By sparkrls

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MASTERMIND | ❝ what if i told you none of it was accidental?❞ -- where adelaide heathers always gets what... More

♡ Prolouge ♡
famous birthdays
graphics evolution
Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Part 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Part 3
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Part 4
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Part 5
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Part 6


771 33 155
By sparkrls

*• February 2012 •*
- London, UK -
~< ' Friendly' Kissing >~
~< That One Time Addie Made Out With Niall>~



If you asked her how it happened, she'd tell you she didn't remember and it would be the truth.

Although she knew the events leading up to the infamous kiss that made headlines in every major magazine and tabloid, Addie herself couldn't recall the kiss.

Everything Addie could recall was this:

It was two days after the Brits and it was Addie's last full day in London before she left to go back to LA, and she wanted to take full advantage of being able to drink at 16 and get blackout drunk.

It took a bit of persuasion, but eventually she managed to convince Niall and Zayn to go out with her. Niall wanted to have fun and Zayn just wanted to get drunk.

Liam ended up tagging along because he thought no one in their group was mature enough to be cautious. Aka, to babysit.

But Addie knew by now that Niall and Liam would be the ones who ended up the most drunk, and Zayn would end up being their drive home.

They went to some club that Liam apparently always visited. The boys liked it because it was private and you could get in and no one would take your picture.

No one had to know that One Direction partied and drank like every other young adult.

Addie wore a little black dress that had been shoved to the back of her suitcase for too long, wore some boots with a heel and packed some flats in her bag for when her feet got sore. Her hair was straight, the same way it was every day now.

Addie ordered a round of shots to get them started, as a warm up for what was to come.

As predicted, Zayn opted out and Liam grabbed both of their shots and drank them himself.

An hour and several drinks later, Addie started to really loosen up, and pulled Niall onto the dance floor to dance with him.

Niall danced horribly, but neither of them cared. Niall was too drunk to be embarassed, and Addie just wanted to have fun with friends.

And maybe the grinding that ensued during the dancing was a good gateway to the kiss that happened later.

But then, when Addie and Niall returned to their table, only to find that both Zayn and Liam missing, they decided to have a few more drinks.

Somewhere around that time, Niall and Addie made out. She didn't remember when or how, she only knew that the next morning she woke up with a pounding headache, sore feet and photos of her and Niall all over the internet.

It was a PR fiasco, sure. And maybe they got yelled at quite a lot by management, but hey, a night of fun is a night of fun, right?



Addie arrived at their apartment, so they'd leave together to go to the bar. She was wearing a little black dress that suited her perfectly, boots and her hair was pinned back on one side.

Niall remembered everything.

The car ride was long, with Niall and Addie stuffed in the back while Liam and Zayn fooled around in the front, exchanging looks and glances that left them both in blushing messes.

Niall felt ridiculously single at that moment.

Addie struck up a conversation with Niall, asking how his binge-watch of FRIENDS was going. She'd managed to coerce each and every single one of the boys into promising to watch every season of the show.

Niall was obsessed, to say the least.

When they got to the bar, the place was crowded, with blue and red lights flashing as bodies were pushed up against each other on the dance floor.

A girl giggled, shoving her shoulder against Niall's as she followed the lead of some guy. She didn't apologize for pushing him. And then a few steps later, she tripped and fell onto the curb.

Addie had slapped a hand over her mouth to silence the laughter threatening to spill out. She whispered to Niall, voice strained as she held back a snicker, "Karma."

Niall, not ashamed to laugh loudly, snorted. The couple gave them dirty looks, but Addie grinned at the sound, and then clutched his wrist as they jogged to catch up to Zayn and Liam.

They ordered a round of drinks for everyone, and despite Liam being the designated driver, he drank and instead Zayn opted to be the sober one for the night.

After a large amount of alcohol, some song in Spanish with a catchy drum beat started playing.

Addie gasped, "I know this song!" She sat up, whirling to face Niall. "Let's dance!"

Niall was very drunk by this point, and somehow agreed.


"Yay!" Addie exclaimed, grabbing his wrist- no, his hand. Addie grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers as she led him through the crowd of people.

Artificial strawberries, cheap perfume, alcohol and sweat. That was the scent that lingered in the air of every club.

