A Queen and Her Kings

By feastsonyourmemes

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Cassandra Mikaelson was many things; a seer, a witch, a vampire, a werewolf, a lover, a detective, defender o... More

Cassandra Mikaelson
To Play God
For the Love of the Moon
Love at First Bite
A Sheep in Wolves Clothing
Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus Draco
Our Souls will Never Leave Your Side
Mirror Rorrim
Welcome to the Queen's Domain
Realizations, Opportunities and the Morality of Trying to get Drunk in a Library
Shock, Confusion, and Attempted Arson
The Lamentations of Seven Souls
Mysterious Patrons and Leaky Roofs
Breakfast Debates and Enter, the Two of Spades!
He's a Trampola
If He Doesn't Scare You, No Evil Thing Will
The Patriarch and The Rivalry of the Spade and the Ace
The Beast Hunter and The Hunter of Love
The Trials of Sebek Zigvolt
A Sleeping Prince and The Art of Kicking Ass
The Shadow Man
Emo Big Bird Tries to Assert his Authority and Fails Spectacularly
The Start of an Epic Quest and The Backstories of The Cards
The Sword in The Stone
A Soul Laid to Rest and Mysterious Marks
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part One
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part Two
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part Three
The Gypsy Boy and The Cat, The Prince and The Popstar
A Plan Most Abhorrently Wonderful, Near-Trial-by-Combat and a Ancient Birthright
They're Only Human
The Legend of Excalibur
Well-Deserved Rest and A Fool's Crime
Magical Mishaps
Unwanted Infamy and the King of Diamonds
Painting the Roses Anything but Red
The Many Morbid Uses of Vines and Kalim's got Game
Fae-Style Small Talk and The Tart Rebellion
Chestnuts and the Arrogance of a Lion
A Pining Idiot and Deuce Throws Hands
Baking Antics and Sleepovers
Mysterious Dreams and the King of the Mine
Force of Nature
Diamonds and Hearts
A Not so Very Merry Unbirthday
The Cheshire Cat
Knowledge is Power
The Crimson Tyrant vs. The Once and Future King
Down with the Bloody Red Queen
If Walls could Talk within this House of Cards
You and Me
Side Effects May Include
Subject Crimson and Unbirthday Party 2: Electric Boogaloo
Diasomnia Dinner Time! ...We're all Doomed
The Chaotic Dinner Party from Hell
Memes 2
After-Dinner Coffee and Roivoodorus
Under the Pale Moonlight
One Good Woman
Pretty Male Snow White and the Squirrel that Wasn't a Squirrel
Rebel Girl
Why You Shouldn't Make Important Decisions Drunk and a Baker Boy's love

Play With Fire

342 13 0
By feastsonyourmemes

Cassandra stared at Riddle with highly amused eyes. Her plan was to get the fellow redhead's attention by being her usual rebellious gremlin self, so she could talk to him and figure out why he was acting like he had a stick shoved up his ass. She certainly didn't mind the unintended side-effect of having him get all riled up. He looked cute when he was angry.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?! Not only have you ruined the roses, but we can't change them back! Paint, magic, nothing works! The Unbirthday party is tomorrow, and you've ruined it! It's all your fault!", Riddle yelled, looking like he was physically resisting the urge to jump across the table and ring Cassandra's neck.

The unnamed dorm members were quietly observing the confrontation with eager eyes, meanwhile the Heartslabyul dorm members were slowly ducking under the table in the hopes of avoiding the tiny boy's wrath, and the two boys from Scarabia just looked back and forth between the confrontating dorm leaders apprehensively. Cassandra, who was only half listening to what the shorter boy was saying in favor of watching his facial expressions, then took her feet down and leaned forward, folding her hands under her chin.

"Imma stop you right there, Rosehearts. You can't do shit to me and I'll explain why, but before I do all that, stop trying to act intimidating.", she said bluntly, holding up a hand to emphasize her point. Riddle bristled.

"What?!", he yelled indignantly, but Cassandra paid him no mind and continued.

