The Marriage Contract

By Unspokenlove12

271K 21.5K 3K

Dr Abhimanyu Birla is being considered to become the CEO of Birla Hospital but his anger issues and his playb... More

1 - Troublemaker
2 - Broke
3 - No Money, All The Problems
4 - Ultimatums
5 - The Marriage Contract
6 - Dress Rehersal
7 - First Date
8 - Daddy Issues and Skinny Muses
9 - Infamous Birla and His Mystery Girl
10 - Its Raining Cats and Dogs
11 - A Hero, A Heroine and A Villian Too
12 - Just Like The Movies
13 - Fools in Love
14 - The Marriage of Dr. Abhimanyu Birla
15 - I Now Pronounce You Husband and Wife
16 - Heads is Me, Tails is Not You
17 - Manwhore with Morals
18 - Dreaming of Reality
19 - The (Ration)al Dilemma
20 - Playboy Goes To Work
21 - It's Not Just Yours, It's Ours
22 - Takeout Not Allowed
23 - So Many Damned Pillows
24 - The Wanton and The Violated
25 - Team No Sleep
26 - Camping Companions
27 - Some more S'mores Please
28 - Stormy Night Sleepover
29 - Gallivanting Around Town
30 - To Trust is To Honour
31 - A Complicated Affair
32 - Mr and Mrs Birla
33 - Risky Moves and Dancing Grooves
34 - Bidding on Mine
35 - Tug-O-Feelings
36 - A Wife Scorned
37 - Against His Will
38 - Food Over Flowers
39 - My First Kiss
40 - My First Mistake
41 - Do You Want Me?
42 - Blowing off Some Steam
43 - Coming to a Standstill
44 - Living In The Present
45 - Let's Play a Game
46 - Ice Cream Topped with 20 Questions
47 - The Good News
48 - First Day at Work
49 - Strip Tease
50 - Fits and Fitting Rooms
51 - Stepping into Paradise
52 - Pools and Plans
53 - Surprises and Dares
54 - Snorkerling and Solace
55 - Weddings and Old Flames
56 - Dry Spell
57 - Sticking Together
58 - Wedding Vows
59 - Secrets
60 - Reality Check
61 - Love Lorn
62 - Painting
63 - A Curve Ball
64 - Heartbreak and Hurt
66 - The Trap
67 - Super Secret Spy
68 - Sweet Revenge
69 - A Storm Brewing
70 - The Contractual Obligations
71 - Gold Digger
72 - What's Mine is Yours
73 - Allergies or Afraid?
74 - Puppy Love
75 - A Slight Shift in Paradox
76 - Familar Faces
77 - My Guardian Angel
78 - Father and Son
79 - Dysfunctional Families
80 - All is Well
Epilogue - 3 Years Later

65 - I Trust You as Much as I Love You, To Infinity

3K 300 49
By Unspokenlove12

Abhimanyu clutched his head to stop it from spinning. He had no idea what was going on. All he knew was that he was naked waist up and that Shreya had just left his apartment.

Hell, he didn't even know what time it was.

He looked around the room until he finally came across a clock on the wall reading a little past 6am.

He didn't even remember going to bed.

What the actual hell was going on?

He looked up to see Akshara staring at him, with tears threatening to roll down her eyes.

She was here.

His Akshara was here. Standing in front of him.

In the flesh.

"Akshara." He pushed the covers away to see he was fully dressed from waist down, not a piece of clothing out of the way.

Akshara held her hand out to stop him from coming to her just as she heard the elevator ding and a pair of footsteps walking outside.

"How could you do this to me? How?" Akshara's voice was loud but filled with emotion. Hurt to be exact.

"What...what do you mean?" Abhimanyu questioned, bewildered and confused by Akshara's accusations.

"I was gone for what? Not even 12 hours and Shreya, Abhi? Really? How could you do this to me?" She yelled, her heartbreak evident in the affliction of her voice.

"What? What do you mean? Nothing! Nothing happened between Shreya and me! I swear!" Abhimanyu's voice was defensive.