You could easily find someone in the corner with a vape in their hand, expelling the strawberry-flavored air. There was a girl beside Niall holding the vape (that looked strangely similar to a highlighter, in Niall's opinion).

Addie threw her arms over Niall's shoulders, intertwining her fingers in the back of her neck. Going off of instinct, he gently placed his hands on her hips.

Glancing at her face, Niall tried to make sure- even in his drunken state- that she wasn't uncomfortable. But Addie seemed to be enjoying the experience, swaying her hips to the beat and throwing her head back as her lips softly whispered the words.

The next song came on, and then Addie's back was pressed against Niall's front, her arms twisted over her shoulders, their hands holding each other.

Addie gently swayed her hips side to side, bending her knees a little more with each movement, their bodies extremely close to each other.

When the next song wasn't to Addie's taste, they clumsily made their way back through the crowd, finding their way back to their table.

Zayn and Liam had disappeared somewhere (a closet?), leaving nothing but half-empty drinks. Niall went to grab one of the beers they'd left, and Addie slapped his hand away.

"Ow!" Niall whimpered, pouting.

Addie tutted. "Never drink something you left unattended. Always, always keep your eye on your drink, okay, Niall?"

"Okay," Niall conceded, internally rolling his eyes. Addie could be such a mother sometimes.

Addie clutched his bicep, squeezing it just enough to catch his attention but not enough so it'd actually hurt. "Niall, I'm serious, okay? If you don't watch your drink, anyone could put something in it, like a dangerous drug. I know they don't teach you these kinds of things because you're a guy, but speaking as a girl, drinks left unattended are some of the most dangerous things ever." She glanced at him, eyebrows knitted together in that way that let Niall know she was genuinely concerned. "I'm not trying to be annoying, just looking out for you, okay?"

Niall softened his gaze. This time, more gentle, he agreed, "Okay."

Addie finally looked satisfied. "Okay, good." Addie grabbed his face with one hand and twisted it towards her, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. She patted his cheek twice, a little habit she had that was both endearing and annoying. "Good boy."

They ordered a few more drinks, and before Niall knew it, Addie had grabbed his shoulder, turning him so he would face her. She grabbed him by the belt loops, tugging him towards her until their bodies were pressed against each other.

Niall's face and hers were separated only by their small height difference. If he bent down just a little, they'd kiss.

"I'm really drunk," Addie whispered, voice slightly slurred.

If he had been in a sane state of mind, maybe Niall wouldn't have let things get any farther. But instead he just said the truth, "So am I."

And then Addie was cupping his face in her hands, and standing on the tips of her toes so they were level. Niall's hands hovered over her waist, hesitating.

Niall wouldn't lie, Addie was good at kissing. Fast enough to let you know she wanted it and slow enough that you could savor every second.

If it had been anyone else, Niall might've enjoyed the kiss. Instead, after five seconds, they parted, both taking big steps to put distance between them.

"No," Addie stated.

Niall agreed, "No."

"Good kiss, bad person."

Niall nodded in agreement. "My thoughts exactly."

Zayn and Liam arrived at the perfect moment, right as the atmosphere turned awkward, and if they'd been only a few seconds earlier to get back to the table, some embarrassment could've been avoided.

Although, it seems they'd been rushed enough already, if Zayn's messy hair and Liam's shirt that was buttoned wrong was any indication.

Addie paid the bill, somehow manipulating everyone into letting her do it.

(The three of them were all too busy fighting over it, and Addie snuck up to a waiter and paid everything while the others argued.)

With some help from Zayn (he basically carried Addie to the car from how drunk she was), they managed to get back into the car and soon began the drive back to their apartment.

Liam mumbled some idiocies to Zayn, which prompted the raven-haired boy to shove a water bottle towards him. "Drink and shut up."  Liam looked shocked by Zayn's curt tone, and Zayn added, "Please."

Liam's gaze softened, and he grabbed the water bottle from Zayn, pressing a quick kiss to his retreating hand as he did so.

Zayn looked shocked for a second, staring at his hand for a few seconds before remembering he was driving. A stupid grin overtook his face.

Addie shifted in her seat, moving over until she rested her head against Niall's shoulder. She was fast asleep, and sighed in contentment as she snuggled into his side.

Niall was frozen and stiff as he tried to think about how to react. What was he supposed to do?

