LONG byler oneshots

By yayayay12204

35.9K 587 1.7K

Byler angst, AUs, movies and TV shows rewritten to fit byler, some that loosely follow the actual plot of Str... More

luv triangle kinda...
Put a Finger Down if...
my novel?
The Painting
I'm not gay though.
The snowball dance
scary movie :O
fried brain.
star gayzing ;)
me and yo dawter
Get Murrayed... again.
Christmas and New year's special :)
Once for yes, two for no.
College Byers
Kingdoms Part one (meet)
Kingdoms Pt 2 (friends)
Kingdoms Pt 4 (The Downfall)
Kingdoms pt.5
Heartstopper pt 1
Heartstopper Pt 2
Heartstopper 3
Time Travel.
Time travel 2
Time Travel 3
Time Travel 4
Time Travel 5

Kingdoms (Part three- kiss)

217 12 25
By yayayay12204

Mike's mind fought sleep the whole night. All he could think about was Will, his eyes, body, smile. His voice especially. He thought about returning to Will and telling him then that he liked him and didn't care who knew. Like some corny romance, they would kiss in the rain with more passion than thought possible. Their hands would be rubbing each other's faces and hips. Things would lead to another until it was their own private business what happened. 

He tossed in his bed, thinking of anything else to rid him from these distracting thoughts. Not that he minded them, he just needed to go to sleep. He couldn't imaging being tired when he saw Will next. He despised the hours that lay between their next meet. 

The raging thunderstorm outside came to a sudden halt, Mike's ears started ringing at the silence. He did not think it was odd, not that he really thought anything of it. Mike could only hope to dream about the boy he so deeply admired. And he did. He dreamed his first dream in color. Will stood in front of him, smiling at Lucas as if he had told him a joke, and Mike just watched as an outsider as he moved and talked in slow motion. 

Lucas had rudely awoken him with the harsh natural light that had been tucked away behind his thick curtains. "Wake up, man." He said. His chain armor made a small clang with every step he took, each one echoing through Mike's hardly awake mind. 

"What are you doing?" Mike asked, sleep still laced his voice. 

"You invited Dustin and me to breakfast." Lucas stated, pulling out three chairs from the table in Mike's chamber. 

"Right." Mike said, sitting up for a while, trying to wake himself up faster. Dustin came in carrying three silver plates in his hands and arms, setting one down in front of Lucas and the other two where he and Mike would sit. Mike joined the two at the table and ate as much as he felt he could. Excitement filled his stomach, he needed ways to pass the time. 

Not a word was spoken between the three. It did not feel uncomfortable for any of them. One thing Mike has learned about silence is if you feel the need to break it, then you haven't spoken enough. If Mike were to sit in a room of just he and Will, he would want to talk his ear off, do anything to fill the void of nothingness. He would want to know him better. But because he's known Lucas and Dustin for so long, they had run out of things to talk about. 

He was sure they were burning with anticipation at the upcoming visit tonight. 

"Do you think Max will be there tonight?" Lucas asked, bouncing his leg. 

"I hope so," Dustin said. "What about you and Will? What do you think you guys will do?" Dustin asked Mike, hitting their knees together under the table to get his attention. 

Mike let out a sigh, "I don't know." He said.

"Well, we'll be sure to give the two of you space." Lucas winked. Mike only rolled his eyes. He was so tired of thinking about Will, it was hurting him. Not that he couldn't do it all day, but just knowing he was only hours away from being able to see him, to touch him, to hear him. His breath became hot, his face red, but he reminded himself that it was not the boys' fault. He could not be mad at them, though that was the only thing he wanted to do in the moment. What else would he take his anger out on?

He missed Will so much he could hardly stand it. 

They finished eating, nothing eventful happened. No more words were shared until they were completely done with their food, then Dustin left the room carrying the plates, Lucas followed him out with the chalices. Mike walked over to his window and rested his shoulder on the wall, watching the rain streak down the window, the depressing gray mirroring his mood. 

