In Magician's Embrace [BOOK 1...

By Sylvia-Norcroft

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° ° ° AMBYS 2023 WINNER ° ° ° Eliza Price, daughter of the Duke of Hertfordshire, finds herself entangled in... More

0. Prologue (It All Began With A Letter)
1. Chapter (January Of Affections)
2. Chapter (The Hand Most Sought In Matrimony)
3. Chapter (The Ball)
4. Chapter (At The Red Cat)
5. Chapter (A Valuable Visitor)
6. Chapter (Meeting Sir Dodger)
7. Chapter (Two Old Rivals)
8. Chapter (The Lovers)
9. Chapter (Old Gossiper's Ball)
10. Chapter (The Magician And His Tricks)
11. Chapter (The History Of The Three Families)
12. Chapter (About Miss Morris)
13. Chapter (One Solicitor's Woes)
14. Chapter (The Clash of Siblings)
15. Chapter (A Temporary Truce)
16. Chapter (Of Mice And Rodents)
17. Chapter (The Grays' Ball)
18. Chapter (Abduction)
19. Chapter (Rejecting A Nightmare)
20. Chapter (The Price Sisters)
21. Chapter (Being Tender May Cost You A Heart)
23. Chapter (The Past That Stings Still)
24. Chapter (More Tricks For Your Mind)
25. Chapter (Frailty Mind, Broken Form)
26. Chapter (Vacationing In Hertford)
27. Chapter (Those Lovely Eyes Of Yours)
28. Chapter (Ah, Those Clandestine Affairs)
29. Chapter (Things You Do For The Family)
30. Chapter (A Sisterly Spat)
31. Chapter (Haughtiness In Hertford)
32. Chapter (Words That Incite Sentiments)
33. Chapter (My Dear Enemy)
34. Chapter (The Betrayal Most Unexpected)
35. Chapter (High Stakes Gamble)
36. Chapter (Weak, Feeble and Soft)
37. Chapter (The Chest)
38. Chapter (You Belong To Me)
39. Chapter (The Ravishing Of Lady E)
40. Chapter (To The Devil With The Scoundrels)
41. Chapter (Ladies Price)
42. Chapter (The Fallen Pretence)
43. Chapter (Good People In Danger)
44. Chapter (Heavy Revelations)
45. Chapter (Of Little Dove And Broken Son)
46. Chapter (Seeking Miss Morris)
47. Chapter (The True Deuce of Grays)
48. Chapter (The Battles Of Resolves)
49. Chapter (The Gallows Of Hearts)
50. Chapter (Lord Gray's Musings)
51. Chapter (An Unlikely Rescuer)
52. Chapter (You Don't Choose Your Enemy)
53. Chapter (Returned From The Grave)
54. Chapter (A Sinister Shot)
55. Chapter (Almost Three Months Later)
56. Chapter (What Was Hidden In The Chest)
57. Chapter (The Wedding and The Feast)
58. Chapter (The Feast Continues)
59. Epilogue I (The Unexpected Betrayal)
60. Epilogue II (Isabella, I Implore You)

22. Chapter (A Confession Of An Old Friend)

74 10 141
By Sylvia-Norcroft

Daniel was well aware that if he desired a conversation with Travis, he would have to pay a visit to his esteemed residence. Given the series of unexpected events that had transpired within his own family and during the elegant soirees, it became evident that personal interactions were best conducted in the privacy of one's abode. Nevertheless, after much anticipation, Daniel managed to set aside the necessary time to embark on his journey to Kensington, where Travis resided for the majority of his days.

To his disappointment, the servant merely informed him in a composed manner that the young Marquess was currently situated at his ancestral estate in Reading. Determined, Daniel proceeded towards Reading which took almost two days of ride, but his efforts were in vain, for the majordomo conveyed that Travis was overseeing repairs at Marlborough. With a heavy sigh, he relied on his fortified determination to endure yet another two days of travel to reach Travis' alternate estate. As dusk gracefully enveloped the countryside, Daniel at last arrived, only to find Travis in exuberant spirits, a stark contrast to his fatigued and worn appearance after numerous days in the saddle, which seemed akin to eternity.

