A Queen and Her Kings

By feastsonyourmemes

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Cassandra Mikaelson was many things; a seer, a witch, a vampire, a werewolf, a lover, a detective, defender o... More

Cassandra Mikaelson
To Play God
For the Love of the Moon
Love at First Bite
A Sheep in Wolves Clothing
Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus Draco
Our Souls will Never Leave Your Side
Mirror Rorrim
Welcome to the Queen's Domain
Realizations, Opportunities and the Morality of Trying to get Drunk in a Library
Shock, Confusion, and Attempted Arson
The Lamentations of Seven Souls
Mysterious Patrons and Leaky Roofs
Breakfast Debates and Enter, the Two of Spades!
He's a Trampola
If He Doesn't Scare You, No Evil Thing Will
The Patriarch and The Rivalry of the Spade and the Ace
The Beast Hunter and The Hunter of Love
The Trials of Sebek Zigvolt
A Sleeping Prince and The Art of Kicking Ass
The Shadow Man
Emo Big Bird Tries to Assert his Authority and Fails Spectacularly
The Start of an Epic Quest and The Backstories of The Cards
The Sword in The Stone
A Soul Laid to Rest and Mysterious Marks
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part One
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part Two
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part Three
The Gypsy Boy and The Cat, The Prince and The Popstar
A Plan Most Abhorrently Wonderful, Near-Trial-by-Combat and a Ancient Birthright
They're Only Human
The Legend of Excalibur
Well-Deserved Rest and A Fool's Crime
Magical Mishaps
Unwanted Infamy and the King of Diamonds
Painting the Roses Anything but Red
The Many Morbid Uses of Vines and Kalim's got Game
Play With Fire
Fae-Style Small Talk and The Tart Rebellion
Chestnuts and the Arrogance of a Lion
A Pining Idiot and Deuce Throws Hands
Baking Antics and Sleepovers
Mysterious Dreams and the King of the Mine
Force of Nature
Diamonds and Hearts
A Not so Very Merry Unbirthday
The Cheshire Cat
Knowledge is Power
The Crimson Tyrant vs. The Once and Future King
Down with the Bloody Red Queen
If Walls could Talk within this House of Cards
You and Me
Side Effects May Include
Subject Crimson and Unbirthday Party 2: Electric Boogaloo
Diasomnia Dinner Time! ...We're all Doomed
Memes 2
After-Dinner Coffee and Roivoodorus
Under the Pale Moonlight
One Good Woman
Pretty Male Snow White and the Squirrel that Wasn't a Squirrel
Rebel Girl
Why You Shouldn't Make Important Decisions Drunk and a Baker Boy's love

The Chaotic Dinner Party from Hell

382 14 1
By feastsonyourmemes

Cassandra took a deep breath as she began to walk down the stairs, Sam still on her arm, strappy red heels clicking. This alerted the others to her presence, and everyone was left gapping in shock as they bore witness to what had to be one of the most beautiful sights any of them had ever seen; Cassandra in a ballgown.

"Shén jiù jiù wǒ... ", Yue muttered in shock, and all of Heartslabyul, as well as Che'nya, despite the fact they didn't understand a word he said, was left nodding dumbly in agreement. Words failed them all, even Riddle and Cater, when faced with the astounding sight. Eiji and Kalim were red-faced messes, Shorter's sunglasses had fallen off to reveal his wide eyes as he openly gaped, Griffin looked like a proud brother, Skip had stars in his eyes, and Ash looked on the verge of tears.

"Lord help my poor soul... ", he muttered, before he dabbed his eyes with his sleeves and gave his girlfriend a watery smile.

"You look great.", the blonde said, meaning every word. Cassandra broke away from Sam and Grim went to sit on Griffin as she reached the bottom of the stairs and walked up to Ash. Smiling, she had to resist the urge to kiss her boyfriend due to Sam's presence as she took his arm. The redhead was left blinking in surprise as she noticed the tears welling in Ash's eyes.

"Why are you crying?", she asked quietly in confused concern. Ash smiled and abruptly pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face in her shoulder.

"You... you're just so beautiful.", he whispered quietly in a broken voice. He inhaled sharply and released her.

"How did someone like me ever end up with someone like you?", he asked, extremely quiet so Sam wouldn't hear. Cassandra laughed and laid her head on his chest.

