The Reunion (Part 1)

By Youlo182

102K 2.8K 862

Maya and Carina meet again after fifteen years without speaking to each other at their high school reunion wh... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70

chapter 52

1.1K 31 8
By Youlo182

Once Maya had finished puking her guts out and crying, she asked one of the C-team firefighters for a toothbrush, then ran back to Andy's house. She arrived at her best friend's house and went inside. She was sweaty, the firehouse wasn't that far away, but she had covered the distance she should have done in a long-distance run, a middle-distance run, or even a sprint.

She had arrived at the house and heard a noise in the kitchen.
She had gone there with a decided step.

- "bamb-" had begun the Italian.

-"Andy is not here?" Maya asked as she approached her.

- "no, she's in the show-"

She had not had time to finish her sentence that the hands of the blonde had come to put themselves on her cheeks, she had tackled her against the island, moving their feet, before going down her hands on the sides of Carina and lifting her on the work plan, to come to put herself between her legs and intensify a little more their kiss, by sliding her hands in her back, under her shirt.

Carina's hands that had quickly found themselves against her neck, surrounding the base of her head, had slid down, she had come to rest the underside of her arms on Maya's shoulders; a handful of hair in one of her hands, whose arm she had bent; and her other arm in the same position, her hand flat on the top of her skull, to keep her face against hers.

- "I love you" Maya had added, breaking the kiss for a second, before regaining possession of the Italian's lips and sliding her tongue into her mouth, making Carina moan; coming to kiss her as she had two weeks before, as she had not kissed her for two weeks.

The brunette had moved closer to the edge of the islet to have more than her upper body stuck to Maya.
She had then slipped one of her two arms, the one that didn't hold a strand of hair and she had come to caress the cheek of the blonde, she had brought her thumb back to their lips, to make them break the kiss.

- "Ma-Maya it's been two, two weeks since we did anything, if you, if you can, avoid, to, to, to light me up like that..."

The sprinter had placed one of her hands against the back of Carina's neck and clearly she didn't care what she asked. She had brought their faces together again and had come to kiss her with the same fervor.
It was clear that the brunette was not in a position to oppose Maya or to push her away, she had absolutely no desire to do so, she wanted her, right now on this island.

Her hand had slipped again on the cheek of her girlfriend and she had come to slip it against her nape of the neck.

"I, want, of, you" she had articulated between their kiss.

-"Hey, I thought I heard the door!" Andy made just before arriving in the kitchen, a towel in her hand wiping her hair on the side.

Maya and Carina had parted their lips, but had opened their eyes and were looking at each other with all the desire in the world, their faces practically glued together, breathing as if they had run a marathon.

"Glad to see you're back on your feet Bishop," Andy said once she reach the kitchen. Causing them to come unstuck a little more, the blonde backing up and the brunette stepping off the island, almost brushing against her girlfriend's body as she gave her very little space.

- "Sorry" replied the sprinter for them both.

-"No worries, I understand Carina is hot, but avoid maybe the kitchen or the living room ... This is me... If it had been my father, tonight's meal could have been embarrassing."

- "Isn't there a party tonight?" Asked the Italian.

- "why do you feel like sneaking out, while everyone is dancing, to get laid?"

Carina's gaze had dropped, as if she didn't dare look at her lover's best friend.

"Oh... Okay sorry... I hadn't... You can go into the shower to... To do this or..."

- "no, it's okay we can hold it" replied Maya, to which Carina obviously disagreed, no she couldn't hold it and especially she didn't want to, but well, she couldn't say it out loud.

She had just put her hand up to the back of the blonde's neck, to play with the wet hair stuck to her neck by sweat. Because of Maya's sweaty body... She had been lost for a moment imagining herself pulling lightly on the hair at the base of her girlfriend's head, while she was making love to her and her lips had been trapped by her teeth.

- "you should take a shower, you're sweating bambina" her voice had come out much deeper than she had intended.

-"Yes, you're right, I'll let you finish cooking, I know you don't like to be disturbed."

The blonde had absolutely not understood her companion and she had kissed her on the cheek before going upstairs to go to the bathroom.

- "am I mistaken or had you just offered her sex in the shower and she absolutely did not understand?!"

- "two weeks... Two weeks... We have never gone that long without sex since the first time... And even then, the fourteen days had been torture, and we were not a couple.
But you know... Until two weeks ago, we didn't go more than thirty-six hours without making love and I know she needs time, and it's not just about sex, because I can look at any other human being, even undressing next to me and it doesn't make me feel anything; but as soon as Maya is in my field of vision, or within my reach, I can't help it, I want to kiss her, touch her... And when she is not there... I think of the way she used to kiss me... Or, or make love to me...." Did she with her eyes lost in the vague, in her memories. "... Maya is really good... She can make love, really... Really..."

