off limits ☼ jj maybank x rea...

By 1-800-spaghetti

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John B catches JJ eyeing you, "She's off limits, dude." he warns him. JJ holds his hands up, "Understood, cap... More



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By 1-800-spaghetti

"So you'd jump off a bridge if Kie asked you to?" He asks, "Duh." You say


In the morning Kie comes round to pick you and JJ up, Pope already in the car. "Morning." She calls from the car giving you a small wave.

You wave back at her smiling, looking back as JJ struggles to put his boot on, "Ready for hell?" You chuckle lightheartedly, secretly knowing it was gonna be worse than hell. Kie sighs as you open the door to her car.

"Hurry up JJ." You call, making him fumble as he runs towards the car, "I'm coming, ladie!" He shouts as he gets into the car.

"Hey guys." Pope greets the two of you turning to the back. "Hey." You smile, "Sup Pope, Kie." JJ finally greets them, pushing his boot on.

"Dude, just untie the shoelaces." You roll your eyes at him. "That takes too long, Y/n." He says tying his shoes up as he finally gets his foot in. He looks up at you, "And don't call me dude" He says ruffling your hair, making you hit his hand.

You get to school as the bell rings, "Good timing." Pope says getting out of the car and round towards Kie. You stand besides JJ as he stands in the door way.

"JJ." You hitting him on the back, he chucks the flask into Kie's car, "If i black out, just don't remind me." making you roll your eyes.

"That's not funny." Kie says, walking towards the crowd of people. You wrap your hand around JJ's arm pulling him along with you.

As the four of you walk you can hear multiple rumours of what happened, and whispered voices. You look over to see Kie sigh.

As you walk you see a memorial in the middle of the grass. "I feel like people are staring at us." Kie says as you guys stop in front of the memorial. "Oh yeah." JJ says as he looks around confirming Kie's suspicion.

"Guys i cant be late." Pope says walking off, towards his class. "Hey. Hey. We gotta stick together." Kie says walking after him. She holds her hand out for him to take, which he does. You and JJ following them, your hand still holding JJ's arm.

You sit in history class bored as you pass notes with JJ, him drawing you stupid pictures and sending little kisses.

The sound of someone's phone going off stops Mr Sunn, "Whose phone was that? nobody?" He questions, but quickly turns back to teach after no response.

JJ nudges you making you look over at him confused, he motions towards your phone making you pick it up. You see a notification from an unknown number pop up.

Kie and Pope look towards the two of you, "Did you get it?" She whispers, making the two of you nod.

You all click on the message at the same time, seeing that you all had a picture of John B and Sarah. The four of you look between each other, and you feel an overwhelming sense of joy wash over you. You try to not get too excited as it could be a joke of some sort.

"Oh my god." You whisper holding your hand over your mouth, stopping you from cheering. JJ taps you, motioning for you to follow him as he leaves the room.

He takes your hand and the two of you sneak out, Kie quickly behind and Pope following.

You get to the hallway, jogging, "We can go to the courtyard." Kie says. "God! Whoo!" JJ curses as he falls over the janitors bucket, making you laugh as you pull him up.

"I mean is that even possible? Shoupe said that they didn't make it. He said that." Kie rants as the four of you make it out into the courtyard.

"Okay, but i.. i think we're overreacting cause we can't rule out the possibility that this could be some weird cruel hoax." Pope says

"I'm just gonna ask." Kie says as she sits on top of one of the benches.

"What if it's actually them, though?" JJ asks, pacing up and down. "I don't know, okay? I don't know." Pope reasons.

"He's typing." Kie says looking up from her phone, you look at the messages, "is JJ there?" the text reads. "i'm here bree." JJ responds.

"did you pimp my short board?" the unknown number replies. JJ chuckles, and you laugh, "It's him." JJ says with a large smile.

"Oh my god." You say pulling JJ in for a hug as he spins you around, "It's him!" He cheers putting you down as you laugh.

JJ hugs Pope as Kie runs to you and you embrace her. Then you hug Pope tightly as JJ hugs Kie. JJ then shouts, "Yeah!" Cheering, and laughing as he pulls you into his side.

You wipe the tears you hadn't known formed, taking a deep breath. Before you get a notification from your phone, making you open the group John B had made,

"miss me junior?" he texts making you sigh, smiling,

"obviously idiot" you sent with a smile as you chuckle. The whole group was ecstatic. It was unreal and sort of unbelievable that him and Sarah had survived the storm.

"Laying super low in Nassau." Kie reads, "How the hell did they get to the Bahamas?" She asks

"You cant kill a Pogue, dude." JJ says, "Especially John B."

"can you clear my name? wanna come home" JB texts.

"Hell yeah, we'll clear your name, boy." JJ says. "be in touch. P4L." Kie says wiping a tear that rested on her cheek.

"P4L, man! That's what i'm talking about!" JJ cheers. You wipe your tears, cheering. "P4L, baby!" JJ shouts standing on the bench.

"Holy shit, dude." Kie says. JJ jumps down, pulling you all in for a group hug as you all laugh.

After school the four of you go to the Wreck, leaving after having some food, "I never doubted them." JJ says, "I owe you five bucks." Pope says. "You guys bet on their lives?" Kie asks, sort of offended, "Freaking gamblers."

"You only bet a fiver?" You question, "Me and Kie bet $20, which you owe me." You say to Kie, making Kie widen her eyes at you, "Oops." You say smiling at her.

"Kiara you hypocrite." Pope scoffs. "Winners stay winning." JJ says wrapping his arm around your shoulder, high five-ing you, "Yeah we do." you smirk as Kie and Pope grumble at the two of you gloating.