That afternoon Mike talked to the king. The conversation was brief; a short, "I won't be joining you for dinner." Was all Mike needed to say, then he turned and left. Sometimes he wondered if his father even had a consciousness, and if so, did he ever think anything? It sometimes felt as though he were talking to a wall. 

2 hours passed and Mike was putting on his armor. He was starting to be grateful for the storm that shaded the light of the sun, making him harder to spot while he tried to escape with no question. Lucas and Dustin met him in the courtyard, bags on their backs, swords in their belt, just like Mike. They did not distract the guards this time. They instead, snuck away. By some miracle they were not seen, heading east and on the lookout. Rain pounded on the back of their heads as they looked up at the wall in front of them. They had not bothered to tie the rope the previous night, so it was easy to get by this time. They walked outside of the castle, feeling that perky feeling of the color returning to their skin, their shoulders felt light. 

Their pace did not slow the entire way through the woods. They traveled expertly, knowing every tree and every branch, though they had only walked by those trees twice. They passed the place where they first met the others, where they almost killed a deer. Mike smiled at the memory as they continued east. They passed a creek and the tall grass. Small purple flowers popped out of the ground and Mike subconsciously avoided stepping on them. 

The last bit of daylight peeked through behind branches, each sunbeam like a spotlight, highlighting the ivy that crawled up the tall trees, wrapping itself around the branches like a snake. The golden hour made them all look better than they usually did. It made them look happier. the birds sang their last song before nightfall as Mike and the others neared the familiar cliff.

It was almost like Mike could see the prior nights they had been there. Like he could see Will wrapping his arm, taking him to the lake, taking a leaf out of his hair. All the while Mike was falling in love. He could see him grabbing Will's arm, making him promise to come back to him. 

What would Mike do when he came back? What would he say? It was easier to talk to him when he didn't think he liked him in that way, but now he would be trying to impress Will while also maintaining his ego. 

Lucas and  Dustin kept their chain armor on, but Mike had completely rid himself of his own. He had no sword, no armor, no dagger. Perhaps he felt that there was nothing that could bring him harm in those woods. Maybe he was being too optimistic, but he did not care. In fact it hadn't even crossed his mind that there could be deadly animals or murderous men in the woods. Maybe he put too much trust in Lucas and Dustin to protect him. 

The sun painted the sky a beautiful orange for it's final act of the day. It faded behind the horizon, Lucas and Dustin started a fire to replace its light. Mike had not been able to sit down since they had been there. What if Will didn't show? What if he had been warned about trespassers from Hawkins? Maybe he was advised of danger in the woods and his father would not let him out. Mike thought about these possibilities for a very long time, but settled his mind by saying: Will is a prince, they're true to their word. He just hoped all princes were the same. 

He joined Lucas and Dustin by the fire, warming his hands as he watched the fireflies dance around in the woods. He'd never seen them before, they looked enchanting, like they were a creature of magic. He didn't disturb their peace, though he was very mesmerized by their green glow. 

Lucas and Dustin made light hearted talk, Mike would laugh at their jokes sometimes, but nonetheless he was silent. Thinking. Hoping. 

The second Mike started to feel the slightest doubt, he heard the sound of hooves beating the ground in a gallop. He say the familiar black horse with a captivating woman riding it, Max. Next to her, a white horse with a brunette for it's rider, El. 

And in the middle was Will, riding a horse with the hood of his cloak on his head, hiding himself. A smile spread across Mike's face that he had no control over. 

Max stopped her horse first, Lucas tried to help her off but she only laughed and helped herself down. Will, on the other hand, gladly took Mike's help, grabbing his hand and helping himself down.

Mike didn't let go of Will's hand, instead he brought it up to his lips and kissed it while looking right into Will's eyes. Will smiled, "Mike, I told you not to treat me any differently." He scoffed. 

"Oh that's not because you're the prince." Mike said with a keen smile on his face, regretfully letting go of Will's hand and escorting him to the fire. Max and El had already found their seats around the fire, Lucas and Dustin trying to aid them in any way they could ("Water, Max? I could go get you some from the river, it's not that long of a walk.")

