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"What lane is that?" "Friend zone - lane

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"What lane is that?"
"Friend zone - lane."


You sit beside JJ as he practises his aim with the gun, using an old teddy bear. You watch him as he does this, both of you hearing protective head gear, his aim was pretty good.

He turns to you, gesturing the gun. You look at it, then shrug taking it off him. You stand in position and aim towards the bear, shooting and knocking it off the tree stump.

You turn to JJ putting your arms up in shock, and he wear the same expression, "Did you see that?" You shout, he smiles proudly congratulating you before taking the gun back.

"Guys! JJ!" Pope says swiftly walking round the corner to get to you guys, "What's up man?" JJ asks looking over at his friend,

"They know." Pope says sternly, "Alright chill, bro. All right? They don't know shit." JJ says

"Topper knows i sunk his boat." Pope says, he sounds panicked as he talks

"How? How do you know they know?" You ask, Pope walks around running his hands over his face, "Because, Rafe and Topper posted outside Heyward's and mad dogged me."

"Will you just calm down and get a grip man? They don't know shit."

"They have cameras. They could've seen me." Pope says pacing, "They don't give scholar ships to kids that sink boats."

"Enough of the regret bro!" JJ says sternly, standing up from where he was sitting, "They caved your face in," JJ says pointing to Pope, "And they nearly killed y/n." He says turning to you, "They hit us. We hit them. It's the law of the jungle."

"Now if any of these kooks accused you of anything, what do you do?" JJ asks, resting his palm on Pope's shoulder,

"Deny the living shit out of it." Pope says, "That's right. Deny, deny, deny." JJ says before tapping his hand against his neck.

"I'm so glad that they're still doing this." Kie says as you, her, Pope and JJ make your way to the green where they were showing the 'OBX summer movie series'

"Back to OBX life, right?" You say carrying the ice box with you, Pope and JJ holding some deck chairs,

"Aren't you guys glad i made you join?" Kie asks placing down a blanket for you and her, "Ecstatic." Pope says sarcastically.

You and Kie make your way to get some soft drinks, JJ only packing beers, "Uh.. can i have three pepsis please?" She asks the vender at the stall.

"Hey Kie." You hear someone call out your friends name, catching both of yours attentions, "Hey, what's up?" Rafe asks walking towards the two of you.

Kie avoids looking at him, as you send him death glares, "Nice to see you guys too." He says sarcastically, "Well, tell your boy that we know what he did." Rafe says

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