The Lost Reaper

By KhaleesiTargeryen

2.1K 137 3

A story of a forgotten shinigami who is developing her powers... This is a story of Lianna Shadisuke, who liv... More

Before the story begins...
Chapter 1 part 1
Chapter 1 part 2
Chapter 1 part 3
Chapter 1 part 4
chapter 1 part 5
chapter 2 part 1
chapter 2 part 2
chapter 2 part 3
chapter 2 part 4
chapter 2 part 5
chapter 3 part 2
chapter 3 part 3
Chapter 3 part 4
chapter 3 part 5
chapter 4 part 1
chapter 4 part 2
Chapter 4 Part 3
Chapter 4 part 4
Chapter 4 part 5
Chapter 5 part 1
Chapter 5 part 2
Chapter 5 part 3
chapter 5 part 4
Chapter 5 part 5
Chapter 6 part 1
Chapter 6 part 2
Chapter 6 part 3
chapter 6 part 4
chapter 6 part 5
Chapter 7 Part 1
Chapter 7 part 2
Chapter 7 part 3
Chapter 7 part 4
Chapter 7 part 5
Chapter 8 part 1
Chapter 8 part 2
Chapter 8 part 3
Chapter 8 part 4
Chapter 8 part 5
Chapter 9 part 1
Chapter 9 part 2
Chapter 9 part 3
Chapter 9 part 4

chapter 3 part 1

37 3 0
By KhaleesiTargeryen

"We are both from noble clans, as you know... The members of the Kuchiki clan have heard you lived, and they want you to come to our home," Byakuya stepped back as Lianna lifted her head and looked down at him.

"I don't believe this," Lianna's red dragon eyes looked at Byakuya, so surprised.

"They want you there either tomorrow or the day after," His face didn't change as he spoke, Lianna baring her teeth, opening her mouth a bit.

"You have to be joking. I may have gone there like once many many years ago but surely they don't want me to go again," Lianna laid her head back down, still looking at Byakuya.

"It is true," Byakuya watched Lianna as she thought.

"Fine, I will go. Tomorrow," She finally said, closing her eyes. Byakuya agreed and walked back to where he was, sitting back down.

[The next morning]

Captain Komamura was gone, the only ones left were Byakuya, Lianna, Ichigo, Rukia, and Renji. Ichigo was dismissed and sent back to the world of the living, while Rukia and Renji were sent back to their squads. Lianna changed back into a soul reaper, her energy almost gone from using her bankai for so long. She stood in front of Byakuya, waiting for when it was time to leave.

After they got permission to go, Byakuya led her to the Kuchiki manor, pink cherry blossom petals everywhere. Lianna looked around, amazed. She hadn't been there in forever, way before Byakuya had become captain, when they were still children.

The people surrounding them gasped a bit, surprised to see someone walking with Byakuya, some of their eyes widening when they realized who Lianna was. Byakuya led Lianna to a balcony overlooking the whole manor, her mind blown from the view.

"It's been... A long time since we last stood here, our families talking together..." Lianna closed her eyes and thought of the times when the noble clans would get together.

"It has been a long time..." Byakuya looked around, also remembering. The people walking around below them stopped and looked up, all of their faces covered with surprise. They hadn't actually believed Lianna survived. When Byakuya and Lianna went back to the lower-levels, many people came up and started asking a few questions, but they did it politely. Some even heard that she had a shape-shifting bankai, and they asked her to show them. Byakuya tried to calm them, but they kept pressing on. Lianna was finally able to make her way back over to Byakuya.

"If I show them, will you go with me? Even when we were younger they thought my clan was dangerous and I thought if you could show them I won't harm them..." Lianna crossed her arms, looking down.

"I will go with you," He finally said. Byakuya led Lianna to the center of the manor, in a large open area. Many people gathered around, waiting to see if it was true.

"Byakuya, may I bond with you so I can look like something they might appreciate?" Lianna whispered to Byakuya, who stood next to her.

"Yes, if you think it necessary," Byakuya did what Lianna told him to do, pressing his spiritual energy into Lianna as she pulled out her sword, she changed, and the people around them gasped.

When Byakuya stepped back, in Lianna's place was a blue and orange dragon, but it had cherry blossom petals mixed in with it's feathers, and all on it's body. The people around them stared in awe, some stepping back and grabbing onto their own swords. Byakuya placed a hand on Lianna's neck, showing them she was not dangerous. A young girl came up, her parents trying to pull her back, but she got through. The child held out her hand, her eyes looking innocently at Lianna. The dragon lowered it's head, gently placing it's head in her hand. The girl smiled brightly, the on-lookers sighing in relief. Lianna lowered her body, using her wing to lift Byakuya onto her back. She then turned her head to her wing, pulling a feather out. Lianna put it in the little girl's hand as she ran back to her mother.

"This is Lianna Shadisuke, the last known survivor of the attack on the Shadisuke clan. You may know her from when she used to come here when we were children, and she has returned," Byakuya gave a little introduction, Lianna folded her wings and looked at all of the people in front of her, the wind blowing as she moved her head. Each of them placed a hand on her snout, fully trusting she is as good as Byakuya said she is.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Byakuya. I really appreciate it," Lianna spoke to Byakuya's mind.

"You're welcome," Byakuya slightly patted Lianna, who spread her wings wide, making the wind blow around pink petals everywhere.

"Now this actually feels like home," Lianna let Byakuya down, pressing her dragon head against him, and he pet it. After a few minutes, Lianna changed back to normal, saying that they had to get back to the soul society(which wasn't a lie-). Everyone said their farewells, all agreeing they would see each other again. When the duo got back to the soul society, Lianna sat on top of a building, wondering what to do next. Byakuya had gone back to his squad, finishing up things he had missed. All of a sudden, Renji appeared next to her, pointing in a certain direction.

"We are under attack!"

To be continued...

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