New Rise - Book 4

By RoseGoldMermaids

360K 9K 1.4K

Renesmee struggles to understand the complications of being an adult. With those complications comes one that... More

Be Happy
Not Afraid
Rules of the House
Sympathy for Paul
The Manor
Bittersweet Symphony
New Born
A Green Aura
We Are The Same
Red Eyes
A Scarlet Letter
The Volturi
Going Home
Crime Scene
The Funeral


13.4K 333 118
By RoseGoldMermaids

We all gathered in a tight circle around the table as Matthew went over the plan to sneak off the island. It was quiet simple, gather what we needed for the day and head to the basement. From there we would take the secret tunnel that I informed them about into the city and then bob is your uncle.

Since Tyler didn't need to take anything with him he came with to my bedroom and helped me pack the usual. My spare identification -just incase- my cell phone and charger, camera, money, wallet, and music.

Once I had that ready to go we headed to our rendezvous point, the basement. Matthew and Penelope were already there and waiting, impatiently. The second I closed the door behind us I began panicking. Surely they heard us.

"We are going to get caught I just know it."

"If we do it will be by your parents because mom and dad are.... busy." Matt smirked.

"Let's just go." Penelope said as she opened the door that led to the tunnel.

"Weaklings first." Matt teased as he gestured for Tyler to go ahead.

"Shut up." I growled as I followed behind Ty.

The four of us walked at normal speed for several human minutes before Matt and Penelope took off on their own. After another half an hour I couldn't stand the slowness.

"You wouldn't mind if I carried you would you?" I asked Tyler.

"Why?" He asked as he glanced sideways at me.

"Honestly I just want to get there already and you sorta walk too slow."

"Alright but I don't see how we are going to go any faster when you are-"

Before he could finish his sentence I lifted him onto my back and took off running at superhuman speed. I felt his heart beat speed up. It was only a fifteen minute run before we made it to the entrance that led into our families venue. I set Tyler to his feet before I opened the door and stepped into the room. Tyler followed but with trembling legs.

"You are strong." He stuttered as I shut the portrait behind us.

I blushed. "Not that strong."

"So where are we?"

"Opera house in Seattle, it belongs to my family."

We were on our way up from the basement when we were joined by Matthew and Penelope. Matthew nudged Tyler.

"Pretty cool passage huh?"

"Uhm." Tyler's eyes were wide as he stared past us.

I turned around quickly and became a statue as my father was standing before us.

"Renesmee Carlie Cullen, you can't just run off like that. What if something had happened to you."

I rolled my eyes. "Really dad, what can happen in thirty seconds?"

"Might I remind you what happened the last time you were in Seattle. If Alice hadn't intervened-"

"That was a freak accident and anyways you can't always be there to protect me, I'm an adult."

"Soooo, we are just gonna go." Matthew said as he nodded for Tyler and Penelope to follow. "See ya later tio Edwardo." he snickered before they disappeared down the hall.

My father watched until they were gone before shaking his head and then giving his attention back to me.

"Then act like one." He hissed.

I crossed my arms at my chest. "Really? I can't believe you just said that to me." I bit my lip as I felt my face flush.

My father just stared at me, his forehead creased. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Renesmee I didn't mean to say that."

I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I looked into his eyes. "You said it and if you said it you thought it and if you thought it you must have meant it." My lip was quivering as I did my best to hold my composure.

My father reached out for me. "Renesmee, love."

I retreated a step back and held up my index finger. "Don't touch me." I wiped my eyes. "You expect me to act like an adult yet you don't give me any leeway."

"Renesmee you don't understand." my father begged.

I held up my hand. "Of course, I never understand do it? This is what's gonna happen, I'm going to continue on with my day and you are not going to interfere."

My father reached out to me. "I can't do that Renesmee."


I turned and left down the hall towards the exit to the streets. The entire time I walked I fumed from the anger that was building up inside me.

Doesn't think I'm adult enough does he? Still see's me as his little girl, unable to protect myself. Well not anymore. I was going to prove to him that I could take care of myself. But how?