"You. Are not. Intimidating. You're cute, like a puppy trying to fight a St. Bernard; I mean, you wear your tie as a bow. No-one who does that is intimidating. Also, you're like five-foot-two and you have the face of a twelve-year-old. Puberty was neither kind nor cruel to you because it never bothered to pay your ass a visit. I'll also go ahead and make this clear before you even try it; don't try to lord your Unique Magic or your status as a dorm head over me, because I don't fucking care.", Cassandra said. Everyone from earth looked highly amused. Everyone from Twisted Wonderland was looking at her in shock and mild terror. What was she doing?!

The tribrid then leaned back in her chair and folded her hands in her lap, using Riddle's shocked silence as an opportunity to do this. She grinned at him with a smile full of fangs and a look that said 'try me bitch'.

"But all that aside, how may I help you today, little red?", she said cheekily. Riddle looked like steam was about to start shooting out his ears.

"I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD, YOU-", Riddle started, about to raise his magic pen and follow through with his plan, but he was interrupted once more.

"Ouch, damn, no need to yell. We get it, you're angry. For someone so small, you sure do have some big lungs.", Cassandra said with a fake wince, before smirking. Riddle's right eye began to twitch.

"You know, I honestly didn't think someone so small could get so angry, but I guess that's what happens when your attitude is bigger than you are, and all that excess rage needed to go somewhere-", she started again, and that was what sent Riddle over the edge.

"Enough!", he yelled out, pointing his magic pen at the tribrid's face. Cassandra only looked at the pen with a grin and a look in her eyes that said 'really?'.

"Cassandra Mikaelson, for the transgression of tampering with the Queen's roses, off with your-!", he started, and everyone from Heartslabyul looked away, not wanting to see their friend/girlfriend lose her head. They widened their eyes in surprise, however, when they heard Riddle be interrupted.

"Rule number 796.", Cassandra stated nonchalantly. Riddle put his pen down slowly and blinked in surprise.

"What?", he asked, wondering what she meant. Cassandra smiled.

"Rule number 796 of the Queen of Hearts; 'No leader shall punish a person not under their command unless given explicit permission by their superior.'. I am not under your leadership, and I have no superior, so I do believe this is checkmate, Rosehearts.", Cassandra said with a smirk, shocking everyone. Riddle's face lost its red color and instead became quite pale.

"How do you know that rule?", he asked shakily, in awe. He had completely forgotten about that rule- oh sweet Seven, he had forgotten a rule. What was the world coming to? What was he coming to? He then glared at Cassandra with a new found rage.

This delinquent was messing with his head, invading his thoughts with her pretty voice and nice laugh! This was her fault!

Cassandra's smirk widened as she shrugged.

"I learned quite a bit in the library when I arrived, Rosehearts. This knowledge includes each and every one of your precious rules, all 810 of them.", the tribrid said casually, causing everyone to look at her with wide eyes.

"You memorized all of those stupid rules?!", Grim yelled. Cassandra nodded.

"Yes, though I will admit I didn't do it because I wanted to. I didn't know which dormitory we were going to be sorted into, so I memorized the rules of them all just in case.", the golden eyed girl stated simply, as if she was talking about something mundane. Everyone looked at her in disbelief, including Riddle; but that didn't last long, because soon, he had slammed his hands back down on the table.

"That's impossible!", he yelled, leaning forward, as if to get closer to the person who was essentially his worst nightmare in a leather jacket. It had taken him several weeks to memorize all the rules, and even then he had to dedicate all his free time towards it. Cassandra smirked and looked at Cater.

"You guys keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means.", she said. Eiji had to resist the urge to snort at the Princess Bride reference. Cater just laughed nervously and kept silent. He was not about to get caught in the crosshairs of... whatever this was. Riddle growled. He hated that he was being mocked.

"Rule 158!", he barked out. Cassandra raised an eyebrow as she caught on to what he was trying to do.

'Oh, so that's how he wants to play it.'

"'One shall never mismatched socks on any day other than Friday the thirteenth.'", she recited word-for-word. Everyone looked at her in surprise, both because of her ability to recite the rule off the top of her head and because of the sheer specificity of the rule. Who seriously enforced that shit? Riddle growled again.

"Rule 213!"

"'Headwear other than tophats, fedoras and crowns are not permitted to be worn at formal events.'"

"Rule 493!"

"'Bandersnatches are not allowed on dorm property under any circumstances.'"

"Rule 339!"

"'Hedgehogs and flamingos are only allowed to help their players of their own free volition during croquet games. No coercion or bribing is pemitted.'"