"Daniel, what a delightful surprise! Welcome, and do take a seat. I happen to possess a remarkable vintage, diligently preserved within the confines of our local cellar," Travis warmly greeted his dear friend as the servant introduced him into the sanctum of his study. With great affability, Travis promptly rose from his desk, extending his right hand for a convivial handshake.

"Travis, it appears that a span of three years was requisite to reach your presence, having ventured from the esteemed confines of Kensington via Reading," Daniel wittily retorted, exchanging nods with Travis before settling into the nearest chair upon his indication.

Travis beamed, hastening towards the cabinet housing a selection of stimulating libations, elegantly embedded within a grand secretary. He retrieved a crystal goblet, carefully pouring a rich, crimson elixir from the decanter adorning his desk. Subsequently, he filled a second goblet for Daniel, inviting him to partake in a toast, celebrating their mutual well-being.

"After a considerable absence, I bear tidings of good fortune. In the forthcoming days, the final consignment of timber, along with a portion of our livestock, shall grace our presence, thereby culminating the extensive restoration efforts," Travis pronounced with a sense of triumph.

Observing Daniel's perplexed countenance, he expounded, "Several weeks ago, calamity befell us in the form of a conflagration. While the ultimate devastation was not as severe as anticipated, it posed a quandary concerning the scarcity of timber and livestock."

"Ah, in light of this revelation, I am genuinely delighted on your behalf. It is a rarity to witness you adorned with such jubilance," Daniel commented.

Travis let out a resigned sigh, reclining into the chair opposite Daniel.

"Alas, life has certainly bestowed upon me a dearth of reasons for mirth. This reality has imparted upon me the wisdom to savour each respite, regardless of its fleeting nature, prior to the emergence of fresh tribulations and anxieties," he articulated, lifting the goblet to his lips for a sip.

Daniel observed his childhood companion with a more prolonged gaze before inquiring, "I recollect that you experienced those... fits of unease, which left you unable to move or articulate your thoughts. Do they endure?"

Travis nodded slightly. "Indeed... but they now occur less frequently, which I find to be quite gratifying. Nevertheless, I endeavour to steer clear of circumstances that might provoke such a... reaction."

They both took another sip of their wine and then Daniel shifted the topic. "Pray, enlighten me regarding the burdens that weigh upon your shoulders, apart from the tragedy that befell your ancestral abode," he inquired with sincere interest.

"My dear mother and her proclivity for indulging in spirits," Travis confessed in a hushed tone, after a moment of contemplation. "Alas, attempting to reform her has proven a futile endeavour in the past. Nonetheless, I have succeeded in curtailing her access to intoxicating substances, and my diligent servants have been instructed to report her whereabouts and state of inebriation."

A brief interlude of silence ensued, broken by Travis' voice.

"And then there is she, the woman who has ensnared my very being, Daniel. She possesses an ethereal beauty and a keen intellect—she embodies all that I seek in a lady. My awareness of her existence awakened over a year ago, leaving me bewildered as to how my eyes failed to recognise her earlier."

A mischievous smile tugged at Daniel's lips.

"Allow me to venture a guess—is it Lady Eliza Price?"

"How did you discern my secret?!" Travis marvelled.

"Rest assured, my dear friend, your countenance betrays the truth whenever you grace the ballroom or engage in conversation with her. Your every glance is devoted to her, seizing every opportune moment," Daniel playfully divulged.

"You may be observing us! Perhaps you're merely envious," Travis exclaimed with a hint of amusement, taking a sip of wine that caused a faint flush to colour his cheeks.

Daniel chuckled and shook his head. "Not at all. However, according to my latest intelligence, the lady in question is betrothed."

"It is not yet official, nor will it be," Travis stated firmly, causing a furrow to form on Daniel's brow.

"Did she inform you of such?"


"And did she also disclose her intentions regarding severing her ties with Kent?" Daniel inquired further.

"Nay," Travis replied after a brief pause.

"Ah, so she hasn't pledged anything to you, has she? What shall you do until you ascertain her final decision? Languish in anticipation, like a hapless wretch? What if the fair lady alters her mind and espouses Kent despite all?"

Travis shook his head and scowled, Daniel's questions gradually eroding his good humour. "I understand your disfavour, but it does not render her wicked or deceitful. Moreover, she shall not wed Kent, Daniel. I hold steadfast in that belief."