I walked as quickly as I could to the foyer. Several eyes were on me, most of them were men. I could hear their thoughts easily and the words they exchanged on my appearance.

Exiting the building I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. It was only a matter of time before my father tried to read my thoughts.

I bet he's just waiting to yell at me again and call me a child.

Only if I could keep him out. Then I realized he was already out, my mental shield was always up.

"Excuse me miss." A male voice called from behind me.

I turned around and smiled shyly. This man was handsome in his face with strong features that were perfectly proportioned. His skin was ivory only it had a hint of a sun kissed glow to it. His eyes a fair blue -popped from the contrasting colors from his suit- were sheltered by his long thick eyelashes. His hair that was cropped to his head was a dirty blonde.

He was about Tyler's height, but possibly a few inches taller. I could tell from the way his suit fit on him that he was strong, muscular, healthy. He was handsome. Really, handsome.

"Yes." I felt my face blush once more.

"I was wondering if you would care to join me for a bite to eat."

I pursed my lips. I had read once before in an old fashioned etiquette book that belonged to Rosalie that this man was giving me the 'time of day' meaning he was interested in getting to know me and possibly court me.

I scrunched my face as I thought of the courting chapter. I got scolded by my mother who didn't want me reading it as it was too adult for me.

I allowed myself to read the mind of the man requesting my company. They were innocent enough and he thought only appropriate things about me, unlike some of the other men inside.


He held out his hand. "I'm Nicholi Cromwell." He took my hand into his and kissed it as he held my gaze.

"I- I'm Renesmee Cullen." I took his hand and shook it.

A sleek black town car pulled up right before us and a man got out of the front seat and opened it before bowing. "Mr. Cromwell and lady guest." The man said in his deep voice.

Nicholi nodded towards the door. "After you Miss." He smiled.

I slid into the back seat and looked around quickly, taking in the luxurious details, before giving my attention back to Nic as he joined my side. Then the door closed and we were driving away.

Suddenly I felt bad. What would my dad think? Would he worry? Would he track me down? I sighed, forcing the thoughts out of my mind.

No. I couldn't allow myself to think about this. I was an adult and I was going to prove to him that I could take care of myself.

"Er, excuse me Miss but is something troubling you?"

I clasped my hands together before I began wringing them nervously. "My father, he's a bit overprotective and treats me like a child." I looked up from my lap and locked with his blue eyes. "My life is a bit complicated so he thinks I can't protect myself. But I'm 16 I can take care of myself."

He smiled "Don't worry I know exactly how you feel." He placed his hand over mine. "I'm adopted. But because of my background my parents treat me like I'm still a child."

"How old are you?" I asked.

"17. Feels like I've been alive for a century, if you know what I mean." He said as his gaze fell to the window.

I shook my head. "Actually truth be told I'm the complete opposite. I feel like my life has just began."

"Hmm." He said to himself.

I pulled my hand gently from his and clasped it back in my lap before looking out the window. "So where are we going?" I asked curiously.

Before he could answer I felt my phone began to vibrate. I pulled it from my bag and looked at the caller ID. It was my father. I sent the call to voice mail and then began on a text.

Dad, I'm fine. I'm hanging out with a friend I'll be home before 9. I love you.

I sent the text and quickly put my phone back in my bag.

"To my home. It's a nice estate and I think you will like it."

We pulled off the road near the pier. Just like what my family did, we parked in a private garage that hosted several other cars and then headed to the harbor where we were ushered onto a large speed boat. The boat quickly started and we were began heading opposite the direction to my families home.

This general direction was made of exclusive, large, expensive properties. Each had a lot of space between them.

"My family values their privacy."

I nodded my head and we rode the next fifteen minutes in silence. I felt the boat slow as we stopped before a boat house. Once the gate opened we continued on inside before the gate closed and we stopped.

"This entrance is the only way to get inside our estate." He grinned. "Well there is one more but its more for business."

I followed him from the boat and onto the deck where a door set just off to the left. He placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me through several doors and hallways before we were in a living area.

