The Reunion (Part 1)

By Youlo182

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Maya and Carina meet again after fifteen years without speaking to each other at their high school reunion wh... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70

chapter 56

998 27 8
By Youlo182

The next morning, a few hours later, Maya had gotten up relatively early so she could put everything away and clean up before her parents got home. She also wanted to put everything away before Mason and Grandma Gaga got home so she could enjoy the peace of mind.

She had clean up the bathroom of her parents and had put back everything in their respective place. She had changed the sheets of Mase and had put to the washing machine those where Andy and Ryan had slept.

They had tidied up the living room and kitchen, the night before they had run the dishwasher so she had just emptied and put it away.
She even vacuumed and mopped the floor before Carina woke up. Then she had cut up some fruit, put some sweet cottage cheese in one bowl, cornflakes in another, made a little pitcher of milk and fresh orange juice, and put it all on a tray with a rose she had discreetly cut out of the neighbor's garden.

She had gone upstairs at half past nine to wake Carina with their breakfast. She had even tried to make her darling's cappuccino. She didn't have it every day, but she knew the brunette liked to sleep and in two days she hadn't gotten much sleep, even though she had more than enjoyed what had been done instead of sleeping... Except maybe the two hours of running at eight in the morning. But all that to say, she could appreciate a coffee today.

Maya had placed the tray on Carina's bed, before opening the curtain slightly. She had then leaned over the Italian in her bed and stuck her mouth to her ear to whisper against it.

- "amore... You have to wake up..."

- "nooo" answered Carina

- "yes... Otherwise..." She had slipped her hand under the sheets, then on her buttocks, sliding between her thighs.

- "more reason not to wake me up..." Made she by spreading a little her leg, to leave more space to the blonde.

- "bad idea I grant you!" Maya had withdrawn her hand and had come to slap Carina's buttock and she had immediately turned around.

- "can you not turn me on, when I'd put my money on we can not having sex?"

- "you like that I slap you the buttocks, right?!" asked the blonde of a charming smile.

- "why are you plugged into the two-hundred-and-forty volts this morning?"

-"I've been up for more than two hours, I've tidied up, I've cleaned up, everywhere downstairs and ... And in the bathroom of my parents..." she made by putting a hand flat on each side of the Italian and by leaning on her body to come to take her breast in her mouth. " erase all traces of your naked body in their bathtub... And any trace of your orgasm" she added after pulling on her nipple with her teeth, after performing a suction on it.

-"Maya! Stop turning me on!!!"

- "I made breakfast"

- "I'm starving"

- "I figured it out"

- "and why is that?"

- "let's say... That we made love a lot... And that I'm starting to know you"
She had gotten up and gone to get the tray while the Italian had gotten up in the bed to sit down.
"Do you want a shirt?"

- "Do you mind seeing my breasts while eating?"

- "if I could I would eat off your body."

- "you can... I wouldn't say no to a quickie".

- "no such thing between us Miss DeLuca!"

Carina had leaned forward and taken the cup of cappuccino.
She had smelled it before bringing the nectar to her lips.
She had drunk and swallowed what was in her mouth.

- "Thank God you're gorgeous, that you have a great body and that you make love like a goddess..."

- "still not?"

- "nobody's perfect bambina" Carina made as she brought the cup to her mouth again, taking a slightly larger sip and grimacing slightly.

- "don't force yourself"

- "I need caffeine and I don't want to go downstairs to make another one"

- "do you want mine?"

- "an americano?... I'd rather quit coffee than drink that... It's a good thing, really, that you have the most beautiful face I've ever seen, bambina... Because it is a reason to break up with an Italian girl".

- "a coffee?"

- "an americano... the height of the faux-pas"

- "really?"

- "I never joke about coffee"

- "Of all the things I could do to you... This is the worst?!"

- "what else?"

- "cheat you or-"

- "did you see me? Did you see yourself looking at me? I don't fear much on that side... And I don't think I'm wrong when I say you'll never cheat on me"

- "I couldn't even think about it"

- "so... The coffee... The americano"

- "I won't risk it"

They had breakfast before going into the shower to get ready.
Once again, the Italian had tried to make the blonde crack, but apart from pushing Maya to heat her up even more, she had not succeeded.