Daniel shook his head in disagreement. "That woman manipulates you, my friend. You are nought but her fallback and I highly doubt such circumstances shall change, regardless of how often you may solicit her hand," Daniel argued persuasively.

"And how, pray tell, are you privy to such knowledge?!" Travis retorted, a blend of surprise and anger in his voice.

Daniel sighed but resolved to be forthright. "By happenstance, I overheard your discourse within the winter garden at my mother's soiree."

Anger flickered across Travis' countenance, his gaze a warning to Daniel that he had surpassed the boundaries of his patience. "Whatever you may have overheard, I implore you to keep it to yourself, along with your opinions," Travis admonished sharply.

His compatriot inclined his head, expressing dissent, and emitted a discreet cluck of disapproval.

"Travis, it grieves me to witness you surrendering to such a woman without caution," Daniel exclaimed.

"And it grieves me to observe a nearly thirty-year-old gentleman indulging in eavesdropping like a fifteen-year-old miscreant, and then presuming to proffer counsel on matters of matrimony, despite never having experienced true love," Travis retorted sternly.

Daniel parted his lips to retort, but then closed them, shaking his head in resignation. "You are correct, Travis. Forgive me for my impudence. It was not my intention to vex you, merely to caution you," he said, his countenance assuming a frosty demeanour.

Travis nodded in acknowledgement, and a silence settled between them, occasionally broken by the sound of their glasses meeting the table. He couldn't harbour his anger towards Daniel for long. After all, they had been companions since their childhood, and he believed that his friend's words sprang from a place of genuine concern. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that Daniel's judgement of Eliza Price was coloured by his lack of affection if not outright disdain. Yet, Travis found solace in the fact that the future duke's motivations mattered little in the grand scheme of things. "I have a plan, Daniel, whether it pleases you or not. Eliza shall be mine," Travis interjected, abruptly breaking the silence, and drained the contents of his wine glass to the last drop.

"I hope your plan does not involve any dishonourable stratagems or inflict harm upon either of you," Daniel voiced, his gaze fixed upon Travis, awaiting his response.

"Fear not, everything shall transpire within the bounds of propriety," Travis swiftly reassured him.

"In that case, I shall lay my doubts to rest and no longer question your decisions," Daniel conceded, his own glass now empty. Together, they departed the study, intending to partake in a repast. Later, Daniel reclined upon his grand bed, restlessly shifting from side to side. Sleep evaded him as he replayed their conversation from the evening, struggling to comprehend Travis' willingness to invest his time and efforts in pursuit of that obstinate woman who seemed incapable of prudent deliberation before making resolute choices... assuming she was even capable of making them and adhering to them. Nonetheless, he resolved to honour his promise to Travis and refrain from further discourse on the subject. Moreover, that conversation had rekindled painful recollections of a bygone affair he deemed long-buried...

Blast it all, Eliza Price, Daniel pondered with intensity, and your penchant for toying with people's emotions. Nevertheless, if Travis seeks your hand in marriage, he shall obtain it - and I shall assist him in this pursuit, however fruitless it may appear to me.

The following day, Daniel rose fatigued and unrested, his mind resembling a beehive buzzing ceaselessly throughout the night. Nevertheless, he was determined not to forgo the planned equestrian outing with Travis. The weather proved auspicious, with warm sunlight gracing the landscape since early morn. As they strolled past the recently restored stable, two female figures emerged in the distance, one youthful and slender, the other matronly and corpulent. Both ladies enjoyed an obscured vantage point of the gentlemen, yet their presence did go unnoticed. The younger of the two leaned in closer to the elder, speaking in hushed tones to ensure their conversation remained private from any nearby servants or footmen:

"I must confess, I never realised our young Marquess had such a dashing brother," she whispered.

"Goodness gracious, our lord has no brother," Sarah scoffed in response.

"But do take a closer look at them," Corliss persisted. "They possess the same commanding height, raven-black locks. Their dissimilarities are few; our lord's hair is longer, tucked behind his ear, a subtle scar adorns his cheek, and his countenance more elongated. They could easily be from the same kin."

Sarah rolled her eyes in mild exasperation.