The décor was unique. The walls were made of stone and several tapestries hung to and fro. A large fire set in the fireplace casting shadows all around the room. Here and there sat thick plush chairs upholstered from leather and animal hides. In the two chairs closest the fireplace was a man and a woman. There eyes were trained on books and they made no move to acknowledge our presence.

"Mother, father." Nic spoke, his voice firm. "I have returned and I have a guest."

The man and woman suddenly closed their books quickly with a snap and tilted their heads up to look at him, or me. Their eyes were a similar shade to my families. Their skin was pale as well. Were they vampires?

The woman rose to her feet in one swift move and then was before me in the next second. I didn't even have time to blink. She sniffed me and then hissed.

"Where do you come from child?"

I looked at Nic and then back to the woman. "I'm from Forks Washington."

She smiled. "You are different."

"In what way?"

The woman was silent.

Then the man rose to his feet. "Anne she isn't human." he said as he joined our side. He ran his finger along my cheek bone. "Actually she is the male version of Nic. Birthed by a mortal and fathered by an immortal."

The woman named Anne frowned. "I'm so sorry you had to grow up without your parents."

I cleared my throat. "But I didn't."

"No vampire has ever taken to a human and stayed with her without her being turned first. As well no human has ever survived the birth of a half-mortal."

"But mine has and I can prove it." I reached my hand out towards her face and hesitated before I touched her cheek. I showed her every memory I had since I was able to think inside the womb. Then I played the memories of the stories my mother and father told me about one another. "See." I said as I slowly dropped my hand after several long minutes.

"Charles," Anne whispered as she pulled him forward. "You must see for yourself to believe it."

I replayed what I showed Anne again for Charles and then once more for Nicholi. The three were mesmerized by something so rare as what my parents had gone through.

"So you are Vampires." I then asked.

Anne and Charles nodded their heads.

"We are very old and very royal. Unlike the Volturi though, we were born of Royalty we didn't steal it. Here in the United States, long ago before Presidents began to take over my family was the Monarchy. We were human of course, once upon a time, until I was turned at the age of thirty. I in turn turned my wife and we ruled together. But only until we 'died'." Charles explained.

"We lived in the time where there were vampire hunters so in order to ensure we lived peacefully we had to put on an act for the public. We faked our deaths by burning down our castle and then we picked up and moved to Washington where we began our lives. For the longest time it was just my husband and I until we stumbled upon a baby in the woods. Only it wasn't just an ordinary human child it was a half-mortal. We named him Nicholi after the last king and he 's been ours ever since." Anne added as she brought her son into her arms.

"One thing for sure in all the centuries I have lived is that nothing just happens. Everything leads to a destiny and I believe you, young Renesmee, are looking in the eyes of the one you will spend eternity with." Charles said before he patted my shoulder and left the room. Anne soon joined him just as the clock chimed.

"Great." I murmured as I took a seat in one of the chairs and stared at my hands.

"What's wrong?" Nicholi asked.

I looked up at him. "It's easier if I showed you." I reached forward and pressed my hand to his cheek. I showed him the memory of when Jacob imprinted on me and then showed us spending time together when I was a child and then the memories of my family talking about our future.

"So you guys actually associate with wolves?" Was the only thing he said.

I sighed. "Yeah. They aren't bad people they are just misunderstood. But they saved me and my family several times."

My phone buzzed from my bag and I quickly answered it.

"Renesmee, it's time to come home." My father said to me.

I looked at the clock on my phone and saw it read just after six.

"But it's not nine yet."

"Renesmee. First off you didn't ask for permission to be out you just left and second you didn't do the responsible thing and let someone know where you'd be and who with. I should ground you as its the appropriate thing to do but-"

"No, dad please don't. I'm coming home okay."

I frowned as I hung up my phone. "I have to go home now."

This was the first person like myself that I had come across in my life. For the first time I didn't feel totally alone. I felt like I had someone that could relate to me and that I could relate to. I knew I had to keep him close.

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