Stained Recovery

By BaggedAndDropped

52.1K 2.8K 550

Cleo's life turned 360 when she received the god-awful message announcing her ex-fiance's wedding. Looking f... More

The meet-cute || Chapter 1
Don't even think about it || Chapter 2
Thank fuck for that || Chapter 3
We're Just Friends || Chapter 4
Fake it till you make it || Chapter 5
Us || Chapter 6
Hungover Ponytail || Chapter 7
Closure || Chapter 8
A Friend || Chapter 9
Excuse Me, I love you || Chapter 10
She's my Thank U, Next || Chapter 11
Cuddle Monster || Chapter 12
Busted || Chapter 13
Royally Fucked || Chapter 14
Balls on fire || Chapter 15
My back was blown || Chapter 16
Mommy's girl || Chapter 17
Am I? || Chapter 18
Empase || Chapter 19
Vacation Part 1 || Chapter 21
Vacation Part 2 || Chapter 22
Cupboard under the Stairs || Chapter 23
Trouble in Paradise || Chapter 24
Confused || Chapter 25
Like a fifth grader || Chapter 26
Barefoot and... || Chapter 27
Compromise || Chapter 28
Capiche? || Chapter 29
Must be nice || Chapter 30
Different Plans || Chapter 31
Friends? || Chapter 32
Fucking love || Chapter 33
A-Negative || Chapter 34
Austin's Family || Chapter 35
All in the past || Chapter 36
Breaking Boundaries || Chapter 37

Impusle || Chapter 20

1.2K 73 7
By BaggedAndDropped

"Ariana, what do you think?" Scooter glanced at me.

We were in the middle of a meeting with the managing staff. He wasn't aware of what this meeting was all about. I asked Scooter to keep it to ourselves first. I don't want others to know that one of the people who betrayed Cleo was a part of my team. Aside from her still not knowing -- we still have to discuss about what she said this morning.

That is more important than some shady staff member who betrayed us.

"I'm good with whatever, Scoot. You do the talking, I'll just be here for formality's sake." I answered in a clipped tone. Everyone was looking at us apprehensively and giving us the side-eyes.

"Alright, this meeting is about the information that has been leaked. Everybody knows who Cleo Phillips is, right?" He paused and earned collective nods from our staff. "So... it has come to my attention that the one who pulled some strings and got it leaked was from our team. Now, I've always been a good boss to everyone, but when it comes to situations like this... I'm afraid I'll have to cut you loose."

He sighed in defeat. Scooter cared about his team like they were his family. They came first every time there were some hiccups or mishaps -- he never wanted to fire anybody, but this situation needs action to be done.

"A lawsuit has been filed by Cleo's father recently, which -- I have worked with already. We're lucky that Gilbert Phillips was kind enough to let us investigate first before he pushed through with the case." Scooter explained further, earning whispers across the room.

I observed the room, everyone was roaming their eyes around. They already have an idea what we're doing here. They knew that we already know who... we were just giving him a chance to come clean.

"Who in their right mind would pick a fight with the Phillips, Scoot? Jesus, this is a massive headache when the press gets a whiff of what's happening here." Allen Timbers, Scooter's executive assistant, was pissed off. 

He was the one buried with the paper works recently because of Harvey Paulsen's selfish act. He knew about the leak -- he knew that we're trying to play dumb here, he was a part of the planning.

"Exactly my thoughts, Al -- exactly my thoughts. Now, to clear things out... I already know who did this. I did my homework... so I'm giving you the chance to redeem yourself, even just a little bit... come forward now, or you'll be facing two lawsuits. One from us, and one from the Phillips." Scooter's stern and serious voice boomed the green room.

Everyone stopped whispering, they were all looking around to see who would step forward. In my peripheral view, I can see Harvey sitting coolly at the corner. As if he didn't know anything about what has been happening.

That alone made my blood boil. He almost cost me my Cleo -- it was a good thing that my relationship with her and her parents weren't damaged or else, he would be facing me. He had the nerve to pretend and act like this doesn't concern him at all.

Before I could hold it in, I stood and released the breath I didn't know I was holding. Everybody looked at me in wonder. "Ari." Scooter said in warning.

"I don't think he'll come forward, Scoot." It was a moot point to have him come forward. He clearly wasn't acting guilty about this. Maybe he thought, he could get away with slandering Cleo's name.