It was a constant back and forth firing of numbers and rules between the two dorm heads. Everyone was looking between the two with increasing confusion and awe. What the hell were they even watching and why was it so impressive? With every rule number matched correctly to its clause, Riddle became more and more red in the face. He was shocked and outraged. He refused to be outdone in his field of expertise by someone who wasn't even trying. Cassandra, meanwhile, looked like she was having fun with the situation.

The firing of questions (more like demands) and answers went on for nearly a dozen more rules, until finally an extremely frustrated Riddle grit his teeth and tried to play the only trump card he thought he had.

"Rule number 810!", he yelled, trying to keep a malicious smile off his face. It was the cardinal rule of the Queen of Hearts, and the hardest to remember, there was no way-

"'A Heartslabyul student must not refer to the head of their dorm as a 'King'; rather, as they are leading in the image of the Queen of Hearts, if a royal title is to be used, it should be 'Queen'."', Cassandra said with a smirk. Riddle was utterly flabbergasted.

How the hell had she done that?! This shouldn't be happening!

"I-you-how-UGH!", he stammered, at a loss for what to do. Once he was done exclaiming his frustration, he stomped off in a huff, shocking all the Heartslabyul students at the table. Cassandra watched him march off with an amused smile, before she got up and began to follow the short dorm head. No one said anything; they only watched in confusion and awe as she walked after him.

Riddle marched down the hallway, attempting to make his way to anywhere Mikaelson wasn't. Unfortunately, he wasn't even able to do that much, because he soon realized the bane of his existence was following him. Riddle groaned.

Why wouldn't she leave him be?!

Riddle sped up his walking, but it didn't do much good. Cassandra was nearly a foot taller than him with much longer legs, and so her strides seemed to cover two of his. Riddle soon abandoned walking and started full-on running. Cassandra didn't do the same, however; she was fast enough to keep up with him at the pace she was using.

Riddle noticed this, and so he began to run about the castle, hoping the first year would get lost in the maze of corridors and halls that was Night Raven College. This did not work either, and soon Riddle was in one of the castle's many abandoned wings, one he was unfamiliar with.

He ran through an open door, not caring where it led so long as it was away from Mikaelson. He ran in and tried to slam the door, but was pushed back effortlessly by Cassandra. Riddle stumbled back and stared up at the grinning, golden eyed girl with a seething glare and frustrated tears welling in his eyes.

"Why won't you leave me alone?!", he yelled. Cassandra frowned. She just wanted to annoy the guy, not make him cry.

"Because we need to talk.", she said, pushing herself further into the room and shutting the door behind her. Riddle kept glaring at her.

"There is nothing for us to talk about.", he said as he crossed his arms, and for the first time, Cassandra noticed his accent. It was British sounding, similar to her own European-southern hybrid accent. It reminded her of her father a bit.

"Oh, I think there is.", the tribrid said firmly, taking a seat on a dusty desk. Riddle watched her suspiciously. The redhead crossed her arms and legs. Once she was situated, Cassandra continued.

"If you keep treating your dorm members like you have been, you're going to get hurt.", she stated, looking at Riddle sternly. The shorter boy clenched his fists at his sides, a vicious glare and an uncharacteristic snarl on his face.

"Is that a threat?", he asked dangerously. Cassandra paid no mind to his tone and only narrowed her eyes at him.

"No, it's a warning; you're playing a dangerous game, Rosehearts. I've barely been here two days, and even I can see no-one is happy with the way you run things.", she said simply. Riddle looked at her imperiously, and if he was tall enough, he likely would be looking down his nose at her.

"And what would you know about running a dormitory?", he said snobbishly. Cassandra shrugged.

"More than you, apparently, given the fact that my students aren't so afraid of me that they don't want to so much as talk to me in fear of losing their magic for some minor infraction.", the tanned skinned girl stated. Riddle stared affronted at her, before he went right back to glaring.

"Well at least I uphold the order! All you and your dormmates have done since you've arrived is cause trouble!", he countered. Cassandra raised an eyebrow and smirked at him.

"And? What's the harm in that? A little trouble never hurt anyone.", she said, chuckling a bit as she recalled her Uncle Kol saying the exact words to her Uncle Elijah when he caught them dropping paint balloons on Mardi Gras goers when she was ten. Riddle went red in the face again, and Cassandra was genuinely beginning to wonder if he was okay.