The four of you settle at the benches at the dock, "So we going to the Bahamas, or what?" JJ ask, "Dude, there's no way we're getting to the Bahamas." Pope says.

"John B's gonna get nabbed sooner or later." Kie says, "so if we're gonna clear his name, we need to have done it yesterday."

"Yeah— hes got a $50,000 bounty on his head." You say, "Heck id hand him in for that much." You say, the other giving you a look, "What? just being honest." You say shrugging.

"Anyway, i'll tell you how we do it." JJ says. "Oh, so you have it all planned out?" Pope asks. "As a matter of fact, I do." JJ says sitting down, "We kidnap Rafe."

"I'm sorry, what?" Pope asks, "I'm with Pope on this one, JJ what the fuck?" You ask

"We kidnap Rafe, tie him up and stick the gun in his mouth and just wait till he starts squawking." JJ explains

"You know, torture's a war crime." Kie says

"I'd gladly go to prison if i got to torture Rafe Cameron for it." You shrug, making JJ point at you, "See."

"No— we're not going to jail and we're not kidnapping or torturing Rafe." Kie says

"Yeah, how exactly do you plan on clearing John B's name from a prison cell? Because that's a felony." Pope says.

"All right, well, what do you got, Pope?" JJ asks, "I was just trying to keep it simple. You know, one stop, and we're done." JJ says.

"Guys, all we need is a material witness." Pope says, "We saw Ward's plane fly over our heads with the gold inside of it. He didn't fly it. If somebody else flew, they were there on the tarmac, they saw Peterkin get murdered." Pope says

"So we just need to find whoever that was and get them to confess on record." Kie says.

"How do we do that?" You ask, "How do we find out the person?"

"A little light espionage." Pope says

"A little ghost recon." JJ says

"Woogity-woogity." Pope says holding his hands out towards JJ and Kie, and you hold yours out for JJ and Kie, making a circle of your handshake. "Woogity baby!" JJ cheers making you and Kie laugh.

You guys then take Kie's car, heading to the flyer of Ward's plane's house. "If this guy was flying planes for Ward, then he's gotta be pretty tight-lipped." Pope says.

"So then direct approach gets my vote." JJ says loading his gun, with a click. "JJ, no." Pope scolds, looking back at the blonde.

"No. What?" Kie says confused at his constant want for interrogating people with the gun.

You roll your eyes, "Put the gun down, man." Pope shouts at him. "JJ, put it down." You tell him. "Guys! We gotta keep this simple, or we'll never get John B off."

"If you do that— we'll end up with two people in prison, Jesus!" You say grabbing the gun off him. He huffs turning to you, "Y/n, gimme the gun." He says tightening his lips as he looks at you.

"No. I'll literally throw it out this window so drop it— we're not involving the gun." You sternly tell him. He raises his arms, "Fine! No gun!" You place the gun besides you, away from JJ's reach.

"We just tickle the wire guys." Pope says holding his airpod case. "What?" Kie asks confused. "We tickle the wire." Pope repeats, "I plant my phone in his car, and then we listen in on your airpods."

Kie slows as you get to the suspected house. "I think that's his house over there." Pope says. He starts to undo his seatbelt getting out the car, "Uh.. honk or yell or something if you see anything suspicious." Pope tells Kie.

She nods. "Don't do anything dangerous." She tells him. "Come on. I'm not JJ." Pope says.

"Funny, Pope." JJ mumbles as Pope gets out of the car. After Pope leaves there's a moment of silence before JJ starts prying Kie,

"How's it been going, you know, with Pope and all?" JJ asks. "It's good." She says. "It's good? All right. In the bedroom, is he, like, kinda freaky, cause it's Pope, you know." You laugh suddenly quickly trying to hold it as you hit JJ lightly on the arm,

"Why are you asking?" She turns to look at him, "I dunno. Just kinda curious." He says pouting his lip slightly at the end, "Just spitballing here." He says looking out the window.

"You don't need to spitball. We could sit in silence." Kie says kind of disgusted by JJ's question. You nudge him, making him look at you, "Don't act like you ain't curious." He says narrowing his eyes at you, which you flip him off to.
The car goes silent for a while. Until JJ decides to open his big mouth again,

"Ranking-wise—" he starts but Kie turns to look at him,

"Oh, you're still asking?" She asks annoyed, "Yeah, I was just curious." "Oh, you're still curious." She states

JJ splutters, "Is John B better?" He asks, "What?" Kie asks shocked. "Okay." JJ says feeling dismissed, knowing he shouldn't press anymore.

"Y/n, please hit him." Kie asks you. You turn to JJ, shrugging as he raises his eyebrows at you as you hit his arm, "Hey!" He exclaims holding his arm. "Sorry JJ, i'd do anything for Kie." You say kissing his cheek. "I feel deeply betrayed." He says. "You should." Kie adds.

JJ turns to you suddenly, "So you'd jump off a bridge if Kie asked you to?" He asks, "Duh." You say, "What if i asked you to?" He asks narrowing his eyes at you. You pause for a second, "Yes— but i'd question why." Making JJ sigh. "It's fine, i'd do anything for Kie but I love you more." You tell him, JJ takes it as a win smirking, making Kie turn around quickly, "What?"

"Uh.." You nervously laugh.

Luckily for you Pope gets back to the car stopping any arguing between Kie and JJ over you. "Okay. Phase one is complete." He says shutting the car door. "Everything— we all good?" He questions but nobody answers, making him take the hint.

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