silver soul | avatar, the las...

By enchantedskiess

17.9K 521 359

"it's incomplete without you, the silver soul is running through, it's a vision, complete illusion" Princess... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
new fic!!!! (not an update)

chapter thirty one

251 9 10
By enchantedskiess

After a couple hours of tossing and turning, Naia sat up straight and sighed. It was another one of those nights that she simply couldn't lull herself to sleep. She decided to take a small walk around the air temple to clear her head. Although, it didn't do much.

Naia kept thinking back to earlier when she saw Zuko and Sokka talking. She asked Sokka what they were talking about, but he brushed her off in a nonchalant way. Naia was suspicious to say the least.

When she walked out of her room, she heard two voices whispering. She followed the sound and headed towards it. It was Zuko and Sokka. Sokka had climbed on top of Appa while talking to Zuko. "Look, I don't need your help. I'm going alone," She heard Sokka whisper to Zuko.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Naia asked, putting her hands on her hips.

Sokka screamed and almost fell backwards. He sighed and shook his head. "Nothing!" He tried to play it off. Naia gave him a stern look, and he instantly spilled. " basically l'm going to go to a Fire Nation prison to rescue my Dad."

Naia nodded and pursed her lips. "Were you going to tell me this before or after you left?" Sokka looked away guiltily. Naia smirked at him. "I know everything, Sokka," She said in a sing song voice.

"Are you mad at me?" Sokka asked.

"No," Naia said, shaking her head. "But don't even think about lying to me ever again."

"I lied because I knew you would want to come with me," Sokka said.

"Well, you were right about that," Naia crossed her arms over her chest.

"You can't go," Sokka whined.

"Oh, I'm going," Naia said defiantly.

"Hate to interrupt, but we can't take your bison," Zuko said impatiently. "Last time I checked, prisons don't have bison daycare. We can just take my war balloon."

The whole time on the war balloon was a little...awkward. Zuko barely spoke, and Sokka and Naia were too afraid to say anything because Zuko would basically be listening to their entire conversation. So, Naia rested her head on Sokka's lap and dozed off. She awoke to the sounds of Zuko and Sokka talking, but didn't move.

"My uncle...he was more of a father to me. And I really let him down," She heard Zuko's voice say.

"I think your uncle would be proud of you. Leaving your home to come help us?" Sokka said. "That's hard."

"It wasn't really that hard," Zuko said.

"You didn't leave behind anyone you cared about?" Sokka asked.

"Well, I did have a girlfriend, Mai," Zuko answered.

"That gloomy girl who sighs a lot?" Sokka asked, suddenly sounding more intrigued.

She heard Zuko sigh. "Yeah. I knew everyone in the Fire Nation would label me as a traitor. I couldn't drag her into it."

" first girlfriend turned into the moon," Sokka said. Naia wanted to wince, but she knew she couldn't. Sokka and Yue weren't even "girlfriend" or "boyfriend", but it must have been Sokka's first relationship with a girl. She didn't like to think of Yue and Sokka being together, since it was the main point of why she tried her absolute hardest to not feel anything for him. It wasn't a topic she liked to think of, as it made her uncomfortable. Naia found herself apologizing to Yue's spirit when she looked at the moon, hoping that she didn't garner any resentment towards her.

"That's rough buddy," Zuko said, unsure of how to console him. "Wait...isn't that Naia's sister?"

"Twin sister," Sokka corrected him.

"Right, because that makes it sound so much better," Zuko said sarcastically.

"What I felt for Yue and what I feel for Naia are two completely different things. With Yue, it was a crush, almost like an infatuation. We worked well together but I never felt that soul tie. It seemed more like a young and fleeting relationship. But with Naia, it was so different," Sokka explained. "Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself that you've been waiting your whole life to meet them?"

Zuko pondered. "Yeah...I have," He replied.

"I think she's the person I'm meant to be with," Sokka said. "Naia challenges me, in a good way. She makes me think of situations in a different way, and makes me a better person. She's strong willed and independent, yet sensitive and caring. Naia's trust is hard to earn, but when you have it, she's probably one of the best people to have as a friend. She's had to overcome so much in her life, but is still so strong. I don't know if she knows how much I admire her."

"You should tell her," Zuko said.

"Yeah...I will," Sokka sighed.

