Checkmate: THE NEXT LEVEL (R)

By Love_Bri94

361K 21.2K 18.4K

Mya and Chris take on the married life. Will they be able to handle all of the obstacles that it brings Tim... More

Bonus Ch.1 - Breezy Knows Best
Bouns Ch 3. - Causing Trouble

Bonus Ch.2 - Chatting With the Andersons

2.7K 193 149
By Love_Bri94

Bonus Chapter Two
Mya Brown
Miami, Florida

So I've decided to hope into my podcasting bag.

I've been thinking about doing this for a while but I've just never had the time. Me and my sisters have been in Miami for a while, and Mariah decided that we get this thing going.

We all have different personalities and ways of life so I think that this will be fun!

〰️chatting with the andersons ep.1〰️

"Hello hellooooo, welcome to the first of many episodes of Chatting with the Anderson's. You have me you're lovely girl Mya and my beautiful sisters Kayla and Mariah. We're going to be talking about any and everything. If you have questions for us send them to our instagram page."

"We gotta get Chris to make us a jingle. Some real catchy shit that'll finally win him another Grammy." Mariah said.

"Dayuuuuum! You beefing with my man bitch? That was shady as hell."

"I am. Nobody told his bald head ass to take Travis overseas for a fucking tour, for two damn moooonths." She pouted.

"Well he only took him because Landon and Jade are there and he shouldn't have agreed to it, so be mad at your husband not mine."


"Two months without no Dick, how do y'all do it?" Kayla asked.

"Catch a flight and go get some." Mariah laughed. "They're not in prison, so it's no issue."

"Exactly." Mya said. "And you're bringing up dick, ain't you and hoody still fornicating?"

Mariah laughed. "Fornicating? I hate you Mya."

"No I'm being serious. I thought they were back together or something."

"What made you think that?" Kayla asked Mya.

"Y'all are aaaaallllwaaaayyysss together."

"We're just cool, that's all. Was I supposed to hate him forever about something that happened years ago? No. We got a son. I'd rather us be best friends than enemies anyway."

"That's what's up, no judgement here."

"Since we're on the topic of forgiving people, I want to dabble in that for a bit." Mariah said. "So we've all been in situations where people have hurt us and did something's that absolutely unforgivable but somehow we've found it in our hearts to let go and move on."

"Not me." Mya said. "I've done the forgive and forget thing and it just is always a slap in the face. I can't let that happen again."

"I know who you're referring to." Kayla said. "But forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean dealing with that person again. You know it can be I forgive you but keep your ass over there."

"Facts Kayla." Mariah said. "That's how I had to be with my ex-husband. He dogged me but in order to heal, I had to forgive him but he still doesn't exist in my world."

"Well I think that forgive and never forget is the best solution for you Mya."

Mya shrugged. "Being hurt by someone that you never expected betrayal from makes forgiveness harder in my opinion. Especially when you've overlooked other things that they've done."

"Okay, I don't want to ruffle any feathers but I gotta ask."

"Oh boy." Mariah said.

"I mean we agreed that we'd keep it real if we did this so I gotta know." Kayla said. "At the beginning of your relationship with Chris, shit was rocky. He was still dealing with people he shouldn't have and constantly fucking up and then he cheated. Even though it wasn't right away, you forgave him. How could you overlook that and keep rolling but when it's comes to our brother, you're just completely done?"

Exhaling, Mya shifted in her seat. "I don't compare those situations because Chris is not my blood. Your family is supposed to support you, be there for you, have your back, it's supposed to be ride or die. A nigga I'm with, I expect some shit to happen, you know it's a possibility for them to be unfaithful. You can hope and pray that they don't do you wrong but there's still that slim chance. We blood we supposed to be solid and this fool exposed everything. And if I was being picky, choosing Chris over my family, me and you wouldn't be cool." Mya laughed. "You basically harassed me constantly but I forgave you and we haven't had issues since. Unfortunately. That's not the case with our brother."

"Yeeeeeah Kayla, I get what you were trying to get at but with your history, this definitely was not something you should've brought up." Mariah said.

"I was curious that's all." Kayla sat back in her seat.

"Well let's not let the past overshadow what's going on right now. But I think Mya's whole point was, if you do something to hurt her, and she forgives you, she expects change. But when you hurt her and she forgives you and the cycle continues, eventually she gets fed up and washes her hands with you. Which is the right thing to do."

"Exactly." Mya agreed. "And I didn't mean to go there with you Kayla. I just thought our situation was a good example with what you were saying."

"No, I get it. I mean there's plenty of people who've hurt me and I washed my hands with them. You get tired of dealing with the same shit after a while especially when everything else around you is changing."


"Next topic. We've got a few dm's." Mariah said while scrolling through her messages. "So someone asked how did we cope with the passing of Sam?"

"Oh so y'all want me to cry?" Kayla shook her head.

"I think I'm okay, to be honest. I miss him dearly, I do but I try to find peace in the situation."