"Just lucky, I guess.", she mumbled. Sam watched the scene with a sad smile.

He didn't wish he was Ash, he didn't want to rip her away from the boy and into his arms; he just wished there was a place for him here. Sam frowned as he watched Cassandra pull away from Ash and hold something in her hand that seemed to be attached to his tie with a smile.

It was a flat, golden pin with the face of a lynx and green eyes of jade. Sam could tell all the material was all real and very high quality. He wondered how a person of their age and circumstances could afford it.

"You wore your pin!", she said excitedly. Ash nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah I did.", he said breathlessly. Cassandra looked up at him, looking extremely happy.

"I can't believe you brought it with you when you came here... ", she said in astonishment. Ash smirked.

"It was in my gun holster. I usually keep it there as my lucky charm.", the blonde explained. Cassandra snorted.

"So that explains why I never see you wear it; it was a birthday gift I had commissioned especially for you, you know. The least you can do is wear it properly from time to time.", the golden eyed girl huffed. Ash laughed.

"I will, I will. So, are you ready?", the green eyed boy asked. Cassandra nodded, but her attention was soon diverted as she noticed that Sam was still there. Smiling, she removed her arm from Ash's and walked up to him.

"Thank you again for everything, Sam. When do you want the table and decorations back?", she asked. Sam gave her a sad smile.

"Keep them; the table, the lights, keep it all. They're yours now.", he said amicably, magenta eyes looking glazed over and sad. Cassandra looked taken aback.

"I couldn't possibly- !", she started to say, but Sam raised his hand to silence her.

"Don't worry about it, they were just collecting dust in my shop's storage room anyway.", he consoled, and bent at the waist as he took off his hat, holding it over his chest as he took the girl's hand into his own and placed a gentle kiss upon it.

"Goodnight, Cassandra. I wish you nothing but the best.", the dark skinned man bidded, as if he were saying goodbye for good. He put his hat back on, tilted it a bit at her, and left out the front door. Cassandra watched him go in slight worry, but was torn away from her musings when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Cass, you good?", Ace asked, a frown on his face. Cassandra shook her head and smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine; now, let's set the stage for the entrance of our exalted guests.", the girl reassured. Ace didn't seem convinced, but smiled and nodded nonetheless.

Sam could hear the sounds of laughing and talking even as he reached the iron gate. He took one melancholy look back at the dorm, smiled, and turned to walk away.

He had no idea why he felt so sad. He already knew he could wait, and he knew he would do so until the end of time just for the chance to be with her.

Laughing, Sam tilted his hat down and stuck his hands in his pocket.

As his mother always said, good things would come to those who waited.


Four figures came stumbling through the mirror gate to the yet-to-be-officially-named dorm. All of them were dressed in formal attire of black suits and ties, with a dark green gem with black horns pinned to the tie of the tallest among them. Malleus sighed as he listened to the arguing behind him.

"Silver, wear your tie properly! We are attending dinner with our soulmate! The least you can do is dress properly!", Sebek hissed to his friend as he adjusted his still-down hair by tucking strands of it behind his ear so it would stay out of his eyes. Silver gave him the side eye.

"Just because I don't have the tie slowly choking me, doesn't mean it's not tied properly.", he said, eyes flickering down to Sebek's own unnecessarily tight tie. Sebek scowled and was about to refute Silver's words, when Lilia, who had been walking behind them, hit them both on the back, startling them into silence.

"Could you boys try not to argue? Just for tonight? Poor Malleus has been panicking on how to tell Cassandra all week, and I think he's starting to lose it... ", the much older fae said in a pleading and concerned tone, gesturing to the prince in front of him, who seemed to be gliding towards the gate to the dorm with all the grace one would expect from him... only to walk face first into a tree. All three of his companions winced; Malleus, however, only shook his head, cleared his throat, and continued on his way as if nothing happened. Silver looked to his father in concern.

"I see what you mean.", he agreed. Sebek nodded reluctantly, and all three of them followed after the distracted Malleus, hoping he wouldn't manage to trip on a step they climbed up the concrete walkway to the dorm's front door. Everyone looked to their left in bewilderment when they saw a colorful Land-of-Hot-Sands-style carpet hovering a foot off the ground near a willow tree a ways away. They all jumped when they saw the piece of fabric raise its front left tassel to wave at them, but meekly waved back nonetheless as they continued walking. Once they reached the door, they noticed a note pinned to the door with clear tape. Malleus raised his eyebrow, took the white embossed note down and read its loopy cursive.

