The little mermaid is super c...

By coffeenrie

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The little mermaid is super clingy Author: Xi Zhi Category: BL doujin Release time: 2023-03-12 Latest: Chapte... More

Work related


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By coffeenrie

The little mermaid is super clingy
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 26

    Sea is a man of action. Since he decided to use the sprinkler system, he has to order someone to do it now.

    Although he has been wandering outside the center of power, he is also the younger brother of the tyrant after all, and his biological mother is the queen mother.

    Some things, he was born with.

    He just didn't bother to use it before.

    Now that he wants to use it, it is only a matter of one sentence.

    If you are afraid of delay, you will change. What sea has prepared is an extra-large sprinkler system.

    This sprinkler system can cover more than 300 people at the same time, without giving the little mermaid a chance to react.

    Once the spray is on, there is no way for the little mermaid to hide.

    At that time, it will be clear at a glance who is the real little mermaid.

    However, when the sprinkler is turned on, there should be some "small problems" in the live broadcast system.

    Otherwise, wouldn't everyone in the universe know which one is the little mermaid?

    Sea looked at the middle-aged man on the opposite side of the optical brain, "Black screen for three minutes, can it be done?" The

    middle-aged man on the opposite side respectfully said, "Of course, Your Highness."

    Sea nodded, "Do it as soon as possible, don't make extra troubles , and don’t reveal the news, once the target is identified, the scene will be blocked immediately, and I will take the little mermaid away from the scene as soon as possible, and you will finish the job.” The middle-aged man lowered his head in trepidation, “Understood, Your Highness

    . "

    Sea has a madness in his bones.

    When he goes crazy, he doesn't care about the consequences.

    All he wanted now was to desperately find that little mermaid.

    After finding out, with his identity, it shouldn't be difficult to protect a little mermaid.

    He had been looking for the little mermaid for so many years.

    He didn't want to wait any longer.

    In any case, he is also a direct descendant of the royal family, and he is surrounded by people who protect him.

    After he found the little mermaid, he took the little mermaid to a remote galaxy to avoid the limelight.

    When Tang Sen died, everything should be settled, and he and the little mermaid would come back at that time.

    At that time, he will be the next monarch, who can do what? Who can say what?

    No one dared to criticize him any more.

    Time is running out, and the fastest interstellar spacecraft must be prepared before the sprinkler system is installed.

    After a while, they will leave here as quickly as possible.

    Theoretically speaking, the probability of his success today is 90%.


    When Sea was gearing up to take away the little mermaid immediately, his plan was presented to Tang Sen immediately.

    Sea underestimated Tang Sen's ability, and even underestimated Tang Sen's information network.

    After knowing Sea's plan, Tang Sen's brows darkened, "He wants to die."

    Regardless of the little mermaid's wishes, he wanted to take the fish away, who gave him the right? !

    Also on the sprinkler system.

    Is this to expose the little mermaid directly in front of so many contestants?

    However, Sea is still not stupid to the end, knowing that people have hacked the live broadcast system.

    Otherwise, audiences all over the interstellar world will watch the scene of the fish changing into a living fish!

    At that time, the interstellar world will be chaotic even if it is not chaotic.

    Tang Sen said to Tang Tang, "When the contestants take a group photo later, there should be no accidents, understand?"

    Tang Yi knelt down on one knee, "Got it, Your Majesty."

    The contestants who knew nothing waited for the last time group photo.

    The director held a loudspeaker in his hand, "Okay, okay, let's line up, the first row is group A, the second row is group B, and so on, and the eliminated players stand in the last few rows." Tao Tao is in group

    C , standing in the third row; Lansha is in Group D, standing in the fourth row.

    Lan Sha simply stood behind Tao Tao, and as soon as he lowered his head, he could touch his fish head with his hands.

    After all the players are in place, it's time to take pictures.

    The cameraman also holds a megaphone in his hand.

    "Contestants, the theme of our group photo today is 'Misty Rain', and we will create a hazy feeling when the time comes, so don't be nervous."

    [Misty Rain? It feels very interesting, and I look forward to it. ]

    [If you want to create misty rain effect, you need to condense water mist, right? ]

    [how to do it? ]

    [You don't care what the program group does, anyway, why don't we watch the finished product? ]

    [Is this a surprise prepared by the program group for our audience? ]

    [I hope the scene will be more beautiful. ]

    [Ready to record screen! ]

    The audience stares expectantly at the screen.

    Misty rain, what kind of misty rain will it be?

    They thought of the misty rain falling one after another, and in the light rain, the contestants took the only group photo.

    It seems that it is very beautiful and artistic?

    Sea in front of the studio was also eagerly waiting.

    The moment the misty rain landed, the mermaid should show up.

    Just as the audience was waiting for the misty rain to fall, the scene in the live broadcast suddenly changed.

    This sudden change was beyond everyone's expectations.

    Gentlemen in the audience: ...

    How should I put it, the landing is indeed a landing.

    But what falls is not rain, but artificial foam.

    [Laughing to death, this is Misty Rain? This is called snow fluttering, right? ]

    [The program group didn't have a unified caliber? ]

    [Is this a rollover or a surprise? ]

    [However, the snow is also beautiful, which is in line with the current solar terms. ]

    Sea, who had been waiting for the little mermaid to show up, knew something had changed when he saw the snowflakes.

    He looked cold, "What's going on? What about the sprinkler system? Why did it turn into snowflakes?"

    These snowflakes are fake, but even if they were real, such a small amount of water would not be able to change the little mermaid's legs into fish tails. .

    He was about to question the middle-aged man, but the communication that was still available just now was no longer available.

    At this moment, he knew very well that someone more capable than him had intervened.

    But looking at the entire interstellar world, how many people dare to intervene in matters related to him?

    Surprise and sullenness floated on his cold face, "Tang! Sen!"

    There was no other choice but Tang Sen.

    Tang Sen intervened in this matter.

    Li Li frowned, why did Tang Sen intervene in this matter?

    There are several possibilities.

    1: Don Sen doesn't want Sea to abuse his power.

    2: Tang Sen doesn't want Sea to find the real mermaid.

    At present, the second guess is very likely. As for Guess 1, Tang Sen is not that boring, he usually doesn't care about Sea's affairs.

    Li Li's complexion became very ugly.

    If Tang Sen doesn't want Sea to find the real mermaid, does that mean he has already found the real mermaid?

    If yes, to what extent have they progressed?

    Has Tang Sen ever heard the little mermaid sing?

    The most important point is -

    will Tang Sen still die?

    The author has something to say:

    Tang Sen: I can live a long time, thank you.

    The little red envelope from the previous chapter has been sent out, Jiujiu.
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