Naia didn't know what to say. Perhaps what made her heart swell the most was the fact that in that entire statement Sokka made about her, he didn't mention her looks once. Surely, Sokka had told Naia multiple times that she was beautiful, but it made her swoon even more to know that Sokka felt that way about her as a person. That he liked her personality just as much as her looks. Something that convinced her that's what made her "unlikeable", is what Sokka admired the most.

Her cheeks certainly were bright red, but she still closed her eyes and pretended she was asleep. It took everything in her not to smile, but she soon drifted back off into sleep with her lips turned upwards.

Naia awoke again to the someone lightly shaking her. She quickly opened her eyes and shook her head.

"There it is," She heard Zuko say. Naia rubbed her eyes and stood up. Ahead, she saw a small volcanic island that was steaming. "There's plenty of steam to keep up covered. As long as we're quiet, we should be able to navigate through it without being caught."

The balloon steadily started to drop. Naia looked over at Zuko and Sokka nervously. "The air outside is just as hot as the air inside so we can't fly?"

"What are we supposed to do?" Zuko asked.

"Crash landing?" Sokka suggested.

By now the balloon's underside scraped against the boiling water. Naia quickly spread her hands out and started to water bend the balloon towards the shore, making sure none of the scalding water touched the inside of the balloon. It crashed against the shore, throwing out Naia, Sokka, and Zuko onto the rocks. The balloon quickly deflated. "Well...there goes our escape plan," Naia said quietly.

"We'll figure something out," Sokka whispered.

"My uncle always said I didn't think things through. But this? This is just crazy!" Zuko whisper yelled.

Sokka walked over to the ballon and kicked it into the water. It slowly sank until it was completely submerged.

"What are you doing?" Zuko asked in an exasperated tone.

"It doesn't work anyways, and we don't need anybody finding it," Sokka said.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Zuko said. "There's no turning back now."

Zuko, Sokka, and Naia somehow found a way to sneak into the prison. They came across the supply room, which had extra prison guard uniforms. They all put them on and kept their helmets on to disguise their faces.

Suddenly, a whole group of guards run by in the hallway. One of them breaks away from the group and turns to the three of them. "Guards! There's a scuffle in the yard. Come on!"

The three exchanged looks briefly before following the group. Out in the prison yard, they see two men, one prisoner and one guard. They seemed to be arguing about something. The guard pulled out a whip that was on fire. The prisoner fire bended at the guard. "You're going into the cooler," He said. "You!" He pointed at Sokka. "Help me detain him."

"Meet back here in an hour," Sokka said quietly before following the prison guard.

Before Naia could turn around, Zuko was taken away too. Her stomach started to drop. Now, she was all alone. "You!" She heard a voice say.

She turned back around and saw a mean looking prison guard. He was much taller, with muscular arms and crooked teeth. "Me?" She asked.

"Yes!" He said. He stared into her eyes. Oh no Naia thought. This is where we all get caught. Suddenly, the guard started to burst out laughing. "Don't be so scared! You look like you're going to pee your pants."

Naia nervously chuckled. "Yeah..." She said.

"But seriously though," The guard suddenly changed his tone. "You need to be on yard duty."

"Yes sir," She said quickly before walking off nervously. Naia walked into the main building and up five flights of stairs to the balcony. She paced back and forth, worried about Zuko and Sokka. She was afraid that Sokka might accidentally slip up, or that someone would have recognized Zuko's scar.

"Hey there, fellow guard," She heard Sokka's voice say.

She turned around and smiled, but restrained herself from hugging him. She hoped that they wouldn't be separated again. Naia heard footsteps and saw Zuko approaching.

"I asked around the lounge and they said there were no new water tribe prisoners. They said there was only one, and he was captured about three months ago. I'm afraid your father's not here," Zuko said.

Sokka's eyes widened. "Are you sure? Did you double check?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," Zuko said.

Sokka banged his fists against the wall in frustration. "No! So we came all this way for nothing?"

"I'm really sorry, Sokka," Zuko said.

"I failed...again," Sokka said in a defeated tone.

Naia paced back and forth. There had to be something they could do. Something that would make this risky mission worthwhile. Zuko tried to console Sokka in a way that his uncle would, but he ended up sounding like he was speaking gibberish. Naia overlooked the prison yard, her eyes scanning the crowd.

What caught her eye was another altercation. She saw a tall boy with tanned skin and his shirt hair hair in a braid. His back was facing Naia's point of view, but she could tell he was angry because his hands were balled up into fists. The prison guard hit him with a fire whip, which caused him to fall to the ground and land on his knees. The fire burned his right arm, badly. It certainly looked painful. The prison guard laughed and shook his head. "Yard time is up for you. Back to your cell," He said, harshly grabbing underneath the prisoner's arm and lifting him up on his feet. He pushed the prisoner's shoulder, causing him to turn around. Naia then got a look at his face, which looked all too familiar.