"'Meet me in the garden, C.M...'", the green eyed fae read aloud. The four looked at each other in confusion, before they noticed that some of the trees had yellow lights wrapped around their trunks. With the way they were arranged, it almost seemed like they were making...

"... A path.", Silver said, his usual sleepy monotone tinted with surprise. The group looked at each other once more, before Malleus led them down the path of lights and into the nearby woods.

Slowly, the woods turned into a dirt path, and the dirt path led them to a quaint garden gate. Malleus opened it and made his way through a beautifully organized garden. He smiled in approval at the roses, and Lilia seemed particularly enraptured by a patch of... wait, was that foxglove?

"Lilia! Please do not eat the plants that contain lethal poison!", the prince requested exasperatedly when he saw the man walk over to the plants and leer over them with a hungry look on his face. Lilia frowned and sighed.

"Oh, very well.", he groaned, his mood now slightly dampened. Silver and Sebek look confused.

"Uhhhh Dad, what does Lord Malleus mean by that?", Silver asked hesitantly, not sure if he wanted an answer. Malleus sighed, crossed his arms and answered for him.

"Long before you were born Silver, Lilia gained this habit of eating every lethal substance he came into contact with, on the principle that it would help him gain an immunity to said substance and therefore make him immortal. I assumed he stopped it when he took you in, but apparently old habits die hard.", the horned fae explained, giving an unapologetic Lilia an annoyed look. Silver and Sebek both looked shaken, and Lilia shrugged.

"Silver's almost a man now, I think he's old enough to see his father eat poison. Plus, you don't live as long as I have by not eating a few questionable substances every now and then.", the ancient fae defended. Malleus glared at him.

"It was not 'every now and then'; the sheer amount of arsenic you've consumed could have killed the entire school population twice over. I truly have no idea how you've lived this long.", Malleus retorted. Lilia shrugged once more and resumed walking forward.

"Eh, once you survive your first war, everything else is easy mode by comparison.", the black-and-magenta haired man commented. Malleus's expression did not change as he followed after him, while Sebek and Silver began to look very concerned. Forcing themselves to brush it off, the two boys jogged to catch up with them. Eventually, they all came to a clearing with a long oak table in the middle of it. Yellow fairy lights were strung around above it, and the table was laid out with an exotic spread. Several figures sat at the table, and as the four got closer, they were able to make out who sat there.It was who they had expected to be there; Shorter, Ash, Yue and the rest of the dorm members, but they also noticed quite a few surprise guests.

"So that's Malleus Draconia... ", Ace muttered, sounding slightly scared of the intimidating fae marching towards him. Deuce, who sat beside him to his right, gulped and nodded.

"Yep. He's just as scary and regal looking as the rumors say.", the navy haired boy added. Shorter, who was sitting on Ace's left, whistled when he got a good look at the approaching prince.

"So that's Prince Malleus, huh? Gotta say, he looks kinda- ", the purpled haired man started to say, only for Ash to turn and glare at him with all the warning he could muster.

"Shorter, do not finish that sentence. Because best friend or not, I won't hesitate to stab you with my fork if you say what I think you're going to say.", the blonde boy threatened, not wanting to hear any of his friend's bad jokes. Shorter went silent, then looked Ash directly in the eye, and with a perfectly straight face said-

"Horny.", he finished, and Ash narrowed his eyes before reaching for his salad fork and proceeding to violently stab his best friend in the thigh faster than anyone could see. Shorter yelped and clutched his leg in pain.

"Worth it.", he winced. Yue, who also sat beside Ash, glared at Shorter's wound.

"Oh hell no, you better not pull out that fork and bleed all over that new suit. The punctures in the fabric alone are going to be a nightmare for me to fix.", he commanded. Shorter looked at him aghast.

"Then what the fuck am I supposed to do?!", he whisper-yelled, noticing that Malleus and his dorm members were getting within earshot. Yue glared at him harder.

"Keep it in to stop the bleeding until the guests leave, then change and pull it out once they're gone.", the long haired man ordered. Shorter gawked at him in horror.

