Long Road Ahead // Sebastian...

Od mezo_shojiwho

9.8K 271 19

18 + Fluff and lemons Looking towards what you are going to do after graduation, which is six months away, yo... Více



488 14 1
Od mezo_shojiwho

"Oh I missed you guys so much!" Imelda ran up to us in the common room and gave each of us a hug. She gave Ominus a kiss and then held his hand while they both faced Sebastian and I.

"Did you have fun with your parents?"

"I did! They really want to meet Ominus though. This mysterious boy that has their daughters heart."

"I mean that would make sense after all." Imelda gave me a smile and then looked to Ominus.

"I know we all just got reunited, but it is very late. (Y/n) and I should be heading to bed. We can do the rest of catching up tomorrow at breakfast." She released Ominus' hand and grabbed mine.  I waved to Sebastian and Ominus as Imelda guided us to our room.

We both started putting on our pajamas and Imelda was braiding her hair. I sat down on my bed looking at my thestral necklace.

"Imelda... can I tell you something? and you have to promise me you won't tell Ominus."

"Of course, what is it?" She walked over and sat down next to me while still braiding her hair. I let the silver pendant drop back down onto my chest, but couldn't take my eyes off of it. Imelda noticed and put one of her hands on mine. "He really did get you the perfect present. Ominus told me about what had happened, to the thestral-"

"Sebastian and I kissed." I met her eyes and her jaw was dropped.

"You're joking with me aren't you."

"No. I'm not. We kissed. Well... twice. It happened twice."

"What the hell happened while I was gone?! Where was Ominus?!"

"He was sleeping, eh, none of that matters."

"So... what does this mean?"

"I don't know. We continued like nothing happened, but I don't know. I catch him looking at me and smiling all the time now. I find myself doing the same."

"Are you guys dating now?"

"We haven't talked about it. We are just carrying on like it didn't happen."

"Well, I believe you two should talk about it. Why not in the undercroft after classes tomorrow."

"I don't know. Wouldn't that just make things awkward between us?"

"And the kiss didn't?"

"Not really... no."

"You two are ridiculous. Come on, let's go to bed." She stood up and finished her second braid. We both got under our blankets and went to bed.

I rushed through the halls as I was going to be late for potions class. I had spent just a little to much time with the thestrals and lost track of time. Thank Merlin for Deek, as he reminded me of the time, otherwise I would have spent all day with them. I rushed in and took my seat next to Sebastian and Ominus and laid my books down on my station. Not ten seconds later and Professor Sharp came in and started class.

I was working on my potion and reading the recipe when a little paper bird floated onto my book. I looked around the room and Garreth was looking straight at me. I looked back and grabbed the note opening it. 

'I know you already declined, but I must ask again. Will you please accompany me to the Three Broomsticks, tonight, for some butterbeer. Seven, after dinner.'

I crumbled the note in my hand and looked directly at him. While making eye contact I lifted my hand had tossed it into my cauldron, which then immediately made a small explosion, nothing big enough to cause any harm. Just destroy the note. I turned back around and started my potion again, now that it was messed up. Sebastian leaned over to me and Imelda was staring straight at me.

"What was that all about?"

"Once again, Garreth has asked me on a date and that was me attempting to send him a message."

"Really, cause I think you just started the chase."

"What are you even talking about Sebastian?"

"I can see Garreth from here and I know that face. He thinks you are playing hard to get and that he needs to try harder."

"Well, then I will make sure that my 'no' is louder."

"Good luck with that. There's only one way to do that."

"And what would that be master of romance?"

"To date someone else." His cheeks got red and he went back to his station. What is he even talking about? 

I remember what Imelda had said last night and that I should talk to Sebastian about what happened over holiday.

Class was dismissed and I could see Garreth walking over to me. Sebastian and Imelda were talking while Ominus was gathering his books. I quickly grabbed mine and looped my arm into Sebastian's, pulling him with me out the door and straight past Garreth.

"Wait, I need my book!"

"I got it Sebastian!" Imelda yelled after us. I kept walking down the hallway to try and get as far away as possible from Garreth. I dragged Sebastian into the library and went into a secluded corner. I let go of him and then leaned up against the wall, dropping to the floor. Sebastian walked over and sat next to me.

"You know, if you wanted to use me against Garreth, you could have just asked."

"He was walking towards me and I panicked. I'm sorry. I just needed to get out of there and I didn't think he would try to talk to me if you were there. I could have grabbed Ominus too, but he was in the process of cleaning his stuff up, seemed like it would be rude."

"So? Are you wanting to use me against Garreth then?"

"What, no. Like I said, I just panicked. This was the quickest thing I could think of." We sat there for a moment longer until I realized we needed to get to Herbology class. "Come on, we have class." Sebastian and I only took a few steps until he stopped me.

"Give me your necklace."

"What why?"