Mike and Will took a seat by each other, the opposite side of the fire than the others were sitting at. Max and El had been talking to one another while Lucas and Dustin slightly accepted their defeat of getting to do something, anything, for them. 

"Sorry we were so late." Will said to Mike, staring right into the fire.

"No, no, it's fine. Technically you guys weren't late because you did say at night, and we  got here really early." Mike said, adding more to the sentence than he should have. 

"Well, we brought blankets and pillows, hope you were planning on camping?" Will said, raising an eyebrow. 

"Yeah, totally." Mike said, the same feeling of excitement sparked in his chest. "Uh, what did the king want from you last time? Or is that information private?" 

"He just wanted me to know that there were trespassers in the land at the time. I wanted to came warn you guys about them but he wouldn't let me leave that night or today. He'd have my head if he knew I was here." Will told him. Mike's heart started to speed. Had someone saw them on their way there? Did someone follow them this time? And most importantly, did they know they were from Hawkins? Mike thought about telling Lucas and Dustin, but then he saw how much fun they were having. Smiles from ear to ear from all of them, even Max. Mike did not want to ruin that. 

He feared the choice of making Lucas and Dustin come with him was selfish at first, and maybe it was. But now he knew that since they had a reason to come with him, just like he did. If he had not met Will on their first trip out, he would have never went back, he would have never lived up to his prophecy. 

"Hungry?" Will asked Mike, who only shook his head. 

"No I had food before I left. Thanks though." Mike said. The truth was he was too queasy to eat anything, if that was from being around Will or potentially being seen, he didn't know. 

He recalled the visions that he had of Will when he was back at his castle. He remembered wanting to kiss him, touch him, something. But now Mike was just sitting beside him, not confident enough to engage in a conversation or to even look at him. He felt resentment toward himself,  he wanted to do something. But he was unable to form words, so he took upon the other physical task. 

Will's hands were placed slightly behind his back, propping himself up as he watched the others with a smirk on his face. Mike very slightly started to sit the same way Will was, sitting so, so close to him they could be breathing in each other's air. Mike's thigh rubbed the side of Will's and Mike very slowly moved his hand blindly toward Will's. Once it found it (Mike knew from the way Will's breath hitched) He intertwined their pinkies, then eventually his whole hand was wrapped around Will's. Mike was more than happy when Will didn't pull out of it. In fact Will sat up, still holding Mike's hand, and rested their hands on his knee, rubbing his thumb back and forth. Will's hand was noticeably small than Mike's. 

Mike had a stupid grin on his face, he was happy that Will felt the same, but also that Will didn't care to show off what Mike was trying to do in secrecy. There was no doubt Dustin and Lucas saw, they were pointing and giving silent, sarcastic cheers when Will would look away. Mike wondered if Will had told Max and El about possibly liking Mike, and maybe that was why he was not wanting to keep it hidden. 

Time passed, Mike and Will stayed like that for all of it. They talked quietly to each other about their lives, and Mike envied Will's ability to talk so freely and not in code. Mike wanted to tell Will about not being able to see color, but instead told him about how his family didn't use fire much and it was hard to see most of the time, that is why he has such a deep love for nature. 

Will told Mike about the expectations that rested on him as a prince, and Mike had no way to tell him that he fully understood, because truly he did, better than anyone. But Mike simply said that his mother and father were quick to catch an illness, that he was the oldest of the two and this put a lot of the expectations on him to be a good fighter and to be cautious. 

If Will knew about Mike being a prince they would have so much more to talk about, and Will would know how much they really had in common. Will would be asking Mike about what life in Hawkins was like and why he came to the woods. But Mike couldn't risk it. If Will let it slip to the king his best friends would be killed, and so would he, leaving Will, Max, and El to deal with their loss. So he kept it hidden. 

