The Day Runts Took Over(Male...

By Alpha_HodgyBeats

18.4K 327 75

(The story I mentioned [and possibly long awaited by some] is finally coming around) "You're too weak to be a... More

Welcome to the Academy!
Meeting the Albino
Wake Up to Reality
Hanging Out
The More You Know
The Breaking Point
Untitled 63
The Next Day
Bite Me!
The Troublemakers
I got a new stick!
HATE is a Weak Word
A New Leaf
No Russian
Pier 69(Lemon)
Ah Shit, Here We Go Again.
Back Where it Began
Back Into the Warzone
Brutal Testing


382 10 1
By Alpha_HodgyBeats

First person: Alpha's POV

Run. And keep running.

That's all I can think. I hear multiple footsteps behind me. At least a few people. I could make a run for my car but that would be too obvious. I peer over my shoulder to see Bruce chasing me with (Y/N) not far behind, administrators on his tail.

'Sorry (Y/N), but for me to lose Bruce, I gotta lose you.' I start to pick up my pace, slowly pulling away from Bruce. Once I get a good gap between us, I look for an escape route. Looking to the left is the outdoor bathrooms for the pool next to the tech building.

'This could work.' Zipping towards the bathrooms, I make a hard right going around the corner and jump up, grabbing the lip of the roof and pulling myself up. I look straight ahead and dash towards the roof edge, judging the distance from here to the tech building. 'Fuck it. It's now or never!' I run and get right to the edge of the bathroom roof and jump.

Everything moves in slow motion around me, my altitude slightly dropping. *SLAM* I just barely made it, slamming into the side of the building, holding onto the roof. I pull myself up, catching my breath, I look back to see Bruce and (Y/N) climbing onto the bathroom roof, our eyes meet. I turn to run, not looking back despite hearing the two males calling for me.

I start running out of roof space nearing the end of the football field sized building, looking up I see the flagpole integrated into the front of the school. 'I'M SPIDERMAN!' I jump off the roof and sling my bandage around the flagpole and use the momentum to swing myself on top of the main building.

Peering over the edge, I see Bruce and (Y/N) climbing onto the tech roof, looking around confused, not knowing where I went. I lay down and roll onto my back releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding. 'God, I haven't had to run like that since I was a kid. That was tiresome.'


Laying here on this hot ass roof is not it. It's been about *lifts palm and looks at my watch* 2 hours, I don't think I'll be going to classes today. The way how they were chasing me I'm probably in serious trouble, but I got evidence! Hahaha, I can get those few in trouble. Although I regret letting them get those hits in, got me kinda sore.

I crawl towards the roof edge and peek over, 'Seems clear. I could make a dash for my car and head to my house to lay low for a while. Although when I come back I'll still be in trouble. Oh well.' I wrap my bandage back around the flagpole and rappel down from the roof, my paw slowly being revealed to the open, my white fur glowing in the sunlight. As soon as I'm a foot from the ground, I unhook my wrap and land on my feet. Letting itself re-ravel around my arm, I start to make my way towards the parking lot.

I come across a few faculty members, nothing I can't handle. Easily squeezing by them like a phantom. After some stealth gameplay I approach the parking lot spotting my baby.

"Hey girl. It's been a minute." I gently run my hand along the right side of the car, grabbing the door handle and opening the door. Feeling the Recaro bucket seat envelope my body, and the smell of 90's JDM interior brings me comfort, letting out a sigh in peace.

I attach my steering wheel, letting out a satisfying *ding* sound, turning off the killswitch and turning the key. The Inline 6 roars to life as I pull out of the parking lot with some slight revs before taking off, blaring Surround Sound by JID.


Where the fuck did Alpha go. Ever since she climbed on the roof, she just disappeared. I've been searching everywhere for two hours and no sign of her.

I was aimlessly wandering the halls when I was dragged into one of the bathrooms and slammed into the door. "Alright mutt, where the fuck is she! I know you know where she is!" Bruce shouts, slamming me against the door again. In retaliation I sock him in the face, making him let go and hold it.

"Ugh, you fucking brute! I don't know where the fuck she is either you brisket-lipped baboon!" He looks at me with utter confusion on his face, like he was questioning his entire existence.

"Man, whatever. Have you tried calling her?" I start dusting myself off and straighten out my hoodie. Look up at Bruce, still slightly angry.

"Yes, yes I have. Multiple ti- actually, what does it matter to you? Again, Alpha doesn't like you and you know that." Bruce rest his palms on the sink and sighs.

"You think I don't know that man. That's why I want to- no, need to talk to her. I wanna right my wrongs. I never ment to cause our friendship to turn to shambles. I was manipulated and everything went downhill from there." He says sadly, turning to look at me. I don't know if he's joking or not, but the look in his eyes seems so genuine. I raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"Look, way before you came along, Alpha and I were best friends, damn near inseparable. We hung out everyday, in and out of school, played games, she even showed me some of her unreleased music."

