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"A child that's being abused by it's parent(s) doesn't stop loving it's parent(s), it stops loving itself

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"A child that's being abused by it's parent(s) doesn't stop loving it's parent(s), it stops loving itself."


You and JJ finally get to his house after walking for an hour. He slowly lets go of your hand as he approaches the building.

He turns around to you, holding your face in his palms, "Y/n, whatever happens you have to stay out here." JJ warns, "Okay?" he's intensely scan yours, making your scrunch your eyebrows.

"No. No way, what if something happens." You say sternly. "Trust me Y/n, you cannot come inside." He pleads

"JJ." You try but he gives you a look.

"I'm serious." He says, "Stay. Here." He says giving you a peck on the lips before he goes off towards the door.

You sat on the front porch, trying to hear what him and his dad were talking about. You heard both of them shout suddenly, making you wary, but it was short lived so you relaxed again.

that was until you heard a large thud and grunts, you hold your head in your hands, knowing it was no good going in there. But it hurt you to not to try. You pace the porch weighing up the pros and cons of going into the house.

That was until you heard a loud crash, making you reach for the door instantly, making your way through the house.

You get to the back and see that both men have fallen through the panelling, now on the ground, fighting.

You look over to see JJ on top of his father beating the shit out of him. You slowly approach, but you see him grab a wrench next to him.

"JJ!" You shout, making him look back at you, his lip was cut and his mouth was full of blood. His lip quivers slightly.

"I told you to wait outside!" He shouts as he turns back to his father, holding the wrench up, but drops it, "i ain't scared of you anymore." He tells his dad, getting up.

You can tell he's crying as he gets up, holding his head low not wanting to look you in the eyes.

"J." You say as he wraps his arms around you, placing his head on your shoulder, "Let's get out of here." He says as you soothingly run your hand along his back.

you nod as JJ's sniffling. He walks back through the broken panel, grabbing the money, "You head back to the house, i've got some stuff to sort out." He say waving the money.

"I'll come with you." You suggest him, he shakes his head. "I've got it covered pretty girl." He says ushering you out of the house.

You had obviously handled JJ after a fight with his dad, normally he'd be quiet and snuggle into you as he cried softly. But it seemed he wasn't letting this effect him, or at least wasn't showing how it effected him

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