Max was the one to tuck in first. Lucas and Dustin volunteered to 'keep her warm' but she insisted on sharing a blanket with El, and that was that. Dustin and Lucas knew neither one of them would share with Will, that was already taken up by Mike, though it had not been said everyone knew it. Mike and Will got a safe distance away from the fire, laying down on the soft grass and putting the blanket on top of themselves. They were turned towards each other, Mike's head was resting on his forearm and Will's head was propped up on his arm. They whispered nothings back and forth, laughing and smiling like idiots. 

Mike wanted to hold his hand again, but he was not in the position to do so.After a while of laughing, Will let his head rest on the ground, still facing his admirer. Will's face was illuminated by the warm orange light of the fire that reminded Mike much of the golden hour between he and his friends. Mike's hand found a way to Will's face, and very slowly he began to run his finger over his jawline from chin to ear. Will's face was enchanted, enchanting. The way he looked at Mike made him feel like he had been missing out on love his whole life. His finger slowly found its way to Will's bottom lip, tracing it very gently. Mike looked at his lips like they were the last thing on earth, he wanted to kiss them more than anything at that moment. An overwhelming feeling of desire was about to override, until he told himself not to. He was positive that Will wouldn't mind, but it wasn't the right time. 

The nature around them was beautiful, he wanted to share their first kiss with the sun, the clouds, the trees, but to conceal it inside a blanket didn't seem ideal. The only thing Mike could do, the only thing he could muster up was: "You're beautiful."

Then he took away his hand but didn't dare take his eyes off of Will, whose hands were now tangled in Mike's hair. 

The boys soon took their hands off each other with difficulty, they began to feel tired and eventually drifted off to sleep.

They woke up in each other's arms. Mike rubbed his eyes with his free hand, the sun's light was brutal on them as they had not adjusted to the morning's light yet. Dew lined the blades of grass and the small spider webs between branches. Bits of dandelion floated in the breeze, the mourning dove cooed and the leaves in the trees hit each other. 

He looked around seeing that he was the first one up. Max and El slept peacefully, while Dustin and Lucas's snores carried throughout the woods. The fire had burned out eventually and the only thing that remained were cold ash and pitiful embers. The air around felt humid and warm. 

Mike slowly removed his arm from around the sleeping prince, moving his hair out of his eye so he could see his face better. Mike didn't think it was possible for a person to look as good as Will did, even in his sleep, lips slightly parted and his face completely relaxed, Mike still thought he was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen. He fought the urge to kiss him, to trace his lips and face again. Instead he got up, covering Will with the blanket and headed for the river. 

Blades of grass clung to his bare feet while he walked across them, then the rocks in a creek until he heard the sounds of slowly running water, he knew he was close to the river, seeing the still water and the light of the sun reflect off of it. he kneeled down, cupping his hands and drinking from it. He turned sharply when he heard the sound of something cracking, but dismissed it as a bird and continued getting a drink. He ran his wet fingers through his hair and sighed deeply. He felt almost spiritual, as though he needed to find the woman who made nature so beautiful and thank her until he died. He felt grateful that he ever had the opportunity to see such a thing. To feel angry for not seeing it until recently was a waste. 

He heard the sound again, but this time when he turned he saw Will stepping over a rock very cautiously, unsure where to put his feet until he settled and took a big step down. He had his royal blue cloak on and his hood covered his head. "Hi!" He smiled. His ankles were wobbly on the uneven ground, like a fawn standing up for the first time. 

"Good morning." Mike said, grabbing Will's hands and helping him regain his composure. "Sorry if I woke you up." He said, pouting his lips slightly. 

"Oh, no you didn't. It was actually Dustin. He was snoring really loudly." Will laughed, letting go of Mikes hands and getting closer to the water, mindful of the mud where the dirt and water met. He didn't take a drink, he just looked down at the water. Something caught his eye and he immediately knelt down to pick it up, a childish smile was spread across his face when he turned around to show Mike. Cupped in his hands was a tiny green frog, it's skin was wet and it shined in the sun. Mike pet its head with one finger, adoring the boy's pure heart. 

