Lehìpey Unil

By maemaenice

7.1K 281 273

Let me explain from the beginning... See, have you ever dreamt of something to the point that you might go cr... More

Tuvom Unil sì
Fra'u Nari si
Aynga Kame
Oe Kame
Nume kop Tskxekeng
Oe kelku


225 12 10
By maemaenice

I snapped the camera as Jake lunged at the Ikran.
Both snarling, Neytiri sat on her heels watching closer than the rest of us. She was just as excited, as she snarled when Jake tied the Ikran's mouth shut.

The beast grew angrier at the restriction.

"Tìyerkup skxawng." Tsu'tey laughed with Saeyla as Jake jumped onto the beast's neck.

He pulled the Ikran into a headlock pulling one of the tswin free before the Ikran gave a huff and pulled away, bringing Jake closer so he could smash their heads together.

"COME ON BROTHER! YOU GOT THIS!" I cheered him on as the others laughed behind us.

"MAKE THE BOND!" Neytiri ordered over the others.
I snapped another picture as he was flung from the cliff.

"JAKE!" Neytiri called in worry as he vanished from view the ledge almost claiming him.

"GET THE HELL UP JAKE! GET BACK UP!" I cheered him on as he got away from the edge and charged his Ikran once more.

As he threw his weight onto it, he slammed its head into the rocks below it for a moment. Disorienting the beauty as they both struggled.

"JAKE! JAKE!" I cheered as he locked the Ikran's head under his legs

"JAKE! JAKE!" Ka'ani mimicked.

"Tsaheylu Jake! Tsaheylu!" Neytiri coached him her voice carried over the shouts and cheers.

I started clapping and cheering as the two queues had been brought together both screaming as they continued to fight. Jake screamed in rage and victory, the ikran rage and defeat.

"Stop!" Jake ordered.
And it did.

"Srane." Neytiri hummed as both rightened themselves. Jake freed the razor-sharp teeth of the Ikran and it stood, adjusting its face and posture.

Neytiri positioned the head of the green and blue animal to the open face of the rookery.

"First flight seals the bond! You cannot wait! Think, "Fly!"" She told him.

"Fly?" Jake asked and before he could blink he was off.

"WHOOOO! YEEEAAHH JAKE!" I cheered as he dove off the cliff, his dodgy flying leveling out quickly. Neytiri soon ran to Zese to join the newest hunter in the sky.

I smiled as they both vanished into the mist and clouds. I cheered along with Saeyla and Ka'ani as we watched the first to complete Iknimay fly with his Ikran.

"Jake! Jake!"
"Go, Jake!"

We all cheered.

"Oiss!" Tsu'tey snarled at us. We all stepped away from the irate Na'vi as he fumed.

"Kä. Rremi." He ordered. I set my camera down, after fixing the setting, and it counted down before it began taking thousands upon thousands of photos.

I shook my arms and legs then handed off my bow and arrow.

"Today. Now or never. Fly you fool." I mumbled to myself.

'Jake already one-upped me. But now I have to do better! What's the biggest banshee up here? Big enough to be Toruks baby at least?' I thought as I inched closer to the angry animals.

But I would not be getting my wish. The Ikran that chose me, was... small. To say the least. Smaller than the traditional fully grown Ikran everyone else flew. Majorly purple, the blue and green tones zig-zagging across its back.

I snarled as it sized me up, all the incentive needed for it to charge. I ducked under it latching onto the neck, as it tried to fling me off I used the Ikran catcher and shut its mouth.

'My way! My way or the highway!' I thought as it tried to flap its wings and slam back into the rookery ground. The theme music in my head seemingly fits the almost child Ikran.

"I'm just as stubborn!" I hissed latching on like a koala would a tree.
I tightened my legs around its throat as I almost kicked its queue to myself. I felt claws on my back as it reached for the muzzle on its face and the nuisance on its throat. Throwing us off balance I scrambled to not be trapped under it as I gave a, probably way too harsh, yank on the exposed nerve.

It snarled and tried once again to scratch at me but before claws could dig too deep I managed to make the bond.

I gave myself no time to recover as I got off the ground and climbed onto her back and aimed us over the cliff.

'Fly!' my mind screamed as an image of us bursting through the clouds struck me. And up we went.

Higher and higher, through the clouds and around the mountains in our way. I couldn't focus as both of us simply wanted to fly, further, faster, this way, that way!

This was the feeling of true, unfiltered freedom. And we loved it.