Naia turned her head around to Sokka and Zuko. "We didn't fail," She said. The two boys stopped and walked over to the railing. She pointed down at Koa, who was being escorted back to his cell. "There's Koa."

"Who?" Zuko asked.

Sokka's eyes widened. "Look! It's Suki!" He exclaimed. Naia looked to where he was pointing. Suki was sitting down on a rock, staring at the ground. Naia couldn't help but feel bad for her and for Koa. This prison looked miserable.

"Prisoners! Back in your cells!" They heard a guard yell. All of the prisoners stopped whatever they were doing and trudged back to the main building. Sokka and Naia exchanged looks and nodded at each other.

"Zuko, you go with Naia," Sokka said. "I'm going to find Suki."

The two ran in opposite directions. Naia caught a glimpse of a roll call sheet the guards use to make sure everyone was in their cells. She saw that Koa's was on the third floor on the west side. Naia walked casually with Zuko to his cell. She sighed before opening the door and closing it again. Koa was laying on his back in a small cot, his head resting on the palms of his hands.

"Whatever it is, I didn't do it," She heard Koa grumble.

"Oh, but I'm sure you did," Naia said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What did I do wrong?" Koa asked angrily, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and looking up at her.

"Is that how you talk to an old friend?" Naia asked. Koa shot her and extremely confused look. She finally took her helmet off, revealing her face and long wavy brown hair.

Koa's face lit up. "Naia?" He asked in an excited tone. Naia smiled back and him and nodded. He quickly stood up from the bed and engulfed her in a hug. "H-How did you—why did you—"

"I'll explain later," Naia said, still hugging him. She pulled away. "I'm busting you out," She said, putting her hands on her hips.

Koa moved his arm but winced. Naia looked down at his arm and saw that it was blistering. She raised her hand and pulled any water she could out of the air. Naia used her water bending to start to heal Kia's burn. "How did you—" Koa asked.

"I became a water bending master," Naia said, moving her fingers in small circles to heal the burn.

"I knew you would," Koa said with a smile.

"How did you end up in prison?" Naia asked, still healing his arm.

"After you left, it inspired me to as well. I was the leader of a small militia that traveled to the Earth Kingdom to help out with refugees," Koa explained. "We got into a battle with some Fire Nation soldiers, but we lost because they called for backup. They took me away to this maximum security prison, while the rest of the men are being held somewhere else."

"Koa, that's amazing," Naia said. Before she could say anything else, she heard a small knock on the door. She quickly removed her hand from his arm. "Duck," She whispered. Naia and Koa crouched behind the door. Suddenly they heard someone's body slam against the wall. Naia took that as her cue to slip out of the door unnoticed.

"Guard! Help! I think he's an imposter," A female guard screamed.

Naia turned back on her heel and tackled Zuko, elbowing him in the shoulder and putting his hands behind his back. "You're under arrest," She said. She made Zuko stand up straight. "Don't worry, Sokka and I will figure it out."

She escorted Zuko to a holding cell, where he was changed into a prisoner's uniform. The warden came to speak with him, who apparently was also his ex girlfriend's uncle. Talk about awkward.

Sokka and Naia found each other again. They went into a broom closet to speak. Naia took off her helmet, along with Sokka. "I found Suki. She's the only one from the Kyoshi warriors who was thrown into prison here."

"Same with Koa," Naia said. "We have to find a way to get them out. They caught Zuko too, as you probably already saw."

"We need to figure out a plan with them as soon as possible," Sokka said. "I think I have an escape plan. I checked out the coolers again, and I think that it would make a perfect boat to get through the water."

"Are you sure?" Naia asked.

"I'm telling you, it'll work," He said. "There's a blind spot between the two guard towers, where we can launch it. We'll float across using the current and some of your water bending."

"You're so smart," Naia said with a smile. Sokka snaked an arm around her waist and pressed his lips onto hers. Naia knew it was probably an inappropriate time to kiss her boyfriend, but maybe it was the thrill that made her not want to stop. She threw her arms around his neck. The kiss deepened quickly.

Hearing a small knock of the door, they quickly scrambled to put their helmets back on. Sokka sheepishly opened the door and saw a female and a male guard standing by the door.