Not on my watch, bastard.

I walked to the middle of the room, not even trying to keep my calm. They said that I could be pretty scary when angry -- so I need all the anger I could muster to show off these corporate assholes that they could never mess with me and Cleo again.

Everyone was watching me with wide eyes. It was probably the first time they saw me this angry. I mean, I've had my diva moments but this isn't one of them. This was a serious matter that could have ruined and put Cleo's life at risk.

My eyes glared at Harvey's direction, everyone was now looking at him which made him look at me, acting all innocent and terrified. Good. I want him scared of what I can do to him.

"We were trying to do this silently and peacefully, but it seems that you don't regret what you did at all. So here's the thing... Harvey, you're fired and expect a call from our lawyers by the end of the day." I mustered all my courage to tell him in a straight face.

He immediately came to defend himself. His look of shock was instantly replaced with a smug smirk. "You can't do that, sweetheart. You're not my employer and I sure as hell didn't do any illegal shit here."

My head throbbed with anger. How could this stupid bastard act like he didn't do anything wrong. The fact that he could pretend that he was innocent gets into my nerves.

"Oh, I sure as hell can. Scooter is under my employment, so technically — I'm your boss', boss', boss — meaning, I can fire who ever the hell I want." I gritted my teeth in anger.

The nerve of this guy. I swear to god, if he don'r shut his trap, I'm socking his eyeballs out.

"Feisty? How sure are you?" He was still smug — like he was mentalling patting his back for a doing a good job.

Good job, where? Pissing me off?!

"Shut up, Harvey. As Ariana said, you're fired. Security will escort you out — all your company provided equipments will be left and don't forget — you signed an NDA. That's an iron-clad contract and if I were you, I wouldn't violate it so nothing else will be added to your case." Scooter said as he stood and crossed his arms.

"Ari." Scooter said with a warning tone.

I silently tried to keep my emotions in check. No rash decisions, Ari — I have to keep my cool.


"Ariana, where the fuck are you?" Jasmine grumpily asked over the line. She called me a few minutes back when I was still in the meeting.

I immediately called her as soon as I saw her missed calls. I knew it was only a matter of time before she tracked my ass down. Cleo probably told her what happened this morning.

Fuck — memories of Cleo telling me she loves me flashed in front of me. We were all cuddle up in bed, then she suddenly told me, straight up that she loves me! I freaked out, alright!

"I'm in my dressing room. Why are you so shouty this morning?" I tried to act normally, it was still possible that she had no idea what transpired earlier.

Sadly, luck wasn't siding with me.

"Oh, I don't know — maybe the fact that Cleo called me in an ungodly hour asking me to drop off your breakfast?!" She sarcastically said with a subtle attitude. " Or maybe because you dipped when she asked you to be her girlfriend and told you she loves you. I honestly can't choose."

Yikes -- Jasmine Peters is pissed. Shit -- I thought Cleo wouldn't tell her right away. I mean, we still haven't talked about it... well, because I left before she could get back to the hotel. Can you blame me though? I got scared... it was like an out of the body experience. I was like in an autopilot mode.

"Jas... please, let's not talk about that for now. What do you mean breakfast?" I said.

I heard some shuffling and her exhaling a large amount of breath. She sounded so frustrated.

"You know, the two of you are worse than my mom and dad. Your communication is shit -- I swear to god! We're not going to talk about it, because one -- you need to talk about it with Clay, and two -- I'm not in the mood to make you guilty for worrying Cleo, when you clearly feel the same way." I could hear the attitude in her voice. She was clearly upset that I left Cleo in the hotel without explaining.

Shit... come to think of it -- Cleo still hasn't messaged or called me. It's been hours... was she upset with me too? Of course, Ari. Do you think she'd be okay after you left without talking to her?

"You stay right were you are. I have bad cramps so don't make me march around the O2. I'll be there in five." She said before dropping the call.

I cringed as looked at the screen of my phone. Jasmine loved to drop calls, doesn't she? Jeez -- Jasmine being grumpy on a regular day was hard to deal with. What more on her red days. I'm in for a treat for sure.

After a few minutes, I heard my door open revealing a frowning Jas and an amused Courtney beside her. "Delivery for your majesty." Court mock curtseyed.

