𓆩♑π“†ͺ My Angel (UN x Male CH...

By kimoco44

22.2K 825 1.3K

My very first world meeting was supposed to be something to remember for ages to come It was a symbol of my m... More

𓆩♑π“†ͺ Im Pregnant!
𓆩♑π“†ͺ My Son
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Letters
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Red lined
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Panic
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Beautiful
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fantasy
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Interesting name
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Searching
𓆩♑π“†ͺBrush 3 Times
𓆩♑π“†ͺ His name
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Texting
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Girls or guys
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Hazy Memories
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Ballet
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Mature enough
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Origami
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Thoughts
𓆩♑π“†ͺ The Hunt
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Confrontation
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Cold breath
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Animal
𓆩♑π“†ͺ It starts with a lie
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Teacher
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Watching
𓆩♑π“†ͺWelcome to (Y/n)
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a past
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a present
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a...

𓆩♑π“†ͺ The car

284 16 7
By kimoco44


Something was wrong.

The feeling woke me up with a gasp, confusion coming after. Looking around, I could see that the lights were off meaning it was probably really late or very early in the morning.
Then what was I doing up?
Looking to my left, I noticed my husband was still asleep so it probably wasn't a noise that woke me.

I slowly pulled my trapped wing from under Eus head, being careful not to wake him, and moved to get up. It was still dark as I made my way to the bathroom, closing the door before turning on the light that blinded me for a second. After adjusting to it, I turned on the faucet and washed my face.

Something was wrong.

That feeling didn't go away. This wasn't the first time I could sense a disturbance being a peace union, though it didn't happen often, and made me wonder what could be happening that woke me up so suddenly. Looking into the mirror, I noticed the dark blue tint surrounding my eyes and I sighed, deciding to just put it to the side for tomorrow. It was far too late to keep myself awake trying to figure things out when I already didn't get enough sleep.

I turned off the bathroom light and opened the door, navigating my way back to bed in the dark, and eventually laying down in the warm blankets, my wings folding to rest behind me. A few minutes had passed as I grew tired again, slowly drifting back to sleep before the ringing of a phone shook me awake once more. "Hm.." I heard Eu groan and begin to stir from the noise.

"Who's...fuckin..." His words were slurred but I knew he was probably asking who's phone was ringing. "Nothing baby go back to sleep" I whispered softly, hearing a mumble from the exhausted union in confirmation. As his body relaxed again, I looked over to the dresser on his side of the bed where his phone continued to vibrate an incoming call. Most people knew not to call him at night so if someone was it was probably urgent. Reaching over, I grabbed the phone to answer, seeing the caller ID pop up as 'The boy'.

"Eu Ich brauche dein Hilfe!"Someone spoke in German from the other side of the phone; from the sound of it, they seemed pretty panicked. "Germany? Are you okay? What's wrong" I replied back in his tongue slightly sitting up in case I had to go. "Un? I-I need Eu, can you put him on, it's urgent, please" His breathing is erratic and definitely unsafe.

"Hey calm down, your hyperventilating" I told him, jumping out of bed and moving to get my jacket. This was probably going to need my attention. "Eu is sleeping so I'll deal with whatevers wrong-"
"No! I need- I need-
"Germany" I interrupted, "Tell me what's wrong"


(Y/n)'s panting was heavy in his ears as he ran, his body telling him to stop; his mind saying the opposite. He could feel warm liquid running down his arm but ignored it in favor of his seemingly endless trudge through the dark forest ahead of him. "Fuck!" He cursed nearly running into a tree for the fifth time, the only light guiding him being the moon and even that was obscured slightly by the canopy, yet and still he didn't let up.

Who knows if Germany was following him with whatever that beast was back in the kitchen, he could picture the two running behind him only making him speed up in his efforts to get away.

(Y/n) gasped as he was suddenly tripped by an overgrown root, fall instantly; the hard ground making him cry out in pain as soon as it made contact his his body. His wounded arm had taken most of the hit.

"Shit shit shit shit..." He whispered; body bracing from the new pain suddenly introduced. 'I have to get up. I can't let them find me again' Slowly, he tried to move only to be halted by the sharp pains that came with it, his body finally giving out on him. "No no! Not right now!"

He tried again, panic flooding his mind with scenarios of being caught and dragged back to that house for god knows what. Yet again, his efforts were only met with pain, not truly knowing where it was coming from. "No... please" (Y/n) took deep breaths and laid his head down for a second to once again force his body to get up; this time not even having enough energy to do so.

He laid there in the dark, closing his eyes to block out the pitch black of the forest, and the potential threat of an unknown enemy. And there he stayed- not sure how long he had been until he suddenly heard soft footsteps somewhere nearby. "W-whos there" He called out, not receiving an answer; whoever or whatever it was choosing remain silent. (Y/n) took that as his sign to as well.
More time went by before he felt someone touch his back. Flinching quickly and screaming in terror was his first instinct, that was until a warm, comforting feeling invaded his body, calming him instantly and making the pain numb.

"(Y/n)" A soothing voice spoke from behind him as he lay, a faint blue glow now accompanying the moonlight. "Calm down, I'm here" Un spoke softly to the boy and watched him groan in comfort at the touch. "It's okay to be scared" He said as if reading the boys mind, only really reading the emotions he felt. "You're safe"

Un only touched (Y/n)'s shoulder when his breathing calmed and his emotions ran more stable. "Un?..."
"Yes it just me"
With gentle movements, the Union began moving the boy into his back, sitting him up when he got the chance, all the while numbing the pain the boy was likely feeling from having twisted his ankle.

"How did... how did you find me?"
(Y/n) looked up at the man when he kneeled down to inspect the damage, the faint blue light of his hand making him look just as angelic as (Y/n) always saw him to me. Un quickly looked over to the dark forest before focusing back on him "How are you feeling?" He ignored the last question.