Akshara scoffed at Abhimanyu's response, as she stomped across the floor to get to him.

"Oh really? Nothing happened?! Then why are you lounging on the sofa naked from waist up? Why did Shreya just leave here, looking like a mess? Looking as if she had not slept the entire night? Huh?"

Baffled for words, Abhimanyu did not have any response to Akshara's accusations.

"I..." He grappled for words. Terrified that he made a mistake.

"I? I what? Huh?" Akshara yelled, reaching out to cup Abhimanyu's face with the force of her tiny hands.

"I didn't sleep with Shreya. Trust me!" Abhimanyu pleaded, anxiously. "Please. Trust me."

"I do. I do trust you. I trust you as much as I love your to infinity and beyond!" Akshara whispered, caressing his jawline.

Abhimanyu looked at Akshara with a confused expression. If she trusted him, then why was she yelling at him?

"I am so sorry, Abhi. I am so sorry, baby. I'll explain everything. I am so sorry for leaving you alone yesterday night, when you needed me. I am so sorry wanting space." She whispered to Abhimanyu. "I think she's out there, listening to us. I heard the elevator ding. I am sorry for having to yell at you." Akshara pressed her lips against Abhimanyu's capturing his mouth in a kiss.

Out loud, she deliberately shouted, "You disgust me Abhimanyu Birla! You are a cheater! Not only are you a cheater, you are going to be fathering a child from a one night stand! I can't! I can't be with you anymore!"

She turned to face Abhimanyu, pulling him in her embrace. "I am so sorry. Please forgive me for not trusting you." Akshara whispered to Abhimanyu who was still reeling from the shock of Akshara's two polar opposite behaviours.

Akshara pulled back from Abhimanyu and slowly made her way to the front door, tip toeing across the floor.

She heard the elevator door ping again before she heard some more footsteps before the door pinged again.

She pulled open the front door to see the coast was clear before she turned around to face Abhimanyu again, rushing up to him and crushing her lips against his, eagerly, sighing in relief.

"I did not sleep with Shreya. I swear on our love, I swear on my life, I did not sleep with Shreya." Abhimanyu mumbled, panicking at even the slightest thought of cheating on Akshara.

He would never do that to her.

"Shhh." She cupped Abhimanyu's cheeks, trying to calm him down. "I know. I trust you. I trust you, Abhi!" Her voice was soft, calm, almost chirpy.

His Akshara.


"Come." She slipped her hand in his, intwining their fingers together.

Akshara lead Abhimanyu to the sofa and they both sat down, their shoulders brushing against each other, in close proximity. Akshara did not let go of Abhimanyu's hand, gently caressing it.

"I am sorry, Abhi. I am sorry for leaving you alone last night. I should have been here. The pregnancy thing —it was equally a shocker for you as it was for me. I am so sorry."

"No, no, I don't fucking care about that. I care that you are here with me. Now. This moment. This is all I care about. I don't give a shit about anything else." Abhimanyu shook his head, just grateful that Akshara was here with him now. To hell with everything else.

She was all that mattered.

"Abhi, Riva. Do you remember her?" Akshara asked, a hopeful sparkle in her eyes.

He shook his head diligently. "No. Never. I don't ever remember meeting her, let alone sleeping with her."

Akshara gave him a soft victorious smile. "Good."

"What do you mean good?"

"Abhi, I...I just want you to know that I wouldn't have abandoned you. I admit I was hurt knowing that there was another girl out there in the world carrying a small part of you, a part which would tie you down to her forever. I am very selfish when it comes to you. I don't want any other girl to have you. Let alone have a part of you. The thought of her being pregnant with your child, it drove me crazy."


"No! I admit the only babies of yours I want this world to know our the ones I carry. Our babies. But if, if this girl is actually pregnant with your baby, then I will support you, every step of the way. I am not going anywhere. I will be right here, by your side. Okay?"

"I love you, Akshara." Abhimanyu blurted out, overwhelmed by Akshara's acceptance.

"And I'm sorry. Sorry for pulling away from you. I shouldn't have done that. Please forgive me." She blinked her eyes at a disheveled Abhimanyu.