"A little turns into a lot, and a lot turns into anarchy!", he yelled, also quoting one of the people who raised him. He would never forget the words his mother had forced into his brain. Cassandra laughed and kept her eyebrow raised.

"You make it sound like that's a bad thing!", she said through her laugh. Riddle was still red in the face, but now it was for a different reason. There was that infuriating sound again...

"That's because it is! Rules are in place for people's safety, I'm doing everyone a favor by enforcing them!", the gray eyed boy defended. Cassandra frowned and shook her head.

"No, laws are in place for the safety of others; rules, on the other hand, are made to be broken.", she finished with a mischievous smirk Riddle wished he didn't find as charming as he did. Forcing himself out of his stupor, he tried to find a rebuttal, but found himself coming up short.

"I assume you didn't chase me down to debate the necessity of rules. Get to the point, Mikaelson, what do you want?", he spat out, arms crossed as he glowered at the beautiful girl from the other side of the room. Cassandra smirked when she realized she had backed the boy into a verbal corner, then frowned at him, surprising the regal young man with her sudden seriousness.

"Like I said Rosehearts, you're playing a dangerous game. Everyone is terrified of defying you.", she said, and it was Riddle's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"And how exactly is that a bad thing? If they're afraid, they follow the rules. I quite frankly don't see a problem.", he said. Cassandra growled at him, and Riddle hated himself for finding the sound attractive.

"That's the point! They don't respect you, they fear you. Fear, left unchecked, boils over into anger, and anger detonates with violence.", the tribrid explained, baring her teeth a bit. She then got up off the desk and walked towards him.

"Violence organizes into rebellion, and if you leave things as they are, someone is going to snap eventually, and you'll likely be the one who should be worrying about their head.", Cassandra hissed out as she stalked towards her fellow redhead. She stopped when she was just a few feet away from him. Riddle's eyes widened as he finally realized something at the word 'head'.

Trappola hadn't been wearing a collar.

Glaring at Cassandra, the gray eyed boy looked at her in equal amounts suspicion and anger.

"Trappola didn't have a collar. That idiot thought that hiding a tart behind his back after I had seen it would work at keeping him from getting in trouble, so I doubt it was his own doing. What did you do?!", he hissed out. Could she negate magic? Override things like Trey? Riddle was suddenly painfully aware that he knew next to nothing about the girl's magical capabilities.

Cassandra only smirked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?", she asked slyly. Riddle growled and shook his head.

"No matter, I'll just put the blasted thing back on him-.', he started, but was interrupted by Cassandra's laughter.

"I'd like to see you try! What makes you think he won't just get someone to do what they did last time to get it off? It's just a waste of time and magic.", she gasped through her hysterics, and Riddle glowered at her the whole time because he knew she was right.

Cassandra then looked at the short boy in seriousness.

"Don't you want to rule with mercy, little Queen? With benevolence? Wouldn't you like to be respected and beloved rather than feared?", she asked softly, usually boisterous voice barely above a whisper.

Riddle looked away in uncertainty, blushing at the shockingly affectionate nickname he was choosing to ignore for the sake of his sanity.

Was he in the wrong? Was... was he being too harsh?

Riddle flinched at his tratorious thoughts

'Without rules, the world would be utter chaos! Upholding them is of the utmost importance and above all else!', the shrill voice of his mother yelled out in his mind. Riddle violently shook his head.

No, he mustn't think such things! His mother is always right, so he is always right by doing what she says! That has to be it, otherwise...

Riddle trembled a bit.

He didn't want to think about it.

With new found vigor, Riddle glared at Cassandra.

"Then respect is for fools! Fear must be the only reliable way!", he said, and suddenly, Cassandra's angry expression softened into one of sadness. Riddle stopped glaring and felt a look of confusion overtake his features.

"Who hurt you...?", the girl asked softly, her golden eyes now glowing with compassion instead of shining with rage. Riddle almost wanted to cry at how much concern he found in her eyes. It was more than either of his parents had ever held for him in his life.

Cassandra reached out for him slowly, and Riddle noticed this. Panicking, he looked at her with scared eyes and smacked her hand away.

"Don't touch me!", he yelled. Cassandra frowned, but did as he asked and retracted her hand.

