His Obsession βœ“

By SafiaA17

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Completed on 15/04/2023 Thriller-Romance ----------- Every time Haadia saw Zaviyaar, her... More

51.[The End]


99 8 0
By SafiaA17

Haadia and Zaviyar went back to their car. She put her seat belt and kept the flowers on back seat. He entered the car and was looking at her trying to guess her mood from her expression. But she had again that emotionless face. He sighed and put his belt and drove.

"Was it necessary to do that?"

She said folding her hands to her chest and looking at him with done face.

"Do what?"

He asked nonchalantly not diverting his gaze from the road. But he knew what was she talking about.

"That flower shop, why would you made me it's owner and you didn't even ask for my consent." She said furiously.

"It's not a big deal. Every property that I have is yours. You are going to own many more darling."
He said calmly with a smirk on his face.

"I am not your darling and I am not owning any of your property. I don't need your beneficence."
She said rejecting his kindness.

"It is not my beneficence. It's your birthright. When you will become my wife my everything will be yours."
He said smiling at her. She melted at his smile but her poker face was unchanged.


She rolled her eyes and looked outside the window.

After few minutes they reached their school. The car stopped and the time too.

It was not some luxurious school. It was like a typical village school which was now not in good condition. Many walls were fallen off and some were standing weakly, ready to fall any time soon.

It was all scattered and messy. Wild trees and grasses were covering the ground and it was not school anymore. But still in it's worst condition it looked like an epitome of art.

The memories these broken walls hold, the laughter they had heard, the love they had witnessed was still alive and new. It can never extinct.

Zaviyar and Haadia came outside the car and entered the school. Because of the broken walls it was hard to guess the real entrance door as one can enter from anywhere. The place was vacant as if nobody has visited it from years. Maybe they were the last one who lived their best moments there.

With every passing steps their every memory flashed in their heads. Because of the worst state of the building it was hard to guess the classes or canteen. But it didn't matter. They were there for the memories.

They kept on walking until they reached a place which used to be their favourite. They used to spend most of the time there and had their lunch together.
It was their place.
There used to be a bench but it was no longer there but the muddy wall on which they used to write their name was still standing straight, flashing their names "Haadi×Zavi" written in bad handwriting.
It was written by Zaviyar in the school days and he remembered how much Haadia scolded him for writing it in his bad handwriting.



A light slap landed on Zaviyar's head after he adorned the wall with their names.

"Why did you hit me Haadi?" Zaviyar asked in his baby voice.

"Don't you have patience. I already told you I will write our names in my good handwriting but see you spoiled it."

Little Haadia complained with a pout, folding her hands to her chest.

"Sorry Haadi but now it won't get erased. You can write it some where else."

Zaviyar said with a smile and handed her the stick with which he wrote their names.

"What if the wall fall down some day? Then our names would be erased right?"

Haadia asked the little boy, her voice was having a mixture of sadness and disappointment. She didn't want that wall to fall because she didn't want their names to get erased.

"No. It won't fall down. I won't let it fall I promise."

The little boy replied with confidence and promised his innocent love by attaching their pinky fingers.

Little Haadia smiled widely. She was contend as she believes her Zavi more than anyone and she knew he wouldn't let things happens which will disappoint her.

Flashback ends


Haadia's eyes filled with tears after recalling the past. Zaviyar knew what moment she was thinking about.

"I promised you right? I won't let it fall. And now even if it falls I will make sure that our names do not get separated. It will be always Haadi×Zavi."

Haadia touched the wall and caressed it.

"Let it fall. How long will it survive on lies?"

She asked looking at him. Her words made him upset. Nothing is lie.

"It will survive for ever. It's our love that is holding it up, and my love for you is going to be forever."

He said looking deeply in her eyes, assuring her that he won't let their love fall apart.

"And it's other thing if you come at night with your friend Adil and intentionally make it fall."

He teased Haadia making her roll her eyes at his senseless words.

"If I have to break it, I can come at day too, and I can even break it now because I am not afraid of you."
She said poking her fingers on his chest.

"Yeah, this is as expected. You can break a materialistic things like this wall. But Haadi it's not about breaking things, it's about breaking hopes and emotions that those mortal materials hold and you can never break them."

Zaviyar said holding her hands trying to make her understand the value of every moment and every emotions.

It's easy to break the relations but the one who has to suffer knows the pain and has to witness sleepless nights full of loneliness and misery as Zaviyar had.

She jerked his hands away.

"Nothing is left here to see. It's only the building that is ruined now, but the emotions and love that you talk about was dead years ago, and dead things don't come back."

She said trying to make him understand that now she can't be his Haadi again, the one who loved him endlessly.

"It's not dead. You have buried it in your heart, and you are not ready to let it out. Anyways I know you still have feelings for me you just don't show it."

He said, ending the discussion making Haadia pissed off.

"In your dreams."
She said and left from there.


It was almost evening and Eshaal was still sleeping. Her deep slumber was disturbed when her phone ranged. She opened her eyes slowly, rubbing it to make her vission clear.

She sat on her bed unable to understand the surrounding. She then looked at the buzzing phone and gasped when she saw Amaan's called I'd. She cursed under her breath and looked at the time. It was 4 pm.

Why is he calling me? How can I sleep for so long? Eshaaaaal!!

She got frustrated at herself then picked up the call hurriedly.

She said in nervousness.

"Hey, Eshu. Everything's okay? Why weren't you picking up my calls, I have been calling you for so long now."
Amaan asked worriedly.

"O..oh. I am so sorry Amaan. I was so tired that I slept."
She said being embarrassed.

Amaan chuckled at her words.

"Are you still tired? "
Amaan asked her.

"No..no I am okay now. Why did you called by the way?"
She asked biting her nails in nervousness.

"I am waiting for you in car outside your apartment. Come fast."

He said smiling widely making Eshaal widened her eyes.

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