"Dearest Corliss, I shan't debate this matter with you further. Our present day is far too delightful to waste on such nonsense. I say once again, our lord has no brother. London is filled with folks who share resemblances without being kin. It's nothing more than a coincidence."

Corliss pouted, donning a thoughtful expression upon her countenance.

"There may yet be a grain of truth to it. Nevertheless, those two gentlemen—"

Sarah swiftly interrupted her companion's train of thought:

"Should you dare to utter the notion of them being brothers again, I cannot guarantee my reaction! You shall be left to attend to the attics unaided!" she warned.

"I shall comply, on the condition that the unfamiliar lord holds the candle for me," Corliss chuckled, earning a playful pinch on her shoulder from Sarah.

"Rest assured, I shall douse your head in a basin of icy water to cleanse such fancies from your mind," Sarah declared, and together they quickened their pace, eager to reach the garden, while the two gentlemen embarked on their countryside excursion along winding pathways.

Daniel spurred his steed, urging it to ascend the gentle slope that led to Travis atop a small hillock, providing a breathtaking vista of the verdant expanse below.

"Pray tell, how fares your esteemed brother?" Travis inquired.

"At present, he assumes the guise of an eligible suitor, captivating the local ladies, who, naturally, find him irresistible," Daniel replied.

"While he remains indifferent to the prospects of matrimony, I presume. Good heavens, he is a true ravisher," Travis chuckled, eliciting a concurring nod from Daniel.

"Felix thrives on the feminine attention. Furthermore, he intends to retreat to Newcastle, thus granting him some leniency for any trifling scandals he may engender."

"Trifling scandals amidst the London throng?" Travis scoffed incredulously before continuing his line of questioning. "And do you not harbour any designs to return to the North?"

Daniel assumed a contemplative countenance. "My present duty resides in attending to my mother's welfare. It appears we both share this sentiment, shielding our mothers from malevolence—although I protect mine from our very own sire," he paused, before adding, "and then there is an additional matter, a remembrance intertwined with Newcastle. Though the years have amassed, the sting of disappointment yet lingers."

"Allow me to venture a guess—a fair lady was at the heart of the matter," Travis remarked, prompting a nod of affirmation from Daniel.

He cast his gaze into the distant horizon, mentally traversing the corridors of time.

"In my youth, a season of folly and naivety, I found myself ensnared by a lady who expertly manipulated my affections for the span of four long years, only to bestow her hand upon another, her true suitor, whom she had awaited all along. Hence, my reaction upon hearing mention of Eliza Price... and I comprehend the ache one endures when deemed a secondary choice. At first, I was disinclined to disclose these sentiments, yet I am unwilling to jeopardise the sanctity of our friendship over a misconstrued notion, for it holds immeasurable value to me."

Travis regarded him with understanding, his hazel eyes reflecting compassion.

"I empathise with your plight, dear Daniel, as you recount such an unfortunate episode. I now apprehend the genesis of your aversion toward Eliza Price and the sentiments she mayhap invokes. Nonetheless, I find solace in accepting whatever course she deems fit. Should she, despite all, elect Kent—I concede—it shall inflict profound anguish, yet I shall find solace in knowing that I exerted my utmost efforts to elicit her favour."

Indeed, if one's heart is truly smitten, the torment shall be its companion, Daniel ruminated, for the anguish that lies in wait possesses an almost corporeal quality—a feeling akin to having one's heart wrenched from the bosom, discarded into a shadowed recess, while one remains powerless to reclaim it. Alas, my own heart's retrieval remains an elusive pursuit.

As a steadfast confidant, Daniel could solely impart a cautionary counsel to Travis, an act he fulfilled with unwavering fidelity. Perchance, he might soon have an opportunity to intercede on Travis' behalf with the ill-fated damsel, although he harboured doubts as to whether his sagacity would be heeded.

Pray, what course of action would befit a gentleman toward his most cherished childhood confidant? It was not as if Travis ought to be apprised of the fact that Eliza frequently occupied Daniel's thoughts each morn, her name softly gracing his lips, while simultaneously uttering imprecations upon her sole existence and pleasuring himself. Such a clandestine conduct was well within the bounds of decorum, or was it not?

"I propose a friendly race to yonder woodland," Travis proclaimed, and in near tandem, they set forth at a galloping pace toward their designated destination.

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