"Everything still feels awkward for me." Mya said. "I don't know if I'll fully accept him being gone. He was a super hero in my eyes."

"I'm never accepting him being gone. I think the hospital could've did more. I still think the police were reckless. My heart is forever broken for big Sam." Kayla said.

"People always asks for advice when they lose a parent but I'm telling you there's no advice you can give. It's obvious that everyone's grief is different."

"Okaaaaay next question." Kayla said. She hated talking about her dad. "Do you think all men cheat? And my answer is hell yes."

"I do think all men cheat, but I do think that for some it's just a phase and they grow out of it." Mariah said.

"No, all men don't cheat and I really hate that women feel that way. I've been cheated on and I know plenty of Niggas that cheat but I never put men all in the same box. There are some men out there that are satisfied with the woman they have and if not they're not playing games, they let her go and get a new one."

"Okay what do you think makes a man cheat?"

"I'd love to have this conversation with the guys but I think it's a ego thing."

"Yeah." Mariah nodded. "I think they have a point to prove to themselves and the people around them. They wanna feel like the man and for some small minded guys, fucking multiple women is the way to do that. Like oh I got her, her and her, yeah I'm the man."

"And that's sucks." Kayla said. "And what's worse is the women who knows that a guy is dealing with someone and still deals with him because she thinks she has one up on the girlfriend or whoever. I'm a firm believer of holding all parties responsible, that nigga and all his side chicks. Everybody catching smoke."

"Felt that! I hate when people say that the girl owes you no loyalty. That's true but bitches really get out their mind when it comes to these niggas." Mya said.

"Facts, but we're not going to endure on these bums that enjoy playing second. I do want to say this, ladies don't ever ever try to make a man cheating your own fault. He cheated because a horrible person and no matter what, you're amazing and will always be!"

"Preach Kayla boo." Mariah said.

"Men don't understand the turmoil that comes with cheating. The damage that it does to a women. Some women will really sit down and try to figure out if it was something they did that caused this man to be unfaithful. I promise you, you could be the perfect girl and they're still going to do it."

"Kaylaaaaaa! Why is you dropping facts like this?" Mya said while grabbing onto her sisters arm. "That is so true!"

"When you've been there, you know how it is."

"And don't think you're obligated to fix a man either. That's all I have to say."

"Mmhm! What you got in your DM's Mya?" Mariah asked.

"Ummmmmm." She pulled her phone out of her hoody pocket and scrolled through her DM's. "So many Chris questions Ugh."

"Do niggas still hop in your DM's?" Kayla asked.


"Any famous people?"

Mya looked up at her with her eyes wide, then over at the camera then back at Kayla. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that question."

"That means yes!" Kayla covered up her mic and leaned over to Mya. "Are they cool with Chris?"

"Don't be messy Kayla." Mariah rolled her eyes.

"I'm not! I'm just wondering. Can I see your phone Mya?"

"Absolutely not." Mya laughed. "Anyway I found a question, what is your biggest fear?"

"Failing as a mom." Kayla admitted.

"Definitely." Mariah agreed.

"Sometimes I feel like I have." Mya said, making both of her sisters quickly look over at her.

"Oh my gosh, why?!"

"I feel like there's been times when I've put my business and other things before my kids and it was never to intentionally abandon them. It's because I thought if I focused more on that, I'm securing a better life for them. And yeah I might've made some money or something but at the end of the day, I lost out on some pivotal times with my babies. I used to stay on Chris's back about taking time off and everything just to do the opposite. He became the present parent and I became the too busy one."

"Well why didn't you make that same sacrifice as Chris?"

"I have but I still feel like I'm not giving my kids enough of me. I don't know if I'm just in my own head."

"Have they said anything that made you feel that way?" Kayla asked. "Because I do think that's just you getting in your own head. You're very good at that Mya."

"No one's said anything to me or anybody else, from my knowledge. I just feel like I can do better."

"Well I really hate that you're beating yourself up like this because I think you are an amazing mom. Both of you are. I think what has you paranoid is the whole situation that you went through with our brother and those texts from Landon being exposed to the world. So you probably feel like theres something that you have to prove to the outside world. We all know that you'd jump over the moon for your kids and you know that Mya and that's all that really matters. Fuck what these perfect patty's think. If you're kids aren't complaining, then you're good." Kayla reached over and grabbed Mya's hand. She saw her sister getting emotional and didn't want her crying during this special moment.

"I really love you guys. I know our family is crazy and dysfunctional at times but I really do love y'all so much."

"We love you so much more MyMy!" Mariah said before blowing kisses at her sisters.

Two Days Later

Mya sat in her hotel bed, scrolling through the comments under the snippet of their podcast. She and her sisters talked for almost two hours about anything that popped up in their head or their DM's.

Of course there were a few haters but that comes with the territory. A bunch of people asked for an episode with the guys and that was surely on the docket but it'll have to be once Chris finished up his European tour.

