(Scarian) enemy or lover??

By Dnawolf790

49.7K 1.2K 2.5K

Scar is the number one hero and which he is in college, he has a best friend named Grian who is the number on... More

6 TW-strong language
Author note and so sorry!
55 (;
I'm Sorry..


802 22 23
By Dnawolf790

Scar's POV

I flew out my window when I got done changing and followed Watcher, it looked like he was flying over to the HQ's so I wanted to make sure he wasn't trying to do anything. Because from what I've seen he likes to blows things up, and I don't want him to go blowing up the HQ's now.

He started to fly down after a few minutes and I followed quietly behind, also for so reason he was flying a little wonky so I was a bit nervous. I started to get a little closer to him for if he fell I could catch him, he got to the ground and so did I, I was right! He was going to the HQ! I thought as he walked over to the big doors of the headquarters.

"What do you think you're doing?" I said walking over to him in which he freaked out getting into a position to protect himself, "f_(#ing! Where?! W-where did/the f_(# you c-come from?" He said backing away a little wobbly. "I followed you here so you couldn't do anything bad, for example blowing our headquarters up." I said, while he let his guard down, "I would ne-hiccup-ver~" he said while with a hiccup.

"Are you okay? You seem off and you were flying weird.." I said trying to get closer to him, "yeahhhhhhhh I'm perfectly fine" he said looking like he was about to die out crying. He stopped walking and I got closer to him and so now I was right in front of him. He looked up at me and had an angry face which I was confused why, I looked down at his hands then I realized that he had claws. 

But then out of nowhere he looks down and he raps his hand around my neck, I was shocked and I just stood there, but then he moves his hand to my chin now holding it. I start to blush and I see him look up with a smirk on his face, he pulls my face down to him and now I'm crouching at his level.

"Flustered now are we?" He said still with a smirk on his face, I didn't say anything because of how close my face was to his. Our noses were almost touching and I was a blushing tornado, "not even going to answer?" He said getting a bit closer, "I-I um p-please stop!" I tried saying which actually came out. 

"But the fun has just began~" he answered putting his other hand on my cheek, I blush more from Watcher's touch and I closed my eyes. He started to giggle and I recognized it.

Grian, that's Grian's laugh I thought as I opened my eyes.

Grian's POV

When he closed his eyes I thought he thought I was about to kiss him, I let out a giggle from Hotguy's action and he opened his eyes with a confused look. I take my hand away and then walk away, I look back to see him just standing there with a blushing and shocked face.

I then turn back in front of me and down to my crotch and think about that boy that was going to f_(# me, I puff my wings and then think about when he stroked them. I wanted to cry my heart out but the number one hero was right behind me and didn't have a clue about what happened to me, and I doubt he would care about what happened.

But then I start to feel dizzy and pain in my wing

I look and saw an arrow head sticking in my wing dripping blood but not red..


Scar's POV (again!)

I was still in shock and still standing where Watcher left me, I saw him puff his wings for some reason and out of nowhere I saw an arrow fly into Watcher's wing, he looked back at me and then up in the sky. I turned back to only see mose..


Floating in the air with a shocked face, I turn back to Watcher to see him still standing some how. I look at his wing to see purple blood instead of red.. "BDUBS! What are you doing!?" I yelled while he ran over to me. "What do you mean!? Are you okay!?" Bdubs yelled back at me, "I'm fine! But Watcher's not!" I said pushing Bdubs out the way and ran to Watcher to make sure he was okay.

Watcher looked at me with a worrying face and looked at his wing, he grabbed the arrow and pulled it out. He started to cry then looked at Bdubs, he throw the arrow right at Bdubs making him fall over to the ground.

I didn't take my eye off of Watcher, I need to take him in the HQ to help him I thought but when I looked back at his wing the blood was gone. He then toke off into the sky but I didn't let him get that far, I followed behind him and tried to catch up to him which was easier than usual because I'm guessing his wing.

I grab him in mid air and hold him tight while floating so we didn't fall, I didn't want to let go of him and I closed my eyes. He rapped his hands around my back to which I could feel his claws digging into, he started to cry and then he moved his hands around my neck and put his head onto my shoulder.

I whispered calming things into his ear which I think made him calm down because he laid his head onto my chest where my heart was, I laid my face into his hair and blushed when I realized my position.


Hey pups! I didn't know what else to put here because I'm stupid and I hope you enjoyed! I hope y'all had a great Easter and day or night, and also I get to have 4 Easter's! Because since my parents are divorced I have one at my dads, one at my aunts, one at my moms, and one at my step dads moms house! And sorry if that sounded like I was bragging 😅 but love y'all!


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