"Ro." I smiled as the beauty purring beneath me introduced herself.

I lost track of time, I just knew the sun was out and then Eclipse was starting. I smiled as we flew in circles and every which way. Our fast pace was now an easy one.

Until something flew in our faces... or someone... some two.

"Come!" Neytiri laughed as she and Seze obscured my view.

"If we let you! You won't come back down! Let's go grab some grub!" Jake laughed with her.

I rolled my eyes but followed the two. I flew closer to the ground seeing Tsu'tey making his way to the Pa'li.

I broke the formation we had and met him.

"Manga. Za'u tswayon." I smiled.

He watched me, smirking. I landed Ro.
"Come fly!" I laughed.

He chuckled coming over. He fixed my footing and adjusted his sit on the walking Direhorse.

"Too small. But perfect for you. I take Pa'li." He smiled reaching behind him, he handed me my camera and weaponry.

"Oiss! I forgot to take pictures!" I huffed looking back up to the sky I just left.

"Return. Time for meal." Tsu'tey spoke firmly before he kicked into full gallop.

"Tätxaw toranyu!" He smiled before galloping off.

I smiled brighter taking back to the sky a holler of joy leaving me. I got a few calls back and found myself flying with the other new warriors of the Omatikaya.

I smiled pulling my camera up to my eye.

"Skxawng!" I called. Jake rolled his eyes before looking at me in his wobbly sit.

I snapped the picture before Ro rushed me with a huff and hiss demanding I fly faster. Tucking my camera and weapons close I turned and raced back to Hometree. I laughed when I was the first there, Neytiri came soon. And directed us to the branch the Ikran stayed in.

I landed Ro and got off with a breathless smile.
"Tomorrow. If not tomorrow, the next day. But we are flying again soon!" I promised her as she whined in the pen.

I made my way down the tree as did everyone else.
I yelped as I was snatched by my neck and pulled into a forceful side hug.

"There she is! The mighty warrior!" Jake cheered as he gave me a noogy.

"Aaah! Let go, you, big oaf!" I groaned into his arm as he locked my head into place.

"I heard you call me brother. So no! Now I'm legally obligated to torture you!" Jake laughed dragging me.

But he let me go quickly standing me upright and facing me away from him.

"Don't tell me there's a spider on me!" I yelped as he rooted me to my spot.

"Damn, kid!" He chuckled, before pulling me back into the headlock. "Peaches do bruise easy don't they?" He laughed.

"Make sense or get off! Better yet just get off!" I grumbled trying to break free again.

He eased off before tossing an arm over me.

"I see you two are in high spirits. And alive." Grace hummed.

"Yeah. But she looks like she got the brunt end of her fight. Pretty sure we aren't supposed to be purple." Jake hummed pushing me to sit beside Grace.
The scientist looked at him confused.
"Look at her back." He hummed going to get food.

"Jesus. Remy!" Grace huffed crawling over to me as she tilted my shoulder so she could look.

She sighed after looking me over. She turned and took a knee waving a hand in the air.

"Ma Tsahìk! Oe'eylan." She called holding me in place.

I groaned as the shaman came over leaving her meal and mate.

"Aahh. I wondered who would be the worst of it." Mo'at hummed as she looked over my back.

"The bleeding has stopped but we will tend it properly after you eat." She hummed poking at my back.

I gave slight groans and hisses when she poked particularly tender spots. She stood and went to eat. As Jake came back with our food.

I smiled seeing Saeyla, Ka'ani, and Reo behind him.

"I told you!" Ka'ani smiled.

"How? And only you?" He asked with a laugh as he looked me over.
"I bet Ro, no older than you." He laughed more as he ate.

"Wait, she tamed a child Ikran?" Grace asked.

"Not child, just... young." Reo laughed.

"And small!" Saeyla joined in mocking me.

"She so not scary Eywa give her not scary bond." Ka'ani laughed.
I kicked out at him but Jake blocked it kicking me away and handing me food.

"Eat. Fight later." He chuckled.

"Oh, you fucking hypocrite!" I laughed at him.

I stuffed my face glaring at everyone else around me.
"Well. Oeng rikx nìwin to aynga!" I smiled.

Meal was a done deal as the hunters grew excited for the days to come.
I had to miss some of the talking as I was taken to be looked over and tended.
I lay on my belly as Mo'at mixed a few ingredients, soon a brush was stroked over the reopening wounds I cringed holding in a scream.