Nodding, his hand ran from the boys back, to his ankle that looked purple in the dark. Pressing his hand down firmly, the blue glow grew brighter causing the numb feeling of pain to slowly disappear into nothing from (Y/n)'s leg. The younger boy watched in adoration as the glow returned to its normal brightness; Un now moving his soft hands to the boys wet arm.

"Relax for me" (Y/n) did just that; wincing slightly when the man pulled up the wet sleeve which he could now see was wet with blood. He noticed Un's eyebrows knit for a second before being masked when he saw the red nasty looking bite mark on his white skin; his hands once again encircled the injury before it too healed with the blue glow. "Does it still hurt?" Un's eyes met (Y/n)'s with worry.

He wanted to say no, but in that moment, with what Un has done for him, saving and healing him once again, saving him from whatever went down in that house. (Y/n) broke down.
In a flash, he buried his face into his saviors chest, almost making him fall over, but he could care less at the moment. All he wanted was to feel that safe touch on him once more, that comfort that always came with the man who showed up exactly when needed.

"Im sorry... Im so sorry" (Y/n) apologized, for what? Maybe because of his ugly crying, or because of the makeup that would likely end of staining the unions hoodie, or because it just felt right in that moment. He didn't really know.

Un patted his head as he cried wrapped his arms around him. "Let's get you home" He spoke, hand coming up to hug the boy clinging to him. "And thank you my friend" (Y/n) didn't look up at the misplaced words but soon heard footsteps making their way away from them. Was there someone else there before?


The walk back to Un's car was quiet, the drive even quieter. (Y/n) didn't speak, too embarrassed for crying like that in front of the man, and Un didn't either, not really being sure if it was okay for the shaken boy. One things for sure, he would be paying Germany a visit very soon.

The scenery passed by quickly from the window (Y/n) rested his head on, the feeling of the bumpy road and the newly placed raindrops made him tired, but he couldn't sleep, he knew he wouldn't be sleeping for a while. The sound of a phone ringing brought his attention back to the driver just as Un picked it up and placed it to his ear. "Hel-" He stopped, the other person seemingly taking, though (Y/n) didn't care to listen in as close as he could. "Yes I found him... Yes I... No don't do that, deal with your... situation, and I will come to speak with you later." His tone was harsh, definitely something (Y/n) could see him using at the world building, a tone that would make even the strongest countries obay out of respect- or fear, who knows.

Un hung up the phone before focusing back on driving, his eye running over his passenger a few times, a question resting on his tounge. "You can ask..." (Y/n) decide to break the ice that lined the cars walls. "No need, I know what happened and I'm sorry" Un said making the other only scoff. "He told you that quick huh... Maybe he didn't want me dead after all"
"Don say that!" The two locked eye for a second before Uns went back to the road ahead. "Germany would never wish you harm"
"Yet he decided locking me in the middle of the woods with his cabalistic moster was a good idea"

Silence fell in the car as Un thought of what to say, eyes flickering periodically to the younger boy slumped in the seat. "You know he didn't mean for that to happen, you of all people should know that..." (Y/n) shrugged, yes a part of him knew that his best friend wouldn't put him in danger, but another part... wasn't sure anymore. "What was that thing anyway, did you know about it" The boy raised another question which caused the other to sigh. "So you do huh"
"...I do... But he-.. he's not a danger" (Y/n) wanted to laugh.
"Obviously..." He raised the arm of his blood dry shirt. "...he is"

Un but his lip, brows furrowing. "I'm sorry"
(Y/n) put his hand down before laying his head back in the window. "That's his dad?" The words came out after a second. "You know...that crazy dude they taught us about back in school. The country that 'went mad with power' as they said, slaughtering innocents and all that" It was almost frightening to the boy himself how he was speaking so calmly about such a man, but his words were confirmed when the other man nodded from the side of his vision. "Hm..." (Y/n) wondered out loud, "didn't they say that guy died..."

Un's shoulders became tense. "So why is he suddenly back and ripping holes in my arm"
"(Y/n) I think that's quite enough" Un sounded worried in the boys ears, but for some reason he didn't care. "Do you know how funny it felt having someones teeth in your arm, I didn't even notice at first" He let out a small giggle, "I thought he killed me right from the start"
"Though when I realized I was alive, I thought for sure he was going to rip the flash right from my arm"
"(Y/n)" A warm hand surrounded his own making him turn in surprise, the sight of Uns blue skin caressing his own pale white one. Slowly, he looked up to see the man staring at him with deep worry in his gorgeous blue eyes.

"I won't ever let him hurt you again. Ever."

(Y/n) didn't know why, but the way he said that made him believe it instantly, a deep seeded unknown feeling lifting from him just a fast. He smiled and placed his second hand over Uns, feeling the soft skin under it. "Okay..."
(Y/n) felt his face warm at the sight of their hands intertwined in such a way, smiling for the first time in what felt like hours. His eyes went from their hands to the mans face that started back at his own, before it looked away when they met. The mans hand slipping away less than a second later. "We're here" Un said making the other look out of his own window to see his house through the rain covered glass. "Oh... Right" He nearly forgot why he was in that car.

(Y/n) opened the door and took a step out, the rain taking it's chance to soak into his not so clean clothes. "Back home... Yay" He spoke sarcastically at the sight of the dark house, not a light on in sight. Meaning he was to be alone in there, again. He nearly jumped at the sound of the car door closing behind him, turning to see Un walk over to his side. "What are you doing?" (Y/n) asked, closing his door as well. "Coming with you" The other answered, pressing the lock button on his car keys. "You didn't think I'd leave you alone did you?"

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