"No, no. Never. Please don't say sorry. Nothing else matters to me, except you." Abhimanyu shook his head, pulling her hands towards him.


He was anxious, dazed but still somewhat content.

He had his Akshara by his side.

"But I am happy I...I'm happy I had that moment to myself. The time I spent away —it gave me some clarity. And you, you confirming you've never seen or heard of Riva before..."


Akshara smiled, "I know! I trust you. My brain had just turned hazy with her coming here out the blue. But then I remembered what you had told me when we'd first met."

Abhimanyu shook his head, trying hard to rack his brain until the lightbulb of understanding finally dawned on him. "That I always remember the faces of the girls I have slept with!"

Akshara grinned. "Exactly! And when you said you couldn't recall who Riva was, I should have trusted you —but I guess I was just hurt and in shock! But then when I got some time to reflect on it, my brain finally started working! And I thought, maybe, just maybe, someone is playing a dirty game with us, trying to drive  us apart. And then when I came home —ready to talk to you, I saw Shreya—

"Akshara I swear it wasn't what it looked like. I would never cheat on you!" Abhimanyu was panicked.

"I know! I know! As soon as I saw Shreya and what she was trying to imply, my suspicions strengthened! I think she is behind all this! This is all her intricate plan to drive a wedge between us. She wants to separate us. It makes sense! She hates me. You rejected her. You hurt her ego. And now she wants revenge. She bid on you at the auction. Then becoming a board member, designing the Children's charity ward? She is cunning and manipulative —I knew that but stooping so low?! That bitch!" Akshara was appalled. Disgusted.

Abhimanyu let out a sigh of relief. He felt like bawling. Akshara trusted him.

"What is the last thing you remember?"

"I was sitting, having a drink of whiskey when the doorbell rang. I thought it was you. I opened the door and came face to face with Shreya. She said she needed to discuss an urgent matter with me regarding the Children's ward. I was hesitant."

"But you said okay because it pertained to the Children's ward. That conniving bitch knew exactly what buttons to push. She knows you will never say no to a discussion pertaining to the Children's ward."

"So I invited her in. I told her to make it quick. I just wanted her gone. She came and sat down here. Right here." Abhimanyu pointed to where he and Akshara were sitting.

"And then?"

"Then she began coughing. She asked me to get her a glass of water. I went tot get it for her. When I returned and sat down, all I remember is finishing the remainder of my glass of whiskey and head started feeling heavy, spinning and then..." Abhimanyu looked at Akshara. "And then I don't remember anything. Almost as if I was..."

"Drugged." They both say in unison.

Akshara and Abhimanyu's eyes flared in triumph and acknowledgment as they began putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

"She drugged you!"

"She drugged me!" Abhimanyu was outraged.

"Yes, she did! And I also have a hunch that Riva was also planted by Shreya so we would react exactly the way we did, giving her the perfect in. But we won't let her win." Akshara affirmed.

"So does that mean Riva is not pregnant?"

"I...uh...don't know about that. But if she is, and it's not a ploy, then I will still by your side. But I am 99% sure that the baby —if there is any —isn't yours. You aren't getting rid of me anytime soon, Dr. Abhimanyu 'Dumdum' Birla. You are stuck with me, for the better and the worst."

"Definitely for the better." Abhimanyu grinned shyly, finally being able to breathe, bask in Akshara's presence. "But first things first. I need a drug panel done on me. I want to know what Shreya drugged me with."

"You can't go to hospital. We have to catch Shreya red handed, falling straight into her trap of lies and manipulation. Riva too."

"I'll call Rohan then. He can come home, do my blood test and then run the samples discreetly." Abhimanyu offered.

Akshara nodded her head. "Good idea!" She then looked at Abhimanyu, her eyes and voice softening. "And Abhi, whatever the results are —we will get through it together. I promise."

"I know." He smiled at her, holding her hand up to his cheek.

"Okay, you call Rohan and I will make you a very nice lime soda. It will help with your headache!" Akshara grinned, getting up from the sofa just as Abhimanyu took out his phone to dial a doctor.

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