"'Ak! Ow!" I yelped when something pulled at my skin.

I was picked clean of anything that would have entered my injury, and then a pain so horrid it made my skin warm as it crawled.
I flinched and gave small groans as it felt like some grade-A medical alcohol was on my back. I was handed a cup mixed with spices and herbs to drink and ease the pain.
I was constantly reminded to remain conscious so she could ascertain properly what needed her attention more. When done I was directed to bed.
But the pain turned to exhaustion and I simply crawled into my hiding spot to rest.

I opened my eyes in the link pod and stretched, the pain of my Avatar ghosting over me as I shuddered.

I got out of bed and made my way to the other cabin.
I got ready for bed and ate a light meal after looking over my logs and trying to keep up to date, I got bored and started to doodle.
Some simple drawings of what Ro would wear while we fly.

"Tsyameysya. Pretty." I heard Grace speak as I kept drawing.

I ignored them all.

"Care to share? Who's name is it? Someone we know?" She asked waving the paper in my face.

I looked at my real name translated to Na'vi, with small hearts surrounding it. I heard the paper rustling as it was passed around.

"Must be a nice Na'vi. Shame, guess we gotta tell Tsu'tey you're smitten." Jake chuckled.

I turned to snatch the paper from Norm's hands folding it and stuffing it back into my book so I could finish my drawing.

"Leave her alone. Pretty sure whoever it is could hate you more than Tsu'tey." Norm hummed passing us with his tooth brush in his mouth.

"No. It's me." I hummed putting away my journal and facing them.

"Care to explain?" Jake asked taking a smoothie from the fridge.

"No." I huffed putting my stuff away.

"Leave her alone. Get to bed, Remy. Other cabin." Grace spoke up making her way out.

"Now!" She reiterated when I was slow to follow her.

I followed slowly still exhaustion coming back from my annoyance.
"Tsyameysya. What's it translate to?" She asked.

I scratched my neck watching my feet. "My real name. Remy is an alias I use online for stupid teenage shit. So no one recognizes my actual name." I hummed.

"Does this fall under the "I can't talk about it yet" thing?" She asked slowly lighting a cigarette.

"Sadly no, but yes. After poking around, I found it translated to Tsyameysya, with the help of some friends." I smiled sadly.

"I want to tell you everything. Truly you would be perfect to help me plan around everything I know will go down. But I can't tell anyone too much of anything and risk everything going up in smoke because I blabbed the wrong bits to anyone at the wrong time!" I tried to explain.

As I looked up at her, she smiled at me in thought. But all I could see was that dying woman in the eye of Eywa, who accepted death so readily.

"There was another reason I asked for the camera. It's an older form of tech, so I can take pictures no one else can get in gunships or anything like that. I have to take some photos of one of the sacred sites. And we send it to Selfridge wrapped in a glittery bow so shiney he can't tell it's bullshit masquerading as important information." I sighed angrily.

"Alright. But not tomorrow. You need a break, no linking until after, or your brain might fry. Get some sleep." She hummed putting out her cigarette and leaving.

I sat by myself for half an hour before taking a mask and going outside.

Watching the sky go from pitch black to various reds, yellows, and blues was wonderful almost therapeutic. But the pit in my stomach kept me from enjoying it as much as I would have liked.
I watched the sky and saw Trudy coming in for a landing.

I glared at the ship. All I could see was a ball of fire until she got out and gave a soft pat on my shoulder as she passed me.

Everything is going to be fucked... I read stuff like this, a person from another world ends up in their favorite story or franchise, that person is a hero, the person fixed all the fuck ups, and makes a major fuck up, but it all works out in the end as they all sing Kumbaya and dance off into the sunset like it's fucking Grease!

But no. Here I sit, imagination turned against me as I try and think of a plan to save as many people as I can.

If I can link with Grace and Jake when they go...
No ill be tied up with them.

Maybe I can convince Tsu'tey to not attack the humans after the humans... destroy sacred land...

Shit. I have to save Eytukan and Trudy and Tsu'tey. And most importantly Grace, I won't let her die if I can help it.

"Damn you Eywa." I huffed glaring at the clear blue sky above me.

'Ro would love to fly right now.'
I thought as I watched the animals begin to migrate.

"Maybe if I sing like a Disney princess all my trouble will go away," I grumbled plucking a piece of grass.

"Or you can help me make a list of shit we're running short on." Trudy hummed walking past me.