- "go to her"

- "no, you saw, right, she didn't even get it..."

- "meanwhile, there has never been so much action on this work plan and I include el cinco de mayo, El Dia de los muertos and thanksgiving reunited"

- "I miss her... She's here, but I miss her so much, it's horrible" Carina had done in a frail voice, releasing a tear.
Andy had approached and wanted to comfort the brunette, but she had preferred to turn away so as not to cry any more. "I'm going to finish making dinner."

The Puerto Rican had hesitated to speak, to say something, but she didn't want Carina to cry more either, she could see that it wasn't a question of sex, that it was really her Maya that she missed.
She had settled for getting plates and setting the table. Ryan was going to come eat with them.

When Maya had come downstairs in an outfit almost similar to Carina's, who was wearing a smock and a t-shirt, she had approached the Italian again, she had slid her hand down her back, so that she would turn her head.

The brunette had slightly lowered the head to come to kiss her companion who was a little smaller, and had felt the other hand of the blonde slide on her cheek, before coming to open a little more her lips.

The brunette had dropped the knife and the vegetable she had in her hands and had turned to face Maya, coming to tackle her in turn against the work plan.

-"I want you bambina" had whispered the Italian against her lips while moving back slightly.

-"Thank you for being patient with me," Maya replied in the same tone.

- "How are my favorite lovers?" Ryan asked as he entered the kitchen, just as the brunette had begun to back away from the blonde.

- "How are you Tanner?" Maya asked.

-"good. How are you, beautiful?" He then asked Carina, coming to put his hand on her shoulder, obviously he had to talk with Andy.

She had just turned her head towards him and smiled, a smile of defeat.
He had then come to take the blonde in his arms, as he had done a lot these two last weeks.

"Maya I have to admit that if I hadn't been madly in love with Andy, I probably would have tried to steal Carina from you, this woman borders on perfection. She's beautiful, she has a wonderful Italian accent, she's a ama-"

- "she doesn't border on it, she's perfection incarnate. If you look in the dictionary there is her picture next to the description" she looked at her girlfriend, who seemed to be smiling, but a not entirely sincere smile.
"And then you wouldn't have had your chance, I would have fought for her. I stood up to my dad for her. And then you seem to forget that she is madly in love with me."

- "I seem or you seem?"
She hadn't really understood his remark and he had pointed to Carina with his chin. This one seemed to be sad and lost in her thoughts. She seemed to be in pain too, but she kept it in her heart; after all she knew it was Maya's father and her life and she shouldn't make it about her.

Without even listening to their conversation, a tear had rolled down the Italian's cheek and Ryan had made a sign that he was going to leave them both.
He then left the room, to join his girlfriend who was doing the laundry.

-"Love?" Maya asked worriedly as she ran her hand down Carina's back.

- "hmm?" Asked the brunette as she turned her head towards her, trying with all her might to get a sincere smile.

- "Are you okay?"

- "um" she did, giving her lover a semblance of a smile.

- "what's wrong?" Maya whispered as she approached Carina to whisper against her ear.

-"I miss you so much..."  had then whispered the Italian, as if saying it like this, made it less real.

- "but I'm here."

- "no, Maya..."

- "I sleep in your arms every night"

- "Maya it's not your body I miss, it's you" she replied as she came to put her hand on her heart.
"It's the girl who tells me she loves me, the one who whispers in my ear, the one who talks with me at night, the one who looks at me as if I were the most beautiful woman in the world, the one who tackles me to the island to kiss me..."

- "but I'm still here"

- "I would like... And I love you and I would wait for you... But it's hard... I give you time, space... But I miss just your arms around my body. I know you love me and I really try not to make it about me because it's not. But... Maya you are far, far away"

-"I'm... I'm scared" the blonde lowered her head.

- "of?"

- "my feelings for you"

- "wh-why?"

-"I don't, I've never stood up to my dad. But the second he pointed at you ... I don't think I've ever felt so confident in my body in the face of his authority. It was unthinkable for me, that someone would pick on you. And that scares me... I think I'm afraid of after, I'm afraid of having to live and survive without you."

- "I'm, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make it about me".

- "it's not that... You are my life. So it's only right that I take it back to you..." Maya said and then smiled slightly: "And then between us... It's a bit your fault... If you had been less perfect I wouldn't have fallen in love with you and we wouldn't be here today".