He put it down in the same place he had found it, looking back at Mike who was looking around at the nature around him. The sun's light was still orange, the trees were beautifully lit up by it, the water sparkled at him, even the frog's croak had told him that it was the correct time. Mike got closer to Will, whose innocent smile stayed on his face. 

Mike wrapped a hand around his hip, finger accidently sliding up his shirt and touching his bare skin. Will didn't seem to mind, and was in fact cupping Mike's jaw with his hand he had used to pick up the frog, a slight trace of mud following his pointer finger. Will smiled while Mike rested his forehead on his, pulling his hips closer and kissing him. Everything seemed to get brighter, like the sun had finally passed a cloud, the bird's melody turned into a romantic tune, the frog cheered them on. 

And when they stopped kissing, everything went back to normal. Mike's smile felt like it couldn't be contained on his face, and Will's even more while he bit his lip. They were the only people in the world, Mike kissed his forehead, then let go of Will's hips, turning toward the water to get one more drink. He heard Will let out a small chuckle, "I got mud on your face." He said between laughs. He dipped his hand in the river and wiped away the mud, trying to avoid Mike's eyes that burned into his. Maybe Mike would have kissed him again. Until he heard whispering coming from his left, in the woods. 

"Shh, shhhh" One said.

"Is someone there?" Will called out, also hearing the whispers. 

"You idiot, now they see us!" One shouted, stepping out from behind a tree, it was Lucas. "Mike! Will! When did you get here?" He asked in a fake high pitched voice. 

"Did you follow him out here?" Mike asked.

"No! I would never! Dustin followed Will. I would never!" Lucas said. 

"Me?" A voice, Dustin's no doubt, came from behind a different tree. "I just happened to see him and we went to the same place. I didn't follow him." Dustin said, stepping closer to Mike and the others. 

"Whatever." Mike scoffed, "I'm sorry about them, Will." 

"Don't be. They make me laugh." Will said with a smile on his face. 

For 2 months after that Mike would leave his kingdom, with or without Dustin and Lucas. At the beginning Dustin and Lucas always wanted to join them, but if Max and El weren't there, the two would be hanging awkwardly with the couple and Mike thought it best to sometimes go alone to get alone time with Will. They would swim in the river, dry off and take walks through the woods. They would read books to each other under trees, but mostly weeping willows. They would catch fireflies and let them crawl on their hand until blowing a gentle breath under its wing and watching it take off. They looked at stars at night and clouds during the day. They kissed more than they could count, they couldn't keep their hands off each other some nights. 

On this night, Mike had been waiting for Will at the river, sitting silently on the grass, wishing his lover would get there faster, and when he heard the footsteps he was happy his wait was over. 

Until he realized it wasn't Will. It was the wizard. "Oh, hello, sir." Mike said, smiling at the old man. "I haven't seen you in a long time." 

"Yes, it seems that way." The wizard said getting closer to Mike, "I came here to tell you something, Mike." 

"If you're going to tell me about being in love with Will, I already know about that. And I am in love with him. Thank you, by the way. I wouldn't have met him if it weren't for you." Mike smiled. 

"Don't thank me yet." 

"What do you mean?"

"Mike, I told you your journey would be dangerous, did I not?" The wizard said, Mike nodded, "I fear, Mike, that the days of innocent love is over. Do you love him, Mike?" 

Mike thought for a second, taken aback by the question, "I love him more than anything." 

"Then you are going to have to prove that. You are going to have to fight for your love." 

"Why? What's going to happen?" Mike asked.

"I'm afraid you are going to have to figure it out. But I can tell you this much..." The wizard took a long pause, and it occurred to Mike that this is the only time the wizard was serious. In other instances he would mess around and keep it light hearted. "There is a point where someone's color will return permanently if they leave Hawkins enough. I fear this trip was that point, Mike." 

"What do you mean?"

"When you go back to your kingdom, you will have the color in your skin just like you do out here. And everyone will know that you have been leaving. Be prepared to face your father." Then he was gone.     

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