast asleep, both moms didn't take long to sleep either **

המשך קריאה

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