The blonde's hands had caressed her body several times, but she had not touched her, not where she wanted.

-"You know that your day is over since eight o'clock this morning?"

- "I know."

- "and why have you been flunking me like this all day?"

- "because Mase and granny Gaga will be here soon... And like I told you... I don't feel like a quickie".

- "and if I do... I don't have to touch you".

- "oh but the quickie, I'm talking about you ... After your... Endurance of last night... I want to try again".

- "yes me too... But not in the next few days bambina... I want to cum without telling myself that I can't".

- "I still want to take my time... And last night... We talked about something that did not happen ... And I'm a little frustrated and this is not the right time to release my frustration"

- "what we didn't do?"

- "what you didn't do..."

- "what i di... Oh... Lick you?!"

- "bingo..."

- "that was your day, why didn't you tell me again?"

- "I didn't mean to... Abuse, or take advantage of the situation."

- "I didn't hesitate... And besides you know how much I like it... It's almost as unfair to you as it is to me".

- "you'll make it up to me..."

- "why didn't you wake me up this morning when you got up?"

- "you looked tired"

- "but not to lick you!!!"

- "you look like a child throwing a fit over an ice cream or a lollipop"

- "except it's to lick you!" Replied Carina as she placed her hands on Maya's hips and turned her against the furniture.

- "this, tonight"

-"But you won't be able to moan like I want you to moan my name."

- "what if... I get on top of you and manage the pace... That I hold your head between my legs?"

- "Maya... I'm soaked..."

-"Tonight... I'll..." She had run her fingers over the brunette's lips. "And then I'll make you cum the way you want to."

- "I want you to get off so bad, I have to touch myself."

- "I want to touch you..."

- "and a sixty-nine?... But you let me start before you put your lips on me... And you'll be on top..."

- "are we really planning our next orgasm?"

- "are you going to think about it all day long so much that you want time to go by faster?"

- "yes"

- "then yes... Exactly... We're planning our next orgasm"

Carina always managed to turn the situation around so that it was Maya who was in need. She was too, but she thought it was normal that her girlfriend was in the same state of frustration.

Once prepared they had gone down, Maya was putting away the tray of the breakfast and Carina was making herself a coffee, when granny Gaga and Mason had arrived.

After having said good morning, the Italian had proposed a coffee to the grandmother of her girlfriend, before they left for the cinema.

The blonde had taken down the clothes of Mase that Alivia had not had time to wash and had made a machine with theirs before spreading the sheets.

While the three women drank a coffee, the young boy had gone to put away the rest of his bag, neither seen nor known.
When he came back down, he told the girls about his weekend and they told him about theirs.

- "Did you like the jersey?"

- "I loved it you mean!"

- "I was the one who told Maya to get the blue one, she wanted to get you the Mariners one when they play at home, the white one.... But since that's kind of my sister's eye color, so you'll always think of her."

- "she will never leave my thoughts, even after July... But very good choice"

- "and you, what did you get?"

- "Carina didn't have to offered me something"

- "oops... Did I screw up?"

- "no, because she offered me something"

- "which is..."

Maya had gotten off her stool and gone up to her room to come back down with the autographed ball.

"Oh but this is so cool!!! Are these real?!"

- "yes, she even has the pictures to prove it."

- "I am so jealous!!! I want to be your boyfriend again!"

- "and a picture of me with Matt... Uh..."

- "Matt Hasselbeck" the blonde clarified

- "you have a picture with Matt Hasselbeck?!"

- "yes"

- "Carina is so in love with me that she stood outside the Seahawks stadium for an entire afternoon."

- "a whole afternoon, in the middle of January!!!"

- "for the photo... That's a yes!!!"

- "bene, I'll give it to you later"

- "and be my girlfriend?"

Alivia had laughed and Maya had looked at her little brother with a raised eyebrow.

- "don't dream little-head."

- "Well, go put that away, we should go!" Carina said.

-"You're going right along with Carina," said her grandmother to Maya when she got up.

-"I assure you, grandmother, no one wants to incur the wrath of an angry Italian woman."

Maya had gone to put her ball back in their room and by the time she came back down, they were all in the hallway, with their shoes on and their coats on.