I glared at her from the corner of my eye and Norm as he followed with a goofy smile.

"No thanks. I'll go puke inside. Let you two have another moment out here so no one walks in on ya." I huffed standing up.

I made my way back into the door. I frowned seeing Jake holding the photos.
"Can I go out? I need to fly Ro. She might be upset if I wait until tomorrow." I hummed sitting on the table and taking off my mask.

"No way. I'm grounded, so are you." Jake chuckled laying the photos down.
I took one smiling at the children crowded around Grace.

"Who took these? Was the camera on a timer?" I asked looking through them.

"A few people. No one could ever really make the school trips more than once with me so it was a different person every time." She explained setting food before me and Jake.

I pushed my plate away.
"If you run over her foot I'll start your link up first." I stage whispered to Jake.

Jake smiled pushing his plate away as well, but before he could turn, she locked his wheels in place.

"Tough." I sighed at him.

"Oh. Don't worry, I know the equivalent for you." Grace smiled handing me a cup of hot cocoa.

I pulled the warm cup close saying nothing. Grace was satisfied as she sat at her in-home lab.

"I have cabin fever!" I whined.

"Oh. God, it's contagious." Jake groaned laying his head on the table.

Grace gave a sigh facing us with mock pouts.
"Here's an idea. Brush up." She smiled pointing to my notes and things on my bunk.

"No." I refused.

"Well, that rules that out." Jake hummed drumming on the table.

"Jesus you two are annoying today" Grace huffed. "Ask Trudy to fly you around." She offered.

"No. I don't like sitting with her, Norm and the sexual tension between them. Only rivaled by their love for their fields of expertise." I hummed taking a bite of my mush.

"Do I need to give you two a box of Crayons and paper?" She sighed.

"Grace no! Don't you know Marines eat crayons? They can't help themselves, and Jake's been clean this whole time how could you!" I pretended to sob.
I looked at Jake and he tried his damndest to frown at me. "Don't worry Jake. You are among friends, we won't let you fall into those nasty habits." I swore while wiping a fake tear. I placed a hand on his arm and he brushed me off.

"I hate you!" He declared wheeling to the connected cabin.

"Jake I'm here for you!" I called following him. "Don't- don't leave you're among friends!" I pretended to wail and laugh as he slammed the other door in my face.

"Listen, Jake-"

"Damnit Remy! Go find something else!" He ordered from the other side. I watched as he laughed quietly and backed into the door.

"Grace Jake locked himself in the link cabin!" I whined.

"Oh, my God. You're worse than children." She scoffed.
I started knocking on the window as Jake popped a wheelie smiling at me.

"Jake open this damn door!" I yelled trying to pry it open.

"I can hear you out here," Trudy spoke using the cabin phones.

"Jake is an ass and won't let me help his addiction." I hummed.

"Shut the hell up! If anything NASA ate the fucking Crayons!" Jake spoke using the other phone.

"Is this what happens when you two have nothing better to do? The teen pesters the old marine." Norm laughed.

"No. I plan to annoy Grace enough that she lets us link." I smiled at the redhead almost trapped with me.

"Keep trying. I was practically a nanny for more than four kids at a time." She hummed.

"Ooh! Trudy, can you fly me back to base and I could link there!" I smiled.

"Did you plan on making it there before or after Grace told Max to kick us out of the lab?" Jake asked.

"Shut up!" I scoffed at his valid point.

"Go for a fly!" Jake scoffed back.

"Okay. Her understandable, she's almost twelve. But Jake, really?" Norm asked. I looked out of the window seeing him and Trudy laughing.

"He started it. All I want to do is fly and take pictures. But Noo! I'm grounded. So everyone witnesses my tantrums." I ordered staring down at Grace... well... Grace's back.

She didn't even acknowledge me.

"Sucks to be you." Trudy laughed before radio silence.

I huffed hanging up. "I'm taking a nap," I told Grace. "Wake me up when it's tomorrow."

"How about for lunch," Grace responded as I climbed into bed.

I curled up and went to sleep. Waking up was a bother as I was served mush masquerading as oatmeal, but the bright side, was the hot cocoa.

"Why does it taste... bad?" I asked Grace sipping the watery drink.

"Well. I don't know. Someone used just over half a cup of powder for every, cup of cocoa. Now we're using it sparingly. So do you know why it tastes so bad?" Grace asked tilting her head in pretend thought.