I rolled my eyes at her silliness and bit my lip to stop myself from grinning. They looked hilarious -- their faces were purely contrasting each other. However, it didn't go unnoticed by Jas as she glared at me. Fuck -- I'm in deep shit.

"You think this is funny huh, Ariana?" She said when she placed the coffee and the to-go bag on top of my vanity table. I cowered over her poisonous look.

Remember when I told you, being in Jasmine's shit list is something that you should avoid? Yeah, well it looks like I'm a few steps away from being on top of that list.

"No, sorry Jazzy. Come on... don't be upset with me too." I mustered the sweetest voice I could. I know tenderness wouldn't cut it so I stood and hugged her sideways and kissed her cheek.

"Oooh, Ari -- what did you do?" Courtney playfully fueled Jasmine's annoyance which made me look at her sharply. She raised her arms in surrender. "Woah, easy! I was just asking."

"I'm serious, Ariana. You need to talk to Cleo -- don't leave her hanging. At least she's got the balls to ask you and tell you how she really felt. Knowing her, it probably took a lot of courage and thinking before she got to the point where she couldn't help herself and blurt it out."

Jas was on a roll. She sat on the couch and buried her face into her palm in a frustrated manner.

"She said she just left to get your breakfast and to give you a little space to think. She didn't expect that you'd run and not even leave a single message or call her on the way out. Now she's overthinking that you don't feel the same way." I could hear her worry and I know that her heart in the right place. I was just really shaken earlier -- I didn't have the time to clearly think about it since I needed to rush because of the damn meeting.

Imagine, being woken up when you felt someone staring at you. Then, you suddenly hear that person saying 'I love you' and asking you to be their girlfriend. I swear my, soul just left my body -- I felt like flying and I was over the moon. However, I wasn't able to voice it out -- damn it, I just fucking woke up!

Of course, I would like to be officially together with Cleo! I also feel the same way, I was actually in love with the woman! I just didn't have chance to tell her directly -- she also left in a hurry!

I stayed quiet, thinking of ways how I can make it up to my baby. As I pondered, Courtney jumped from her seat. "Oh my god. Ari, look at this." She said before handing me her phone.

It was unlocked and even when I still haven't fully browsed what she handed me, I saw Cleo's face clearly -- she looked handsomely mysterious. A frown on her face was visible as she talked to the woman in front of her. Checking the header of the page -- it was a paparazzi website which Courtney subscribed.

I was confused when Court told me that she had subscribed to these posts. But she explained to me that she had it on alert so I would be notified whenever I was out in public. At least I knew that I should be looking out and be more careful.

"What's she doing with another woman?" Courtney asked in confusion, probably trying not to conclude anything.

Cleo told me she was with her dad!

Worry filled my head and my heart tripled its beating. Why was she out with another woman? This looked like a fucking date to me! Fury immediately rose as I browsed the photos -- there were a lot of photos where the woman was being touchy with my Cleo.

Fucking bitch! She better keep her hands off my baby!

The green monster in me rose from the dead -- ready to claw its way out and stake my claim!

Jasmine stayed quiet though. I chanced a glance at her and waited for her to react violently. If she knew nothing about this woman, she'd probably give her two cents about this photo. I eagerly checked her facial expression as she looked over my shoulder.

However, she just remained stoic -- her resting bitch face irked me more. Does she know who this woman was?!

"Jas, who's this?" I couldn't help but let the my bitch mode on. I was so ready to head to this restaurant and drag this bitch's wrinkled hands away from my Cleo.

Courtney took her phone from my hold, trying to view more updates about this recent post. Jasmine on the other hand just shrugged at me and rolled her eyes.

"You don't have the right to ask who that woman was, Ari. You're not Cleo's girlfriend, remember? You didn't talk to her, so better clear things out before you're too late." She said in a nonchalant manner, making Courtney's eyebrows quirk. She was silently asking what the fuck was going on.

"Okay, okay. Now, I'm kind of lost, Ari. What the fuck was Jasmine talking about?" Courtney, bless her soul, was now standing with her hands on her hips.

I guiltily cast my eyes down the floor, pretty embarrassed and upset that I didn't have the guts to personally talk to Cleo after her confession. I just fucking realized that I probably gave her the wrong impression -- fuck -- I'm so stupid!