"Then I had met Casey, seemed like a normal girl, then she gave me a opportunity to be more popular in school, so I took it. I tried to bring Alpha with me but Casey and Kayla shunned her, I just followed along to fit in, making tiny jokes and poking at her here and there, never going too far." He tells me, tears starting to roll down his face.

"Casey and Kayla then went on calling her useless, a slut, telling her to...uh...alt+F4 herself, and that broke her. She ran away not talking to me anymore, no matter how much I tried to get her back. She just stayed on the run. That's the main reason why I never said anything hurtful to her. It's not what I wanted." He wipes his eyes and sighs.

"You probably don't care, but I still want to help you find her." He walks over to me and looks me in my eyes.

'He's serious about this. I can see it in his eyes. Fuck it, I need all the help I can get.' I nod my head at him. "Alright, you can help. But if you betray me, I WILL hack off your normal arm and donate it to a lab." He grabs his normal arm with his prosthetic one and cringes.

"Perfectly understood." I turn and open the bathroom door and we stroll out "Good now let's get to searching."

*Time Skip to Night*

"As much as I don't want to, we might have to give up on looking for Alpha." Bruce sighs as we walk out of another store. "We've looked damn near everywhere, and we haven't even gained an atom of a lead on where she could be. Not to mention all these people out here tonight, you don't think she skipped town?"

Third Person:

The wolf turns to answer the other male just for him to be interrupted by the sound of loud engines and squealing tires not to far from the duo. They turn their heads to glance in the direction of the noice.

As the sounds grow closer the camera zooms in on a set of deep-dish RS Wantanabes, cutting to the interior showing the gearshift dropping down into fifth then forth gear and the handbrake being pulled.

The duo spots a Bayside blue Nissan Skyline come full send sideways around a corner up the road with a Ariel Atom 500 V8 following behind it. (Y/N) focuses on the front end of the GT-R as it comes closer, noticing the Japanese license plate on the front of the car.

"W-wait a minute, that's Alpha!" He exclaimed pointing at the iconic car, grabbing the attention of one stumped cheetah.

"Now how do you know for sure that's Alpha? There could be anyone behind the wheel of that thing." Bruce retaliates, sitting on the curbside. But (Y/N) had what he felt was good proof.

"When Alpha and I first hung out outside of the campus, she showed me her car. Not only does that one look and sound like her's, it also has an official Japan plate on the front, we are in the middle of California, and there is only a handful of legal skylines in the U.S." Bruce's eyes widen at the information that was thrown at him.

With his eyes now glued to the R34, he gets a quick glance at the figure behind the wheel, seeing their white fur glisten under the streetlight as they pass the duo at high speeds. "Holy shit you're right! Come on we gotta find out where they're going!"

Bruce jumps up and takes off in the direction that cars went in. "Hey, wait up!" (Y/N) yells, taking off after the cheetah. After reaching a few feet down the road, they see the GT-R slide to a stop with a crowd of people cheering around the car. The white figure steps out of the car, confirming the two's suspicions, Alpha stands there and waves to her fans as a poodle walks up to Alpha with a fat stack of cash in her hands.

"Tell me y'all saw that, man. Alpha and Suki bombed them turns, and I need to start making y'all pay to see this shit. I got over 10 stacks for my gal right here, a'ight? That's what I'm talkin' about, girl." She hands the stack to Alpha.

Alpha counts the green leaves in her hand, enjoying the sight of the paper. "Play with it. Smells good, don't it?"

Alpha hands a nice sum to the girl,"Yeah, how bout that. Right there." The girl takes the cash and smiles at the hound.

She holds the money up,"Right. Y'all see this? Everybody take a real good look. This is what you call mutual respect. A'ight, let's clear out." She tucks her cash and heads off to organize another race, the spectators returning to whatever they were doing beforehand.

The duo decide this is the perfect time to approach Alpha, before she pulls off. "Hey Alpha," her ears perk up at the sound of the familiar voice. She turns to see (Y/N) with Bruce behind him, making her jump back a little.

She pockets her cash and leans against her fender. "What the hell are you doing off campus this late? And why the fuck is robo rip-off here?" Bruce frowns at the nickname he was given, staying behind (Y/N).

"He was helping me find you. We've been looking for and calling you all day, where in the hell have you been? You had us worried." Alpha raises an eyebrow at the use of 'us'.

"I've been hiding out for the most part. Really just staying away from campus for now, or at least until I feel like things have cooled down with the staff. And what do you mean by 'us'. Last I checked, Mr. Pompous behind you there didn't give two shots about me, being that he traded friendship for some clout." Bruce ears droop knowing that Alpha is right about what he did.

"Well, that may be true, but still. Hey, how about we talk about this later? Can we go somewhere else first?" (Y/N) questions earning a sigh from the albino.

"Sure hop in. We'll talk about it at my place." The trio hops in the car and speeds off from the scene, hearing police sirens in the distance.

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