"Get a room, you two," The female guard said snidely. The male guard laughed.

They quietly left the closet and walked into the common area, where they could find either Zuko, Suki, or Koa. They were all seen on the bottom floor, mopping the ground. Sokka explained the plan to the three of them, along with another prisoner who overhead them named Chit Sang. Sokka handed Zuko a wrench, and they faked a fight where Zuko used his fire bending. This got Zuko thrown into the cooler. Naia checked up on him an hour later to escort him back to his cell. Sokka got Koa, Suki, and Chit Sang out of their cells as well.

Zuko heard voices coming from outside and pulled Naia into the cooler and shut the door. "We are having some new arrivals come in dawn. A few robbers, traitors, and some war prisoners."

Naia turned to Zuko. "That could be Sokka's dad," Naia whispered.

"We need to tell Sokka," Zuko said. Once the coast was clear, they rolled the cooler down the cliff side to the beach. Once it was placed into the water, Zuko turned to Sokka. "Naia and I overheard a couple of guards talking. Some war prisoners will be coming in at dawn."

"It could be your dad," Naia said. "Since this is your mission, it's your call."

Sokka pondered for a couple minutes. "You're the one who said you wanted to redeem yourself. Redeem your honor. Rescuing your dad is your chance," Zuko said.

"If I cut my losses at the invasion, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess," Sokka said. "Maybe sometimes it's better to call it quits before you fail."

" said it yourself," Naia said. "We have to try. You can't quit because you're afraid you might fail."

"Can you guys be quiet? Let's get out of here," Chit Sang interrupted.

"You guys go," Sokka said. Naia turned to Koa and Suki, who exchanged looks.

Koa shook his head. "I'm not leaving without you," He said to Naia.

"Me either," Suki agreed.

"Not me," Chit Sang said. "I'm out," He said before drifting off into the boiling lake.

"I really hope we didn't just get rid of our only escape," Sokka said sadly.

Naia placed a hand on his shoulder. "We will find another way."

The next morning, an alarm sounded through the island. Chit Sang was caught and reeled back in. Sokka, Naia, Suki, and Koa all climbed back up the cliff side and watched for the gondola. Sure enough, it started to move. The prisoners started to file out one by one. Naia grabbed Sokka's hand and squeezed it for support.

The last one to leave the gondola, sure enough, was Hakoda. He was in Fire Nation prison clothing, with an angry look on his face. Sokka sighed. "Dad," He said.

Once the prisoners were dismissed to their cells, Sokka went to visit his father and tell him the plan. Naia rounded the corner with Suki, Zuko, and Koa. "You see that gondola? That's our escape," Naia said, pointing towards the now empty gondola.

"How are we going to get on there?" Zuko asked. "They're going to cut the line. I'm pretty sure the warden won't care if a Fire Nation traitor, four people from the water tribes, and a Kyoshi warrior boil alive in the lake."

"I'm sure they'll care if the warden is on the gondola," Naia said with a smirk.

" was we going to distract them?" Suki asked.

"Prison riot," Koa said with a smile.

"We'll meet back in the yard," Naia said, sliding her helmet back on. "If one of you sees Sokka, tell him the plan."

Once the group dispersed again, Naia patrolled the perimeter. "Hey! You," She heard a voice call.

Naia turned around innocently. "What?" She asked.

"The warden wants all of the new recruits to line up," A female voice said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I don't know," The female spoke again. "He said be there in five minutes."

Naia nodded and followed the woman to a platform. She walked and saw ten other guards standing in a horizontal line. Naia met eyes with one of them and saw the familiar blue eyes of Sokka. She nodded at him and stood a few people away from him. The female guard ripped her helmet off, exposing her face and long brown hair. Naia's heart started to beat from nervousness.

"One of you is an imposter," The warden said. "Now, that person is going to be in a lot of trouble. Who is it?" He asked. From behind him, Chit Sang emerged. Naia just about fainted. This was it she thought. This is when I get caught.

Chit Sang's eyes scanned the crowd and landed on one man in the middle. "It's him. He's the imposter."

"What?" The man asked angrily. "He's a liar!" He screamed as he was being dragged away.

Sokka and Naia walked together and found a private place to talk. "So, did anyone update you with the plan?"

Sokka nodded. "It's good. But...we need to find a way to let the prisoners out into the yard."

"I mean...we could just start a rumor, right?" Naia asked.