I immediately got my phone from the table top and pulled up Cleo's message thread. I quickly messaged her asking if she was still with her dad. A couple of minutes later, I received a response from her, thank fuck! She wasn't too busy with the bitch.

"She said it was just a meeting and she was still with her dad. The paparazzi probably took those when her dad wasn't around." I said as I typed and sent a quick photo of the muffin and coffee she got me.

I was smiling widely as she replied to me fast. Damn -- I thought she was upset with me. I honestly didn't wanna talk about this morning through text. It would be better if we talk about it in person. At least I still have time to think of ways on how I could make it special for her too.

Shit -- I was clearly out of my element here.

"Alright, that's it -- Ari, if you don't tell me what the hell's happening, Imma fucking call Cleo and ask her myself." Courtney was getting irritated.

"Shut up, Court. I'll tell you what -- Cleo asked Ariana to be her girlfriend this morning, and told her she loved Ari. Buuut, this woman right here didn't even bat an eye so Cleo thought she freaked out Ariana. Then this girl bolted out of the hotel room the moment she got the chance and hasn't talked to poor Cleo ever since." Jas explained, seemingly so full of it already.

"Look, Ari -- I won't tell you what to do. But fucking talk to the girl -- call her or something, at least acknowledge that you heard her. Don't act like nothing happened, Jesus -- at least tell her that you'll talk about it later tonight after your show." She stood and stalked toward the door in a huff before leaving me with Courtney.

Oh my god... I officially pissed Jasmine Peters off.

Courtney sat beside me and held my hand to try and comfort me. I couldn't help but be emotional -- not only I failed to give Cleo reassurance, I also managed to upset Jasmine in a span of few hours.

"Hey, don't cry, Ari. She's got a point you know -- the best you can do right now is to let Cleo know that you want to talk about it later. Don't leave her hanging like that. I mean, I get that you freaked out a little -- which is pretty normal -- especially for you... but it wasn't right to just leave her like that even if you were in a hurry." Courtney reasoned as she wiped the tear that escaped my eyes with her thumb.

"I didn't mean to do that, Court. I was just so out of it this morning... I had to attend a very important meeting and I haven't told Cleo about the info leak yet. I didn't really expect her to suddenly tell me she loves me!" I cried in frustration.

Shit -- I was a crying mess -- "I just woke up! Then she fucking asked me if I wanted to be her girlfriend! I was half asleep, you know! I didn't know how to respond to that -- I haven't even brushed my teeth yet." I continued to rant.

Courtney just consoled me as I sobbed into her chest. "It's okay, Ari. I understand. Now, just text Cleo or give her a quick call. Like say something to her, just to acknowledge that you guys will talk. Give her some reassurance or something."

I nodded at her and decided to just shoot a text. I couldn't really talk without crying right now.

Court just eyed me with amusement as I tapped on my phone.

"You're really head over heels for this girl, huh?" I could hear the undertone in her voice. Like she was really wondering.

I looked at her as I wiped my tears and nodded. My ride going to the arena wasn't really that peaceful — I was able to gather my thoughts and confirm my true feelings about Cleo.

I knew... I knew that I was in love with her.

I was just too scared to admit it. I was terrified to jump into the fucking abyss because I thought it was too early. Looks like time is just a number...

The moment we met, we already clicked. The weeks and days we spent together — I got to know her more and more... it was like we already knew each other for years.

She learned what I hate... what I like... and what makes me tick. Same goes to her — I knew her from the stories Jasmine told me... but when she opened up herself to me... it was like a version of someone I longed for my whole life.

We almost both got married last year... good thing we both dipped. I believe that the universe had a plan for us to meet this way.

How fucking lucky could I get, huh?

I looked at Courtney and she had a wide grin on her face. My eyes rolled, I knew I'll never hear the end of this.

"I saw this coming." She gloated and I wanted to smack her head. "You know, I thought at first — you'll be like, fuck buddies but damn... Cleo was super traditional! At least she's got some balls to ask you to be official!"

My mind drifted again to Cleo's balls. Jesus — I'm so fucking thirsty for her! Flashes of her being balls deep inside me last night made my lower region flood. Hot damn.

"Shut up, Court. I didn't mean to fall that fast... I just can't help it! I mean, have you seen her?! She was sweet, gentle... super smart... charming and good looking... she was also so kind... I couldn't help myself! She was a walking green flag — and I'm proudly waving that shit!"