"Too much speed in you"

They had gone for a walk to the mall before the four of them went to eat.

- "So how has it been these past three weeks?"

- "Mase didn't tell you?" Maya asked as she looked at her brother.

- "yes, but I want your point of view"

- "horrible..." Answered Carina with her eyes in a blur as if she had spoken in her head.

The blonde had taken her hand and the Italian had turned her face towards her, smiling slightly, still unaware of having spoken aloud.

- "first... The beginning, I won a race... And I wanted to kiss Carina because I was happy... It was the first time really that I could kiss her during a race that mattered... And all of a sudden, it wasn't my beautiful Italian girlfriend in front of my eyes, but him... Yelling at me, in front of more than two hundred people, pointing at me... Between us I don't even know what he said to me... Except what I was told... Then he turned around and I saw him yelling at Carina... And my blood ran cold. I got up and yelled at him.
To this day it's as if I'm out of my body and I'm watching the scene, I see myself screaming at him and I want to tell myself to calm down, not to talk to him like that, that I've lost my mind... But yes... I was... He, he had no right to raise his voice at the person my heart had chosen to love"

- "on neither of you, not for this reason"

- "and then I got the slap of my life... Literally, to my knowledge it was the first, the only one... I can still feel it..." She had run her hand over her cheek. "I fell on the ground, and the funniest moment happened. It was funny but not funny at the same time.... I don't know how to say it. But Carina jumped on his back and she hammered him with her fist and the most horrible moment of my life happened, I saw her, I don't know if you can say push, but I saw her send the love of my life waltzing to the ground, like he was a rag doll. I felt like killing him."

- "and the guys finally stepped in," Carina had interjected.

- "it wasn't their fight."

- "oh yes a sixteen year old girl against her father, in a public place... I think that at least your coach could have intervened... There were a couple of hundred people there, you said it yourself..."

- "it's over now... So mom told him that he had to leave and get out of the business if he didn't want to end up alone... And we went to Andy's house-"

- "Maya lost more than ten kilos, she stopped eating, and she killed herself at the gym"

- "Carina is very annoyed that I lost so much weight"

- "because Maya was... Is the most beautiful woman in the world and I loved her body, I still love her, still do, but she was really perfect... And you still are bambina" she said, coming to take her hands as if to reassure her.

-"No, but I know you liked my body with more shape."

- "but I love you more and more every day anyway"

- "he's such a jerk" Alivia said.
"I'm sorry because he's your father, but he's a jerk!"

- "I agree" said the Italian.
"He ruined three weeks of my time here with Maya with his homophobic behavior!"

- "how-" began Alivia.

-"You don't want to know grandma" replied Maya embarrassed, before turning to Carina: "she's my grandma I remind you" with clenched teeth.

- "oh..." replied Alivia.

-"Congratulations" said the blonde to the brunette with a dark look.

- "I didn't understand?!" Asked Mason.

- "it is very well like that" answered his sister.
"What is the waiter doing... I'd like to order!"

- "does it have anything to do with sex?"

- "Maaaase!!!"

- "Come on! it's okay, I'm almost thirteen! If we were Jewish I could start planning my Bar Mitzvah and I would have become a man."

- "except we're not Jewish! So you're not almost a man!"

- "you are not funny sometimes..."

Carina bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from laughing.

- "it makes you laugh too"

- "a little... He's sweet I think"

- "you only have to go out with him!"

- "hmmm- I'm pretty sure that's considered statutory rape... I'm eighteen in a few months, I'm sexually mature and he isn't..."

- "bwaaah the horror vision, I didn't tell you to sleep with my brother!"

- "I would!" Said Mason

- "in your dreams, kid!" Replied his sister.

-"You're really lucky that your grandmother and brother are here, bambina" said the Italian woman, staring into her eyes, talking to her with her eyes.

The waiter had come to save Maya without knowing it.

They had ordered and luckily for her, the discussion had totally deviated after the young man left.

After the restaurant they had gone to the cinema. Alivia had paid and had come to see with them 'Percy Jackson and the lightning thief'.

After the movie, which they had loved, they went to Haagen-Dazs for an ice cream before Alivia went back home and the three young people went home. It was Carina who was driving and the three of them were organizing their speech about their weekend, for Maya and Mase's parents.