- "so it's my fault?" Carina asked, trying to smile at her and get into Maya's game, which seemed to be trying to make the mood lighter.

-"Oh yes, completely your fault... I still have bruises on my butt..."

- "do you have bruises on your ass bambina?" Asked the worried brunette.

- "don't you have any?"

- "Yes... On the bottom of my hip..."

- "I'd like to see that..."

- "my bruise?!"

- "your hip..."

Carina had moved her hand up Maya's cheek and she had looked at her lips.

"I want you."

The brunette had lowered her face and she had come to kiss the blonde.

After the meal and the evening, the three young women had gone to bed, it was more than two o'clock in the morning and they had discussed, the hand of Carina caressing the belly of her girlfriend, hidden from the eyes, as they were in the dark, before Andy fell asleep.

"Carina..." Whispered the blonde to her girlfriend whose fingers were drawing abs.

- "What?"

- "can, can, can you stop?"

- "why?"

- "I have the impression that you like my body, more than before... you, you, you often run your fingers like, like you do there..."

- "I like your body, I always liked your body"

- "but... My abs are more defined".

- "your abs were perfect" she did as she laid her hand flat and pulled it up. "I miss your butt."
Carina whispered as she brought her lips to her ear.

- "What do you mean?"

- "you... You've lost weight..."

- "I lost some butt?"

- "I fell in love with your buttocks... And your thighs... And I miss your beautiful butts. I really miss it... I like your new ass... But I'm sorry but I prefer the one I fell in love with"

- "you like big butts?"

- "your butt wasn't big. It was perfect..."

- "are we really here talking about my butt at... two-thirty in the morning?" Asked the blonde after looking at her watch.

"I could talk about your butt for hours at any time. And believe me ... Right now, I'm trying to control myself and tell myself that Andy is next to us and I can't get my hand any lower than your abs."

- "and kiss me?"

Carina had raised herself slightly to come and kiss her and Maya had slipped her arm underneath her, to come and surround her waist.

The Italian had leaned over her and had approached her mouth of that of her girlfriend, but before kissing her she had gone up her hand under her t-shirt and had come to pass her finger between her breasts.

- "I think you've lost breasts too"

- "fortunately you are not lesbian then..."

Carina had taken Maya's left breast in her hand and had performed a pressure on it.

"I'm Maya Bishop... and every bit of you drives me crazy." She had let go of the blonde's breast and she had come to rest her hand on the small of her back, under her shirt.
"I, I don't think I can kiss you anymore"

- "why?"

- "because I wouldn't know how to be satisfied with it"

- "I need your lips" answered Maya, putting the brunette on top of her, thanks to her hand that was placed behind her back and the other one that she had come to put on her hips.

The Italian had come to kiss the blonde and this one had immediately intensified the kiss exactly as the brunette liked it.

-"Maya..." Whispered the Sicilian against the lips of her girlfriend. "I want to... Do not kis-" she had felt the hand of the sprinter slide in her sarouelle, under which she had no underwear, directly on her buttock. On her side she had clamped her hand on Maya's side and the other on the pillow behind the sprinter.
She had nodded, wanting the blonde to stop, but she hadn't. She had dropped her legs on either side of her hips and pulled her body up a little on Maya's.
"Bambina... It's been over two weeks..."

The blonde had sat in the bed and had put her two hands under the buttocks of the Italian.
She had shifted her legs and put her feet on the floor. She had stood up and carried Carina as if she wasn't struggling.

She had walked across the room and whispered to the Italian to open the door, they had gone out and put her feet on the floor at the top of the stairs.

She had removed her hand which was still in the smock and had taken the hand of her girlfriend to descend the steps. She had led her to the garage.

"What are you doing?"

- "Didn't you tell me on New Year's Eve that you dreamed of having sex in the car?"

She had opened the door that led to the garage and closed it once they had entered. Then she had led her to her car.

"The great thing about being at Andy's... Is that their garage is so big, my car can sleep inside."

She had gone straight to the passenger side and opened the door. She'd walked over to sit down and the Italian woman had stopped her.

"What ... You, you don't want to anymore?"

But Carina had stepped around the blonde and sat down first.

"What are you doing?"

- "You said something about the thirty-first. That's what I wanted on New Year's Eve."

She had taken Maya's hand and pulled her into the car and stood over her, astride her, before closing the door.

-"and no-"She didn't have time to finish when the brunette grabbed her cheeks and came to kiss her. Their own way of kissing. The one where they had no restraint.