Excitement filled my heart as soon as I heard a ping. My eyes immediately looked at my screen but Courtney got a hold of it first. My mouth hung open as she let out a high pitched squealed and threw my phone at me.

"Oh my god! Okay — I need to find myself a boo! I can't even!" She said while fanning her face with her hands.

I picked up my phone and as soon as soon as it lit up, I couldn't help the giddy smile that formed on my lips.

Cleo: Okay, we'll talk later. I'll be there with my parents before your show starts, pop star. Don't worry, no pressure. I love you, Ariana.

My heart was thumping loudly against my chest. Shit — was this normal?

I love you, Ariana...

Fuck... I couldn't help it anymore. I need to tell her — I can't just leave her hanging, wondering if I feel the same way.

I pressed on the Facetime button on her message thread and waited for her to answer.

The connecting tone filled my ears and her gentle, smiling, handsome face welcome my sight. Holy shit — this is the face I wanted to see for the rest of my life!

Woah, buckle up! Too fast, Ari.

Before she could speak, I spoke first. "Did you mean that?" I asked in a small voice.

I was scared... what if she was just saying this but wasn't sure?

She sighed and smiled at me adoringly, like I was the most precious thing for her.

"Yea, Ari. I'm dead serious... I meant every word. I love you." It felt so strange and perfect at the same time.

Hearing her say it made my insides melt — like a fucking butter engulfed with heat. My heart was crazily drumming against my chest. She just told me she loves me... I don't have to be afraid anymore.

Maybe, I can be terrified with her instead. We'd be terrified together.

My eyes watered as I become overwhelmed with emotions that I have been keeping since this morning.

"I know we're talking tonight... so don't worry... I'm not pressuring you to feel the same way... just focus on your show right now... then we'll talk later... I'm not going anywhere." She said softly, and almost venerating me.

"Good... because I love you too, Cleo. I just want to let you know... I didn't mean to leave so quickly this morning, I just had to get to the meeting right away. But... I feel the same... let's talk about this later, yeah?" I said, trying to stop my tears from spilling.

I was an emotional bitch, and I know it. My throat constricted as she lazily smiled at me with teary eyes.

"Damn, what are you doing to my heart, Ari?" She teased with that playful, boyish smirk. It was her signature look, making me feel more attracted to her.

I just stared at her, trying to digest everything. We'll have a deep, long talk tonight and I was very much looking forward to it.

"Same as what you did to mine... I'll let you go now. I'll see you later babe..." I paused before wetting my lower lip and trying to tell her what I felt sincerly. "I love you, Cleo."

She gasped, before bashfully shaking her head.

"Fuck... can you say that again please?" She pleaded like a little kid so I muttered those words again.

It's been so long since I said those words and actually mean it. "I love you."

She just smiled at me and said her goodbye because she was already near her parent's Air BnB.

My eyes remained on the floor, not even trying to shake the euphoric feeling of Cleo telling me she loves me! I was basking in it — I was feeling every second of what I heard... until Courtney decided that she was single and can't stomach the thought of me flirting and getting all lovey-dovey with Cleo.

Bitter much?

"You guys make me wanna hurl. Jesus — I wonder how long will it be until she asks you to marry her." Court rolled her eyes at me.

I waited for panic to rise at the mention of marriage... but I didn't fell any! Woah — was that normal?! I couldn't help the my lips to form a goofy smile.

Imagine walking down the isle, seeing her at the end of the altar. Holy shit — I was getting way to ahead of myself! Shaking the thought of marrying Cleo, I face Courtney while biting my lower lip.

"Don't fucking jinx it... I could feel it, Court. She's the one!" I whispered.

Courtney's face morphed from being playful to being shocked in a matter of seconds.

"Oh... oh my god! Are being for real? Damn... okay, I'll keep my mouth shut right now!" She zipped her mouth and threw away the imaginary key.

We both giggled and hugged until Rashad popped his head through the door calling me in for my meet and greet.

I walked down the hallways, with a grin plasterred on my face.

Nothing could replace the excitement and happiness I was feeling. I will ask Cleo to be mine tonight.


How are yall?! So sorry for the late update — Had to do a quick break from writing. Got caught up with work and rl shit — LOL!

I missed u tho! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. I'm updating again by Thursday!!! I have it set on my calendar, dead ass!

Thank you for reading!!

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