"I apologize for my forwardness.", she said to him in a voice that said she wished to comfort him, and Riddle was tempted to let her do so. He would have, if his mother's voice would stop yelling at him to stay away from the 'delinquent'. Riddle looked down in shame at hitting her.

"I apologize for my actions, as well. I should not have hit you, especially when you were only trying to help.", the boy whispered, ashamed. Cassandra gave him a blank look and crossed her arms, disguising her true feelings. Whatever they were.

"The others and I have been invited to the Unbirthday party by Cater and a few other Heartslabyul students. I will bring a dessert.", she stated, her tone telling Riddle that the matter was not up for debate. Riddle glared at her slightly, but didn't have the energy to get mad after that emotional rollercoaster.

"See to it that you do.", he said simply, tone flat and despondent. Cassandra nodded and turned away from him to start towards the door. Riddle kept his eyes glued to the floor until he heard the tell-tale 'click' of the door closing.

When he looked up, Riddle sighed and ran a hand through his hair, his face burning red. He couldn't seem to avoid that girl, either at school or his head. She was like a ghost, haunting him all hours of the day, whispering rebellious thoughts in his ear in that seductive tone he didn't think she knew she used most of the time.

Riddle placed both his hands on one of the dusty desks, looking down and gritting his teeth as he glared at nothing.

"What are you doing to me?", he hissed out, frustrated with the fact he seemed to have no control over his head or heart anymore. Vaguely, he could hear the rhythm of music in the background, but couldn't bring himself to care

He grit his teeth harder and glared over his shoulder. Something was there now, at least in his mind. It was Cassandra, grinning maniacally and made entirely of red fire that blazed up into the air slightly at the ends of her hair.

It's only been about a couple of days

You must've gone and put a spell on me

Riddle turned back to face the mirage of the cause of his vexation, leaning back on his hands that were pressed against the desk as he snarled at the fiery image a bit. 'Cassandra' only tilted her head.

I can't get you out from under my veins

He then turned and faced the illusion fully, taking his hands off the desk as he clutched his left wrist, glare still on his face.

Singing 'Oh my Lord, she'll be the death of me!'

Riddle then screwed his eyes shut, as if in pain, and tilted his head up towards the sky. He wanted answers. Why was he feeling like this?

I'm not the one to normally play the fool

Riddle's hands were now clenched at his sides as he looked down at the ground in frustration and confusion.

He then looked to the side, scared and pleading, towards a mirage of his mother who stood facing him with her arms crossed. Her usually cold gray eyes weren't visible, but everything from her stiff looking dress to her tight red bun was an exact replica. Despite the fact she had no eyes, Riddle knew her body language well enough to know she was looking at him in disappointment and disgust.

So tell me Mother, what's a man to do?

He questioned, reaching out for her before she disappeared into dust. Riddle looked at the space she had once occupied with wide eyes, before turning back to face 'Cassandra'. He glared at her a bit before he gripped his hair and head hard in his hands, screwing his eyes shut again as he tilted his head downward.

Half man, half mad, going crazy over you!

Suddenly, Riddle felt his head be tilted upward. He opened his eyes and looked up, finding 'Cassandra' looking at him with that same manic grin and blank eyes made of balls of fire, somehow not burning him as the fire of her body surrounded him. His eyes clouded and he blushed as she leaned down and tried to capture his lips in a kiss.

Singing 'Oh my gods, if you're the fire, I'm the fuel'.

Riddle fluttered his eyes shut, but soon realized what he was doing and pushed the illusion of the girl he claimed to hate so much away forcefully. The fire person then just stood there, staring at him, and Riddle held his arms nervously as he recalled how forceful Cassandra seemed to be when it came to what she wanted. He then looked up at the fire avatar, whose arms were not crossed and head tilted, in contemplation.

Well, my Mama yeah she always said

It's stupid to get inbetween a woman who knows what she wants

Riddle then put his hands back at his sides and glared at the fiery mirage in apprehension. He noticed the creature had begun to stalk toward him, mimicking the way the real thing had done it earlier

Well, I guess I made that mistake

I'm young and foolish or brave

The red head's expression softened, and he gently grasped a hand over his heart, recalling the tenacity he so admired in her at the entrance ceremony before everything else had happened.