When they arrived at the house it was still empty.
Mase had gone up to his room, he had a supervised assignment the next day and had to study while the two lovers had gone to make dinner. As there was some arancini left over from the day before, they had just made a few more.

- "by the way... It's not okay to say things like that in front of my grandmother."

- "she knows we're having sex"

- "she doesn't need to know our schedule"

- "oh you mean like when you told your mom we were a couple?"

- "I was in a panic"

- "are you really mad at me?" Asked the Italian with a pout.

Maya had been watching her.

- "of course not."

After they had finished cooking, they went to the living room, on their little sofa, in each other's arms.

They had put on a movie and ended up falling asleep that way. Maya on her back and Carina lying on her stomach in her arms.

When a noise woke up the blonde, she opened one eye and saw her father, his bag still on his shoulder, staring at them with a dark look.
Then she had heard her mother enter the house.

She had shaken Carina without taking her eyes off her father.

- "hummm- bambina..." Growl the Italian who was sleeping well

- "my, my, my parents are here"

The brunette had never had to get up so fast in her life.

- "you can't do... This" he gestured with his hand between the two girls "in your room?!"

- "we, we, we ju-just, fell asleep"

- "and there are two sofas, no need to cram you into one, if you're going to lie in it"

The Italian who had always had a repartee when she arrived in front of Lane, had today difficulty to look him in the eyes, as if the fear of Maya had insinuated itself in her and that her strength was it to leave in the body of her girlfriend. She did not dare to look at him.

- "un-sorry" said Carina

-"We didn't do anything wrong. Don't apologize." She made to her lover, before looking back at her father, "We just fell asleep dad.... How was your weekend?"

- "Very well thank you. And thanks again for the gift."

Maya had turned off the television and took Carina's hand to get up with her.

-"You're welcome. We made food for tonight. There's just reheating to do..."

She had led her girlfriend to the kitchen where her mother was.

"Are you okay mom? How was your weekend?"

- "very well thank you, Vancouver is beautiful and we had pretty good weather for the season and you?"

- "a great weekend" replied Carina.

- "we made some food...there will just be some reheating to do. Do you need help putting your clothes in the washer or anything?"

- "no, you can go upstairs and I'll call you as soon as we eat."

- "that works."

The two girls had gone upstairs and put the rest of their series on the computer before being called for dinner.

Lane was still a little tense from the scene he'd seen on the way home, but surprisingly, talking about all the things they'd been able to do since they'd left on Saturday morning had loosened him up a bit.

After that, he started asking the three young people questions about their weekend. It seemed more like an interrogation than a real interest in their days away from their parents.

Fortunately they had agreed earlier in the day and they had been able to follow each other's speeches and sometimes even tell the stories together, finishing each other's sentences.

By the end of the meal, Katherine and Carina had gotten up to go to the kitchen and clean up. The topic was Maya's next race.

- "What are you hiding from me?"

-"Nothing" replied the Italian to her mother-in-law.

- "your speech was a little too good... Orchestrated to be natural... You may have bluffed Lane, but I know all three of you..."

- "well okay... Your mom came to pick up Mase on Saturday morning and Maya and I spent the whole weekend, just the two of us... Well except for Saturday night there was really the gang that came. But basically... Mase only came back this morning."

- "and did you have a good weekend?"

- "yes" replied Carina embarrassed.

- "did you have a good Valentine's Day?"

Carina had blushed and bitten the inside of her lip, "it was perfect..."

- "perfect then. It will be our little secret!"

/End of Flashback/
/Back to the future/



And we are back in 2025...

See you soon !



PS: what a wonderful episode!!! I was really afraid of PamPoo... But the episode was perfect, Maya, her behavior, compared to her jealousy, compared to the pictures... And that kiss... Her habit of taking Carina's face and the realization... Her moment of hesitation, the fact that she looks at her lips, then looks into her eyes, then back at her lips. Then that kiss. Carina raising her shoulders and her whole body tensing up so much she had been waiting for this moment for weeks, and Maya respectfully stopping the kiss of her own accord, Carina obviously not wanting to stop but completely melting for the respect her wife has for her... Anyway... Can't wait for next Thursday!!!

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