"So you want me to just leave the weapon in the damn wound?!", he retorted. Yue nodded.

"Yes, now you're starting to understand. See, you do have brain cells after all.", the purple eyed boy responded with a cheery smile. Shorter just glared at him through his black designer sunglasses, and Yue rolled his eyes.

"Oh, don't be such a baby. You've been stabbed before, so suck it up you little bitch.", the man hissed with a sneer, before he plastered on an award-winning smile and stood up to greet the guests.

"Lilia, so glad to see you!", he said in a very convincing cheerful voice as he walked up to the fae in question. Grim, who sat beside Griffin on Skipper's shoulder, adjacent to all the chaos, sweatdropped at the scene.

"W-what just happened?", he asked. Griffin waved him off.

"Just normal grown-up dinner party stuff. Nothing you kids should worry about.", he wrote off. Skipper continued to play a game on Griffin's phone and ignored the conversation, and Grim became more nervous.

"I'm pretty sure Shorter just got stabbed with a fork.", the familiar stated. Griffin shrugged.

"He's a vampire, he'll heal quickly. Trust me, that stab wound is the least of his worries.", the blue eyed man commented. Grim went pale. He didn't like where this was going.

"Why... ", he asked slowly. Griffin turned to face him.

"Because this is a Mikaelson dinner party, and no Mikaelson dinner party is complete without someone getting kidnapped, maimed, killed, tortured, and/or having some sort of secret come to light. This is only the beginning of the culinary bloodsport, kid.", the strawberry blonde said as he sipped some whiskey he had bought from Sam out of a hip flask he had smuggled out of the dorm. Grim gulped.

"I'm scared.", the cat-like creature said nervously. Griffin looked at him and nodded sagely.

"Good, you should be-OW!", the ex-soldier said, but was cut off by Eiji smacking him on the head. The Japanese boy glared at the older man, who looked at him in shock.

"What was that for?!", he hissed with a glare. Griffin flinched when Eiji gave him a much more intense glare filled with maternal rage.

"You're scaring the kids!", the brunette hissed back. Griffin blinked and looked back to his other side at said kids, who looked shaken. Skip must have tuned in at some point, because he looked just as terrified as his friend. Griffin winced at the boys' expressions, and Eiji gave them a reassuring smile.

"Don't listen to him, boys. He's just had a bit too much to drink. Everything is fine, Cassandra would never let anything bad happen.", the brown eyed boy soothed with a closed-eye smile. Griffin grumbled.

"Call me a loony drunk... ", he griped, but quickly shut up when Eiji glared at him again.

"What was that?", he asked, daring the iraq-war veteran to so much as breathe wrong. Griffin looked down at his lap, mortified.

"Nothing.", he squeaked. Eiji raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"Mhm, that's what I thought.", he said smugly. Skip and Grim were no longer scared, and were now preoccupied with another video game. Yue, who was in front of the Diasomnia guests, had his host smile on and was waiting for Lilia's response to his greeting.

"It's good to be here- ", the smiling knight started to say, only to be interrupted by his charge.

"Wait, Cater? Trey? What are you two doing here?", Malleus asked in shock once he got close to the table and noticed their presence, confused as to why his yearmates were at the event. He knew that he would have to share Cassandra with Lilia (who did not seem surprised by the presence of the two students) and the others, but he didn't like the idea of people who had no claim to Cassandra's love trying to take her away from him. He was a dragon fae, and dragons were naturally possessive of what they considered theirs. The two Hearslabyul students both smiled at him, and Cater waved.

"Oh, hey Malleus, long time no see! We're here because Cass invited us!", he answered as he looked up from his phone. Malleus continued to look confused, but Lilia seemed to realize something.

"Ohhhhh, so that's why you seemed to know so much about the dinner!", he said. Cater nodded, and Malleus looked at his father figure in shock.

"Lilia, you knew about this?", he asked. Lilia raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"Yes, who do you think helped reschedule it?", he asked rhetorically with his hands in his hips and a bit of sass. Malleus narrowed his eyes at him, and Silver raised his hand to get everyone's attention as he sighed heavily.

"Can we just sit down and not interrogate everyone on how and why they got invited? This is Cassandra's dinner party, not ours. They have just as much of a right to be here as we do.", Silver said, for once serving as the voice of reason. Malleus sighed and nodded.