Cause she's made her way into my heart

Riddle looked up at the fiery hellbeast that was now standing right in front of him in fear, which was proven to be well founded when it grabbed his neck with one hand and began to choke him. Riddle grasped at it's hand and screwed his eyes shut.

I gotta get out!

This is what you get when you fall in love?

The fire creature's body had now taken the form of fiery chains and shackles that bound Riddle at the wrists. He looked at his wrist frantically before he calmed down, feeling a pleasant warmth overtake his body. He held him, eyes closed with a light blush on his cheeks, as the flames engulfed his body.

No one ever said how good it hurts

The fire avatar was now holding him in a dipped position, like they had been dancing. He looked at it in affection, imagining it as Cassandra, before he looked to his right and witnessed an unfortunately familiar sight.

It was his parents, arguing over something; well, more like his mother was yelling and his father was just sitting there and taking the verbal abuse. Riddle frowned, he thought a lot of things about his parents, but none of them were ever 'in love'.

I've seen it once, but it's once too much

You end up getting burned

Riddle was now standing upright, being held from behind by the fire creature, it's chin on top of his head. Riddle closed his eyes, melting into the embrace and holding onto the fists the creature had clasped over his chest.

I'm like the gasoline, you light the match

Riddle opened his eyes and looked at the fire creature, who was now floating inches away from his face, with a look filled with passion and love.

Ain't no one else who can burn me like that

The creature then floated away from him, and Riddle widened his eyes in shock at what he was doing. The creature was floating a few inches above the ground a ways away from him, looking smug, and Riddle glared at it.

So I steel my heart

Riddle clutched the uniform fabric over his heart.

Kill my desire

He then made a large cutting motion with his left hand, sweeping it out to the side.

Riddle then looked down at his hands, horrified to find them engulfed in rings of fire. He screwed his eyes shut once more.

This is what you get when you

Play with fire!

He glared down at the ground in realization.

This is what you get when you

Play with fire

Riddle clenched his fists at his sides.

This is what you get when you

Play with fire

A ring of blood red fire had now surrounded Riddle as he kept glaring down

I'm a pyromaniac, it ain't safe

Riddle then looked up and glared at the fire creature in front of him, its expression mischievous.

Cause you got trouble

Written over your face

He then walked out of the circle, somehow not getting burned, and marched towards the taunting illusion with a vicious glare on his face.

You'd surely say 'Brother, gotta have a little faith!'

He sang the last part patronizingly, now all up in the illusion's face; not that it seemed to care. Riddle's expression then softened, and he began to look sad and resigned as he looked towards the ground.

Thinking I'd have mercy,

But I know you ain't a saint

Suddenly, the fire creature was no longer a fire creature, and was now a clone of Cassandra, who was smiling at Riddle lovingly. She reached her hand out and touched Riddle's cheek. The short second year leaned into the touch and closed his eyes in bliss.

And Mama used to warn me about your kind

I read the book maybe a thousand times

Riddle suddenly pulled away, eyes shooting open, when he felt the pleasant warmth of 'Cassandra's hand turn hot. Looking at the thing's face, he found it rapidly flickering between that of a fire creature and that of the red haired girl's. The dorm leader backed up, eyes wide in shock and fear.

Somewhere, somehow

Missed the warning signs

Riddle then looked down at the ground, remembering his earlier actions with an ashamed expression on his face, his fists clenched in anger at himself.

Cause I'm killing myself over

Our stupid fight

Riddle then looked up, and found the creature in the form of 'Cassandra' looking at him with wild eyes. Her grin was manic and her arms were wide open, as if to say 'come at me'.

A circle of fire began to envelope the two, this one much wider than the first. Riddle looked at the mirage of the tribrid, his eyes surprisingly resolved.

Well, my Mama yeah, she'd say it's stupid to

Get in between a woman who knows what she wants

Riddle smirked wearily, his eyes looking tired but a bit happy.

Well, I guess I made that mistake

I'm young and foolish or brave

Cause she's made her way into my heart!

Riddle then ran towards 'Cassandra', reaching out for her, but just missing her by the skin of his teeth when she dissolved into flames.

I gotta get out!

Riddle looked on, awed, as fire started to eat away at the stone room.

This is what you get when you fall in love?

The red head felt the flames begin to curl around him, but this time, instead of fighting them, he let them consume him. They did not burn away at his flesh like he thought they might; rather, they made him feel warm both inside and out. They made him feel safe. Happy.

