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"You're in safe hands

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"You're in safe hands."
"If its your hands, than we're definitely not safe."


"huh." John B says, noticing a bag sitting on one of the single beds, "Check the bag." He directs at you and JJ, "See if there's a name on there somewhere."

You open the bag looking through it, JJ grabbing something out of it, a pair of old shoes. "There's a jacket. No name on the jacket." JB confirms

"Definitely over 50." JB says, you nod, "Nothing in here that's useful." You say walking over to where JJ was looking at something, clearly interested in it.

"Guys come over here." He says, ushering you and JB over to where he was, "Maybe this was where they were fishing." JJ says tapping on a map,

"Let me see." JB says, "Right there." JJ says pointing at a point on the map, that had coordinates

"Nah, that's off the continental shelf. Big swell, nobody fishes there." He explains


"Why are we assuming they were fishing?" You ask scanning the map, the two looking at you confused, "What else would they be doing?" John B asks you, you shrug, "murder." you say dramatically, making John B shove you, "Not cool bro." You state, checking out the bathroom.

"ooh, tissues, for when you get lonely.." JJ says while commenting on things in the room, you roll your eyes at his dirty mind.

"Guys." John B says making you and JJ turn to him, crouched down and looking into a cabinet, "there's a safe." He points to it.

"What's the code then genius?" You ask watching as he puts in: 1, 1, 1, 1 and then, "1, 1, 1, 2"

"Punching shit at random. That will... definitely work." JJ says sarcastically, "We'll be here till the start of school if you do it that way John B." You say pushing him out of the way.

"There's a note with 4 numbers here, dude. Might be worth trying this." JJ says holding up a piece of paper.

"Read them to me." You say, "Alright, 6, 1, 6, 6." You click enter and the safe clicks signifying its open. You turn the handle to reveal a load of cash and a gun.

"Oh shit." You curse, "Guys!" You shout over to the JJ and John B, stopping JJ's random rant about swordfish and surfing.

"You opened it?" John B asks making his way over, his question answered when he sees what's inside, "Holy shit." He says crouching down next to you.

"We're gonna be filthy rich!" You exclaim, side hugging your brother, he grabs a stack of the cash inside the safe, "Uh... JJ, you're gonna wanna see this." He says turning to his friend.

"Dude, dude, dude!" JJ says holding the gun. John B backs away, pushing you behind him, "You grabbed the gun. P - Put the gun back, JJ!"

"Finger prints dude! This is basically a crime scene." You say sighing, "I'm totally sacked as the babysitter." You say

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