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"Here's to drinking our problems away"

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"Here's to drinking our problems away"
"Here's to just drinking."


"You let Kie and Y/n comfort her. Heck, i bet Topper would've ran down that pier to comfort her before you would have had the chance to!" JJ says pointing towards John B. He's sitting on the counter shrugging at his best friend.

After getting back to the chateau, you and Kie had headed down to the beach leaving Pope and JJ was a delusional John B.

"He obviously deserved it, right?" JJ asks, "JJ!" Kie scolds before Pope could. The boys look over towards where you and Kie stood.

"Of course he deserved it." You roll your eyes, "But it sucks for Sarah." You say, the group nodding. "Definitely have someone blowing themselves up, off my bucket list." JJ says making Pope wince and scold him.

"I don't buy it." You shrug, the group looking over at your curiously, "Rafe was arrested, Ward confessed but died... so technically they both get out of it. I bet he faked it." You explain

Kie furrows her eyebrows, "Why would he blow up an expensive ass yacht?" She asks, "Yeah that seems so unnecessary." Pope adds

"Dudes rich. He can afford ten of them a week, you think he cares more about a yacht then prison?" You state

"You've been watching too many conspiracy theories and shit, Y/n." John B grumbles from the sofa. "I second that." JJ says placing his hand on your shoulder as he jumps off the counter, making you roll your eyes. "You guys won't be saying that when i save your asses from aliens and shit."

"Anyone up for some fishing?" JJ asks enthusiastically as he claps his hands together. Pope agrees, John B would clearly rather wither on the sofa or in his bedroom, that was dying to be cleaned.

"We'll come watch." Kie says grabbing your forearm and dragging you with her as you two follow the boys.

"Uh, i'll be out in a minute." You tell her as you look towards John B, she nods understandably letting go of your arm.

You wait for the other to be down at the dock before making your way towards John B. "John B, listen, i know how difficult this situation is... but i just think you should be more mindful of Sarah's feelings too." You say

"Don't you think i know that? I feel shitty for what i did and you're not helping." He grumbles.

"Okay, well are you going to sulk about it or see how she is?" You ask. John B grumbles something before getting up, "What do you suggest i do then?" He asks running his hand down his face.

"Text her, get her here and talk to her." You say, picking up his phone and passing it to him. You pat his shoulder before leaving the room, letting him figure out the rest of it.

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