No one ever said how good it hurts!

I've seen it once but it's once too much,

You end up getting burned!

The fire ate away at everything, until only he and it remained. It danced and swirled around him in a passionate dance that pulled him about, something he allowed to happen.

Soon, the fire had retaken humanoid form, and was now floating above Riddle in the sea of fire. It's grin was mischievous, and it's arms were wrapped around Riddle's neck.

I'm like the gasoline, you light the match

Ain't no one else who can burn me like that

The mirage had now pulled Riddle towards it, his head resting comfortably against its chest. This did not last long, however, because the fiery illusion flew through him and seemed to disappear. Riddle looked at his empty hands, tears welling in his eyes for a reason he could not comprehend.

So I steel my heart

Kill my desire

This is what you get when you play with fire

The tears rolled down his cheeks as Riddle looked down at the ground, his hair shadowing the upper half of his face.

This is what you get when you play with fire

This is what you get when you play with fire

Riddle looked up, tears still rolling down his cheeks. Whenever he looked into the flames, all he saw was her; happy, laughing, angry, sympathetic. All he saw was her face and with it, the taunting reminder of what he couldn't have. After all, even if he did feel something for the girl with the beautiful golden eyes, his mother would never approve.

Cassandra Mikaelson was everything he was taught never to be. Everything he would never be and everything he would never have, and he hated it.

Fire, fire, oh~ oh~ oh~

Play with fire, fire

Oh~ oh~ oh~

Riddle fell down to his knees in anguish. He hated that he couldn't have her, so he hated her to make himself feel not so trapped. The redhead gave a watery chuckle.

By the Seven, he was pathetic.

I gotta get out

This is what you get when you fall in love?

No one ever said how good it hurts

I've seen it once but it's once too much

You end up getting burned

Riddle whispered the last verse of the song, and he sobbed harder when he felt two too-warm-to-be-human arms wrapped around his neck. He knew who- or rather what it was, and the embrace only highlighted his situation.

I'm like the gasoline, you light the match

Ain't no one else who can burn me like that

Riddle screamed out the rest of the song in a loud, anguished tone, head facing the heavens. The creature's arms were still wrapped around his neck, and the gray eyed young man couldn't bring himself to remove them. He tried to wipe his eyes as the song came to a close.

So I steel my heart

Kill my desire

The creature soon transformed again; now, instead of imitating Cassandra, it had taken the form of fiery chains once more. They wrapped around Riddle completely, keeping him on his knees and bound to the floor.

This is what you get when you

Play with fire

Tears kept streaming down Riddle's face. At this moment, he had never been more aware of his situation in life.

He was a slave to the rules he enforced, and that was never going to change.

Fire, fire oh~ oh~ oh~

This is what you get when you

Play with fire

Fire, fire oh~ oh~ oh~

This is what you get when you

Play with fire

The music went quiet, and Riddle was left sobbing the final lyrics to the sound of nothing but his tears hitting the ground.

Fire, fire oh~ oh~ oh~

Play with fire, fire

Oh~ oh~ oh~

The fire disappeared, the mirage of chains vanished, and Riddle was now left alone in the classroom. Not caring that lunch was likely over by now, he simply stayed where he was and cried.

He hated who he had become. He knew this deep down in his subconscious, but he would never admit it. Because if he did, all the things he had worked to accomplish would be for naught. His entire life would be rendered worthless, and that terrified him.

So as he cried, he mourned. He mourned his relationship with his mother, he mourned his childhood friendships with Trey and Che'nya; but most importantly, he mourned the girl with hair redder than his own, who he would never be able to say those three little words to, as impossible as it should be to feel on that level for someone he had just met.

He would never be free of the cage he was in, and he only had himself to blame.

Hope you all liked Riddle's song, I know I did. It was either this or Hellfire from the Hunchback of Notre Dame and I thought the other song's lyrics worked better. I hope that every love interest will get a solo at some point, and I already have a song picked out for Cater to sing soon~. Also, you have no idea how long I have waited for someone to talk back to these arrogant boys. I love them, but someone needs to kick their asses both verbally and physically so they'll take their heads out their asses. Next time, more talking and tart plans!

So long and Goodnight, Thackery Binx.

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