She'd really love to do one with all of her siblings. Mya knew that there was something that her brothers could bring to the table and when all of their different personalities are in the same space, it's a sight to see.

But of course, that meant making up with Tim.

Exhaling, Mya closed out of Instagram and went into her text thread. Creating a new one, she added Tim's number not even knowing if it was the same or wanting to ask anyone because it could cause conflict.

Hitting the message, she tried to type but didn't know the words to say. Her heart and brain were telling her two different things. One saying that it's not her responsibility to make amends, the other telling her to be the bigger person.

Honestly she was tired of doing that.

As soon as she got ready to type, there was a loud knock on her room door. Locking her phone, Mya tossed it next to her then climbed out of bed. She grabbed her robe and slipped it on her body as she made her way to the door. Peeking out of her peephole, a confused look fell across her face when she saw who was standing there.

"Christopher." She said as she opened it.

Her husband stood at her door with a bag in his hand. They haven't spoke much since his outburst about Royalty and that was almost three months ago. Chris didn't really know how to fix that situation so he didn't. Royalty wasn't speaking to him either. Jade and Landon joined their dad on tour along with Joyce. Ro opted out. Of course Emery was with his mom in Miami. She decided to spend her summer there since she was basically kid free.

"Well hello to you too." He said while stepping inside.

"Come in." Mya rolled her eyes while shutting and the door.

"Where's Emery?"

"Taking his nap. Shouldn't you be in Amsterdam?"

"Wanted to come see you, is that a problem?" He sat his stuff down then walked to her room.

"Where are Landon and Jade?"

"Amsterdam." He let out a small laugh as his eyes scanned her room. Mya watched him, confused as hell still as to why he was there.

"So my kids are overseas, without you? Are you crazy?"

"Chill, I got a flight back tonight and my mom is there. Just had to come handle some things."

"What things?"

His vibe was off and it kind of made her uncomfortable. Mya watched as Chris laid on her bed and picked up her phone. Putting Mya's code in, he started scrolling through all of her social media.

"I watched your show with your sisters yesterday. Y'all talked about a lot." He said.

"Yeah, we did."

"Yeah...y'all even did a little part about abortions."

"Right." Mya went and sat down. She felt his eyes on her.

"Everybody answered, but you and I know that when you avoid shit, like the question about if my friends DM you, that means you're hiding something."

"Are you assuming I got an abortion?"

"Oh I know you did. I've just been waiting on you to say something."

"And how would you know that?" Mya kept up a facade.

"You got some mail to the house two months ago, right before I left. A postcard from a clinic, they just wanted to make sure you were okay after your procedure."

"Chris my tubes are tied, I haven't been pregnant in two years!"

"Then why the fuck is an abortion clinic sending shit to my house." He quickly sat up, ready to go off because he was tired of her lying.

"Family planning clinics do more than abortions! You're just so close minded that's the first thing you think of."

"Oh so you want to play with me like I'm stupid." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and brought up the picture he took of the postcard. "Dear Ms. Brown, we just would like to thank you for entrusting us with this procedure. We hope all is well with you. If there is anything else you may need, please do not hesitate to call." He turned the phone to Mya. She looked at the screen then up at Chris who was red as a tomato. "I can't believe you're sitting here lying in my face like this."

"I didn't have an abortion."

"Well if you didn't then who the fu—." Turning the phone back to him, he looked at the message again. "Ms. Brown."

Mya's heart was seconds from jumping out of her chest. "Look, I went to this clinic because there's a doctor there that was highly recommended for getting your tubes burnt. She did a small procedure on me to see if I was able to take that step Chris, that's what it was. I didn't know that they'd send a post card to the house. If I did, I would've explained everything to you before."

The lies slipped from her tongue so easily.

"But you're Mrs. Brown Mya."

"I know, people make mistakes all the time. To put your mind at ease, I'll call and let you to talk to someone at the office." She rushed and grabbed her phone but Chris stopped her.

"Naw, you ain't gotta do that."

"Are you sure? You look like you're ready to hurt somebody."

Chris nodded his head. "It's cool."

Mya silently thanked God. "So how long are you here for?"

"Just tonight. I gotta be back in Amsterdam before the show Monday."

"Oh okay. Well I've missed you." Mya wrapped her arms around his body.

"I've missed you too. You and Em should come back with me." Chris suggested.

"That would be fun. I do miss my babies. We probably will, but first I think we should take advantage of our baby boy being sleep."

Smirking, Chris leaned down and kissed Mya's lips. "I'll meet you in the shower."

Holding his face, they kissed a few more times before he broke away and went into the bathroom.

As soon as the door shut, she went into her DM and opened her messages with Nia. They specifically set everything in vanish mode.

You have to tell him, or I will! - Mya sent over.

Exhaling she locked her phone and sat it on the bed. She ran her fingers through her hair and tried to act normal, but Chris watched her through the door the entire time.

Something was up and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

He knew who Ms. Brown was and the fact that his wife was lying to him had him ready to snap. But he kept his cool because the truth always comes out.


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