"I cannot live in a world without cocoa. I hate this." I grumbled choking down the food and the drink that usually made it easier to eat anything.

After eating I lay back down until a hand grabbed my ankle pulling me halfway off the bed.

"Satan on a cracker!" I shrieked pulling myself back up and onto my bed under the safety of my blanket.

"Satan... on a cracker? I will never understand you." Trudy chuckled releasing my foot.

"Go outside. See how far down you can climb. Other you may be good at it.. but... ya know?" Norm hummed drinking his coffee.

I glared at him.

I was forced from bed, stuffed into a cold shower, and kicked out. Like an adult living in their parent's basement who won't do shit.

I glared at them until I faced the world before me. But my anger was forgotten seconds after I turned my back as a wood sprite floated over my head. And like that, all my attention was on the world of Pandora as I tried to gently catch the plant reminiscent of a tiny willow tree and dandelion crossbreed.

I smiled when it landed in my cupped hands, it bounced gently, feeling like the softest feather I've ever held. I sat with it in my hands, until it flew up and danced above me, then away. I pouted when it was out of sight. Then I found the roots keeping our small site rooted to the planet. I smiled and slowly inched down the roots to the second island.

I sat there looking over the edge watching the ground below us. The tops of the trees rippled like water as the wind blew through them.
It was mesmerizing, I admit. But I didn't stay there too long. I made my way down to another cliff/island and looked at the area below me, I smiled seeing something under the canopy as it swayed, opening then closing like a person breathing, I smiled making my way back up.

The climb up was more difficult than the climb down. Imagine how pissed I was when I figured that out. Usually when climbing it's the other way around, but I eventually did make it back up to the top. Every level I climbed I kept track of where my new mission was. I had to remember that exact spot, and by Eywa I would and I would fly Ro back here and claim my new prize. I ran to my bunk looking out of the window.

Using the cabin as a marker I pinpointed my target. Tomorrow after preparing Ro and getting her saddled I will come back and rub my precious prize in Jake's stupid face.

"She looks like she plotting to burn the planet." Trudy chuckled.

"I was gonna say plotting a murder but yeah that too." Jake responded.

I ignored them as I continued plotting my course for returning tomorrow.

"Remy." Norm called.

"Kid!" Jake called.

I tuned them out as best I could as I formed my plan a few dozen times making sure my prize would remain where it was until I found it.

"Tsyameysya! Za'u wom." Grace spoke snapping aggressively at me. I felt a piece of paper bounce off my head as I returned to the cabin.

"What?" I asked jumping away from her clicking.

"Come eat." She chuckled.

"Wait? Name changes? Since when?" Trudy asked kicking her feet up on the window beside the table.

"Since she has declared her Na'vi name her primary name." Grace hummed as I got off my bunk, I took the meal she made sitting at the table. "Where did you go? I blinked and you were gone." Grace spoke as she sat down.

"I climbed down. And I saw something! But my lips are sealed, but I need to build up my strength. My nerd arms have turned against me, I almost didn't make the climb back up." I chuckled.

"That's why you need to stay here more." Trudy chuckled.

"But Trudy! It's wonderful the way the Na'vi simply go about their day-to-day. If I was human and tried to watch them as I do they may kill me. I can watch the simplest things and they just treat me like a... a.."

"A kid." She chuckled.

I sent a small glare to her. "Like I'm just another Na'vi." I hummed eating.

Everyone gave a varying smile to one another as we finished eating.
"What's this I hear about Marines eating crayons?" Trudy asked me as she settled into a sit, a sit she could simply stand from and jump at me...

"No. No. Just Jake not all-" I tried to explain as I stood and ran for the bathroom. I didn't make it farther than past Grace's seat before Trudy had me in a head lock.

"Who's the best military branch?" She asked me.

"I think the Navy?" I choked out trying to escape her.

"Try again. It's two against one. Come on kid!" She laughed tightening her grip a bit.

"Alright! I'm sorry! NASA eats crayons and Marines are the best." I laughed trying again to break free. She let me go and helped me to stand.

"Now what do we say to Jake?" She asked holding my arm im a chiken wing so I faced him.

"Learning with Tsu'tey was a shit ton easier because I know the language?" I asked her.

She burst into laughter as she let me go with a shrug. I watched as she plopped onto Norm's lap no care in the world as the poor man went red in the face.

"Ew. You guys, no PDA!" I groaned.

After that, we all got ready for bed. I went to sleep effortlessly after helping clean the cabin.

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