He finally settled on wrapping his arm around her waist and resting his head against hers. Niall fell asleep like that, tired from the long night.

The sound of car doors shutting snapped Niall awake. He blinked, hard, trying to regain consciousness.

Zayn opened the door. "C'mon."

"Addie's asleep," Niall whispered, and Zayn looked exasperated. Liam was leaning heavily against the car, eyelids drooping as he fought off sleep.

Zayn sighed. "Grab Liam and go inside, I'll grab Addie."

"You sure?"

Zayn nodded, clapping Niall's shoulder. "Go on ahead, mate."

Niall grabbed Liam's arm, throwing it over his shoulder as he began to drag him back to the flat. The nap he'd taken in the car had sobered Niall up enough for this. Meanwhile, Zayn gently shook Addie awake, murmuring words that didn't quite reach Niall's ears.

By some miracle, they made it up the lift and into their flat, Niall immediately dropping Liam on the couch. "Don't move."

Liam groaned, throwing his arm over his face. And then promptly fell asleep.

Zayn finished dragging Addie inside, and gently eased her onto his bed, and took off her flats. She nuzzled her face into the pillow, and it didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

"Liam's sleeping on the couch then?" Zayn muttered, looking down at the sleeping man.

Niall nodded. "I guess so."

Zayn sighed. And then he clapped Niall on the shoulder. "Alright, c'mon, you need some sleep."

Niall walked into one of several guest rooms Zayn had, useful for moments like these when they went out in groups to drink. After his head hit the soft pillow, it didn't take long for him to be out like a light.

When he woke up, his phone was trying to commit phone-suicide by vibrating itself over the bedside counter. Niall grabbed his phone, groaning as he knew it was management.

Niall didn't take the call, and instead just looked through the messages they'd sent him. Several twitter threads with photos taken from several different angles of him and Addie dancing and then making out.

The door burst open, slamming against the wall with a large thud. Addie stood there, wild and crazed with hair all messed up and dark circles under her eyes, the eyeliner from the night before running.

"Addie!" Zayn shouted from the kitchen, "Don't break my flat!"

Addie walked into the room, shoving her phone into Niall's face. "Did you see this?"

Niall nodded, unable to process things properly with how sleep-idled his mind was. "Mhm."

Addie groaned, throwing her hands over her face and collapsing back onto the bed right beside Niall. "Fuck. What are we going to do?" And then she punched him in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" Niall exclaimed, rubbing the spot where he'd been punched.

"You kissed me, asshole!"

"It was mutual!" Niall argued. Addie shifted up until she was leaning against the headboard, mirroring Niall.

Addie sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder. "This is going to be a shitty day, isn't it?"

Niall nodded, while Addie reached her arm over his shoulder, rubbing up and down. He relaxed under her comforting touch.

"It'll be okay."

Addie sighed, and they sat like that for a while, just holding each other as they went down their separate paths in their thoughts.

And then Addie broke the silence with a snicker. "Did we just have our Last Friday Night experience?"

"The Katy Perry song?" Niall snorted in laughter.

"Pictures of last night ended up online," Addie sang softly.

Niall continued, "I'm screwed."

In unison, "Oh well. It's a blacked out blur but I'm pretty sure it ruled. Damn. Last Friday Night."

"Yeah we danced on tabletops," Addie sang, using her hand as if she were holding a microphone, and then turned towards Niall.

Niall sang back, "And we took to many shots."

"Think we kissed, but I forgot. Last Friday Night."

The two of then burst into laughter, impressed by how well the song fit their situation.

And that was their Last Friday Night experience. And the time that Niall made out with Addie.

a/n: so, basically the 2013 brits in this au i've created, became like an iconic moment for the addie/1d fans because of the long list of moments that happened in the span of 3 days.

imagine what'll happen at the 2014 brits: hint, it's not fun 👀

also, here are a few fun facts about things that happened after this drunk kiss:

1. niall ended up writing little black dress about addie

2. harry was absolutely pissed at niall for doing so

3. harry ended up being insanely jealous of niall, and it took a while for niall to convince harry there wasn't anything romantic between him and addie

4. just a lot of chaos on twitter

5. also, years later, niall and addie would make a tiktok singing last friday night. it broke the internet.

hope you enjoyed this chapter, remember to vote and comment because i crave validation. love ya <3

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