"We are going to send Garreth a message before class starts, and since you always hide it in your shirt, I doubt he knows you have it." I hesitantly give him back the necklace he gave me and he put it is his back. Merlin only knows what he's going to do with it.

"We walked into herbology and I took my seat next to Imelda as I always do. Sebastian then took his seat which was next to mine. Garreth walked into class and looked at me. He sat down in his spot that was across from Imelda, smiling at me the whole time. I looked at Sebastian who started standing up. He put his hand under my chin softly, then moved behind me. He pulled the necklace out of his pocket and put it around my neck, clasping it closed. He then leaned down to my ear with both hands on my shoulders.

"This is the type of message that should get him to ease up. now smile and look at me when I sit down again." He whispered into my ear. I did as he said and smiled while he sat down. I looked back over to Garreth who was now starring at Sebastian with an angry expression on his face. Sebastian stared back at him which made Garreth break eye contact, look at me, then down at his textbook.

"Alright class! I have something very exciting planned for you today."

Over lunch I invited Sebastian to see the baby nifflers that had been born. When I asked him to come with me in the Great Hall Imelda smirked at me. We walked out into the hall and we bumped into Garreth. 

"Can I talk to you (Y/n)."


"Garreth, can you not take a hint?"

"Back off Sebastian, you don't own her."

"No I don't, but she obviously doesn't want to talk to you."

"I saw the crap you pulled in herbology, but that doesn't mean anything. You aren't dating."

"It doesn't matter what we are doing Garreth, but now on two occasions, she has said no to you. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"It means she's playing hard to get. She'll say yes soon enough. I just want to talk to her."

"You really think that's what I'm doing Garreth? Playing hard to get. When a girl says no to a date, then accept that. I don't know you well enough to go on a date with you and you need to accept it. So please, stop asking me out, no I do not want to get butterbeers with you. Find someone else to go out with." He looked angry and brushed past us, hitting shoulders with Sebastian.

"So, you said something about baby nifflers right?"

"Right, let's go." I lead Sebastian up to the room of requirement and into the pasture that I kept the nifflers. We sat down and watched as they rolled around and flopped over each other. We both laughed a couple times while watching them. 

"I told Imelda about what happened over holiday."

"I told Ominus."

"I told Imelda not to say anything."

"And I said the same to Ominus."

"They are definitely going to talk to each other, if they haven't already."

"They already did. Ominus told me before potions that him and Imelda talked at breakfast about it."

"Those two can't keep secrets can they?"

"Absolutely not. At least from each other."

"Imelda told me that we needed to talk about it."

"What's there to talk about. We kissed. I'd rather my first kiss not go to someone that isn't memorable."

"I feel the same way." He leaned forward and grabbed the pendant hanging from my neck. 

"Do you ever take this off?"

"No, not until you asked me this morning to do so. That was the first time."

"Why is that?"

"I like it, and I like the person it came from."

"You like me?"

"You're my friend Sebastian. Of course I like you." He dropped the pendant and put his hand under my chin, moving my gaze from  the nifflers to him. He leaned in close and I could feel his breath on my lips again.

"And, what if I wasn't your friend?" My eyes were closed and all I could feel was his breath. I can't deny that I wanted him to kiss me again, the first time was nice. I placed my hand on his lips and backed away. My hand dropped and I opened my eyes.

"It wasn't just a first kiss for you Sebastian, was it?" He stared at my eyes, then looked towards the sunset that was always in this pasture.

"No... it wasn't." I stared at his face for a moment. It was emotionless.

"Sebastian. Tell me what you are thinking."

"You make me feel... I don't know. It started when we went through everything in our fifth year, but I was terrified to lose our friendship, so I never acted on the feelings. I could see in your eyes that you didn't return those feelings. I knew the best I could do was be there for you. It makes me jealous when Garreth asks you out, jealous of him because he can do that. That anyone can do that. I thought about that kiss everyday since it happened and if it would happen again." He dropped his head and his tone sounded sad.

"Do you not remember why I said I wouldn't go out with Garreth."

"Because you didn't know him and you didn't want to waste the time on dates to find out you aren't compatible with someone."

"Sebastian, can't you see?" He looked at me with a confused look. "Your the opposite of both those. I do know you, and we are compatible. Otherwise our friendship would have ended long ago. We could try dating, and if it doesn't work out, we can return to being friends. I must admit though, I have been blind to your feelings all these years and I apologize for it."

"I tried to hide them, but both Ominus and Imelda asked me about it. They've known since the beginning of sixth year."

"Oh so it was just me that couldn't see it?"

"That's why the guys just stare and don't approach you. Except Garreth apparently worked up the nerve to do it."

"So are you going to work up the nerve to do so?" He grabbed my hand and held it softly.

"Will you go on a date with me."

"Yes Sebastian, I think we could do that."

"Can I kiss you?"

"Maybe wait to see how the date goes first."

"Okay, I pushed my luck." I stood up and wiped the grass off my uniform.

"Come on, we have class."

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