"You are right Silver, we shouldn't badger them with questions- ", the prince started to agree, only for the tables to turn and have Lilia interrupt him.

"Riddle? Why are you here?", the short third year asked, astonished. Riddle, who was sitting near one of the table's heads', blushed a bit and cleared his throat.

"Uhhhhh... ", he began to say, not sure how to answer. Should he lie, should he tell the truth? Cassandra wasn't here, and no one was giving him any ques, so he had no idea what to do. Silver frowned.

"Da-Lilia, didn't we just agree- ?", the auroral eyed young man tried to protest, but a raised hand from Lilia silenced him.

"No no, this is valid. Why are you here? Don't you and Cassandra hate each other? Kalim makes sense, but you? You've been openly feuding with her ever since you met; so no offense, but why would she invite you?", the red eyed man asked, utterly baffled by the situation. Riddle began to sweat.

"Well, Cassandra never really hated me so much as I hated her and she was amused by my anger. We made amends about a week ago, and she invited me, Trey and Cater as a show of good faith, so... here I am.", the red haired boy struggled to explain, neither lying nor telling the complete truth as he finished his story with an awkward grin. Lilia looked skeptical, but decided to leave it be.

"Mhm... ", he hummed in a tone that said he didn't buy it. Riddle began to look even more nervous, and Cater and Trey joined in on his nervousness. Malleus noticed this and began to look suspicious as well. Yue, picking up on how close his guests were to unwittingly opening a rather large can of worms, quickly ushered them all over to the end of the table opposite to everyone else.

"Why don't you all sit down? You must be tired after such a long walk.", the long haired vampire urged as he put a hand on Lilia's shoulder and guided him to his seat on the right of the other tables' head. Yue pulled the chair out for him, and the red eyed man gracefully sat down. Silver sat to the left of the head, Sebek sat on Silver's right, and Malleus sat at the head. Once they all sat down, Sebek looked to his right in bewilderment when he heard Shorter groan in pain.

"Is he okay?", the green haired boy asked in slight concern. Yue's smile turned nervous and he laughed in a high-pitched tone.

"He's fine. Wine?", the pale skinned boy reassured, picking up a black bottle with silver flowers along the neck and uncorking it with his bare hands, surprising Diasomnia, since he was so delicate looking, especially in his dress-like black cheongsam with golden dragons embroidered on the skirt. Lilia and Malleus both nodded.

"Thank you.", Malleus said as Yue finished pouring red wine into his crystal glass. Yue nodded and smiled at him, and Malleus soon noticed the lack of the one person that should have been there no matter what.

"Where is Mrs. Mikaelson? I doubt she would skip her own dinner party.", the prince said, disappointment slightly tinting his voice. Yue noticed this, slightly intrigued, and began to look exasperated.

"She's- ", he started to say, but was cut off by the sound of loud footsteps. Everyone looked into the distance and saw the topic of the current conversation running over to the table from the garden. Malleus, Lilia, Sebek, Silver and Yue all blushed as they caught sight of their soulmate running towards them in a red ball gown, a large bouquet of flowers in hand. Once she arrived at the occupied head of the table, Cassandra came to an abrupt halt.

"Sorry I wasn't here to greet you, I had a last minute idea and had to see it through. These are for you.", the girl said, golden eyes bright and eager as she held out her bouquet to Malleus. His poison green eyes looked at the flowers in awe.

The bouquet was made up of foxglove, elderberries, clover and bluebells; all flowers and plants known to be well-liked by fae. Malleus took the flowers into his arms, stunned by the impromptu gift, but didn't have time to stay that way for long due to Lilia eyeing up the foxglove. One 'don't you dare' look later, and the horned fae was handing the flowers off to Silver, who placed them in a crystal water pitcher that was most definitely not meant for plants. Everyone at the table watched this in surprise, save for Diasomnia, who were all used to Silver's antics. Yue openly face palmed and mumbled curses in Cantonese under his breath, but Cassandra just smiled and took it in stride.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, I suppose I should properly introduce myself. I'm Cassandra Mikaelson, it's a pleasure to finally meet you.", the tanned girl said as she held out her hand for a handshake. Malleus looked at her hand in shock, unused to people being this casual with him. After a moment though, he shook his head and clasped Cassandra's hand in his own.