Then she had withdrawn her hand from one of her cheeks and had come to slip it under her t-shirt to caress her

-"Tell me that I can take it away bambina?!" Carina asked desperately.

- "yes"

- "really?"

- "on New Year's Eve I had to say yes..."

The Italian felt she had asked permission enough, saying 'really'. She had grabbed both sides of Maya's shirt and pulled it off.

She had stepped back, made her girlfriend step back slightly and lowered her eyes to her body. She had brought both her hands up in front of her companion's breasts and had come to rest them on them.

-"They are a smaller ... But I had missed your body so much... Less than you though..."

There was very little light in the garage, only through the glass of the garage door and a window on the opposite side to her and despite the little light, Maya could see Carina's eyes completely mesmerized by her body.

The Italian's hands had slid from her girlfriend's breasts to her abs and she had run her fingers over them, caressing them with her fingerprints. The blonde had lost so much weight in two weeks and had made so much sport, that she did not even need to contract her body.

"I'll probably sound... Strange... But I hope you'll put some weight back on..."

- "Indeed it is strange... Why do you want me to gain weight?"

- "besides your butt and your breasts?... Trust me... There are unspeakable things happening right now in my body, when I look at and touch yours... But I like, for example, to put my hands on your hips or your sides... And there it's your bones or your ribs..." She had not finished her sentence but had brought her mouth to one of the blonde's nipples; she had taken it between her lips and ran her tongue against it.

One of her hands had caressed the blonde's body and slid down her back to hold her against her and her other hand had slid on her second breast.

Maya's nipples were hard under her phalanges and under her tongue. The sprinter had slipped one of her hands into Carina's hair and her other hand had come to grab the headrest.

The blonde had lightly pulled on the hair of her girlfriend so that she leaned her head back and came to kiss her. This simple action had set Carina's body on fire.

She had returned her kiss to her lover and her hand previously on her breast had slid down her body to enter her pajama bottoms, then into her vulvar slit. They had both released a moan in the mouth of the other.

-"Carina..." Had whispered Maya against the lips of her girlfriend as if she only realized at the moment, how much she had missed it.

She had raised herself slightly and the brunette had smiled against her lips. She had never stopped wanting her bambina, and now her body was claiming her.

The Italian had slid her fingers slowly lower and slid three fingers into Maya slowly, very slowly, feeling the blonde's walls expand on her fingers.

The hand of the sprinter previously on the headrest had come to tighten on the shoulder of the brunette.

"Car ... Carina!" She said, stopping her breathing.

- "please bambina... Babies can come out... I assure you that you can appreciate..." Answered the brunette, still inserting her fingers in her. Then she had stopped her gesture, when she had had inserted practically all her fingers and she had felt Maya's walls crushing her phalanges. "You have no idea how wet I am from feeling you so tight..."

Maya had sighed slightly before sliding back onto her fingers slowly, and her hand had tightened on Carina's shoulder.
She had done it again and this time a moan had left her lips, setting the brunette ablaze once more.

The Sicilian had slightly straightened up and had penetrated a little more her girlfriend, making her moan louder and pushing her little nail in her shoulder.

The blonde had come to kiss the Italian and had extracted herself from her fingers, to better return to it, more deeply each time and insisting more and more on the end of the penetration. The moans of Maya were more raucous than usual, but only because she was still making herself to the volume in her.

Then her hand had slipped from her shoulder to her neck, to the side, her index finger and thumb were on Carina's jaw, and she was struggling to kiss her. Her moans came from the middle of her chest, she felt that all her body wanted to enter in fusion with that of the Italian.

- "I have, I have, I want, to be in, in you..."

Carina had squeezed her thighs, she too wanted Maya to be inside her. She had swallowed and the blonde had felt her reciprocal desire.

So she had accelerated the movement of her hips, feeling her orgasm forming inside her. The second hand of the Italian had slipped from her back and had slid in her pants, to come to embrace one of her buttocks.

Maya had started to moan several times the name of her girlfriend and this one had curved her fingers inside the blonde, forcing her to push a moan even more serious and to come to make of small penetration deeper just to feel Carina against her G spot.

Their bodies were sweating and the sprinter had felt a ball of heat form in her lower abdomen and at the moment when this one had exploded downwards, a discharge had gone up in her column, then in all her body.

Her buttocks had rested on the thighs of Carina, her fingers always in her; she tried to take her breath, tightening the brunette in her arms.
Then she had slipped her hand on the cheek of the Italian and had come to kiss her again.

-"I could make love to you again like this?"

- "in the car or ..."

- "with three fingers"

Maya had looked at Carina and her innocent look in the gloom, her eyes then her lips.

