Long Road Ahead // Sebastian...

By mezo_shojiwho

9.8K 271 19

18 + Fluff and lemons Looking towards what you are going to do after graduation, which is six months away, yo... More



626 18 1
By mezo_shojiwho

One year and three months later

"Happy Birthday (Y/n)!" Imelda sat down on my bed as I was just waking up for the morning. She handed me a small wrapped box and I smiled at her. 

"what's this?"

"Just a little birthday gift for you. You only turn eighteen once."

"Thanks Imelda. I feel like the baby of our class. Half of you turned eighteen before the school year started."

"I can't believe we graduate in, what, six months?"

"Then we get to enter the workforce. I'm already working on my applications for the pro quidditch teams."

"That sounds right up your alley Imelda. Maybe you and Ominus can get married too!" She looked at me and rolled her eyes, but little did she know I could see her cheeks starting to tint red.

"Now open your present. We got to get ready for class here soon." I smiled again at her and started untying the bow on the box. I opened the lid and saw a small broom broach. It had a small green bow on it. One strand said seeker in gold letters and the other said co-captain in gold letters.


"(Y/n)?" She got down on one knee next to my bed with one hand on my knee. "Will you be my co-captain this year?"

"You're stupid, and I hate you. And yes, I will."


"Go get ready for class you idiot. You're hair is a mess. You went to bed last night with your hair wet again, didn't you."

"Yeah..." We both laughed and started getting ready for class. I fastened the broom broach onto my cloak and waited for Imelda to finish getting ready. We soon were walking into defense against the dark arts Class and Imelda took her seat next to Ominus as usual. I walked over to Sebastian who was buried into a book like he always was. I plopped down next to him which gained his attention.

"Good morning (Y/n)."

"Good Morning Sebastian. What are you reading this time? That's not the same book from dinner last night is it?"

"No, this one is on magical beasts."

"When did you take an interest in magical beasts?" 

"When I had an argument with the librarian about bringing new books into the library. She said that I read books faster the the authors can write them."

"I don't see where the lie is?"

"Haha. Well turns out this is one of the last subjects I haven't read about. I actually can see why you are interested in them. Did you know that there's one that likes to steal anything shiny?"

"Yes. It's called a niffler. I actually have one."

"How do you have one?"

"You know how you and Ominus have the undercroft?"

"Yes I do, what about it?"

"Well just like the undercroft is passed down among the Gaunts, Professor Weasley passed a secret room to me too."

"You're kidding me. And you've kept this a secret from me for two years?"

"Where did you guys think I snuck off to when you couldn't find me?"

"Well, Fifth year we figured you were with Professor Fig trying to catch up on the previous years curriculum."

"And last year?"

"You were around a lot more last year."

"Oh and you took notice of that?" His cheeks got a little flushed, but he smiled through it.

"No matter how much you, me, Imelda, and Ominus are jackasses to each other, we all care about each other. Especially me. I'm very loyal to my friends."

"Oh, okay. Is that all?" His cheeks started turning red this time, but our attention quickly turned when we heard Professor Hecat's office door open.

"Alright everyone, please be quiet. Class is starting now."

We quickly got through class and then the four of us walked to potions class together. All four of us sat at conjoining stations, of course Imelda and Ominus next to each other, then Sebastian and I. Professor Sharp walked in and everyone was quiet. He looked over all of us and then began class.

"Today we are brewing Felix Felicis. Can anyone tell me what the alternative name is?" Everyone looked confused until Sebastian held up his hand. "Mr. Sallow?"

"Liquid Luck?"

"Correct. You'll be working in pairs, that's why your stations are set up as they are currently. No switching, keep who you are sitting with."

"Oh come on!" We all looked over to one student who looked obviously upset being paired with Garreth Weasley. Poor Garreth, potions seems to be his favorite subject, but almost everything explodes in his face... almost.

"Well, ready to get started?" I look up to Sebastian and see that he has already opened his potions book to the recipe for Felix Felicis. I start reading the recipe and see that Professor Sharp had already laid out the ingredients for us, plus some extra ones. 

"Do you think he laid out extra ingredients to throw us off?"

"He probably didn't. Not many potion experts can make Liquid Luck, even with the recipe in front of them. Can you imagine a bunch of students running around with the knowledge of making it correctly? I doubt that even this recipe is correct."

"Should we try to change a few things in the recipe first?"

"Let's make it how it's written first, then go from there."

"Yes sir, Mr. Sallow." I saw a smirk creep up on his face, but I was to busy with wanting to make the potion to look for too long.

"Well you two. Felix Felicis is a very difficult potion to brew. You're first attempt failed, but you had just enough time for a second attempt and did it. As your reward, you each can bottle up one vial. Use it wisely." Professor Sharp handed each of us a small vial and we quickly poured the liquid into them. "Alright, Class dismissed. No need to clean up your stations."

Sebastian grabbed his potions textbook and put it in his bag. Ominus and Imelda did the same with theirs, but since Sebastian and I shared, no need for me to do the same. 

"Shall we escort the young ladies to lunch Ominus."

"Why, I believe so Sebastian." Ominus held Imelda's hand and they both started walking towards the door.

"Don't worry, I won't grab your hand."

"Shame, I just feel left out now." I pouted my lips at him and tried my best at puppy dog eyes.

"Well, I would hate to let the little lady down on her birthday, but if that's what you want for your present, I can just return the actual one I got you."