"Malleus, and the pleasure's all mine.", he said simply, a small smile on his face. He sounded so suave, when in reality he had no idea how he had formed words when in this goddess's presence. His thoughts had gone to static.

This was Malleus's first time seeing his soulmate, and he had to resist the urge to sigh dreamily. She was even more beautiful in person. Long blood red hair in a waterfall of ringlets, eyes the color of golden ichor, skin so smooth it put silk to shame-

The clearing of a throat snapped Malleus out of his trance, and both the fae and the girl looked down the table to see a very awkward looking Trey. The pair blinked, and Malleus cleared his throat.

"The flowers are lovely.", the fae said in a slightly deeper voice than usual. Cassandra nodded and went to take her seat at the other head of the table. Yue sat the wine bottle down on the table and went to take his own seat soon after. Once she finally got comfortable, Cassandra spoke loudly to the whole table.

"Now, shall we eat?", she asked, and with the snap of her fingers, the silver dish covers over the food disappeared and revealed a sophisticated creole dinner. Everyone began to serve themselves, but once she started eating, Cassandra began to look confused. She smelled blood, rather familiar blood actually.

Looking down, the girl was shocked when she saw the glint of a silver fork under the table, and was mortified to see it was sticking out of Shorter's leg. Knowing exactly who was likely behind this fuckery, she glared at Ash, who looked up from his wine and gave her a 'What?' expression. Exhaling through her nose, Cassandra gave a hospital smile to her guests across the table and resolved to deal with him later. Lilia, noticing the tension, decided to dissolve it and began conversation with a smile.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what delayed the dinner? You said 'rain or shine, dorm or no dorm' as I recall, so it must have been something of great importance.", the black-and-magenta haired man said, unwittingly making things worse. Everyone stiffened.

"I apologize for pushing back this event, there were some... unexpected occurrences that led to the delay.", Cassandra answered vaguely. Lilia just nodded and left it at that, before taking a sip of his wine. He smiled and his eyes went alight with nostalgia.

"Ah, Sanguis Virginis! I remember when the Pyroxene vineyards were still bottling this; I haven't had one of these in a long time. ", Lilia said in a cheerful tone, and Malleus nodded in agreement. Yue looked surprised.

"What's wrong?", Cassandra whispered to him, before taking a sip of her own wine. She normally didn't drink, but she had a high alcohol tolerance, so she did partake in small quantities of it from time-to-time. Yue leaned closer so he could be heard.

"I read the date on the bottle, that wine is over five-hundred years old.", the vampire whispered into her ear. Cassandra choked a bit on her wine, but finished swallowing and cleared her throat.

"Sam gave you a wine that finely aged?! My god, we've practically robbed him!", she whisper-yelled in horror. Yue blinked at her.

"That's what surprises you? Not the fact he's over five-hundred years old?", he asked in bewilderment. Cassandra gave him a dry look and took another swig of her wine.

"Yue, my Darling Moon, my father is well over a millennium old, my brother fought in world war II, and my family lived during a time where my aunt Freya dying of plague was a valid excuse for her 'death'. Lilia is a fae, beings said to never age, so in what world is this information shocking?", Cassandra asked blandly. Yue blinked and nodded.

"Right. Sorry I didn't remember that, I'm really drunk right now. Once I started trying to assemble everything for the dinner, one glass of rosé turned into the whole bottle and here we are. ", he said awkwardly. Cassandra snorted and sipped her wine.

"Let's be honest, after the day-nay, the last few weeks we've had, I think we all are. Or at the very least should be.", the redhead stated. Yue nodded in agreement, and the two tuned back into the dinner conversation.

"So, Riddle, I haven't seen you around lately, did something happen? Your whole dorm seems awfully shaken by something, but no-one will tell me what.", Lilia asked in a concerned voice. Riddle began to sweat and his tie began to feel as if it was strangling him.

"I was... sick, with the flu.", the gray eyed boy lied swiftly, hoping everyone went along with his statement and no one called his bluff. Lilia looked confused.

"The flu? But it's barely August!", the red eyed fae questioned. Riddle cleared his throat and nodded.