Sokka kissed her on the cheek. "Meet back in the yard in fifteen minutes," He said before scurrying away. Sure enough, the prisoners started to file into the yard. Naia spotted Suki and walked alongside her. They found Hakoda, Koa, and Sokka as well. "This is it. We need to start a riot," Sokka said.

"Okay, how do we do that?" Suki asked.

Koa went over to a bald, buff man and shoved him to the ground. The man fell onto his knees. "What did you do that for?" He growled. "That hurt my feelings?"

Koa gave him an exasperated look. "Aren't you going to swing at me?" He asked.

"No," The man shrugged. "Well...normally I would be but I'm trying to work on my anger issues."

"What the hell?" Naia asked.

"Hey!" They heard Chit Sang's voice. "You're lucky I didn't rat you two out! I want in on the next escape plan."

"Actually, we are trying to escape right now," Sokka said. "But we need a riot."

"Please," Chit Sang said sassily. He grabbed another man by the back of his shirt and hoisted him into the air. "Hey everyone, riot!" He shouted. Suddenly, all of the prisoners started to fist fight one another, or fire bend if they were able to.

As they watched the fighting, the group desperately tried to look for Zuko. As if on cue, Zuko shoved one of the prisoners out of the way and stepped forward.

"Good, we're all here," Sokka said. "Now all we need to do is get the warden."

"And how are we going to do that?" Zuko asked.

"I...don't know," Sokka said.

As Zuko and Sokka started to argue, Suki and Naia exchanged looks. They nodded at one another and took off sprinting. Naia scaled the wall, hopping on top of the railing and jumping up to the next one. Suki followed her actions. Once they reached the second floor, Fire Nation guards started to attack. Suki fought a couple of them while Naia used a puddle from the ground nearby to freeze into icicles and  pin another one's arms to the wall. Once they were done, Suki bent down and put her hands out. Naia stepped onto her hands and Suki threw her to the railing above. Naia climbed up the railing and landed on the floor, with Suki close behind her. Naia slid underneath one of the guards legs and grabbed his ankle, which caused him to tumble to the ground. Suki blocked the warden's fist before her could throw a punch. She pinned his arm to the wall and stared into his eyes menacingly.

"You wouldn't dare," The warden said slowly.

"Sorry, warden," Suki said, forcing his arms behind his back and tying them together with a strong knot. "You're our prisoner now."

Naia used the warden's headband to gag him, so he wouldn't call out for help. By now, Sokka, Hakoda, Zuko, Chit Sang, and Koa all made it to the level they were standing on.

"Come on! Let's get out here," Naia said. They all made a run for it to the gondolas. Fire Nation guards started to attack, but Zuko blocked their blasts of fire.

"Stop! We have the warden," He threatened. The Fire Nation guards put their hands above their heads in surrender. Everyone ran inside of the gondola as it started to move upwards.

"Finally," Sokka breathed.

"Wait, who's that?" Koa asked.

Naia looked to where he was pointing and her heart sank. It was Azula and Ty Lee, running across the lines. Naia gritted her teeth. She wished she had her water skin or her sword. Suki, Zuko, and Sokka climbed to the roof of the gondola and started to fight with Azula and Ty Lee. Naia leaned out of the gondola and put her hands down towards the boiling water, trying her best to collect any water she could. Her efforts were successful. By the time she jumped on top of the roof, the gondola came to a screeching halt.

"They're cutting the lines!" Ty Lee shouted.

Azula and Ty Lee hopped on a nearby gondola and smiled at them. Naia nervously looked towards Sokka and Suki. "I hope this thing floats," Naia said.

"Is there any way you can freeze the water when we land on it?" Sokka asked.

"I can try," Naia said. "But it wouldn't stay frozen for long since the lake it so hot. It would melt all the ice almost instantly."

A fight broke out by the launching point for the gondolas. Suddenly, it started to move again. "It's Mai," Zuko said. They watched as Mai took in about seven guards at once. Once they reached the exit, the group ran out of the gondola. "There! That's our escape," Zuko said, pointing to a Fire Nation blimp. Naia didn't have to be told twice.

Suki came and sat next to Naia, giving her a hug. "It's good to see you again," Suki said.

"Thank you for saving us," Koa said to Sokka, Naia, and Zuko.

Naia smiled at the two of them. Naia didn't feel at ease until the blimp took off and the boiling rock was only a speck in the distance. She was just so glad to finally be out of that hell hole.

a/n: hey guys!!! super long update today. i'm so glad to see koa back in the story because it's been so long. i hope you enjoyed <3

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