- "not every time... But yes... You, you saw that where?"

- "nowhere... It's just that, that I really like it when I feel you sliding over my fingers, I like to feel your desire crushing my fingers... It's really exciting... And I thought if I put three fingers you would be even tighter..."

- "and it's okay you didn't..."

- "I had to concentrate very hard... But no, I really want to feel your fingers to have my first orgasm in two weeks"

- "I'm sorry..."

- "I don't want to hear any excuses... We didn't come to talk and then you have nothing to apologize for."

The blonde had raised her hips and Carina had retrieved her fingers. She had looked at the wetness of the blonde on her fingers.

"I want to lick you so bad..." She said as if she had only been talking in her head. Of course she could have brought her fingers to her mouth, to clean them completely, but no, she wanted to have the taste of Maya on her lips, directly at the source.

The blonde had come to kiss her again, she could see on Carina's face that even though she had used the second person singular, for her, she had spoken in her head.

"Maya... I want you, please..."

- "It's asked so politely."

The sprinter had gotten up and despite the remaining space, they had managed to switch places. The blonde had immediately removed the brunette's top and as she looked down at her body, Carina had taken one of her hands and placed it on one of her breasts and the other in her sarouel that served as her pajama bottoms.

"Do you want me to..."

- "three fingers Maya... Please..."

The blonde had slid her hand up to Carina's entrance and although she could clearly feel the Italian's tightness on her fingers, she had also felt it come to collapse fully on her phalanges, to take the full volume inside her and let out a moan of satisfaction.

The brunette had plated the blonde to the back of the passenger seat and had come to take again possession of her lips whereas it had raised her basin.

"Hummm- I, I, want you to be the one to..."

While kissing her, Carina had felt Maya's fingers come inside her, disappearing entirely and curling her phalanx each time, making her moan.

"Hummm- Madonna..."

- "you, you, want to watch..."

- "no, I want to kiss you..." Carina had replied, she had slid one of her hands from Maya's neck, to her breast and was kissing her as the blonde's fingers penetrated her.

The Italian was moaning, two weeks, two weeks they hadn't made love.
While she had felt the sprinter accelerate her breakthroughs in her, following her walls which contracted more and more, the brunette had slipped her hand of the breast of Maya, to her abdominal, then her hand had turned over and she had again slipped it in her pants, to come to attack her clitoris. Quickly.

- "Car... Carina ... I..."

- "più véloce bambina..."

Maya had accelerated her hand coming deep inside her, making Carina's hips contract and move, to meet her hand each time and for the action to be more enjoyable. Two of the Italian's fingers had established a vigorous friction on the clitoris of the blonde, giving her also the desire to move her pelvis.

-"Io verrò! I'm going to cum!" Carina moaned, mixing this with the name of her sweetheart and more vulgar words that expressed her imminent pleasure.

She had accelerated her hand in Maya's pants and had pressed a little more while she was already moaning with her, so that she came at the same time as her.

The second hand of the blonde had found for a few minutes already a place on the top of the hip of the brunette, had begun to tighten more and more, as her orgasm was forming.

Carina had approached one last time her lips of those of Maya to come to take her mouth, to carry out a suction on her lower lip and to cum finally. This moment so much awaited since two weeks.

She had raised her pelvis slightly so that the blonde continued to accompany her in her orgasm and had felt a stronger penetration, a few seconds after her orgasm had exploded, making her moan, a hoarse and deep cry, when Maya had cum in her turn.

The blonde had immediately moved her hand from her hip to the back of Carina's neck and had come to kiss her fiercely.

-"I love you, I love you, I love you" had said the sprinter to her girlfriend several times, while she kissed her as if she had just woken up from a horrible nightmare.

One of Carina's hands had come to the handle to lower the seat. She had lowered it almost all the way before coming to take Maya's wrist, so she could finally remove her fingers.
Her knees had come to rest on the edge of the chair and she had come to rest on top of Maya.

She had kissed her before coming to slip the hand of the blonde, of which she always held the wrist, in her vulvar slit. She had released her hold and had come to put her hand on the cheek of the sprinter to kiss her sensually, while she came to rub her ball of nerve very slowly against the fingers of the blonde.

- "ti amo bambina, per sempre"



Has anyone turned on the heater?

I hope you enjoyed this moment...



PS: the episode of this night ... OMG the beginning scene... And even more the scene Marina of which had a taste of the Military School with the proposal of a date... And the comparison with gravity...
I love it.
I'm afraid for Maya, but honestly I don't think she's going to use those pictures...

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