"Yes, the flu. It was a small outbreak that was contained within Heartslabyul. One of our students from the colder regions must have brought it with them. No-one talked about it because we didn't want to cause a school-wide panic. It's gone now, so you needn't worry.", Riddle expertly bullshitted. He was getting really good at this whole lying thing. Lilia nodded, but still looked confused. Malleus raised an eyebrow.

"I haven't seen Diamond or Clover in any of my classes, did you all get sick as well?", the prince asked. The two boys nodded.

"Yeah, we got it from Riddle, who must have got it from the student who brought it in the first place. Then Ace and Deuce got it from us, which is why no-one's seen them around either.". Trey elaborated with a smile. Riddle smiled gratefully at his friend's cooperation. Malleus nodded and looked satisfied, but then Sebek spoke up.

"Then why were Lady Cassandra and her dormmates absent as well? Surely since you all quarantined yourselves inside your dorm, no one else should have gotten sick.", the half-fae questioned. Cassandra's eye twitched. For someone who acted so thick, Sebek sure could be annoyingly observant when he wanted to. The girl smiled.

"We all caught it from Ace and Deuce when we went to check on them. A bit of an oversight on our part, but what can you do?", Cassandra lied with a laugh. Lilia still looked skeptical.

"Still, the flu in August... ", he trailed off in disbelief. Riddle frowned at his continued skepticism.

"We all had the flu. Every single one of us.", the redheaded boy reiterated crossly, wanting Lilia to just drop the matter already. Lilia looked startled by his annoyance, but took the hint and went silent. The eating continued for a while in silence, until Malleus cleared his throat to get Cassandra's attention. The girl looked up from her food curiously, tempted to raise an eyebrow at Malleus's expressio. He looked almost... nervous.

"Mrs. Mikaelson- ", the black haired boy began. Cassandra smiled at him before she cut them off.

"Just Cassandra is fine, Malleus. You let me call you by your first name, so it's only right I extend the same courtesy to you.", the redhead interjected. Malleus nodded and continued speaking.

"Cassandra, I- we have something we would like to tell you.", the green eyed fae explained. Cassandra blinked in confusion.

"And what would that be?", the girl asked. What information could possibly warrant such serious expressions from her guests? Malleus opened his mouth again, but then Sebek stood up with an even more serious expression.

"I can't do this anymore!", the green haired boy yelled, startling everyone at the table. Lilia gave him a stern look.

"Sebek- ", he started to say, but the boy didn't listen and proceeded to march over to Cassandra. Sebek took both of Cassandra's hands into his own and looked at her with a passionate expression. Cassandra looked utterly stunned, as did everyone else.

"My Lady Cassandra, I can bear it no longer! I must tell you my secret! I- !", he started to say, only to be cut off by Ash when he noticed Cassandra's uncomfortable expression, and then proceeded to stand up, rip the fork from Shorter's leg and stab it into his neck. Everyone gasped and screamed in shock as Sebek went tumbling to the ground, and Shorter was left clutching his leg again. Ash sighed and glared down at the unconscious Sebek.

"No one makes my girlfriend uncomfortable, you crocodile bitch.", he hissed out, hands on his hips. Everyone was looking at him in shock. Yue was the first to snap out of it, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, where did you learn how to knock someone out with pressure points?", he asked, confused as to how the blonde was able to do his trademark skill, albeit a rather crude version of it. Ash raised an eyebrow.

"Did you really think that after seeing you do it so many times, I wouldn't pick up on the basics? Wasn't expecting it to work that well, though.", Ash said, nudging Sebek with his foot. Cassandra exhaled loudly through her nose, smiled and stood up.

'Well you know what they say," ,Cassandra thought as everyone gave her their attention.'When life gives you lemons, squeeze them back into the eyes of life.'

"Well, that was an eventful meal! Does anyone want to go back to the dorm for some coffee? Because I could really go for some coffee." , the girl projected loudly. Everyone just starred at her in shock, before Malleus swallowed and answered her.

"Th-that would be nice.", he said in a distinctly un-princely voice. Cassandra smiled broadly.

"Great! Now, would someone please grab Sebek? I'd rather not leave him on the ground with a fork in his neck."

Sorry the update took so long, I discovered meme generators and got sucked in. I took inspiration from the dinner scene from Encanto. Next time, explanations!

So long and Goodnight, Thackery Binx

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