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Your head rests against Sarah's as John B and JJ watch Kie and Pope head off with the boat. "They're totally gonna do it." You laugh, making John B roll his eyes. Sarah laughs besides you, "Totally."

"Someone should cut them off." JJ says pointing to the two of you, referring to how wasted the two of you were. "Think we're past that buddy." John B says patting his friend on the shoulder, his lips forming a line.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." John B suddenly says making you all stop talking, as you look over at him confused. "What?" JJ asks, "What was that?" John B asks. "Your chicken?" JJ suggests as he hears the clicking noises of the chickens. 

"I heard a car door." John B says, JJ clucks like a chicken making John B cover his mouth with his hand. "Shit.." Sarah says pointing towards two figures in the distance.

"Put the fire out, quick." You say grabbing some water, John B grabbing the hose— quickly putting out the fire.

"Where are we going?" Sarah asks, knowing you guys couldn't hide in the château. John B looks around, "Up the tree." He says, "Are you insane?" Sarah whispers as she watches you and the guys walk over to the tree.

JJ gives you a leg up, then Sarah and finally John B. John B holds his hand out to pull JJ up, you and Sarah climbing towards the top of the tree. Each finding a branch each.

You look down seeing Rafe inspecting the area, you look between the group, Sarah looking the most scared out of all of you.

You tensely watch as Barry and Rafe talk, trying to work out where you guys could be. Suddenly Rafe shouts making Sarah flinch, and he fires his gun towards the tree. Barry pushed Rafe away, making his bullet fire towards the branch JJ was leaning against. "Let's go." Barry ushers, pulling Rafe towards their car.

The four of you wait till the sound of their car fades out, John B jumping down first. He holds his hands out for Sarah to take, she shakily does, groaning in pain as she gets down. Her wound obviously still causing her discomfort.

You jump down next, dusting yourself off. JJ gets down too, landing in the spot beside you. "You okay?" You ask as he dusts himself off too, "Yep, nearly got shot, but yeah." He says with a grin.

"Everyone good?" Sarah asks, You all nod after making sure you hadn't been shot.

"Rafe knows we're here." Sarah states, "That means we have to leave— people will start finding out." She explains. "Sarah's right, it's too risky to stay here." John B says

You nod, "We don't have a boat to get us anywhere though." You sigh, the others nodding, knowing you couldn't take the Twinkie.

"Well, we'll have to wait for Kie and Pope to get back anyway.." Sarah points out, you all nod knowingly. "Let's just hope they're not out all night." JJ sighs kicking at the burnt out fire logs.

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