"You got me a gift?"

"All three of us got you one last year, Why stop now? Also, I assume that broach is from Imelda, she was supposed to wait for tonight to give that to you." 


"Did she forget to tell you? Geez, she's getting forgetful. We are going to the three broomsticks for your birthday tonight after classes."

"Well, I guess I have to oblige then."

"Come on, they are getting ahead of us." We easily catch up to the two lovebirds and we all sit together at the Slytherin table for lunch.

"Sebastian, have you made any progress on what you want to do after we graduate?"

"I think I'm just going to adopt the lifestyle of a squib."

"You aren't lacking in magical powers though?"

"I know. I'll just live my life out peacefully in Feldcroft. What about you Imelda?"

"Well, professional quidditch player of course!"

"Figures, I will be rooting you on while living out my squib life."

"You're an idiot Sebastian."

"Why thank you Imelda."

"Oh Shit! I have to go guys, I almost forgot about something!" I quickly stand up and start excusing myself from the table. 

"Woah, what's the matter (Y/n)?"

"Remember that thing I mentioned in dark arts class?"


"I need to go there now."

"Well, I'll come with you."

"Okay hurry. Bye you two, sorry! I'll see you in Herbology!"

Sebastian and I start quickly walking down hallway after hallway and up a tremendous amount of stairs. I get to the wall and the door starts forming.

"What is this place?"

"It's called the room of requirement. Professor Weasley said that to appears students who are in need of something and it forms to those needs. For me, I needed a quiet place to study so I could catch up. Then it started evolving after that. Come on, i'll show you." I open the door and the all familiar room still looks the same as the day I got everything set up. "Deek? Deek are you here?"

"Yes, i'm right here?"

"Did it happen yet?"

"Why don't you have a look?" I ran to the darkest open area that the room gave to me. Sebastian and I ran through the door and I saw the what I had been waiting days for.

"Hi mama. You did so good." The thestral walked up to me and centered her head in my chest. I pet behind her ears like I always did and she snorted at me. She backed up and walked over to the center of the area and laid down on the ground. right in the center of her was the newest addition.

"Is that?"

"A baby thestral. Look how cute! I've been waiting for this little baby to be born for a few days now! Last night Deek, the house elf you just met, sent me an owl saying she had finally gone into labor. I told him that I would come at lunch to check on her." The mama thestral nudged her little baby and snorted in my direction. He stood up and started walking towards me. I sat on the ground and Sebastian followed suit. I held out my hands, palms up and let him sniff my hands. Sebastian did the same and the baby went to him next. After he was done sniffing, he got excited and started bouncing all over the place, finally landing in front of his mom and laying down again. "I think he likes you Sebastian."

"They are beautiful creatures."

"Thestrals and nifflers are both my favorite. I can't choose between them."

"This morning you mentioned you have a niffler, didn't you?"

"Two. I actually have two. Both of them are blue. The female should be giving birth in about two weeks."

"So you are breeding them?"

"Trying to help the population. The poachers are still a problem and magical beasts are declining in numbers."

"So what do you on doing with them when we graduate?"

"I'm working on finding some land where I can raise them and set them out into the wild again. All species of magical beasts deserve to live."

"It's beautiful what you are doing here."

"I have a phoenix too."

"Now I know you are messing with me."

"I'm not, I promise. We can go see him if you want. I've been trying to track down a second one so I can breed them as well. They are almost extinct as you probably know." I looked at him and his face just looked baffled. "Did I peak your interest?"

"Thestrals are really cool and all, but I'd like to go see the Phoenix now. Please." We both stood up and so did the mama thestral. She walked over to us and I pet her again. We both left and then I walked up to the open area where the phoenix lived. "Where is it?"

"Just give it a minute." I whistled for a moment and then listened quietly. I closed my eyes to try and focus. In the distance I could hear some flapping wings. I opened my eyes and turned my head to see the beautiful red bird soaring in towards us. "There he is. You need to be respectful towards him or else he will peck you, or hit you with a wing."

"Do you know that from experience?"

"No, Deek approached him to quickly one time and he went flying." The pheonix landed in front of us and I used the spell to feed him. He made quick work of the treats and then rubbed his head underneath my arm. "Here." I used the spell once again, but this time the treats landed in Sebastians hand. "Just keep your hand flat and he will eat out of it."

Sebastian followed my directions and I guided the Phoenix over to him. The Phoenix stared at him for a minute and puffed his chest up. He eventually lowered his head and ate out of Sebastians hand. Once he finished he flew off again and landed in a tree that was close to us. He immediately started cleaning underneath his wings.

"What a magnificent creature."

"He is beautiful. I just hope I can find him a mate sooner than later."

"You have him in here by himself?"

"Yeah, it took me awhile to gain his complete trust. It was easier to do without the distraction of other beast. He seems to like being alone though. I've tried nifflers, mooncalves, even hippogriffs. He has no interest in any of them. If I can find him a mate, I hope that it will make him happy."

"Then that should be our adventure."


"Let me help you find another phoenix."

"You don't have to do that Sebastian."

"Come on, it'll be fun."

"I'm not even close to finding a hint on where one could be. They are scattered all over the world. Like finding a needle in a haystack."

"Sounds like a lot of reading, my favorite thing to do."

"Okay then. You are going to help me find a phoenix." We shook hands. "Also, lunch is over, we should probably go." He nodded his head and we both left, waving to Deek as we walked out the door.

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